• New PDN Files

    From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Mon Oct 23 08:46:34 2000
    Today, <<Prism bbs released the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ related programming Origin: 1:2320/38 =======================================================================
    File: mwin322p.zip (191kB)
    Desc: Mgui C++ libraries for Windows platforms (optional, requires

    File: mwin322c.zip (1040kB)
    Desc: Mgui Required for Windows developing in C and C++.

    File: mgdoc100.zip (357kB)
    Desc: Mgui HTML documentation in zip format (357KB)

    File: mgdes260.zip (368kB)
    Desc: MGui Designer binaries for DOS DPMI and Windows 95.

    File: mgcom322.zip (306kB)
    Desc: Mgui Base DOS and Windows files (required).

    File: mdos322p.zip (127kB)
    Desc: Mgui C++ libraries for DOS platforms (optional, requires

    File: mdos322c.zip (745kB)
    Desc: Mgui Required for DOS developing in C and C++.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC Filegate (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ ADSL
    ftp.filegate.net pub/pdn/pdncee Mandrake 6.1 =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Sat Nov 4 13:47:56 2000
    Today, <<Prism bbs released the following files:

    ========================================================================== Area: PDNPYDB Python Database related Origin: 1:2320/38 ==========================================================================
    File: mxDTmP20.zip (141kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxDateTime 1.3.0 for Python 2.0 Generic
    Date/Time Types mxDateTime is an extension package that provides three
    new object types, DateTime, DateTimeDelta and RelativeDateTime, which
    let you store and handle date/time values in a more natural way than
    by using ticks (seconds since 1.1.70 0:00 UTC; the encoding used by
    the time module). You can add, subtract and even multiply instances,
    pickle and copy them and convert the results to strings, COM dates,
    ticks and some other more esoteric values. In addition, there are
    several convenient constructors and formatters at hand to greatly
    simplify dealing with dates and times in real-world applications. Also
    exports a comfortable C API interface for other extensions to build
    upon. This is especially interesting for database applications which
    often have to deal with date/time values (the mxODBC package is one
    example of an extension using this interface).

    File: mxDTmP15.zip (141kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxDateTime 1.3.0 for Python 1.5.2 Generic
    Date/Time Types mxDateTime is an extension package that provides three
    new object types, DateTime, DateTimeDelta and RelativeDateTime, which
    let you store and handle date/time values in a more natural way than
    by using ticks (seconds since 1.1.70 0:00 UTC; the encoding used by
    the time module). You can add, subtract and even multiply instances,
    pickle and copy them and convert the results to strings, COM dates,
    ticks and some other more esoteric values. In addition, there are
    several convenient constructors and formatters at hand to greatly
    simplify dealing with dates and times in real-world applications. Also
    exports a comfortable C API interface for other extensions to build
    upon. This is especially interesting for database applications which
    often have to deal with date/time values (the mxODBC package is one
    example of an extension using this interface).

    File: mxODBC15.zip (722kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxODBC 1.1.1 for Python 1.5.2 Generic ODBC
    2.0 interface provides a Python Database API compliant interface to
    ODBC 2.0 capable database drivers and managers. Also gives access to
    catalog methods which allow you to scan the database for tables,
    procedures, etc. Also uses the mxDateTime package for date/time value
    interfacing eliminating most of the problems these types normally
    introduce. Allows you to interface to more than one database from one
    process. It includes a varity of preconfigured setups for many
    commonly used databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Informix, Solid and
    many more. Also includes precompiled ver. for the Win ODBC manager.

    File: mxODBCP2.zip (723kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxODBC 1.1.1 for Python 2.0 Generic ODBC 2.0
    interface provides a Python Database API compliant interface to ODBC
    2.0 capable database drivers and managers. Also gives access to
    catalog methods which allow you to scan the database for tables,
    procedures, etc. Also uses the mxDateTime package for date/time value
    interfacing eliminating most of the problems these types normally
    introduce. Allows you to interface to more than one database from one
    process. It includes a varity of preconfigured setups for many
    commonly used databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Informix, Solid and
    many more. Also includes precompiled ver. for the Win ODBC manager.

    File: mxTlP152.zip (80kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxTools 1.0.0 for Python 1.5.2 Collection of
    Additional Builtins mxTools is an extension package that includes a
    collection of handy functions and objects giving additional
    functionality in form of new builtins to the Python programmer. The
    package auto-installs the new functions and objects as builtins upon
    first import. This means that they become instantely available to all
    other modules without any further action on your part. Add the line
    import NewBuiltins to your site.py script and they will be available
    to all users at your site as if they were installed in the Python
    interpreter itself.

    File: mxTlP20.zip (81kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxTools 1.0.0 for Python 2.0 Collection of
    Additional Builtins mxTools is an extension package that includes a
    collection of handy functions and objects giving additional
    functionality in form of new builtins to the Python programmer. The
    package auto-installs the new functions and objects as builtins upon
    first import. This means that they become instantely available to all
    other modules without any further action on your part. Add the line
    import NewBuiltins to your site.py script and they will be available
    to all users at your site as if they were installed in the Python
    interpreter itself.

    File: mxPrxP15.zip (38kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxProxy 0.2.0 for Python 1.5.2 Generic Proxy
    Wrapper Type mxProxy is an extension package that provides a new type
    that is suitable to implement Bastion like features without the need
    to use restricted execution environments. The type's main features are
    secure data encapsulation (the hidden objects are not accessible from
    Python since they are stored in internal C structures), customizable
    attribute lookup methods and a cleanup protocol that helps in breaking
    circular references prior to object deletion. The latest version adds
    a very interesting new feature: weak references which help you work
    with circular references in a way that doesn't cause memory leakage in
    a Python system.

    File: mxPrxP20.zip (46kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxProxy 0.2.0 for Python 2.0 Generic Proxy
    Wrapper Type mxProxy is an extension package that provides a new type
    that is suitable to implement Bastion like features without the need
    to use restricted execution environments. The type's main features are
    secure data encapsulation (the hidden objects are not accessible from
    Python since they are stored in internal C structures), customizable
    attribute lookup methods and a cleanup protocol that helps in breaking
    circular references prior to object deletion. The latest version adds
    a very interesting new feature: weak references which help you work
    with circular references in a way that doesn't cause memory leakage in
    a Python system.

    File: mxCrpt01.zip (228kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxCrypto 0.1.1 for Python 1.5.2/2.0 Interface
    to Eric Young's SSLeay/OpenSSL mxCrypto is an extension package that
    provides OO-style access to the cipher algorithms and hash functions
    included in SSLeay, a very nifty cryptographic lib written by Eric
    Young now maintained by the OpenSSL team. Apart from being usable
    stand-alone, it provides hooks that make it work as high quality
    fill-in for the missing parts in Andrew Kuchling's pycrypt export
    package. Due to the ITAR export restrictions on cryptographic software
    Andrew's implementations are not legally downloadable from outside the
    US. SSLeay/OpenSSL is available world-wide.

    File: mxStkP15.zip (33kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxStack 0.3.0 for Python 1.5.2 Fast and
    Memory-Efficient Stack Type mxStack is an extension package that
    provides a new object type called Stack. It works much like what you
    would expect from such a type, having .push() and .pop() methods and
    focusses on obtaining maximum speed at low memory costs.

    File: mxStkP20.zip (33kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxStack 0.3.0 for Python 2.0 Fast and
    Memory-Efficient Stack Type mxStack is an extension package that
    provides a new object type called Stack. It works much like what you
    would expect from such a type, having .push() and .pop() methods and
    focusses on obtaining maximum speed at low memory costs.

    File: mxTxTP15.zip (94kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxTextTools 1.1.1 for Python 1.5.2 Fast Text
    Processing Tools is an extension package for Python that provides
    several useful functions and types that implement high-performance
    text manipulation and searching algorithms in addition to a very
    flexible and extendable state machine, the Tagging Engine, that allows
    scanning and processing text based on low-level byte-code "programs"
    written using Python tuples. It gives you access to the speed of C
    without the need to do any compile and link steps every time you
    change the parsing description. Applications include parsing
    structured text, finding and extracting text (either exact or using
    translation tables) and recombining strings to form new text.

    File: mxTxTP20.zip (94kB)
    Desc: Windows binary included. mxTextTools 1.1.1 for Python 2.0 Fast Text
    Processing Tools is an extension package for Python that provides
    several useful functions and types that implement high-performance
    text manipulation and searching algorithms in addition to a very
    flexible and extendable state machine, the Tagging Engine, that allows
    scanning and processing text based on low-level byte-code "programs"
    written using Python tuples. It gives you access to the speed of C
    without the need to do any compile and link steps every time you
    change the parsing description. Applications include parsing
    structured text, finding and extracting text (either exact or using
    translation tables) and recombining strings to form new text.

    http://filegate.net/pdnpydb/ ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnpywnt

    ========================================================================== Area: PDNPYWNT Python Windows related Origin: 1:2320/38 ==========================================================================
    File: NumPy17.zip (387kB)
    Desc: Numerical 17.1.1 Windows users, simply extract into your top level
    Python 2.0 directory, typically c:\python20.

    File: NumPy17s.zip (567kB)
    Desc: Numerical 17.1.1 source

    http://filegate.net/pdnpywnt/ ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnpywnt

    These files brought to you by the IFDC Filegate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.html ADSL
    ftp.filegate.net pub/pdn Mandrake 6.1 =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Fri Dec 15 16:40:42 2000
    Today, <<Prism bbs released the following files:

    ============================================================================== Area: PDNUNIX Unix related Origin: 1:2320/38 ==============================================================================
    File: rppoe25s.zip (85kB)
    Desc: rp-ppp0e v2.5.1 Source gzipped tar file rp-pppoe-2.5.tar.gz rp-pppoe
    is a user-mode client for the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, a
    protocol used by many ADSL service providers. It runs with standard
    Linux kernels (2.0 or 2.2; no kernel modification required.) In
    addition, it runs on FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

    File: rp25srpm.zip (88kB)
    Desc: rp-ppp0e v2.5.1 Source RPM for RPM-based distributions
    rp-pppoe-2.5-1.src.rpm rp-pppoe is a user-mode client for the
    Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet, a protocol used by many ADSL
    service providers. It runs with standard Linux kernels (2.0 or 2.2;
    no kernel modification required.) In addition, it runs on FreeBSD,
    NetBSD and OpenBSD. http://www.roaringpenguin.com/pppoe/

    File: bmail04s.zip (104kB)
    Desc: BlueMail v.004 source in tar.gz format. BlueMail is an offline mail
    packet reader for Unix and other systems, based on MultiMail. It
    supports the Blue Wave and QWK packet formats and will support some
    different formats like FTS message bases and some Internet protocols
    like POP3, SMTP, and NNTP in the future. It is designed to be a
    reasonable alternative to the Blue Wave mail reader and has a full
    screen, colored user interface, built with the curses library. It also
    compiles under DOS, Windows and OS/2.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC Filegate (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ ADSL
    ftp.filegate.net /pub/pdn/pdnunix Mandrake 6.1 =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Fri Mar 16 02:16:34 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Magazines/Journals Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: ddj0104.zip (63kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, April, 2001.

    File: cuj0104.zip (43kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the April 2001 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Maurice Fox's article, "A
    Handy Debugging Class," and Ben Stanley's article, "Adding Exception
    Testing to Unit Tests." Also included are listings from Bobby
    Schmidt's column, "Uncaught Exceptions," Thomas Becker's column, "STL
    & Generic Programming," Andrei Alexandrescu's web column,
    "Generic<Programming>," Matt Austern's web column, "The Standard
    Librarian," and Herb Sutter & James Hyslop's web column,

    File: java0104.zip (73kB)
    Desc: The code listings for the Java Solutions supplement to the April 2001
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Evans, Kraemer, and
    Pumar's article, "Distributed Data Visualization Using C++, Java, and
    CORBA," and Chuck Allison's column, "import java.*: Understanding Java

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Fri Mar 16 03:37:28 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA Java Programming Files Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: xrefi86l.zip (357kB)
    Desc: Xrefactory development tool extending Emacs and XEmacs editors by
    intellisense code completion, source browsing and refactoring
    functions. Full integration with Emacs and XEmacs. Unix/Linux as well
    as Windows platforms. Support for both C and Java languages
    (including JNI). Multiple projects support with project
    autodetection. Ability to work with huge projects. Inter- facing
    (X)Emacs IDE functions (compile, run). Much more. Marian Vittek.

    File: xrefi86w.zip (316kB)
    Desc: Xrefactory development tool extending Emacs and XEmacs editors by
    intellisense code completion, source browsing and refactoring
    functions. Full integration with Emacs and XEmacs. Unix/Linux as well
    as Windows platforms. Support for both C and Java languages
    (including JNI). Multiple projects support with project
    autodetection. Ability to work with huge projects. Inter- facing
    (X)Emacs IDE functions (compile, run). Much more. Marian Vittek.

