• [VOICENWS] SW: VisPro/REXX 3.1.1 now freeware

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Mon Sep 24 12:00:47 2012

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: martinDESPAM@DESPAMos2world.com

    VisPro/REXX is a Visual Programming tool that is completely integrated with the
    Workplace Shell and offers multiple views, drag-drop interaction, popup menus, settings notebooks, direct editing, all CUA '91 features and supports the OS/2 Font and Color palettes.


    As it was discussed some days ago in the OS2World forum, Dave Hock has authorized that his OS/2 software became freeware.

    Sadly the source code was lost, but now the VisPro/REXX software is available for download at hobbes.

    The original installer of VisPro/REXX 3.1 Gold (1996-11-22) is available:


    A WarpIn installer with several VisPro/REXX patches had been created and called
    VisPro/REXX 3.1.1.


    The programs/patches included on this version are:

    VisPro REXX v3.1 (1996-11-22)

    BLDTEST.EXE patch (1997-02-24)

    VPRSEDIT.EXE patch (1997-11-13)

    VPFORM.DLL (1996-11-18)

    VPDEBUG.EXE (2006-04-21)

    VPREXX.DLL (2001-04-23)

    Included VP_BOOK.INF and VP_MAN.PDF

    I will like to thanks Chuck McKinnis for providing the patches and creating the
    WarpIn installer.

    The software is now provided as freeware, "AS IS", without support from his original author.

    For more information visit: http://www.edm2.com/index.php/Hockware_VisPro/REXX


    * http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?key=VISPROREXX-3_1_1.wpi

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