• exec/chat_sec.js

    From Rob Swindell to Git commit to Main/master on Mon Nov 23 12:42:50 2020
    Modified Files:
    Log Message:
    Support individual access requirements for IRC, Finger, and inter-bbs msgs.

    New modopts.ini [chat_sec] options:
    - imsg_requirements (default: blank)
    - irc_requirements (default: blank)
    - finger_requirements (default: blank)

    For DesotoFireflite (VALHALLA)
  • From Rob Swindell to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Sun Feb 14 13:31:03 2021
    Modified Files:
    Log Message:
    Support comma-separated lists of IRC servers and channels in modopts.ini

    The sysop (or any user with the irc_seclevel or the C-exemption) can still manually change the IRC server (and port).

    For Mike Powell (CAPCITY2)
  • From Rob Swindell to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Wed May 26 19:44:10 2021
    Modified Files:
    Log Message:
    Abort menu loop when disconnected.
  • From Rob Swindell to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Tue Mar 15 18:23:48 2022
    Modified Files:
    Log Message:
    Optional channel list per server configured in modopts.ini

    So you have multiple IRC servers configured in modopts.ini and
    you want different channel list per server? Just add more
    keys to the modopts.ini [chat_sec] section of the form:

    Where <server> is the IRC server's host name (e.g. irc.synchro.net)
    and <channel_list> is a comma-separated list of channels to override
    the default list of channels (set with the "irc_channel" key).

    For DesotoFireflite (VALHALLA)
  • From Rob Swindell (on Debian Linux) to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Sat May 20 15:00:00 2023
    Modified Files:
    Log Message:
    Prompt the user to chat with The Guru when sysop is not available

    This is actually how sbbs v1/2 worked, before this functionality was moved to chat_sec.src.

    If the sysop doesn't want the prompt at all, just set the string ChatWithGuruInsteadQ to blank in the ctrl/text.dat file (or copy this script
    to mods dir and edit to your liking).

    This resolves issue #569.
  • From Rob Swindell (on Debian Linux) to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Mon Sep 25 02:15:56 2023
    Modified Files:
    Log Message:
    Use the lower case On and Off text.dat strings

    The uppercase ON and OFF are being deprecated