    File: jpythn21.zip (2118kB)
    Desc: Python programming language. It allows users to compile Python source
    code to Java byte codes, and run the resulting bytecodes on any Java
    Virtual Machine. It is a very seamless and smooth integration with
    Java: from Python you have complete access to all Java libraries, can
    build applets, can integrate with Java beans, and can subclass Java
    classes in Python and vice versa. Jython can also be used

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Mon Mar 26 14:06:30 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYWEB PDN Python Web related files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: extran12.zip (36kB)
    Desc: This file contains extrans-1.2.0.tgz, The eXtrans software allows you
    to easily translate XML documents into any other format or
    representation: it may be HTML, XML, LaTeX, pictures, sound,... or
    anything else the python language can manipulate. Those translations
    are driven by abstract translators (xtrans scripts) embedding python
    code. Translators are very easy to write, since all the complicated
    details of XML parsing, reference resolving, file management and even
    python programming are handled by the underlying system in a way
    transparent to the user. This distribution include GimpClient, a
    python module for communicating with Gimp.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpyweb ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnpyweb janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Fri Mar 30 04:53:42 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Magazines/Journals Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: cuj0105.zip (145kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the May 2001 issue of C/C++
    Users Journal include source code for Andreas Huber's article,
    "Elegant Function Call Wrappers," Carlos Moreno's article, "wxWindows,
    an Intuitive Cross-Platform GUI Framework," Richard Smereka's article,
    "Two Classes for Simple Socket Programming," and John Hubbard's
    article, "Building a Professional Software Toolkit. Also included are
    listings from Matt Austern's column, "The Standard Librarian," Bobby
    Schmidt's column, "Uncaught Exceptions," Robert Martin's web column,
    "Engineering Notebook," and Jack Reeves's web column, "The (B)Leading

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Thu Apr 19 15:21:32 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: mmail040.zip (199kB), Area: PDNCEE, Origin: 1:2320/38
    Desc: MultiMail v.0.40 offline reader source code. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is available in
    mmail040.zip (or mmail040.tgz), or mmsrc040.zip. William McBrine

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Wed May 2 18:52:52 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/Magazines Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: cuj0106.zip (18kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the June 2001 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Qiang Liu's article,
    "Implementing Reusable Mathematical Procedures Using C++." Also
    included are listings from Bobby Schmidt's column, "Uncaught
    Exceptions," Thomas Becker's column, "STL & Generic Programming,"
    Andrei Alexandrescu's web column, "Generic<Programming>," and Jim
    Hyslop and Herb Sutter's web column, "Conversations."

    File: java0106.zip (16kB)
    Desc: The code listings for the Java Solutions supplement to the June 2001
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Robert Martin's article,
    "The Visitor Pattern," and Chuck Allison's column, "import java.*:
    Threads 101."

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Fri May 11 16:09:06 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYMISC Python Miscellaneous files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: ctocpp10.zip (57kB)
    Desc: Convert C to C++ with python scripts. 1 of 2.

    File: listsrc.zip (132kB)
    Desc: Source code to test ctocpp. 2 of 2.

    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYDB Python Database related files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: Sybase13.zip (33kB)
    Desc: The Sybase module provides a Python interface to the Sybase relational
    database system. The Sybase package supports almost all of the Python
    Database API, version 2.0 with extensions. The module works with
    Python versions 1.5.2 and later and Sybase versions 11.0.3 and later.
    It is based on the Sybase Client Library (ct_* API), and the
    Bulk-Library Client (blk_* API) interfaces.

    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYWEB Python WEB related files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: mailmn25.zip (401kB)
    Desc: Mailman v2.0.5, GNU Mailing List Manager. GPL. Manages electronic mail
    discussion lists, much like Majordomo. Mailman gives each mailing list
    a unique web page and allows users to subscribe, unsubscribe, and
    change their account options over the web. Compatible with most web
    servers, browsers, and mail servers. Runs on GNU/Linux. Should run on
    any other Unix type system. Requires Python 1.5.2 or newer. To
    install from source, you will need a C compiler.

    File: web2lda9.zip (144kB)
    Desc: web2ldap.py 0.9.0 web2ldap, a full-featured LDAPv2+ client written in
    Python designed to run as web gateway. Michael Stroeder michael

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdndirs.html/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdndirs.html janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Thu May 17 15:27:52 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/Magazines Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: ddj0106.zip (266kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, June, 2001.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Sun May 20 16:30:18 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA Java Programming Files Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: guf20lnx.zip (1920kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A visual source compare/merge utility for Linux

    File: guf20mac.zip (8317kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A visual source compare/merge utility for MacOS 8 & 9.

    File: guf20win.zip (2170kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A visual source compare/merge utility for 95,98,ME,NT

    File: guf20os2.zip (1915kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A Visual source compare/merge utility for OS/2 Warp4

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Sat Jun 16 14:56:44 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYMISC Python MISC related files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: PyClimat.zip (294kB)
    Desc: PyClimate, a set of C and Python routines for the analysis of climate


    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYLNX Python Files for Linux Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: Py201c1l.zip (3975kB)
    Desc: Python 2.0.1c1 This archive contains Python-2.0.1c1.tgz, GPL, some
    bugs fixed.


    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYWEB Python WEB related files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: Quixote3.zip (68kB)
    Desc: Quixote v0.3 uses a Python package to store all the code and HTML for
    a Web-based application. PTL, Python Template Language, is used to
    mix HTML with Python code; the basic syntax looks just like Python,
    but expressions are converted to strings and appended to the output.
    Now supports Python 2.1.


    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYWNT Python Windows related files Origin: 1:2320/38 ============================================================================
    File: Py201c1w.zip (5660kB)
    Desc: Python 2.0.1c1. This is the Windows version. GPL, some bug fixes.


    ============================================================================= Area: PDNPYDB Python Database related files Origin: 1:2320/38 =============================================================================
    File: zodb.zip (416kB)
    Desc: The Z Object Database, or the ZODB for short, is a powerful and
    easy-to-use object persistence system for Python.

    File: pgnotify.zip (6kB)
    Desc: pgnotify is a PostgreSQL client-side asynchronous notification handler
    for Python.


    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdndirs.html/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdndirs.html janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Sun May 20 16:30:18 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA Java Programming Files Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: guf20lnx.zip (1920kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A visual source compare/merge utility for Linux

    File: guf20mac.zip (8317kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A visual source compare/merge utility for MacOS 8 & 9.

    File: guf20win.zip (2170kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A visual source compare/merge utility for 95,98,ME,NT

    File: guf20os2.zip (1915kB)
    Desc: Guiffy v2.0 A Visual source compare/merge utility for OS/2 Warp4

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Thu Jul 19 07:04:18 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Win95/NT programming Origin: 1:2320/38 =====================================================================
    File: ZE32V360.ZIP (3279kB)
    Desc: Zeus Programmers Editor For those looking for a Brief, Wordstar,
    Epsilon editor for WIN32, your search is over. Features include, MDI
    support, status and toolbar, syntax color highlighting, in edit
    compile, automatic backup, file restore on startup, error listing,
    undo/redo, search, replace, bookmarks, column, block and stream
    marking, quick help and much more. Shareware written by:

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Fri Nov 30 01:40:40 2001
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:2320/38 =======================================================================
    File: e3-182.zip (122kB)
    Desc: e3 is a text micro editor with a compressed executable code size
    between 9000 and 16000 bytes, depending on platform. Except for 'undo'
    and 'syntax highlighting', e3 supports all of the basic functions one
    expects plus built in arithmetic calculations. If you have installed
    the stream editor 'sed' you can use these tools as sub-processes,
    getting the full power of regular expressions.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnlang janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Thu Jan 3 09:45:26 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:2320/38 =======================================================================
    File: hexed22.zip (85kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v2.2a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2002. Compiles backwards with BC 7.1 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson Email: eoredsonUrls: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Sun Mar 10 06:56:56 2002
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: scribblr.zip (1950kB)
    Desc: Scribbler 2000 v1.9.3 - JavaScript, VBScript and DHTML editor for
    Windows 95/98/NT. Syntax highlighting, unique two panel editing for
    the main script code and insert point within the page, make script
    programming a breeze. Contains rich library of pre-defined scripts for
    instant use, and a library to store newly written scripts for later
    re-use. Shareware.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnwint/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:2320/38 to All on Sun Mar 10 07:00:30 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:2320/38 ========================================================================
    File: ws10.rar (12kB)
    Desc: Many cablemodem and ADSL users experience horrifying latency while
    uploading or downloading. They also notice that uploading hampers
    downloading greatly. The wondershaper neatly addresses these issues,
    allowing users of a router with a wondershaper to continue using SSH
    over a loaded link happily.

    File: cicq465.rar (698kB)
    Desc: centericq is a text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface that
    supports the ICQ2000, Yahoo!, and MSN protocols. It allows you to
    send, receive, and forward messages, URLs, SMSes, contacts, and email
    express messages. It also lets you set your own and fetch others' away
    message. You can mass message-send, search for users (including the
    extended "whitepages search"), view users' details, maintain your
    contact list directly from the program (including non-ICQ contacts),
    view the message history, register a new UIN and update your details,
    be informed upon receipt of email messages, automatically set away
    after the defined period of inactivity (on any console), and have your
    own ignore, visible, and invisible lists. It can also associate events
    with sounds, make log of events, has support for Hebrew and Arabic
    languages, and allows arrangement of contacts into groups.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jun 29 01:51:40 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: java0208.zip (195kB), Area: PDNNEWS, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: The code listings for the Java Solutions supplement to the August 2002
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Angelika Langer and Klaus
    Kreft's article, "Implementing equals for Mixed-Type Comparison;"
    Volker H. Simonis' article, "International Swinging: Making Swing
    Components Locale-Sensitive;" and Toby Reyelts' article, "The
    Tattletale Technique."

    File: cuj0208.zip (144kB), Area: PDNNEWS, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the August 2002 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Vitaly Ablavsky's article,
    "Applying BGL to Computational Geometry;" Christopher Kempke's
    article, "Adaptable Dialog Boxes for Cross-Platform Programming;" and
    Kevin T. Manley's article, "Using Constructed Types in C++ Unions."
    Also included is source code Andrei Alexandrescu's web column,
    "Generic<Programming>;" and Jack W. Reeves' web column, "The
    (B)Leading Edge."

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Aug 23 13:09:58 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNVBWIN VB for Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: primevb5.zip (14kB)
    Desc: Prime number generator v1.0a in VB 5.0 w/ PD source 2002.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnvbwin/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnvbwin/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Aug 29 23:08:00 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: java0210.zip (82kB)
    Desc: The code listings for the Java Solutions supplement to the October
    2002 C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Douglas A. Clark's
    article, "Dynamically Binding EJBs Using the Java Reflection API."

    File: cuj0210.zip (7kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the October 2002 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Dr. Robert Koss and Jeff
    Langr's article, "Test Driven Development in C/C++;" Matvei Brodski's
    article, "Policy Wrapper;" Jonathan Caves article, "Using the C++
    Standard Library with Managed Types;" Thomas Becker's column, "STL &
    Generic Programming;" and Steve Dewhurst's column, "Common Knowledge."
    Also included is source code for Andrei Alexandrescu's web column,

    File: cuj0209.zip (102kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the September 2002 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Bobby Schmidt's column,
    "Uncaught Exceptions." Also included is source code for Jack W.
    Reeves' web column, "The (B)Leading Edge."

    File: cnet0209.zip (72kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal Supplement, The code listings for the C++ .NET
    Solutions supplement to the September 2002 C/C++ Users Journal include
    source code for Kenny Kerr's article, "Icon Browser: An Exercise in
    Resource Management;" Nick Hodapp's article, "Pinning in Managed C++;"
    and Nick Hodapp's article, "An Introduction to Building .NET
    Components with Managed C++."

    File: ddj0209.zip (9946kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, September, 2002.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Mon Sep 9 20:46:10 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: ddj0210.zip (7577kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, October, 2002.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Sep 17 13:52:40 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hxqb45z4.zip (116kB),
    Desc: Program: Hxqb45z4.zip is the fourth version of Hex Editor v2.3a
    adapted for QB v4.5 and is public domain software 2002. Adds drop down
    file menu. This BASIC program and source was written by Erik Oredson
    who can be reached at the email address eoredson

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnbasic

    =========================================================================== Area: PDNWINNT Windows Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: tsepro4.zip (1271kB)
    Desc: The SemWare Editor Professional v4.0 - Test Drive (for
    Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP). All new GUI; Wheel Mouse; Font selection;
    Multilevel Undo/Redo; long filename support; Multiple files/windows;
    option to search subdirectories for matching files when loading or
    selecting files; context-sensitive help system; color syntax
    highlighting; regular expression search/replace; incremental search;
    Optionally specify search operations to include all loaded files,
    current marked block, or current line; macro to search external files
    for a string; dynamic visual brace match macro; option to resize your
    screen to whatever columns/rows Windows allows; hex/binary editing;
    spelling checker; interactive configuration; macro programming
    language with debugger; multi-language compiler support; configurable
    menus/keyboard/commands; column blocks; bookmarks; templates; sort;
    compare files; compressed view; and MUCH more! Ideal for anyone that
    needs to manipulate text.

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnwinnt

    Area: PDNLANG Multiple Languages/Other languages Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexed28.zip (133kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v2.8a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2002. Compiles backwards with BC 7.1 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson Email: eoredsonUrls: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnlang

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdn/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Sep 22 02:30:08 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: xidek1_0.zip (1414kB)
    Desc: XIDEK: Extensible Interpreter Development Kit. Make files provided for
    six different compilers: MSC++, BC++, WatcomC++, IBM Visual Age, gcc
    on *nix, intel on Linux. Provides technical guidance and source code
    so that you can readily design and implement an interpreter according
    to your own requirements. You may need, for example, to create a
    special interpreter for a domain specific language, script language,
    or other "little language".

