• [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 13, corrected buy-now link

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Thu Dec 3 06:07:56 2015

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: jvwDESPAM@DESPAMdfsee.com


    There was a minor typo in the link to the DFSee 'buy now' page in my previous announcement.

    This being a major release, it will require an upgrade if you currently
    have a registration for an older version:


    The correct link to the info on how/where to upgrade or buy new are at:


    Note that both shop sites, Arca Noae and Mensys may need a few days to
    have the version-13 information updated.

    However, all keys issued after the 1st of august 2015 have been and will be valid for version 13, so you can already upgrade now, before the sites have been
    completely updated.

    (and if you DID upgrade after the 1st of august, no need to upgrade again now :)

    Regards, JvW

    DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee.com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - mailto://info@dfsee.com

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