Oh, I love it. It's one of the things I imagined was possible by adding the MQTT support.
I haven't tried this branch yet myself, but the screen shots and commit messages look very encouraging!
Just a couple of nits:
1. the name: I do think it's a "control panel" of sorts, but perhaps you can come up with a more apropos or unique name for it? gtkmonitor, for example, was Deuce's sbbsctrl-win32 work-alike for *nix, but didn't use the same project/app name. Some ideas for a name: "cpanel" (unoriginal, I know), "webmonitor", "webpanel"
2. web configuration - chicken and egg. If you use this web app to re-configure the web server in way that prevents it from operating correctly, you're then stuck, yeah? Maybe don't allow web server configuration (if you were planning to).