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Oct 3 01:05:38 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: maxs_302.zip (3325kB)
    Desc: Maximus BBS Source code, version 3.02.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Oct 8 22:44:38 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYLNX Python Linux programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: Py222b1g.zip (6502kB),
    Desc: Python 2.2.2b1, October 7, 2002. This is a beta for a bug-fix release
    for Python 2.2.1 and supersedes the 2.2.1 release. The release cycle
    for Python 2.2.2 will be brief: unless major problems are reported,
    Python 2.2.2 (final) will be released a week after 2.2.2b1. This is
    the tar gzip version for other installs except Mac. For windows, see
    the windows installer version in pdnpywnt.

    Area: PDNPYWNT Python Windows programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: Py222b1w.zip (7111kB),
    Desc: Python 2.2.2b1, October 7, 2002. This is a beta for a bug-fix release
    for Python 2.2.1 and supersedes the 2.2.1 release. The release cycle
    for Python 2.2.2 will be brief: unless major problems are reported,
    Python 2.2.2 (final) will be released a week after 2.2.2b1. This is
    the Windows Installer version. Unzip this archive, and run
    Python-2.2.2b1.exe to install.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpywnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnpywnt janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Oct 12 00:43:36 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: bm011src.zip (202kB)
    Desc: BlueMail v.011 is a multi-format offline mail reader for Unix, DOS,
    Win32, and other systems. It should compile under all Unix-compatible
    (POSIX) systems. blueMail supports the Blue Wave, QWK, QWKE, SOUP,
    OMEN and Hippo packet formats, the Hudson and BBBS Message Bases, Unix
    mail and Eudora. It has a full screen, colored user interface built
    with the curses library and is designed to be a reasonable alternative
    to the Blue Wave mail reader. The source Code will compile under
    Linux, DOS, Windows and - untested - OS/2. This archive contains

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Mon Oct 14 16:15:42 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: XDEval48.zip (13447kB)
    Desc: XD++ Library is an C++ class framework that provides your applications
    with a drawing surface for diagramming, symbol manipulation, drag and
    drop, scrolling, zooming, and many other graphics capabilities also
    includes full source code for its 260+ classes.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Oct 17 01:34:04 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Python Miscellaneous Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: Plex114.zip (49kB)
    Desc: Plex version 1.1.4, a lexical analysis module for Python.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpywnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnpywnt janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Oct 17 02:19:32 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Python Miscellaneous Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: Plex114.zip (49kB)
    Desc: Plex version 1.1.4, a lexical analysis module for Python.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnpymisc janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Nov 9 01:22:14 2002
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: JacobeLn.zip (340kB)
    Desc: Jacobe For Linux - The Java Code Beautifier v. 5.7.1 Jacobe is a
    configurable code beautifier for Java 2 (Edition 1.4). It is for
    instance possible to let Jacobe print your Java code according to the
    widely used layout rules of Sun Microsystems or customize it to your
    own standards. Distributed with permission of the author.

    File: JacobeWn.zip (178kB)
    Desc: Jacobe For Windows - The Java Code Beautifier v. 5.7.1 Jacobe is a
    configurable code beautifier for Java 2 (Edition 1.4). It is for
    instance possible to let Jacobe print your Java code according to the
    widely used layout rules of Sun Microsystems or customize it to your
    own standards. Distributed with permission of the author.

    File: Jacb_Doc.zip (12kB)
    Desc: Documentation for Jacobe Java Code Beautifier 5.7.1 in html format.
    Distributed with permission of the author

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Nov 12 00:35:08 2002
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: cuj0211.zip (156kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the November 2002 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Jeffrey D. Oldham's
    article, "Scientific Computing Using POOMA;" Michael Kenniston's
    article, "Dimension Checking of Physical Quantities;" Stephane Grad's
    article, "A Cleanup Framework in C;" Bjorn's Karlsson's article,
    "C/C++ Tip #9: Lexical Conversions;" and Bobby Schmidt's column,
    "Uncaught Exceptions." Also included is source code for Jack W.
    Reeves' web column, "The (B)Leading Edge."

    File: cuj0212.zip (566kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the December 2002 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Tim Kientzle's article,
    "Fast UDP-Based Network Storage;" Christopher Rooney's article, "A
    Templated Library for Fast Multiplexing;" Julian Bushell's article,
    "Adaptable-Size Classes;" Matthew Wilson's article, "C/C++ Tip #10:
    Efficient Integer to String Conversions;" Ray Virzi's article, "C/C++
    Tip #11: Overwrite Iterator;" Steve Dewhurst's column, "Common
    Knowledge;" Thomas Becker's column, "STL & Generic Programming;" and
    "We Have Mail." Also included is source code for Andrei Alexandrescu's
    web column, "Generic<Programming>."

    File: ddj0212.zip (473kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, December, 2002.

    File: ddj0211.zip (700kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, November, 2002.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Nov 12 00:37:22 2002
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    ============================================================================== Area: PASDELPH Delphi Programming Origin:1:261/38 ==============================================================================
    File: esbcalcp.zip (1046kB)
    Desc: ESBCalc Pro is a Enhanced Win32 Scientific Calculator with Infix
    Processing, Exponential Notation, Brackets, Scientific Functions,
    Memory, Optional Paper Trail, Printing, Result History List,
    Integrated Help and more. Functions include Trigonometric, Hyperbolic,
    Logarithmic Base 10, Base 2 & Natural -Random Number and many more.
    Also includes heaps of contants and use contants.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pasdelph/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pascal-net/pasdelph/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Dec 11 14:20:46 2002
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: guf47os2.zip (2174kB)
    Desc: Guiffy 4.7, for OS/2. This archive contains install.zip.
    Cross-platform, visual source file / folder & tree, Compare/Merge
    utility & component. Implemented in Java.Install- Anywhere kits to
    make setup a snap. Can be used to compare/merge source files of any
    type(built in UNICODE support), virtually no file size limits.
    Compares folders & file trees. Command line interface is included for
    use in scripts and integration with CM/SCM systems(Including CVS,
    Perforce, & StarBase). 3-way smart merge (SureMerge) surpasses old
    standard merge tools in functionality & ease of use.

    File: guf47osx.zip (2356kB)
    Desc: Guiffy 4.7, for Macintosh OSX. This archive contains guf47ins.bin.
    Cross-platform, visual source file / folder & tree, Compare/Merge
    utility & component. Implemented in Java.InstallAnywhere kits to make
    setup a snap. Can be used to compare/merge source files of any
    type(built in UNICODE support), virtually no file size limits.
    Compares folders & file trees. Command line interface is included for
    use in scripts and integration with CM/SCM systems(Including CVS,
    Perforce, & StarBase). 3-way smart merge (SureMerge) surpasses old
    standard merge tools in functionality & ease of use.

    File: guf47win.zip (2754kB)
    Desc: Guiffy 4.7, for Windows. This archive contains guf47ins.exe.
    Cross-platform, visual source file / folder & tree, Compare/Merge
    utility & component. Implemented in Java.InstallAnywhere kits to make
    setup a snap. Can be used to compare/merge source files of any
    type(built in UNICODE support), virtually no file size limits.
    Compares folders & file trees. Command line interface is included for
    use in scripts and integration with CM/SCM systems(Including CVS,
    Perforce, & StarBase). 3-way smart merge (SureMerge) surpasses old
    standard merge tools in functionality & ease of use.

    File: guf47Os9.zip (2807kB)
    Desc: Guiffy 4.7, for Macintosh OS9. This archive contains guf47ins.bin.
    Cross-platform, visual source file / folder & tree, Compare/Merge
    utility & component. Implemented in Java.InstallAnywhere kits to make
    setup a snap. Can be used to compare/merge source files of any
    type(built in UNICODE support), virtually no file size limits.
    Compares folders & file trees. Command line interface is included for
    use in scripts and integration with CM/SCM systems(Including CVS,
    Perforce, & StarBase). 3-way smart merge (SureMerge) surpasses old
    standard merge tools in functionality & ease of use.

    File: guf47lnx.zip (2592kB)
    Desc: Guiffy 4.7, for Linux. This archive contains guf47ins.bin.
    Cross-platform, visual source file / folder & tree, Compare/Merge
    utility & component. Implemented in Java.InstallAnywhere kits to make
    setup a snap. Can be used to compare/merge source files of any
    type(built in UNICODE support), virtually no file size limits.
    Compares folders & file trees. Command line interface is included for
    use in scripts and integration with CM/SCM systems(Including CVS,
    Perforce, & StarBase). 3-way smart merge (SureMerge) surpasses old
    standard merge tools in functionality & ease of use.

    File: autojr11.zip (121kB)
    Desc: A free tool that alleviates the generation of jar files. You only need
    to name the main class, the tool will scan the byte code recursively
    for referenced classes, extract them from their archives, if
    nesessary, and add them to your jar file.

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/

    Area: PDNUNIX *nix Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: vstr0920.zip (593kB)
    Desc: Vstr is a string library designed for network communication, but
    applicable in a number of other areas. Works on the idea of separate
    nodes of information, and the length/ptr model and not the termination
    model of "C strings". Does dynamic resizing of strings as you
    add/delete data. Can also do automatic referencing for mmap() areas of
    memory, and includes a portable version of a printf-like function
    (which is ISO 9899:1999 compliant, and includes support for i18n
    parameter position modifiers). Other convienience functions included:
    easily split data from a string into sections (similar to perl's split
    function); and get string data from a socket or put data to a socket.

    File: PRCPS312.RAR (233kB) Origin: 2:263/950
    Desc: procps is a package of utilities which report on the state of the
    system, including the states of running processes, amount of memory
    available and currently-logged-in users. RAR V3 Compression

    File: DCC1117.RAR (866kB) Origin: 2:263/950
    Desc: Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC) is a system of clients and
    servers that collect and count checksums related to mail messages. The
    counts can be used by SMTP servers and mail user agents to detect and
    reject bulk mail. DCC servers can exchange common checksums. The
    checksums include values that are "fuzzy", or constant across common
    variations in bulk messages.

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnunix/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Dec 11 23:23:58 2002
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    ============================================================================== Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin:1:261/38 ==============================================================================
    File: lb202win.zip (1711kB)
    Desc: >>> Liberty BASIC v2.02 for 16 bit Windows <<< Write real Windows
    programs with this award winning BASIC language! Featured in Hungry
    Minds' Beginning Programming for Dummies book! Create custom
    solutions, utilities or write your own video games! Includes many
    examples and a great introductory tutorial. Shareware from Shoptalk

    File: lb091.zip (1008kB)
    Desc: Liberty BASIC for OS/2 v0.91 beta
    Liberty BASIC for OS/2!
    Build real graphical programs, not text
    mode apps. Includes forms editor written
    in Liberty BASIC. Windows version also
    available. NRI Schools & ZD University
    use Liberty BASIC to teach programming!
    Copyright 1992-1996 Shoptalk Systems

    File: lb302win.zip (2391kB)
    Desc: >>> Liberty BASIC v3.02 for Windows <<< $29.95 to register) This
    version of Liberty BASIC is fully 32-bit and runs under Win

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnbasic/

    ============================================================================== Area: PASDELPH Delphi/C++Builder Programming files Origin:1:261/38 ==============================================================================
    File: esbunitp.zip (960kB), Area: PASDELPH, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: ESBUnitConv Pro (TM) v4.1 Released 10-December-2002 Evaluation (Trial)
    Version by ESB Consultancy Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT
    4.x,WinXP,Windows2000 ESBUnitConv Pro is a user-friendly Win32 Utility
    to easily convert between 340 units in 20 different measurement
    categories. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area,
    Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel
    Consumption, Flow, Torque, Angles, Time, Illumination, Luminous
    Intensity and Radioactivity. Includes Log of conversions, clipboard
    support, integrated help, printing, full customization and much more.

    http://www.filegate.net/pasdelph/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pascal-net/pasdel

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 28 02:46:06 2002
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: JSBrw-lx.zip (1685kB)
    Desc: For Linux/Unix systems: JSBrowser v3.2 bug fix and new features.
    http://www.JSBrowser.com. New JSBrowser V3.2 features: 1) Add the
    recovery on source error 2) Add the JavaServer Page (JSP) management
    3) Add line number view 4) Add new menu management 5) Add a link to
    the direct sub-classes search engine in the javadoc 6) Improve the
    direct sub-classes search engine 7) Add the
    JavaFileInformationCacheSize property to limit the memory usage 8) Add
    the java version selection for each project 9) Optimize the JSBrowser
    start 10) Optimize the config page

    File: JSBrw-wn.zip (1770kB)
    Desc: For Windows systems: JSBrowser v3.2 bug fix and new features.
    http://www.JSBrowser.com. New JSBrowser V3.2 features: 1) Add the
    recovery on source error 2) Add the JavaServer Page (JSP) management
    3) Add line number view 4) Add new menu management 5) Add a link to
    the direct sub-classes search engine in the javadoc 6) Improve the
    direct sub-classes search engine 7) Add the
    JavaFileInformationCacheSize property to limit the memory usage 8) Add
    the java version selection for each project 9) Optimize the JSBrowser
    start 10) Optimize the config page

