++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
I've uploaded a build of SeaMonkey 2.28 that corresponds to the recently released Firefox 31.8.0 beta 5,
Based on the excellent work by Bitwise on the Gecko engine.
Unluckily there never was a SeaMonkey 2.28 release due to hardware problems and
lack of manpower at the SeaMonkey project so this release is truly beta and probably has some minor problems. For me session restore and the cache system seem subtly broken. One add-on broke history and I had to restore places.sqlite3 from backup so make sure you back up your profile before upgrading.
There are also no language packages available. Success has been reported with using the sm 2.29 and sm 2.29b4 language packs. Editing the required version is
required by unzipping the language pack and changing the version number in install.rdf (em:minVersion and em:maxVersion) and re-zipping to the same name. Dave Yeo
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