• xtrn/lord2/cnw/30dayidx.dat 3rdparty.dat alchmist.clr alien.ref andhou

    From Deuc╨╡ to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Sun Mar 7 02:50:44 2021
    Added Files:
    xtrn/lord2/cnw/30dayidx.dat 3rdparty.dat alchmist.clr alien.ref andhouse.ref andrew.ref archery.clr arris.ref atlantis.ref atrain.ref auction.ref backdoor.ref badcomp.ref badwords.dat baitshop.ref bandit.ref bann.clr bat.ref battle.ref battle1.ans battle2.ans battle2.ref battle3.ans battle4.ans battle5.ans battle6.ans battlefx.ref battlest.ref battlexh.ref begger.ref blackbar.ref blackdgn.ref bldn.ref blizzard.ref blksheep.ref blue.ref blues.ref bmblchck.clr boat.ref bone.ref bong.ref bordgard.clr bounty.ref breanna.ref bunfig.ref bunny.ref camelot.ref canoe.chk canoe.idf canoe.ref canoeday.ref castaway.ans castle.ovr castle1.ref castle2.ref castle3.ref castle32.ref castle4.ref church.ref cinnamon.idf cleft.ref cloak.ref cloakf.ref coliseum.ref cottage.ref crazy.ref dangerf.ref dangerf2.ref dangerf3.ref deeds.ref deeds2.ref deinstal.ref descent.ref devhot.ref devil.ref devisl.ref devisl2.ref df.ref dforest.ref disco.ref divinec.ref doc.ref doc2.ref xtrn/lord2/cnw/docs/3rdparty.bak 3rdparty.doc about.txt backdoor.doc begger.txt blue.doc bong.doc canoe.doc cnw-bugs.txt cnw-todo.txt cnw.ad cnw.txt coliseum.doc compile.doc coolhou.nfo cstats.doc deadsay.txt descent.doc developr.doc devil.doc devils.txt disco.doc exfun.doc extitems.doc freddy.doc gargoyle.doc grsysop.rln gypsi.txt hawood.txt history.doc ibbs.doc igm.bak igm.doc ilist.txt innguard.txt inns.doc island.doc items.txt jennie.doc jennie2.doc kiteria.doc l2cnw.app l2map.dox l2nwfaq.doc lbugrpt.doc lenny.doc lokisinn.doc mcode.doc mimsic.doc newstuff.txt obugrpt.doc odinkeep.doc order.doc orphan.doc owtc.doc py'spl~1.rtf qbugrpt.doc quester.doc read_me.txt readme readme.1st readme.6 readme.doc readme.ice readme.now readme.txt readme2.now readme2.txt readme3.now readme3.txt readme4.doc refhelp.doc register.doc registry.doc reset.doc rtwedit.txt sandcity.txt seasons.doc slayer.doc sysop.doc sysop.txt sysop2.doc sysops.doc teamlord.txt theif.doc thod.doc tmhsknew.doc tscrew.doc tst.doc uga.doc update.doc upgrade.txt violet.doc wally.doc wampa.doc warning.txt whatsnew.112 whatsnew.doc whatsnew.txt wishwel2.txt wizard20.doc wizcast.doc xena.txt xtrn/lord2/cnw/dormft.ref dragon.ref dragons.ref drgnhm2.ref drgnhome.ref drinkoff.ref dsprhope.ref end.ref ericsbar.ref error.log ex!.ref example.ref extitems.idf extitems.ref faerie.ref falls.ref farm.ref felhouse.ref felicity.ref ffear.ref fgrave.ref figaro.ref figarol.ref figarop.ref figaror.ref fight.ref fightne.ref fightnw.ref fightsw.ref finger.ans fishy.ans fishyl.ans fishys.ans flagcity.ref flirt.ref flirtd.ref flowers.ref xtrn/lord2/cnw/fonts/lord2.fnt readme.txt xtrn/lord2/cnw/freddy.ref gamble.ref game.dat gametxt.ref gandalf.ref garden.clr gargoyle.ref genran.ref genran2.ref give.ref glendale.ref gm23.ref goblin.ref gorilla.ref gravey.ref green.ref griz.ref gshops.ref guards.clr gumgod.ans gumtown.ref gumtown2.ref gumtown3.ref gumtown4.ref gurub.ref guy.ref gypsy.ref gypsysp.ref habib.ref hackney.ref hatalk.ref hate.ref haunted.ref hawk.clr hawood.ref hell.ref help.ref hitems.ref home.ref hongcfg.ref hongkong.ref hongmons.ref hongwhor.ref house.ref house1.ref house2.ref xtrn/lord2/cnw/igm/alien.igm andrew.igm atrain.igm backdoor.igm badcomp.igm baitshop.igm bandit.igm battle.igm begger.igm blackbar.igm blackdc.igm blizzard.igm blksheep.igm blue.igm bong.igm breanna.igm bunny.igm canoe.igm church.igm cleft.igm cloak.igm coliseum.igm cottage.igm crazy.igm descent.igm devil.igm devisl.igm disco.igm divinec.igm doc.igm drgnhome.igm dsprhope.igm exfun.igm faerie.igm farm.igm felicity.igm ffear.igm fgrave.igm figaro.igm freddy.igm gargoyle.igm give.igm glendale.igm gorilla.igm griz.igm gum.igm gurub.igm guy.igm gypsy.igm habib.igm haunted.igm hawood.igm hongkong.igm house.igm icelord.igm innguard.igm inns.igm island.igm isle.igm jcamelot.igm jennie.igm jester.igm jrest.igm kiteria.igm knotwood.igm lenny.igm lokisinn.igm mimsic.igm mine.igm mold.igm mon.igm mortal.igm mosh.igm myst.igm mythran.igm ocean.igm odinkeep.igm