    Area: PDNPYMISC Python Miscellaneous Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: twander2.zip (251kB)
    Desc: twander 2.34 is a Filesystem Browser which runs on both Unix-like
    systems as well as Win32 systems. It embraces the best ideas of both
    similar GUI-driven programs (Konqueror, Windows Explorer) as well as
    text-based interfaces (Midnight Commander, List, Sweep). While the
    twander interface is graphical, all the major navigation, selection,
    and execution commands can be entered from the keyboard, not just the
    mouse. This means Power Users who are strong typists can minimize
    dependency on the mouse and materially speed up their interactions
    with the system. http://www.tundraware.com/Software/twander/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jan 23 11:44:28 2003
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: cmpen13.zip (900kB)
    Desc: Compare and Merge is a visual comparison utility that makes it easy
    to see and resolve differences between individual text files and
    entire folders. For programmers, web developers, and anyone else who
    works with multiple revisions of files. Compare and erge is free to
    try and only US $20 to buy. Unlimited free upgrades for life.
    Secure online ordering. Credit cards accepted. 60-day money-back
    guarantee.For Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, and XP.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jan 26 23:04:44 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: WebMacS.zip (332kB)
    Desc: WebMacro 1.1 is an extensible templating engine written in Java, which
    can be used in Java Servlets as well as regular Java applications.
    What distinguishes WebMacro from most other web scripting technologies
    such as Java Server Pages (JSP) is the focus on using pages and output
    streams purely for the presentation of dynamic information, leaving
    the actual data manipulation in the application where it belongs. This
    MVC (Model, View, Controller) approach results in cleaner and easily
    maintained applications. This file contains a tar gzip of the
    sources, webmacro-src-1.1final.tgz

    File: WebMacB.zip (997kB)
    Desc: WebMacro is an extensible templating engine written in Java, which can
    be used in Java Servlets as well as regular Java applications. What
    distinguishes WebMacro from most other web scripting technologies such
    as Java Server Pages (JSP) is the focus on using pages and output
    streams purely for the presentation of dynamic information, leaving
    the actual data manipulation in the application where it belongs. This
    MVC (Model, View, Controller) approach results in cleaner and easily
    maintained applications. This archive contains a tar gzip of the
    binary release, webmacro-bin-1.1final.tgz

    File: umbrello.zip (2296kB)
    Desc: Umbrello 1.1 (www.umbrello.org) is an UML drawing tool, which can
    generate source code in Java, C++ and PHP out of the diagrams. You can
    also import existing C++ code. Umbrello supports the main UML
    diagrams: Class/Concept diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration
    diagram, Use Case diagram, State diagram, Activity diagram. Umbrello
    is well integrated into the UNIX desktop environment KDE. It will run
    on all plattforms where KDE is avaible. This archive contains

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jan 31 19:59:42 2003
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    ============================================================================== Area: PASDELPH Delphi/C++Builder Programming files Origin:1:261/38 ==============================================================================
    File: coolctls.zip (8368kB)
    Desc: CoolControls 3.04h CoolControls is award winning package of highly
    advanced components and classes. CoolControls contains both visual
    and non visual components. All within same package. Data aware
    controls also included. More than 70 separate classes currently.
    Forms of any shape, SKINS and TRANSPARENCY for ALL controls and
    forms, buttons of various shapes, flat borders, animation, original
    controls, powerful list and comboboxes, 3D view for most controls
    with text, multiline string grids with custom colors and fonts for
    cells, scrolling text, system level components.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pasdelph/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pascal-net/pasdelph/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Mar 6 23:27:20 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNVBWIN VB for Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: psssc100.zip (292kB)
    Desc: PSS Safe Subclass Control is a simple to use Active X Subclassing
    control for Visual Basic that is debug safe in the Visual Basic IDE.
    Subclassing is a powerful technique that allows you to modify the
    normal behaviour of the controls and forms in your application. Visual
    Basic makes some, but not all, of the message available through class
    methods and the event system. The trouble is that many of these hidden
    messages are actually very useful. For Win95,98,ME,NT4,2K,XP with VB6

    File: pssuc100.zip (277kB)
    Desc: PSS Update Check is a Royalty Free Active X component that allows you
    to add that "Check for Update" button or menu item to you application
    in just a few lines of code. Now you can let your users know when the
    next release is available and provide them with details on what has
    changed. For Win95,98,ME,NT4,2K,XP with VB6 runtime.

    File: pssst100.zip (295kB)
    Desc: PSS System Tray Icon Control is a Royalty Free control that allows you
    to quickly add your application to the System Tray. You can change the
    icon and tooltip while displayed in the system tray and a simple set
    of events event let you know when the icon is clicked. The setup file
    includes sample source code to show you the control working and
    provides tips on how to use it. For Win95,98,ME,NT4,2K,XP with VB6

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnvbwin/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnvbwin/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Mar 16 13:25:06 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexit32.zip (132kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v3.2a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2003. Compiles backwards with BC 7.1 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson Email: eoredsonUrls: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net

    File: hxqb45z5.zip (118kB)
    Desc: Program: Hxqb45z5.zip is the fifth version of Hex Editor v2.3a adapted
    for QB v4.5 and is public domain software 2003. Adds drop down file
    menu. This BASIC program and source was written by Erik Oredson who
    can be reached at the email address eoredson

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnbasic =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Mar 25 20:42:28 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: ddj0303.zip (52kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, March, 2003.

    File: ddj0304.zip (9336kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, April, 2003.

    File: ddj0305.zip (37kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, May, 2003.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Mar 25 20:56:18 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: cuj0304.zip (582kB)
    Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the April 2003 issue of
    C/C++ Users Journal include source code for John F. Hubbard's article,
    "Generating Linux Device Drivers with CodeSketch;" Grum Ketema's
    article, "Creating STL Containers in Shared Memory;" Miro Samek's
    column, "The Embedded Angle;" Thomas Becker's column, "STL & Generic
    Programming;" and "We Have Mail." Also included is source code for
    Vladimir Batov's online article "Implementing RMI for C++ Objects;"
    and Andrei Alexandrescu's Experts Forum column,

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Apr 20 02:15:54 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: Jumbo080.zip (857kB)
    Desc: The Volcano Languages group at University of Illinois at
    Urbana-Champaign has released version 0.8 of Jumbo. Jumbo is a
    compiler for Java extended with run-time code generation syntax. New
    in this release (and the little-announced 0.7 release): * Jumbo can
    now compile itself. * Partial support for inner classes. * Significant
    speed increase due to removal of extra Class.forName() calls. *
    Hygienic variables now available. http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/Jumbo/

    File: jftp123.zip (1358kB)
    Desc: JFtp is a muti-threadedgraphical FTP client written in Java. It
    supports all the basic FTP operations, and has some improved features
    such as recursive directory up/download, a swing UI, automatically
    resume downloads, and recognize broken directory names. The API is
    separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party
    applications or in a command-line mode. The clients lets you browse
    the server while transferring files in both directions. JFtp can also
    be started in a Web browser via Java Web Start, supports the SMB
    (Windows file share) protocol, and can act as a file manager.
    http://j-ftp.sourceforge.net http://www.sf.net/projects/j-ftp/ JFtp is
    GPL and completely free. Developement is continuing and feedback is

    File: coocool.zip (2444kB)
    Desc: 1st Javascript Library(Coocool) is a shareware program that allows web
    developers the ability to easily add advanced java script and DHTML
    code to their web pages. Coocool also allows web developers to easily
    add java applets to their web pages.Coocool Stupid Web Tricks Tool
    Features include: Preview effect clip one by one Use "Preview" button
    from main window, you can enjoy all kind of effect clip before use it
    in you homepage. Script wizard let your customize easily and
    quicklyJust select a effect clip and click "Wizard" button. The wizard
    will let you customize many parameter as easy as '1-2-3' or use the
    instant preview to review the script - it means that even the total
    beginner can create great effect in minutes.

    File: jmp29.zip (341kB)
    Desc: JMP - Java Memory Profiler - version 0.29 JMP is a java profiler that
    can show memory usage and method times. It uses a gtk/2.x user
    interface, but may be compiled and run without any user interface.
    Fixed a problem with heap dump, arrays were not correctly counted.
    Fixed a crash bug in method_exit handler. Updated and added the
    JMPController, a java class to control jmp from java code.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 21 17:30:22 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: cmdt_110.zip (25kB)
    Desc: CMDTIMEx v1.10 Substitute time and date parameters into command line
    arguments. Includes Linux and Windows executables, with full C source
    (to compile for other platforms).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Apr 24 23:27:14 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: gent071b.zip (285kB)
    Desc: Genuts Framework 0.7b in Zip format. Genuts API provides a consistent
    Java framework for game development. It contains a library with
    classes primarily intended for sprite-based games conception,
    including functions for sprite manipulation and collision detection.
    Additionally, Genuts API will provide a level of abstraction for some
    of Java's game-related API, such as images manipulations and event
    handling. Genuts API is compatible with Java 1.1 & Java 2.

    File: gen071bZ.zip (158kB)
    Desc: Genuts Framework 0.7b in tar gzip format. Genuts API provides a
    consistent Java framework for game development. It contains a library
    with classes primarily intended for sprite-based games conception,
    including functions for sprite manipulation and collision detection.
    Additionally, Genuts API will provide a level of abstraction for some
    of Java's game-related API, such as images manipulations and event
    handling. Genuts API is compatible with Java 1.1 & Java 2.

    File: rui.zip (1101kB)
    Desc: Rui is an open-source solution for developers wanting to create web
    applications with rich (i.e. desktop) user interfaces. Developers
    develop using the same techniques they use for desktop applications,
    users get a web application with superior usability, and
    administrators get zero cost deployment to web browsers with no Java,
    ActiveX, or plugins. Please see readme.rui for requirements.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Apr 29 00:31:56 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: cmdt_111.zip (25kB)
    Desc: CMDTIMEx v1.11 Substitute time and date parameters into command line
    arguments. Includes full C source (GNU GPL).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu May 15 01:39:44 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hxqb45z9.zip (124kB)
    Desc: Hxqb45z9.zip is v9.0 of Hex Editor v2.3a adapted for QB v4.5 and is
    public domain software written in 2003. This program includes BASIC
    source and was written by Erik Oredson who can be reached at the email
    address: eoredson@yahoo.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnbasic =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat May 17 15:16:16 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexxit38.zip (195kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v3.8a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2003. Compiles backwards with BC 7.1 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson AS. Email: eoredson@yahoo.com Urls: www.simtel.net
    www.filegate.net www.winsite.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnbasic =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jun 8 14:55:54 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: mmsrc045.zip (209kB)
    Desc: MultiMail source. MultiMail is an offline mail packet reader for Unix
    and other systems. (This version also compiles under MSDOS, with DJGPP
    or Turbo C++; OSs/2, with EMX; Win32, with RSX/NT or Borland C++; Beos
    and AtheOs.) It currently supports the Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP, and
    OPX formats. It uses a simple curses-based interface. MultiMail if
    free, "open source" software, distributed under the GNU General Public
    License (q.v.).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jun 9 21:54:36 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNUNIX *nix Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: cw2dmk31.zip (593kB)
    Desc: The Catweasel Floppy Read/Write Tools are software for the Catweasel
    MK1 ISA and Catweasel MK3 PCI universal floppy disk controllers.
    cw2dmk will read several kinds of floppy disk, some of which ordinary
    PC controllers have trouble with, and save them in the DMK disk image
    format (used by the Unix TRS-80 emulator xtrs and David Keil's TRS-80
    emulator for MS-DOS). cw2dmk can also handle (at least) any disk
    written using a Western Digital 177x/179x floppy disk controller, a
    PC-style NEC765-compatible controller, or a Digital Equipment
    Corporation RX02 controller. dmk2cw will write any DMK image back to a
    floppy, handling the same kinds of disks as cw2dmk. jv2dmk and dmk2jv3
    convert images between DMK and the older JV1 and JV3 formats without
    requiring Catweasel hardware. It runs on Linux and MS-DOS.
    --|COmpressed using WinRAR V3|--

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) ======================================================================= http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jun 13 04:07:48 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: cuj0307.zip (687kB)
    Desc: The code listings for the July 2003 issue of C/C++ Users Journal
    include source code for Jon Meredith's article, "Simplifying Lint;"
    Thomas Bergin's article, "Using a Typelist to Create a Flexible
    Compound Sorting Object;" Michael Carrato's article, "Space Efficient
    Sets and Maps;" Matthew Wilson's article, "Open-Source Flexibility via
    Namespace Aliasing;" Randy Meyers' column, "The New C;" and Jim Hyslop
    and Herb Sutter's column, "Conversations." Also included is source
    code for Maciej Sobczak's online article, "Java-like Messaging System
    for C++ Classes;" and Twee H. Tan's online article, "Exploring EDA
    Algorithms with the Boost Graph Library."

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From BEN RITCHEY@1:393/68 to JANIS KRACHT on Wed Jul 2 00:13:59 2003
    * An ongoing debate between Janis Kracht and All rages on ...

