++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
Warpstock Europe - your participation
Warpstock Europe conference is planned to May 2013 (Netherlands). (
Every OS/2-user must participate in the conference
(promote /or/ visit / prepare a product / discuss the results)
Previous Warpstock Europe videos:
Inform us, are you going participate in the conference?
web-form --
* Your name -- YES / I was going but can't
* (for speakers) What is the topic of your presentation?
* In what forums are you going publish info about the conference?
eCo Software recommends: * WSE-REFORM-201210-01: All speakers make short presentations (10 minutes) in the morning to attract attention of the visitors. Moreover, the speakers can publish video clips in advance with promo of the presentation.
* WSE-REFORM-201210-02: Let's recommend to all speakers: make live presenation,
don't use slides.
* WSE-REFORM-201210-03: Feed the visitors with small amounts of food in the middle of the day.
Don't give 200% size portions, else the visitors are sleepy.
P.S. This is unofficial data collection.
Official site of Warpstock Europe:
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