• [VOICENWS] General: Ciritical problems in drivers

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Tue Jan 29 15:30:26 2013

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: egDESPAM@DESPAMecomstation.ru

    Don't delay posting of bug-reports to the developers of device drivers.

    Here is the list of all bug-trackers: http://ecomstation.ru/projects/support/?action=bug-tracker

    Several significant barriers:

    1) eComStation can access 512 Mb of RAM only (altough you have installed 2 Gb or 4 Gb).

    This problem occurs on modern computers (Intel Core i3/i5/i7, UEFI motherboards, B57 chipset, etc.)

    One of reports: http://bugs.ecomstation.nl/view.php?id=3312

    Do you have this problem? Post information about your computer model.

    Is it possible influence on this problem via BIOS setup?

    2) Do you have troubles with video?

    * For example, you can activate 1440x900x65536 video mode, but 1440x900xTrueColor shows trash on the screen. Solution: (no solution)

    * Modern NVidia video adapters: You can activate needed video mode (larger than
    1680x1050) but the quality of picture is poor (16:9 monitors; you see flashing / the picture is smaller than the dimension of the screen)

    Solution: NVidia DVI Scale filter -- Panorama VESA homepage

    3) AHCI driver (SATA driver):

    * Does it work for you?

    * Does SSD drive work with this driver?

    * Did you had a crash of system which couldn't be recovered?

    (JFS filesystem, "OS/2 is unable to boot").

    Collect more information (version of driver) and post to the bug-tracker. This problem may relate to JFS driver or AHCI driver.

    Notes: This message is aimed to recall the links to the bug-trackers, gather users with similar problems, combine detailed bug-reports and attract the attention of the developers to critical problems.

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