    JK: > Desc: wxWindows v2.4.1 official, stable release for Windows 9x, ME,

    merci :)

    Keep the faith,

    : Ben http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
    : ( FReq Magic INFO Direct for E-mail address )
    + WildCat! Board 24/7 (337) 232-4155 33.6kBps 8,N,1 Free Software!
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 1 16:39:52 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNOTHER Other Computers Origin: 1:393/68 ===========================================================================
    File: wx241htm.zip (1522kB),
    Desc: wxWindows v2.4.1 official, stable release HELP manuals in MS HTML
    format. WxWindows is an Open-source (free), multi-platform UI
    Framework. http://www.wxwindows.org

    File: wxmac241.zip (8370kB)
    Desc: wxWindows v2.4.1 official, stable release for MacOS 9.x and MacOS X
    includes source, samples and makefiles (as WXMAC241.TGZ ; download
    Help manuals separately, WX241HTM.ZIP has HTML.) This is an
    Open-source (free), multi-platform UI Framework.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdntitles.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnother/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 1 16:42:48 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNOS2 OS2 Programming Origin: 1:393/68 ===========================================================================
    File: wxos2241.zip (8156kB)
    Desc: wxWindows v2.4.1 official, stable release for OS/2 Warp includes
    source, samples, makefiles and MS HTML Help manuals. This is an
    Open-source (free), multi-platform UI Framework.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdntitles.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnos2/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 1 16:48:24 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Windows 95/NT.. Programming Origin: 1:393/68 =========================================================================== File: wxmsw241.zip (13953kB)
    Desc: wxWindows v2.4.1 official, stable release for Windows 9x, ME, NT,
    2000, XP. The release contains wxWindows source and samples,
    makefiles for most Windows compilers, JPEG and TIFF library source,
    wxGLCanvas, Object Graphics Library, MS HTML Help manuals, VC++/BC++
    project files, and WIN32 binaries of Tex2RTF, Dialog Editor and the
    Life! demo. http://www.wxwindows.org

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdntitles.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnwinnt/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 23 22:58:04 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNVBWIN VB for Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: 4DPICT3.ZIP (81kB)
    Desc: 4dpict v3.0a calculates 4-D stereoscopic anaglyphic rotating integrals
    of various matrix forms. Contains control buttons and VB 5.0 runtime
    files. Shareware 2003. pfm+ejo.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnvbwin/ ADSL ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnvbwin/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Aug 11 03:42:58 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Windows NT Programming Origin: 1:261/38
    File: tkblog24.zip (2582kB)
    Desc: tkblog is a cross-platform, standalone application for blogging, with
    new features including advanced archiving. Windows binary and tcl/tk
    source is included. Uploaded by author, Tony Summerfelt, 1:261/38.5

    ========================================================================== Area: PDNUNIX *nix programming Origin: 1:261/38 ==========================================================================
    File: tkb240gz.zip (1253kB)
    Desc: This archive contains tkblog240.tar.gz. tkblog is a cross-platform,
    standalone application for blogging, with new features including
    advanced archiving. Tcl/Tk source is included.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdntitles.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Aug 12 00:36:20 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jniw32.zip (1201kB)
    Desc: JNIWrapper 1.3.1 for Windows JNIWrapper - bridge for calling native
    code from Java without JNI.

    File: winpack.zip (356kB)
    Desc: WinPack is a free addition to JNIWrapper missioned to help Java
    developers working under the Windows platform.

    File: jnilnx.zip (389kB)
    Desc: JNIWrapper 1.3.1 for linux. JNIWrapper - bridge for calling native
    code from Java without JNI.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Aug 12 02:05:30 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: ddj0309.zip (1456kB)
    Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, September 2003.
    Creating Java Grid Services
    Integrating .NET & J2EE With Web Services
    Data Sharing With P2PdataShare
    Task Farming & the Message Passing Interface
    Music Information Retrieval Systems
    Ant, Cpptasks, & Multi-Platform C/C++ Projects
    Portability & the ARM Processor

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnnews/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Oct 1 00:46:50 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexxit49.zip (248kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v4.9a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2003. Compiles backwards with BC 7.10 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson, AS. Email: eoredson@yahoo.com Urls: www.simtel.net
    www.filegate.net www.winsite.com

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic

    Area: PDNWINNT Windows NT Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: tvicpci.zip (649kB), Area: PDNWINNT, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: TVicPci is a generic device driver for use with practically any
    programming language. It allows you to access and control PCI devices
    directly from within a Win32 application under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
    without using the Windows DDK. TVicPci provides programmers with
    standard methods for real-time direct access to port I/O, memory
    mapped I/O and hardware interrupts.

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Oct 4 19:02:32 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: hexxit51.zip (248kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v5.1a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2003. Compiles backwards with BC 7.10 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson, AS. Email: eoredson@yahoo.com Urls: www.simtel.net
    www.filegate.net www.winsite.com

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jftp20.zip (1341kB)
    Desc: JFTP for Linux - A Graphical FTP Client for Java psai@myjavaworld.com
    (Sai Pullabhotla) Version 2.0 of JFTP, An FTP client written in Java.
    http://www.myjavaworld.com/downloads/ A feature-rich, intuitive,
    easy-to-use graphical FTP client Runs on all Java enabled platforms
    such as Windows, Linux, Solaris, UNIX and Mac OS X. Runs as a
    stand-alone application or as an Applet with in your Internet browser
    And it's FREE! Please check it out at

    File: jftp20w.zip (2916kB)
    Desc: JFTP for Windows - A Graphical FTP Client for Java
    psai@myjavaworld.com (Sai Pullabhotla) Version 2.0 of JFTP, An FTP
    client written in Java. http://www.myjavaworld.com/downloads/ A
    feature-rich, intuitive, easy-to-use graphical FTP client Runs on all
    Java enabled platforms such as Windows, Linux, Solaris, UNIX and Mac
    OS X. Runs as a stand-alone application or as an Applet with in your
    Internet browser And it's FREE! Please check it out at

    File: xmlpad.zip (1923kB)
    Desc: JXMLPad 1.9.4 JXMLPad is a java component for editing XML/HTML
    document. http://www.japisoft.com/xmlpad

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdntitles.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Oct 5 15:27:16 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: jw2010.zip (1776kB)
    Desc: Jabberwocky is a Lisp IDE containing a Lisp-aware editor with syntax
    highlighting, parentheses matching, a source analyzer, indentation, a
    source level debugger, a project explorer, and an interaction buffer.
    It is the replacement for the Lisp Debug project.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Oct 7 04:50:50 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jvider16.zip (259kB)
    Desc: jvider - Java Visual Interface Designer 1.6 With jvider you can easily
    design graphical user interfaces for your Java applets and
    applications. New in 1.6 version: - Ability to extend component
    gallery with custom JAVABEANS - GridBagLayout Insets control It does
    just what you need - easily design graphical user interface, test it
    and produce tidy Java source code. No custom libraries, no custom
    development environment, nothing. Just a tool to make your life

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Oct 24 22:59:16 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: xdbfj215.zip (368kB)
    Desc: xBaseJ (Version 2.1.5) - Advanced dBase Access for the Java Platform
    Requires Java 1.4. Using the latest JVM this release offers Advance
    Channel I/O and Operating System Record and File Locking.

    File: xdbfj20H.zip (338kB)
    Desc: xBaseJ v.2.0.H dbase Access for the Java platform. This version
    requires Java 1.1.7 or better. http://www.americancoders.com/

    File: jmp036.zip (449kB)
    Desc: JMP - Java Memory Profiler - version 0.36 JMP is a java profiler that
    can show memory usage and method times. It uses a gtk/2.x user
    interface, but may be compiled and run without any user interface.
    Changes for 0.36 include: A dialog that show the current monitors.
    Deadlock detection is performed when the monitor dialog is opened.
    Code cleanup and code commenting. Screenshots and downloaded can be
    found at: http://www.khelekore.org/jmp/

    File: ddino21w.zip (3072kB)
    Desc: DataDino v2.1 for Windows. Datadino is a free database managment tool
    that allows you to simply and easily browse and edit data without
    resorting to SQL. Support is provided for many popular database
    vendors, allowing your company to standardize on one tool. The
    interface is professionally crafted to allow you to easily find your
    way around even the largest database. DataDino also has a unique table
    wizard that gives you the ability to create complex tables from a
    simple, structured GUI.

    File: ddino21u.zip (3728kB)
    Desc: DataDino v2.1 for Unix. Datadino is a free database managment tool
    that allows you to simply and easily browse and edit data without
    resorting to SQL. Support is provided for many popular database
    vendors, allowing your company to standardize on one tool. The
    interface is professionally crafted to allow you to easily find your
    way around even the largest database. DataDino also has a unique table
    wizard that gives you the ability to create complex tables from a
    simple, structured GUI.

    File: ddino21m.zip (4260kB)
    Desc: DataDino v2.1 for MAC. Datadino is a free database managment tool that
    allows you to simply and easily browse and edit data without resorting
    to SQL. Support is provided for many popular database vendors,
    allowing your company to standardize on one tool. The interface is
    professionally crafted to allow you to easily find your way around
    even the largest database. DataDino also has a unique table wizard
    that gives you the ability to create complex tables from a simple,
    structured GUI.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Oct 31 01:05:40 2003
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: cygnus.zip (431kB)
    Desc: Cygnus Hex Editor - v1.53 Written by: SoftCircuits Keywords: hex
    editor binary file This is the fastest and easiest hex editor
    available anywhere! Features include MDI interface, multi-level undo &
    redo, extensive drag & drop support, blazing fast and flexible search,
    search and replace, delete and insert characters as easily as you can
    in a word processor, edit files up to available virtual memory (up to
    2GB), much more.

    File: cmpen20.zip (704kB)
    Desc: Compare and Merge is a visual file comparison utility that makes it
    easy to see and resolve differences between text files. Ideal for
    programmers, web developers, and anyone else who works with multiple
    revisions of files. Compare and Merge is free to try and only US $35
    or EUR 30 to buy. 60-day money-back guarantee. Unlimited free upgrades
    for life. For Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, and XP.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Nov 5 21:28:44 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: 406b-all.zip (4132kB)
    Desc: Jun for Java, a Java class library which can be used as a framework to
    handle 3D graphics and/or multimedia. It is an open source software,
    designed and implemented with object oriented technologies, and of
    course free of charge.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Nov 5 21:41:48 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: bvuedemo.zip (4074kB)
    Desc: Bellvue is a complete platform with an integrated web user interface
    framework and an in memory database system supporting the ACID DBMS
    properties, optimistic locking, schema evolution, class level access
    control, remote administration. It combines the tiers of the 3-tier
    application model (presentation, application logic, data) into one

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Nov 5 22:03:10 2003
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: wcd313s.zip (315kB)
    Desc: Wcd v3.1.3 Wcd Directory changer for DOS and Unix. Another Norton
    Change Directory (NCD) clone with more features. Source.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Nov 11 00:52:24 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Python Miscellaneous Files ========================================================================
    File: NLTK12.ZIP (274kB) Origin: 2:263/951
    Desc: The NL Toolkit is a Python package that simplifies the construction
    of programs that process natural language and defines standard
    interfaces between the different components of an NLP system.

    File: DSS13.TGZ (16kB) Origin: 2:263/951
    Desc: DirsSync is a python tool to synchronise 2 directories. This
    application will synchronise all the files and all the
    sub-directories, and prompt the user to confirm all the moves.

    File: NDOCS114.ZIP (201kB) Origin: 2:263/951
    Desc: Natural Docs is an extensible, multi-language, source code
    documentation generator written in Perl. Its syntax is transparent
    so the source comments read just as easily as the generated
    documentation. It also focuses on automation and high-quality HTML

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/ ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnpymisc/

    Area: PDNPYDB Python Database Files ========================================================================
    File: PSYCOPG.TGZ (241kB) Origin: 2:263/951
    Desc: psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming
    language. Its main advantages are that it supports the full Python
    DBAPI 2.0 and it is thread safe at level 2. It was designed for
    heavily multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of
    cursors and make a conspicuous number of concurrent INSERTs or
    UPDATEs. The psycopg distribution includes ZPsycopgDA, a Zope
    Database Adapter.

    http://www.filegate.net/pdnpydb/ ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnpydb/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything
    or at filegate.net port 24555 (binkp) http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Nov 11 01:01:02 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming Origin:1:261/38
    File: hexxit53.zip (251kB),
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v5.3a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2003. Compiles backwards with BC 7.10 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson, AS. Email: eoredson@yahoo.com Urls: www.simtel.net
    www.filegate.net www.winsite.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Dec 3 03:37:22 2003
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: Jscript.zip (3505kB)
    Desc: JavaScript FH Plus The biggest collection of Java Scripts that has
    bean published in a program. The program contains 170 finished Java
    Scripts, with every java effects you can think of. JavaScript FH Plus
    v1.0.2, the latest version of Emtec.no award winning JavaScript and
    Web tool. JavaScript FH Plus is a high-performance solution for
    creating and Managing Java Scripts and Web sites with a maximum of
    productivity and efficiency. US$ 35 http://www.emtec.no/
    Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,2000

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jan 16 02:56:52 2004
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYLNX Python Linux related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: easibx03.zip (23kB), Area: PDNPYLNX
    Desc: Easibox is a utility for building distribution archives

