• [VOICENWS] SW: John Ridges tools now public domain

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Mon Nov 23 15:03:47 2015

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: martinDESPAM@DESPAMos2world.com

    Several tools developed by John Ridges on the 90ΓÇÖs had been released as Public Domain, both binaries and source code.

    The programs that are now public domain are:

    ΓÇó Animate ΓÇô Set of desktop animations.

    ΓÇó Checkout ΓÇô Schedule backup related command line utilities for OS/2

    ΓÇó Deskpic ΓÇô Screen Saver tool for OS/2 that includes Animate

    ΓÇó Deskext ΓÇô Source code and examples to create desktop animations.

    ΓÇó Eyecon ΓÇô A couple of eyes that follow your pointer tool.

    ΓÇó Fatbits - A pixel magnifier program for OS/2 Presentation Manager.

    ΓÇó John Ridges Misc Tools ΓÇô Several little tools

    ΓÇó Usage ΓÇô Command line tool that prints out the disk usage of subdirectories.

    You can visit a little wiki page of each software here:


    Special thanks to John Ridges to giving the source code to the community.

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