++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
* First of all the video's of the Warpstock Europe 2015 presentations are being
uploaded right now to the following new Warpstock Europe YouTube channel:
The upload is still running and should finish the next 12 hours or so. Warpstock Europe should have a video stream next year again.
The VOICE organization would like to thank Udo Schneider from Munich *again* for this support to provide the video stream at Warpstock Europe 2015.
* Work is still ongoing to get the new website for Warpstock Europe up. Which I
hope we can do over this XMAS weekend.
* As mentioned before. Warpstock Europe will be held on the 21st and 22 second of May 2016 in Cologne at Hostel where Warpstock Europe was also held in 2016. The rooms have been reserved.
Lewis Rosenthal from Arca Noae has already confirmed he will be coming because last year he did not make it to Warpstock Europe.
On behalf of all the board members of OS/2 VOICE:
Have a nice XMAS and a good 2016!
Roderick Klein
President OS/2 VOICE
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