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpyweb/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnpyweb janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq.@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jan 17 22:34:08 2004
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jcmp088.zip (84kB)
    Desc: JCMP is a free java class compressor and java byte code optimizer
    (java class Obfuscator). As of version 0.8, it can: Optimize your code
    by reducing unnessessary load/store and goto instructions, Compress
    public/protected/private fields/methods to very short names, Compress
    class names to short names, Strip inner class information, Strip debug
    information. If the file ends with extension .war, jcmp will treate it
    as a war file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Feb 10 02:39:24 2004
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: flshu131.zip (7384kB)
    Desc: FlashUpdate 1.3.1 by Synopsis Software
    Full-featured and easy-to-use software update solution for Windows
    developers. With minimal effort on your part, your customers can now
    check for updates to your applications, and install the updates
    automatically over the Internet. Features a powerful WYSIWYG editor,
    an advanced binary patching engine, support for automatic updates,
    and much more.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Mar 2 02:40:58 2004
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: scp.zip (382kB)
    Desc: Super Color Picker is a very easy-to-use color picking tool that
    finishes picking color and copying color code to clipboard in as few
    as 2 clicks. It picks a color anywhere on the screen, automatically
    copies the color code to clipboard, and displays color codes in 6
    preset formats including RGB, HSL, HTML, Delphi, C++ and VB, which can
    be easily copied either by mouse or keyboards.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 5 20:25:32 2004
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexxit60.zip (427kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS v6.0a. Includes VB Professional v1.0 Source
    Code PD 2004. Compiles backwards with BC 7.10 files. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson, AS. Email: eoredson@yahoo.com Urls: www.simtel.net
    www.filegate.net www.winsite.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net//pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Apr 27 01:42:28 2004
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYWEB Python Web Related ========================================================================
    File: walker11.zip (20kB)
    Desc: Walker is a Python script that updates entire Web sites. It matches
    the remote site to your local copy using FTP. Once you set it up, it
    will upload any files that have changed in size, delete any remote
    files or directories you have deleted locally, and create any remote
    dirs you have added locally. The default deletion of files and
    directories can be overridden on the command line. Walker allows you
    to update your entire site by going online and then running one
    command in a terminal. It also includes Scpper.py, which updates a
    site in a similar manner, using scp.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything
    OR at filegate.net port 24555 (binkp) http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnpyweb janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 22 03:54:04 2004
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jxmlpad.zip (2209kB)
    Desc: JXMLPad 2.3 is a pure Swing java component/framework for editing
    XML/XHTML document.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 6 01:17:28 2004
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: blat222.zip (285kB)
    Desc: Blat v2.2.2 - Win32 utility to send SMTP mail from the command line.
    This is the FULL version with yEnc support. Useful for sending mail
    from automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts, etc. Includes source code. GNU
    Freeware/Public Domain. http://www.blat.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Jasen Betts@3:640/1042 to Pdn Hq on Wed Jul 7 20:16:40 2004
    Hello Pdn.

    06 Jul 04 00:17, you wrote to all:

    == File: blat222.zip (285kB) Desc: Blat v2.2.2 - Win32 utility to send SMTP mail from the command line.
    This is the FULL version with yEnc support. Useful for sending mail
    from automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts, etc.

    And bulk spam...

    That dosen't bother me. it's just a tool.


    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: (3:640/1042)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to Jasen Betts on Tue Jul 13 04:45:50 2004
    Hello Jasen,

    06 Jul 04 00:17, you wrote to all:

    == File: blat222.zip (285kB) Desc: Blat v2.2.2 - Win32 utility to send
    SMTP mail from the command line.
    This is the FULL version with yEnc support. Useful for sending mail
    from automated jobs, HTML CGI scripts, etc.

    And bulk spam...

    That dosen't bother me. it's just a tool.

    I draw the line at the blatent stuff... :)

    Take care,

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Aug 10 21:03:56 2004
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: ossldv97.zip (1149kB)
    Desc: OpenSSL v0.9.7d development files (Libraries and Include files with
    Docs) for DOS. Enclosed is libssl.a (SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1 and
    required code to support both SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLSv1 in the one
    server and client) and libcrypto.a (General encryption and X.509
    v1/v3 stuff needed by SSL/TLS for Digests, Public Keys and X.509v3
    certs). *** See file !ReadMe.1st to Install *** Released March 17th
    2004 (c) The OpenSSL Project; All rights reserved.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Sep 3 18:14:12 2004
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNUNIX *nix Programming Origin: 2:263/950 ============================================================================
    File: alleg430.zip (2384kB)
    Desc: Allegro v4.3.0, A game programming library that works under DOS, Unix
    (Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, BeOS, QNX and MacOS

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 2:263/950 ============================================================================
    File: all403.zip (2752kB), Area: PDNCEE, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: Allegro v.4.0.3 Game Library in DOS/Windows friendly format. For DOS,
    Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Irix, Solaris, Darwin), Windows, BeOS, QNX and
    MacOS X.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 6 03:22:30 2005
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexxit69.zip (291kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows version v6.9a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexi- decimal window environment. Includes VB
    Professional v1.0 Source Code PD 2005. Compiles backwards with BC7
    (PDS 7.10) Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email: eoredson@yahoo.com
    eoredson@hotmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net www.simtel.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Apr 12 01:31:30 2005
    Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 1:261/38

    File: hexxit70.zip (292kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows version v7.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexi- decimal window environment. Includes VB
    Professional v1.0 Source Code PD 2005. Compiles backwards with
    BC7 (PDS 7.10) Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@yahoo.com eoredson@hotmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net


    Area: PDNWINNT, Origin: 1:261/38
    File: HelpNDoc.zip (1653kB)
    Desc: HelpNDoc v1.2 Freeware. For Win95,98,ME,NT 4.x,W2000, WinXP, W2003 An
    easy to use yet powerful and intuitive tool to create html help files.
    HelpNDoc provides a clear and efficient interface to build the
    most amazing html help files without worrying about the
    inner working of help file generation. You enter your text in the
    built-in word processor and hit the "Compile" button to
    obtain a fully functional help file which looks exactly as
    you designed it.
    http://www.ibe-software.com/products/software /helpndoc/


    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark)
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue May 10 02:45:48 2005
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: hexxit73.zip (267kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows version v7.3a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2005. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@yahoo.com Urls: www.filegate.net www.simtel.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue May 10 04:45:40 2005
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: rapidj10.zip (9184kB)
    Desc: Java code generator that creates fully functional and customisable
    J2EE web applications. RapidJ was developed to dramatically lower the
    cost of J2EE development and reduce application time-to-market. RapidJ
    generates tiered J2EE web applications that utilise popular
    technologies such as Struts, Java Server Pages (JSP) and Java Database
    Connectivity (JDBC). Standards compliant, the software also provides
    specific support for many of the common application and database
    servers. http://www.codecanvas.com.au/rapidj/

    File: jgui126.zip (1509kB)
    Desc: JGui is a collection of useful Java GUI components and utilities. JGui
    includes: Docking windows framework, ThreadManager, helps to
    distribute tasks to a number of threads, TLToolTipManager - shows
    hidden parts of JTree's and JLabel's cells, Dynamic Tree Framework,
    JShape - not rectangular components, Resource embedding utility, other
    tools and utilities. JGui uses dual licensing - GPL license, other can
    buy commercial license. http://jgui.imagero.com/

    File: jnodesrc.zip (18501kB)
    Desc: JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal
    use. It runs on modern devices. Any java application will run on it,
    fast & secure! JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license. Latest
    release: JNode 0.2.0. Req: Pentium class CPU 256Mb RAM. JNode.org is
    an open source java OS written fully in java (with a very small
    assembler nano-kernel). http://www.jnode.org

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jun 9 01:38:14 2005
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: swhide-p.zip (1117kB)
    Desc: Hide&Protect v1.016 Price : $149 keyword : protection software
    anti-hacker anti-debugger encryption Protect your shareware before it
    becomes freeware. - Multi process activities - Real time control
    process - Monitoring of the target - Disable use of debuggers -
    Obfuscation of memory dumpers - Compression and encryption of target

    File: VBto.zip (1371kB)
    Desc: VBto Converter 1.5 Software for converting MS Visual Basic 6.0 forms
    to resource, source files and project MS VC++, MS VB.NET, MS C#.NET,
    Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi. VBto Converter create or update
    any project. For MS VC++ all forms of VB projects may be converted
    into MFC-based dialogs. Each such dialog will be provided with its
    .cpp and .h files. Win98, ME, XP, NT 3.x,NT 4.x,2000, 2003

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jun 9 14:12:18 2005
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jgui138.zip (477kB)
    Desc: JGui is a collection of useful Java GUI components and utilities. JGui
    includes: Docking windows framework for Swing and AWT; Dynamic Tree
    Framework; ThreadManager - helps to distribute tasks to a number of
    threads; TLToolTipManager - shows hidden parts of JTree's and JLabel's
    cells; JShape - not rectangular translucent components.

    File: edtftp15.zip (687kB)
    Desc: edtFTPj is Open Source (LGPL) and can be freely embedded into
    commercial applications. It supports a wide range of FTP commands, and
    has been downloaded over 100,000 times.
    http://www.enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpj /overview.html

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun Oct 2 00:58:34 2005
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: dzperl57.zip (1792kB)
    Desc: DzSoft Perl Editor is a tool for writing, editing & debugging Perl/CGI
    scripts. Comfortable & intuitive interface for both beginners &
    advanced programmers. Deceptive- ly simple, really a very powerful
    tool. Features Code Explorer, very comfortable editor with syntax
    highlighting, syntax check, easy debugging of command line & CGI
    scripts with breakpoints & variables watch, & more for easy &
    comfortable Perl development. Run a script & see the result
    immediately (no web server is necessary to test a CGI script in the
    browser)! Can upload your script to FTP, export source to HTML to
    publish on your web site, find errors in your script in a moment. For
    Win95, 98,WinME, XP, NT 4.x, Win 2000, 2003.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jul 7 18:13:56 2006
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jep240.zip (2502kB)
    Desc: JEP is a Java API for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
    With this library you can allow your users to enter an arbitrary
    formula as a string, and instantly evaluate it. JEP supports
    user defined variables, constants, and functions. A number of
    common mathematical functions and constants are included.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 19 18:36:08 2006
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: gnujsp.zip (209kB)
    Desc: TJWS JSP tune 1.0: This is adopted version of GNU JSP engine for
    working with TJWS version 1.15 or later.

    File: tjws124.zip (1816kB)
    Desc: Tiny Java Web Server 1.24: This release is tuned to run .war packaged
    web application out of the box. No extra tuning required. It also
    gives more flexibility of deployment and updates. Some new 2.5
    specification features taken in consideration. Changes: 1. launch web
    application without .war 2. user .war name as context path 3. handling
    namespace and schema in web.xml 4. some other minor bug fixes 5.
    system tray based control (Java 6 required) 6. multiple url-pattern
    for servlet and filters 7. using filters in include, forward, and
    error 8. fixed problem in URL rewriting

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Nov 4 20:23:08 2006
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: sic74a.zip (527kB)
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter. Includes Visual BASIC
    Professional 1.0 Source Code. Public Domain 2006. v7.4a Backwards
    compatible with BC 7.1 files Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Url: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net Date:

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Nov 4 20:23:08 2006
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: sic74a.zip (527kB)
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter. Includes Visual BASIC
    Professional 1.0 Source Code. Public Domain 2006. v7.4a Backwards
    compatible with BC 7.1 files Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Url: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net Date:

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Nov 11 12:51:42 2006
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: fpc211sl.zip (20M)
    FreePascal 2.1.1 Development
    For Sparc GNU/Linux
    Binaries built from SVN as of
    5th November, 2006. Built by
    Robert Wolfe of 1:261/1.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Programmers Distribution Network@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 25 00:46:12 2007
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: javachk.zip (3252kB), Area: PDNJAVA, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: JavaChecker is a static analyzer of Java source code. This tool allows
    to detect code defects, such as inaccurate exceptions handling, style
    defects, violations of standard usage contracts, inaccurate resource
    usage and so on. It is possible to extend JavaChecker by adding own
    rules as term rewriting systems or Java classes. More info at
    download: https://javachecker.dev.java.net/

    File: jun4java.zip (6419kB), Area: PDNJAVA, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: Jun4java v609. Jun4java is a framework for developing graphic
    multimedia applications provided as an Open Source Software at NO

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jun 11 10:33:36 2007
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jrefcard.zip (79kB)
    Desc: Java 5 & 6 Reference Card v6.0 r7 in PDF format. Any constructive
    feedback should be sent to the card author at: JavaRefCard @
    dcs.gla.ac.uk which has a fairly strong spam filter. A Google group is
    used to host public discussion about the Java Reference Card, this is
    open to all for constructive discussion. Dr Peter Dickman

    File: jcbb101.zip (786kB)
    Desc: Want to build a Java/Swing form-based GUI fast without the baggage of
    code generation? Is your head spinning from XyzListeners,
    SwingWorkers, and GridBagLayout? Snap your JComponents onto a 2-D
    grid, bind them to your properties...GUI accomplished!
    JComponentBreadboard uses an electronic breadboard metaphor to
    integrate Swing's disparate form-related elements into a single
    coherent class representing the form as a whole. Snap your JComponents
    onto a 2-D grid, bind them to your properties...GUI accomplished!

    File: winrun4j.zip (88kB)
    Desc: WinRun4J is a Windows native launcher for your Java application. The
    goal is to provide a more professional deployment mechanism for Java
    apps on Windows. It provides an alternative to javaw.exe and provides
    the following benefits: * Use of INI file for specifying classpath,
    main class, vm args, program args. * Custom executable name that
    appears in task manager. * Built-in icon replacer for custom icon.
    WinRun4J is licensed under the Common Public License (CPL).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Tue Oct 16 18:44:26 2007
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 =========================================================================== File: hexxit77.zip 071016 (306k)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows
    version v7.7a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window
    environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2007.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    www.simtel.net Date: 10/15/2007

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp: filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Oct 20 23:27:50 2007
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jdchaser.zip (5012kB)
    Desc: jDiffChaser is a GPL tool that automatically takes and compares
    screenshots from the latest production version of your swing app and
    the current development version to automatically highlight changes.

