++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
Hello everybody,
Its that time again of year, well not this year... I (Roderick Klein) already had plans to organize Warpstock Europe 2012 in May of this year. But things have been rather busy at Mensys, we moved to a new office in Haarlem. We also asked for other people to join the Warpstock Steering group or people who want
to organize Warpstock Europe. It has not been that this call has been answered
with an overwelming amount of emails.
Anyway I'm working with some people to make Warpstock Europe happen. This would
we somewhere in November of this year. Possible location is Rotterdam this year. We are looking at the options.
Since it has been so silent around Warpstock Europe 2012 I wanted to send out a
sign of life. If you don't happen to hear anything soon or don't see the website updated then don't panic. Its being worked but its just busy times.
Roderick Klein
Mensys B.V.
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