++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
We are going to continue to investigate why eCS 2.1 failed to install on Peter's 770x.
We are going to continue to investigate why the Wireless Lan Monitor fails to show the available access points. Perhaps we will come up with a fix for the software.
If Sheridan's Shuttle has been revived, it too is going to get an eCS 2.1 install.
There will be more, but this is TBD. Jerry may be ready to show us the new multimedia controls he's been working on.
After this, it's going to be yet another Q&A session for the rest of us. Bring your questions.
As almost always, there will be coffee and donuts.
We are still looking for someone to demo the Java 1.6GA release.
We are still looking for someone to demo rpm/yum.
We are always looking for interesting presentation ideas and interesting presenters.
Room 326 of the Eastside Christian School
at the Grace Ministries Complex
1645 W Valencia Dr. in Fullerton
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Tom Brown, Catherder
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
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