    File: edtftp15.zip (1077kB)
    Desc: edtFTPj is Open Source (LGPL) and can be freely embedded into
    commercial applications. It supports a wide range of FTP commands.
    http://www.enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpj /overview.html

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Nov 24 20:57:50 2007
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jun4java.zip (7107kB)
    Desc: Jun4Java v695. Jun is a framework for developing 3D graphic multimedia
    applications provided as an Open Source Software at NO COST. Please
    refer to the following URL for more information about "Jun for Java".
    New Features! http://www.sra.co.jp/people/nisinaka/Jun4Java/index-e.html

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Mar 18 00:57:48 2008
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: fidoff.zip (28kB)
    Desc: FIDOFF is used to filter the WinXP DOS Dir command output and create
    a unique Files.BBS type file (called FILESDB.BBS) in a specified
    folder/directory. Creates mirror file FReqFIDO.Dir in current
    directory. Includes Basic source code. by Ben Ritchey

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:8080/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 8 00:19:12 2008
    Today, <<Prism received the following files:

    Area: PDNWINNT Programming files for W95+ Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: wnmenu68.zip (5804kB)
    Desc: Windows Explorer Context Menu (.Net Component) 6.83 Add Items to
    Windows Explorer context menu - fast and easy ? Then you need Windows
    Explorer Context Menu. This .Net component will add all your custom
    items to Windows Explorer Shell context menu - automatically. All is
    supported (.Net, C#, VB.Net, C++, Java, CLR, etc.) ~ Add items to
    Windows Explorer Shell context menu on-the-fly ~ Add items with your
    icon and caption to Windows Explorer Shell context menu ~ Add to
    Explorer context menu items (entries) of all types.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm). =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwinnt/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net/pdn/pdnwinnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sun May 17 21:09:42 2009
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    File: stree29.zip (58kB)
    Desc: Stree v2.9a directory display utility. Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC. Public Domain 1999-2009. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.simtel.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:8080/pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Fri Sep 4 21:11:48 2009
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    File: sic78a.zip (534kB)
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter. Includes Visual
    Professional 1.0 Source Code. Public Domain 2009. v7.8
    compatible with BC 7.1 files Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    eoredson@gmail.com Url: www.simtel.net www.filegate.ne

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Oct 11 14:18:46 2009
    File: sic79a.zip (531kB), Area: PDNBASIC sic79a.zip 091010 531k 0 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2009. v7.9a
    Backwards compatible with BC 7.1 files
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net
    Date: 10/03/2009

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Feb 25 19:27:54 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: JETSET.ZIP (13kB), Area: PDNBASIC, Origin: 1:261/38

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Feb 26 22:02:32 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: JETSET.ZIP (87kB)
    Desc: JETSET.Exe is an IFR Flight Simulator for the Boeing 747 (written
    06/28/1981 by Jean Szymanski, revised 02/25/1982) originally
    appearing in the November 1982 edition of BYTE magazine. with full
    instructions and Basic source code (syntax for QBasic v2+)

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Apr 4 22:58:04 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files: ===========================================================================
    Area: PDNPYLNX Linux Python files Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    File: easyconf.zip (37kB)
    Desc: easygconf is a Python module that provids an easy, pythonic way to
    access GConf <http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/> through a dict-like

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ Anonymous/email add. for pw =======================================================================

    Please note new port for ftp!

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 7 19:45:26 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files: ===========================================================================
    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    File: stree30.zip (114kB)
    Desc: Stree v3.0a directory display utility. Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC. Public Domain 1999-2010. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.simtel.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ Anonymous/email add. for pw =======================================================================

    Please note new port for ftp!

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 29 15:37:14 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files: ===========================================================================
    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: bmail1-4.zip (208kB), Area: PDNCEE, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: blueMail 1.4 is a multi-format offline mail reader for Unix, DOS,
    Win32, and other systems. It supports the Blue Wave, QWK, QWKE, SOUP,
    OMEN and Hippo packet formats, the Hudson and BBBS Message Bases, Unix
    (mbox) mail, Eudora and is designed to be a reasonable alternative to
    the Blue Wave mail reader. It has a full screen, colored user
    interface built with the curses library. blueMail is free, "open
    source" software, provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
    distributed under the GNU General Public License. Its current
    maintainer is Ingo Brueckl and will not accept liability resulting
    from your use or inability to use blueMail. You can get the latest
    version from http://home.wtal.de/ib/bluemail
    BZ2 archive.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdncee/ Anonymous/email add. for pw =======================================================================

    Please note new port for ftp!

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jul 5 15:20:36 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files: ===========================================================================
    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: sic80a.zip (536kB)
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter. Includes Visual BASIC
    Professional 1.0 Source Code. Public Domain 2010. v8.0a Backwards
    compatible with BC 7.1 files Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Url: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net Date:

    File: hexxit78.zip (308kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows version v7.8a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2010. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net www.simtel.net Date:
    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) Please note new port for ftp! =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ Anonymous/email add. for pw =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 21 04:41:52 2010
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files: ===========================================================================
    Area: PDNUNIX *nix Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: cxref1-6.zip (401kB), Area: PDNUNIX, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: C Cross Referencing & Documenting tool.
    Version 1.6c - cxref Cxref is a program that will produce documentation
    (in LaTeX, HTML, RTF or SGML$ including cross-references from C program
    source code. Works for ANSI
    C, including most gcc extensions. The documentation for the program
    is produced from comments in the code that are appropriately
    formatted. The cross referencing comes from the code itself.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) Please note new port for ftp! =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:unix/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ Anonymous/email add. for pw =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Aug 24 13:59:04 2010
    Today, <<Prism BBS received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    File: stree31.zip (115kB)
    Desc: Stree v3.1a directory display utility. Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC. Public Domain 1999-2010. Author: Erik Jon
    Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.simtel.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jun 27 13:11:26 2011
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Related files Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: fte_w64.zip (588kB)
    Desc: Programmer's Folding Text Editor MSVC 2010 Win64 Build by Robert
    Wolfe. Origin: Omicron Theta BBS, telnet://fpsoft.net

    File: fte_w32.zip (498kB)
    Desc: Programmer's Folding Text Editor MSVC 2010 Win32 Build by Robert
    Wolfe. Origin: Omicron Theta BBS, telnet://fpsoft.net

    File: wxsmenu8.zip (6015kB)
    Desc: Add items to Windows Explorer context menu (easily) (just couple of
    minutes - and all your items will be appended to Windows Explorer
    context menu) - Works on any computer (including all types of
    Windows XP, Vista, x64, etc.) - All is supported (are supported all
    Windows shell context menu features, including advanced) - Easy to
    start (with step-by-step quick-start tutorials, full C# and VB .Net
    demos - you will add your items to shell menu in 5 minutes)

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Sep 23 23:45:26 2011
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: wcd515s.zip (165kB)
    Desc: WCD v5.15 Directory changer for DOS and Unix. Source code in tar gzip
    format. This zip file contains wcd-5.1.5-src.tar.gz.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/wcd515s.zip
    janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Nov 14 14:20:18 2011
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: sys1002.zip (332kB)
    Desc: sysstat-10.0.2. The sysstat utilities are a collection of performance
    monitoring tools for Linux. These include sar, sadf, mpstat, iostat,
    nfsiostat, cifsiostat, pidstat and sa tools. Source.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Nov 15 19:59:26 2011
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: wcd520s.zip (377kB)
    Desc: WCD v5.2.0 WCD - Wherever Change Directory chdir for DOS and Unix, w/C
    src. Sources, DOS text, including doc files.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Nov 15 20:01:02 2011
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: wcd52src.zip (174kB)
    Desc: WCD 5.2.0 - Wherever Change Directory chdir for DOS and Unix, w/C src.
    Wcd is a command-line program to change directory fast. It saves time
    typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory
    name and wcd will jump to it. Wcd has a fast selection method in case
    of multiple matches and allows aliasing and banning of directories.
    Wcd also includes a full screen interactive directory tree browser
    with speed search. Linux Source.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 9 21:04:56 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXXIT79.ZIP (333kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows version v7.9a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net www.simtel.net Date:

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 5 20:59:58 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXXIT80.ZIP (343kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for DOS and Windows version v8.0a. Allows fast file
    editing in a hexidecimal window environment. Includes VB Pro v1.00
    Source Code public domain 2012. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net www.simtel.net Date:

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (sm) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://ftp.filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jun 9 14:53:20 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: imgview.rar (4096kB)
    Desc: 1:4 VISCOM TIFF ActiveX SDK v8.07 BBMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPEG 2000,
    ActiveX / OCX. VB.Net, c#, VB, VC++, Delphi, PowerBuilder,eVFP, .Net
    mark a selection, crop, zoom in , zoom out on selection and rotate the
    image function. Read, write EXIF image information, binary/ data types
    for storage Has ability to add text on image when printing Has ability
    to rotate,flip and zoom the image easily. Source code sample includes
    Access, Delphi, VB, VB.net, VFP and Web Page.

    File: imgview.r00 (4055kB)
    Desc: 2:4 VISCOM TIFF ActiveX SDK v8.07

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jun 9 15:33:52 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: imgview.r01 (4096kB)
    Desc: 3:4 VISCOM TIFF ActiveX SDK v8.07

    File: imgview.r02 (1406kB)
    Desc: 4:4 VISCOM TIFF ActiveX SDK v8.07

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 24 22:02:36 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: NETPDF.zip (11195kB)
    Desc: .NET PDF Control - Nasosoft Pdf .NET v3.6 is a .NET library for adding
    PDF document capabilities in your .NET applications.Developers can
    implement and create powerful PDF solutions and applications that can
    create, manipulate, edit, fill and print PDF document. Nasosoft .NET
    Components v3.6 is a suite of comprehensive and powerful development
    components for C# /VB.NET, including Excel/PDF/ZIP/TAR/GZIP file
    formats components (Nasosoft Excel, Nasosoft PDF and Nasosoft
    Compression), HTMLTORTF, RTFTOHTML, RTFTOTEXT format transform
    components. Homepage: http://www.nasosoft.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Pdn Hq@1:261/38 to All on Sat Aug 18 11:38:24 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: imgviewr.zip (19655kB)
    Desc: VISCOM TIFF Viewer ActiveX SDK v9.53 Support read Kodak/Wang
    Annotation tag within a TIFF file and display it. Convert PDF, TIF to
    single or multi-page MS Word (.docx) File. Create MS Word (.docx)
    File and add images and texts to specific page. Perform Barcode
    Recognition processes an entire page or only specific areas in a page
    and Supported Codabar, Code 11 Code 3 of 9, Industrial 2 from 5,
    Interleave 2 from 5, Matrix 2 from 5, Code 128, EAN 8,13, UPC-A, or E
    Barcode Type. Rotate mulitpage TIFF PDF. OCR to searchable pdf.
    Convert PDF to text. Render password protected PDF document using 40
    bit, 128 bit RC4 encryption and owner, user password. Support save as
    single or multi-page PDF/A. Convert images from any color resolution
    to 1, 4, 8 bit, 8 bit grayscale, 16, 24, 32 bit.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Nov 1 21:38:36 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: videdit.zip (6713kB)
    Desc: VISCOM Video Edit ActiveX Control v2.94 Resize specific video
    resolution.Export video frames to image. Extract video/audio track
    from mpg, wmv, avi, mp3, wma files and then save to avi
    (uncompressed)/(compressed using any available codec), or wmv
    files.Provide over 20 transitions and over 50 effects between any
    combination of video clips, pictures. Compatible with any programming
    language that supports ActiveX (Access, Visual C++ , Visual Basic ,
    Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.) Include Access, Visual C++ , Visual
    Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net Sample Code. Royalty free
    distribution of the OCX file. www.viscomsoft.com/products/videoedit/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Nov 1 21:50:10 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: vchatpro.zip (7284kB)
    Desc: VISCOM Video Chat Pro ActiveX SDK v3.76 Live Video Conferencing in LAN
    or Internet (Peer to Peer). Send live video messages using your
    webcam. Send live audio messages using your microphone. Video device
    selection. Audio device selection. Programmatically control the video
    bitrate, frame rate, audio quality, so it can use Video Conferencing
    in any internet connection. Enable/Disable send video or audio stream
    only. Support c#, VB.net ,Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Foxpro.
    Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX
    (Access, c#, VB.net ,Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro,
    Delphi, .Net, etc.) Include VB, VC++ source code sample. Royalty free
    distribution of the OCX file. www.viscomsoft.com/products/videochatpro/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Nov 1 22:09:36 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: vchatsdk.zip (7284kB)
    Desc: VISCOM Video Chat SDK v3.01 Live Video Conferencing (Peer to Peer).
    Send live video messages using your webcam. Send live audio messages
    using your microphone. Programmatically select the web cam to use.
    Single frame and image sequence capture.Programmatically select the
    audio device. Compatible with any programming language that supports
    ActiveX (Access, Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi,
    .Net, etc.) Royalty free distribution of the OCX file.Compatible with
    any programming language that supports ActiveX (Access, Visual C ,
    Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.) Include Delphi,
    C#2010, VB.Net 2010, VB, VC , VFP, Web Page Sample source code.Royalty
    free distribution of the OCX file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Dec 7 00:53:52 2012
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: libt0165.zip (2845kB)
    Desc: libtorrent is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all
    the other bittorrent implementations around. It is a library and not
    a full featured client, although it comes with a working example
    client. The main goals of libtorrent are:
    * to be cpu efficient
    * to be memory efficient
    * to be very easy to use

