++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
All eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp people are using
eCo Software applications and drivers.
The applications are based on powerful libraries and work stable and reliable.
The development of this software required many efforts and resources.
Shareware applications:
Special offer for november/december --
No need to pay for upgrades. All fixes and upgrades are free.
The upgrade to the next version is free.
Send testimonials via web-form --
(write if we should hide your name).
We are going collect the testimonials from our users
at the homepages of the applications
P.S. The only thing which you should keep in mind:
eCo Software runtime is available from the site --
if something goes wrong then update the runtimes.
During installation always select: overwrite all, unlock all.
For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE -
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