• New Files in PDNUNIX

    From Sean Rima@2:263/950 to All on Fri May 7 11:53:49 2004
    There Can Only Be 1
    Website: http://www.tcob1.net Telnet: tcob1.staticky.com
    Fidonet: 2:263/950

    Area : PDNUNIX : PDN: UNIX related
    lwc13.zip 220141 Lightweight C++ is a programming
    language that looks like C++ and is
    directly translated to readable C code.
    It supports function overloading,
    member functions, inheritance,
    polymorphism (virtual functions),
    multiple inheritance, virtual
    inheritance and pure virtual functions,
    constructors/destructors, new/delete,
    and simplistic templates.
    220141 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 220141 bytes in 1 file(s)

    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Linux
    * Origin: TCOB1 telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com 18-2400 GMT (2:263/950)
  • From Sean Rima@2:263/950 to All on Sat May 8 01:00:02 2004
    There Can Only Be 1
    Website: http://www.tcob1.net Telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com
    Fidonet: 2:263/950

    Area : PDNUNIX : PDN: UNIX related
    sockets3.zip 27982 C++ Sockets is a C++ wrapper for
    BSD-style sockets. It works for Unix
    (Linux) and Win32
    27982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 27982 bytes in 1 file(s)

    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Linux
    * Origin: TCOB1 telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com 18-2400 GMT (2:263/950)
  • From Sean Rima@2:263/950 to All on Mon May 10 01:00:02 2004
    There Can Only Be 1
    Website: http://www.tcob1.net Telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com
    Fidonet: 2:263/950

    Area : PDNUNIX : PDN: UNIX related
    makexs15.zip 162611 MakeXS is a build system that is based
    on GNU make and GNU m4. It is simpler
    to set up than autoconf and automates
    some mundane tasks.
    qsc13.zip 670441 QScintilla is a port of the Scintilla
    C++ editor class to the Qt GUI toolkit.
    833052 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 833052 bytes in 2 file(s)

    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Linux
    * Origin: TCOB1 telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com 18-2400 GMT (2:263/950)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/950 to All on Wed May 12 01:00:05 2004
    There Can Only Be 1
    Website: http://www.tcob1.net Telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com
    Fidonet: 2:263/950

    Area : PDNUNIX : PDN: UNIX related
    lds152.zip 192237 LibDS is a cross-platform library to
    support simple networking, threads, as
    well as data structures. It allows code
    reuse for common data structures, such
    as linked lists and hash tables, as
    well as support for complex entities
    such as config files.
    sckts131.zip 28260 C++ Sockets is a C++ wrapper for
    BSD-style sockets. It works for Unix
    (Linux) and Win32.
    220497 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 220497 bytes in 2 file(s)

    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Linux
    * Origin: TCOB1 telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com 18-2400 GMT (2:263/950)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/950 to All on Sun May 16 01:00:02 2004
    There Can Only Be 1
    Website: http://www.tcob1.net Telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com
    Fidonet: 2:263/950

    Area : PDNUNIX : PDN: UNIX related
    hrmv10.zip 217942 Harminv is a free program and C library
    for harmonic inversion: decomposing a
    time-series into a sum of sinusoids,
    including exponentially decaying
    sinusoids. It is an implementation of
    the "filter diagonalization method"
    (FDM) of Mandelshtam & Taylor, which
    maps the harmonic inversion problem
    onto a small eigen-problem (size
    proportional to the number of
    sinusoids). The FDM is often able to
    obtain much more robust and accurate
    solutions than alternative methods.
    217942 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 217942 bytes in 1 file(s)

    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Linux
    * Origin: TCOB1 telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com 1800-0000 UTC (2:263/950)
  • From There Can Only Be 1@2:263/950 to All on Mon May 17 01:00:02 2004
    There Can Only Be 1
    Website: http://www.tcob1.net Telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com
    Fidonet: 2:263/950

    Area : PDNUNIX : PDN: UNIX related
    libsift1.zip 128043 The scale-invariant feature transform
    is an algorithm to identify and locate
    interesting points within an image. For
    all such points, a descriptive
    signature is extracted. The signatures
    can be stored and matched among
    multiple images, allowing for a large
    number of interesting applications,
    such as aligning overlapping images and
    identifying objects or motion within
    image sequences. libsift is used by the
    autopano-sift program to create
    panorama images.
    qsy1.zip 94511 Q-Synth is a library for interfacing
    with real-time software synthesizers
    (especially James McCartney's
    SuperCollider) in the Q programming
    language, using CNMAT's OSC protocol.
    Sample Q scripts and a Tk GUI for
    interfacing to SuperCollider are
    222554 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 222554 bytes in 2 file(s)

    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Linux
    * Origin: TCOB1 telnet://tcob1.no-ip.com 1800-0000 UTC (2:263/950)