orphan.igm owtc.igm p1092.igm p1357.igm p1436.igm palo.igm passage.igm photek.igm prison.igm pyramid.igm qfortres.igm quester.igm rdcastle.igm rdhide.igm reddtown.igm registry.igm reset.igm resort.igm revenge.igm rose.igm sandcity.igm save.igm scorp.igm scvngr.igm seasons.igm shark.igm ship.igm shipwrk.igm show.igm sl.igm slayer.igm soldacar.igm sorry.igm stoneb.igm sword.igm swordcas.igm sysop.igm talquiz.igm teaml.igm tempmap.igm tense.igm theif.igm thief.igm thod.igm tls1.igm tm.igm tmhsk.igm tok.igm torin.igm tscrew.igm tst.igm uga.igm vdhut.igm violet.igm voyage.igm wally.igm wampa.igm wedchap.igm wgrave.igm wishwel2.igm wizard20.igm wizcast.igm woodland.igm xena.igm xtrn/lord2/cnw/inn.ref inns.ref inns1.ref inns2.ref install.ref island.ref isle.ref islea.ref isleb.ref islemall.ref item99.ref items.dat items.ref itemsel.ref jcastle.ref jennie.ref jester.clr joust.clr jump.ref jw-isle.ref jw-isle1.ref jw-isle2.ref jw-isle3.ref jw-islel.mil king.clr kiteria.ref knotwood.ref knuckle.ref koshi.ref kraken.ans l2tree.dat lenny.ref locate.ref locate2.ref location.ref lockers.ref lockmant.idf lockmant.ref lockref2.ref lockref3.ref lockref4.ref lockref5.ref lockref6.ref logstuff.ref loki.ref lokia.ref lokib.ref lokigrdb.ref lokiguar.ref lokirmb.ref lokiroom.ref lord.ans lordad.ans love1.ref maint.idf maint.ref majic.ref map.dat mdata.dat mine.ref minn.ref mold.ref mon.ref mortal.ref mosh.ref movegold.idf mrgtroid.clr myhome.ref myst.ref mythran.ref npc-sex.ref xtrn/lord2/cnw/npc/npc-79.idf npc-bday.idf npc-df.idf npc-hp.idf npc-hp2.idf npc-st.idf npcage.idf npcagep.idf npcbday.tmp npcchange.tmp npcgems.idf npcgendr.idf npcgold.idf npcgreed.idf npchange.idf npcjob.idf npclbs.idf npclost.idf npcloyal.idf npcreqc1.idf npcreqc2.idf npcreqc3.idf npcreqc4.idf npcreqc5.idf npcreqc6.idf npcreqc7.idf npcreqc8.idf npcreql.idf npcslut.idf npcstat.idf npctaxes.idf npctimes.idf npctouch.idf npcvd.idf taxyear.idf wedchk.tmp xtrn/lord2/cnw/npcfight.ref npcflirt.ref npcflrt2.ref npcgosip.ref npclost.ref npcmaint.ref npcmake.ref npcmake2.ref npcmake3.ref npcmake4.ref npcmake5.ref npcname.ref npcname2.ref npcwed.ref npcwedd.ref npcwith.ref ocean.ref ocean2.ref ocean3.ref odinkeep.ref oracle1.ref oracle2.ref oracle3.ref orphan.ref owtc.ref palo.ref pass3.ref passage.ref passagez.ref passinn.ref pastuff.ref pawnshop.ref pentagrm.ref people.ref photek.ref polar.ref pooch.clr porttown.ref ppyramid.ref prison.ref prisonb.ref prisonc.ref prisond.ref prisone.ref prisonf.ref pyramid.ref qfortres.ref quest.ref quester.ref rdfight.ref reddfrst.ref reddtown.ref reset.bat reset.ref reset.sh resort.ref revenge.ref revmon.ref riding.clr rock.ref rose.ref rose1.ans rose10.ans rose2.ans rose2.ref rose3.ans rose4.ans rose5.ans rose6.ans rose7.ans rose8.ans rose9.ans rroom.ref rroom2.ref rules.ref sandcity.ref save.ref scorp.ref scvngr.num scvngr.ref scvngr1.ans scvngr2.ans scvngr3.ans sea01.ans seasons.ref shark.ref shell.ans shell.ref ship.ref shipwrk.ref show.ref show2.ref show3.ref show4.ref show5.ref sl.ref slayer.ref slayer2.ref sobank.ref sold.ref sorry.ref spider.ref srdtower.ref stable.clr stime.dat stoneb.ref stonep.ref store.clr sword.ref swordcas.ref sysop.ref talk.ref talquiz.ref taxes.chk taxes.idf taxes.ref taxes2.ref tense1.ref tense2.ref tense3.ref tensem.ref theif.ref thief.ref thod.ref time.dat tldrag.ref tlhouse.ref tls1.ref tls2.ref tls3.ref tm.ref tmhsfrt.ref tok.ref tok1.ref tok2.ref tokmon.ref toss.ans tower.ans trader.dat train2.ref train3.ref training.ref travel.ref treasure.ref tst.ref tstdrgon.ref tstinn.ref turgon.ref uga.ref undead.ref update.tmp varlist.dat vaults.idf vaults.ref vdhut.ref vehicle.ref version.dat voyage.ref voyfite.ref wally.ref wampa.ref warriors.ref weelie.ans wench.clr wgrave.ref wishwel2.ref wishwell.ref wizard.clr wizcast.ref wizfight.ref woodland.ref world.dat ww2.ref xena.ref
    Log Message:
    Add an installed copy of Complete New World

    You can copy this whole thing over your LORD2 install, or copy/symlink
    the JS files in here and run it here.

    Complete New World is a massively expanded LORD2 world, but it has
    not been nearly as well-tested with the JS implementation.