++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
We are happy to announce that the OS2World Wiki is back.
Now all OS/2 and eComStation users, registered on OS2World.com, can have access
to edit and create new pages on the wiki.
You are all welcome to post articles and information related to OS/2 and eComStation. All the content in the wiki must be posted under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license. This license is the same one that uses
the Wikipedia and the EDM/2 wiki.
The older content of the OS2World wiki is not complete recovered yet. I hope to
include more contents (old and new) on the wiki and to fully test the site I had included my document "Comments and Suggestions about eComStation User Experience".
You are all welcome to post content on the wiki, new articles or help to improve the current ones. You may contact me if you have any doubts or problems.
Martín Iturbide
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