++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
I've uploaded the above to Hobbes. Fixes backported from the Bitwise 24.3 branch, fpu crash fixed, glyph boxes instead of TAB and LF fixed and a few other minor fixes. A slightly different way of fixing the 100% CPU plugin problem, may need fine tuning for some plugins as it is only prefs. Firefox rebuilt with official branding.
Usual requirements, libc065, mzfntcfgft, pthr01.dll (pthread), mmap.dll, stdcpp6.dll (libstdc++), gcc446.dll and gcc473.dll depending on the version of pthr01.dll installed. RPM package names in brackets.
I've been using TB and SM for weeks without a problem besides they are slow, Firefox is basically identical to my previous upload excepting branding and a preference.
Thanks to Bitwise who are responsible for the vast majority of the recent work done.
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