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jan 19 23:02:20 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYWEB Python Web/Internet files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: Webwr111.zip (981kB), Area: PDNPYWEB, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: Webware for Python v1.1.1 is a suite of Python packages and tools for
    developing object-oriented, web-based applications. The suite uses
    well known design patterns and includes a fast Application Server,
    Servlets, Python Server Pages (PSP), Object-Relational Mapping, Task
    Scheduling, Session Management, and many other features. Webware is
    very modular and easily extended. http://www.webwareforpython.org/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp)
    http://www.filegate.net/pdnpyweb/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jan 19 23:46:36 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: isforth.zip (273kB)
    Desc: IsForth v1.24b is a 32-bit Linux Forth compiler.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp)
    http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Feb 4 09:52:34 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: seed7.zip (1787kB)
    Desc: Seed7 is a general purpose programming language designed by Thomas
    Mertes. It is a higher level language compared to Ada, C/C++ and
    Java. The Seed7 interpreter and the example programs are open-source
    software. There is also an open-source Seed7 compiler. The compiler
    translates Seed7 programs to C programs which are subsequently
    compiled to machine code. Although Seed7 contains several concepts
    from other programming languages, it is generally not considered a
    direct descendant of any other programming language.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Feb 27 19:49:02 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: qtsource.zip (1363kB)
    Desc: Mainmedia Quick Time Source Directshow Filter v3.32. Shareware.
    Quick Time Source Filter is a powerful source filter that allows
    playback mov, ipod, psp, mp4 video with aac audio, 3gp video with amr
    audio in any Directshow base application. The quality of video same
    as Quick Time Player. Support playback mov, ipod, psp, mp4 video with
    aac audio, 3gp video with amr audio in any Directshow base
    application. Include c#, VC++ sample. Compatible with any
    programming language that supports Directshow for Win95, Win98,
    Windows2000, WinXP. http://www.mainmediasoft.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Feb 27 20:35:08 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: txtimgol.zip (1903kB),
    Desc: Mainmedia Text & Image Overlay Directshow Filter v1.42. Shareware.
    Text & Image Overlay Filter transform filter to adjust video
    color-contrast, brightness, saturate, hue, lightness, invert color.
    Unlimited texts, images, watermarks to video stream, user define font
    size, font name,color, or outline text, alpha blending text, user
    define alpha blending of image, transparent color. Adjust contrast,
    brightness, saturate, hue, lightness, invert color. Unlimited number
    of text items to mix, Alpha blending. Unlimited number of image items
    to mix, Alpha blending & transparent color control. Inc. VC++
    sample. Compatible any programming language that supports Directshow.
    For Win98, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Mar 4 12:49:10 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: seed7.zip (1796kB)
    Desc: Seed7 is a general purpose programming language. It is a higher level
    language compared to Ada, C++, and Java. In Seed7, new statements and
    operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and
    type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept.
    Object orientation is used when it brings advantages and not in places
    when other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains
    several concepts of other programming languages, it is generally not
    considered as a direct descendant of any other programming language.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 8 17:14:42 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: lzrecovr.zip (77kB)
    Desc: Lziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the
    lzip compressed data format (.lz) able to repair slightly damaged
    files, recover badly damaged files from two or more copies, extract
    undamaged members from multi-member files, decompress files and test
    integrity of files. lziprecover-1.13.tar.gz is stored in this file
    and contains the sources. http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lzip

    File: lzip114.zip (80kB)
    Desc: Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with
    very safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one
    of gzip or bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as quickly as gzip and
    compresses better than bzip2, which makes it well suited for software
    distribution and data archiving. To recover data from a damaged lzip
    file, try the lziprecover program. This file has stored
    lzip-1.14.tar.gz, the source archive.

    File: lunzip12.zip (57kB)
    Desc: Lunzip is a decompressor for lzip files. It is written in C and its
    small size makes it well suited for embedded devices or software
    installers that need to decompress files but do not need compression
    capabilities. This file has stored lunzip-1.2.tar.gz, the source
    archive. http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lzip

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Mar 11 21:39:24 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: Crayon01.zip (278kB)
    Desc: Crayonizer "crayonizes" the output of other programs. It uses pattern
    matches to color in and otherwise transmogrify selected text. It's
    written in straight C with few dependencies. Initial release. Can be
    called with other programs. http://idratherhack.blogspot.com

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: Fresh215.zip (2255kB)
    Desc: Fresh IDE is a visual assembly language IDE with a built-in Flat
    assembler (FASM) compiler. It is written in Fresh IDE and is a
    self-compilable application. It is fully compatible with FASM and can
    be compiled with every version of FASM, as well. It is a Windows
    application, but it runs in Wine very well and can create, compile,
    debug, and run applications for Windows and the andLinux distribution
    of Linux, working well on both Windows and Linux host machines.

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: Dom1113.zip (5926kB)
    Desc: Domination is a game that is a bit like the well known board game of
    Risk. It has many features, including network play, many maps, a map
    editor, and many more features. Includes source. Requires SUN Java
    1.4 or higher. Miniumum Resolulation is 1024x768

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNPYWEB Python WEB Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: elyxr124.zip (2436kB)
    Desc: eLyXer (pronounced elixir) is a LyX editor to HTML converter.
    Stand-alone tool that does not depend on LyX. Python source included.

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNPYMATH Python Math Tools Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: minfx104.zip (59kB), Area: PDNPYMATH, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: The minfx project is a Python package for numerical optimization. It
    provides a large collection of standard minimization algorithms,
    including the line search methods (steepest descent, back-and-forth
    coordinate descent, quasi-Newton BFGS, Newton, and Newton-CG), the
    trust-region methods (Cauchy point, dogleg, CG-Steihaug, and exact
    trust region), the conjugate gradient methods (Fletcher-Reeves,
    Polak-Ribiere, Polak-Ribiere +, and Hestenes-Stiefel), the
    miscellaneous methods (Grid search, Simplex, andLevenberg- Marquardt),
    and the augmented function constraint algorithms (logarithmic barrier
    and method of multipliers). A large collection of standard
    minimisation algorithms. The name minfx is simply a shortening of the
    mathematical expression min f(x). https://gna.org/projects/minfx/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.htm#pdn
    ftp: filegate.net 60721/pdn/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Mar 13 11:40:58 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:393/68 ===========================================================================
    FBD2HTM.ZIP 130313 44k 0 FBD2HTM will convert descript.ion files
    in the current directory to html Index
    files for Web use. Note that Long File
    Names (LFNs) are NOT supported! See
    FBD2HTM.INI for option instructions and
    see FB2HTM.BAT for execution example.
    Freeware with Basic source code

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Mar 16 16:38:28 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:393/68 ===========================================================================
    File: FB2HTM13.ZIP (206kB)
    Desc: FBD2HTM v1.3 converts descript.ion files in the current directory to
    html Index files for Web use. DOS or Wins thru XP! (LFNs supported!)
    See FBD2HTM.INI for option instructions and see FB2HTM.BAT for
    execution example. Freeware with Basic source code included :) (c)
    2013 Ben Ritchey fido4cmech@lusfiber.net http://cmech.dynip.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 22 12:48:46 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: slvidcap.zip (5973kB)
    Desc: Silverlight .NET Video Capture SDK v1.01. Shareware. For Web or
    Window Developers who need to Video Capture processing on Window and
    Mac OS X or browser-based application. Capture Video From WebCam.
    Snapshot to JPEG file or WriteableBitmap. Programmatically select
    video device, get the specific video device name and count of video
    device. Support a lot of Video Effects. Includes Sliverlight c# 2010
    Sample Code. Royalty free distribution of the control files.
    Compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or above products
    including Visual Studio 2010 Expression Editions as well as Microsoft
    Expression Blend. For Mac OS X,Win7 x32,Win7
    x64,Win98,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP http://www.viscomsoft.com/

    File: vcaplive.rar (3941kB)
    Desc: 1:6 VISCOM VideoCap Live ActiveX OCX SDK v5.02. Shareware. Live audio
    & video content in real time to client computers. Broadcast from
    anything plugged into audio or video card. Monitor # of client
    connected. Overlay text or image on video when broadcasting. Receive
    video from window media player. Configure streams to use Window Media
    Video 9 Codec, VBR & CBR bitrates, uncompressed audio or video stream,
    etc. Users can view content with Microsoft Windows Media Player.
    Comp with any prg language that usupports ActiveX (Access, ASP, c#,
    VB.Net, Visual C++ , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.)
    Royalty free distribution of the OCX file. Much more.. For Win7
    x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP

    File: vcaplive.r00 (3941kB)
    Desc: 2:6 VISCOM VideoCap Live ActiveX OCX SDK v5.02

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 22 22:27:54 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:393/68 ===========================================================================
    File: FB2HTM14.ZIP (206kB)
    Desc: FBD2HTM v1.4 converts descript.ion files in the current directory to
    html Index files for Web use. DOS or Wins thru XP! (LFNs supported!)
    See FBD2HTM.INI for option instructions and see FB2HTM.BAT for
    execution example. Freeware with Basic source code included :) (c)
    2013 Ben Ritchey fido4cmech@lusfiber.net http://cmech.dynip.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    ftp://filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnbasic/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Mar 23 13:50:00 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: vcaplive.r01 (3941kB)
    Desc: 3:6 VISCOM VideoCap Live ActiveX OCX SDK v5.02

    File: vcaplive.r02 (3941kB)
    Desc: 4:6 VISCOM VideoCap Live ActiveX OCX SDK v5.02

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Mar 23 22:12:10 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNASM ASSEMBLY Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: mikeos44.zip (338kB)
    Desc: MikeOS is an operating system for x86 PCs, written in assembly
    language. It is a learning tool to show how simple OSes work, with
    well-commented code and extensive documentation. Features: A
    text-mode dialog and menu-driven interface. Boots from a floppy disk,
    CD-ROM or USB key. Over 60 system calls for use by third-party
    programs. File manager, text editor, image viewer, games. Includes a
    BASIC interpreter with 46 instructions. PC speaker sound and serial
    terminal connection. The code is completely open source (under a
    BSD-like license). written by Mike Saunders and other developers.

    File: mkosXFER.zip (69kB)
    Desc: Xfer, a Xmodem based utility to enable the uploading of compiled bin
    files to a MikeOS computer.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnasm/ ftp://filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnasm/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Apr 9 11:42:14 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: termcolr.zip (5kB), Area: PDNPYMISC
    Desc: terminal_colors is a tool to display a terminal color chart for 8, 16,
    88, and 256 color terminals. It provides all the functionality of the
    various similar scripts found around the Web with some additional
    bells and whistles. It automatically detects 8, 16, 88, and 256 color
    capabilities (via ncurses) and displays the appropriate color charts.
    It can display the colors as blocks or (2D) cubes, optionally with
    color values overlaid in int or hex values. It can show the full rgb
    text string as well. It can also show the display with a vertical
    (default) or horizontal orientation. It has the option of additional
    padding and supports -h --help as well. It also works as a utility
    for converting between 256 and 88 color values.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/
    ftp: filegate.net 60721 /pub/pdn/pdnpymisc/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Apr 11 21:16:02 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: thinkpy.zip (751kB)
    Desc: Think Python is an introduction to Python programming for beginners.
    It starts with basic concepts of programming, and is carefully
    designed to define all terms when they are first used and to develop
    each new concept in a logical progression. Larger pieces, like
    recursion and object-oriented programming are divided into a sequence
    of smaller steps and introduced over the course of several chapters.

    File: complex.zip (1264kB)
    Desc: This book in pdf format is about complexity science, data structures
    and algorithms, intermediate programming in Python, and the philosophy
    of science: Data structures and algorithms.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/
    ftp: filegate.net 60721 /pub/pdn/pdnpymisc/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Apr 20 20:19:40 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYLNX Python Linux related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: pyngu014.zip (604kB)
    Desc: Pynguin is a Python-based turtle graphics application. It combines an
    editor, an interactive interpreter, and a graphics display area. It
    is meant to be an easy environment for introducing some programming
    concepts to beginning programmers. https://code.google.com/p/pynguin/

    Area: PDNPYWNT Python Windows related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: pyguiw14.zip (677kB)
    Desc: Pynguin is a Python-based turtle graphics application. It combines an
    editor, an interactive interpreter, and a graphics display area. It
    is meant to be an easy environment for introducing some programming
    concepts to beginning programmers. This version is in zip format for
    Windows. https://code.google.com/p/pynguin/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpylnx/
    http://www.filegate.net/pdnpywnt janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 22 10:25:50 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: aime5.zip (1601kB)
    Desc: aime is a simple, C-like programming language and an interpreter, both
    designed to be embeddable in applications. The language is
    straightforward, trivial, and direct. Its syntax is simpler than that
    of C, while still providing for full object management, higher order
    functions, and references. The interpreter is secure and expressive,
    allowing comprehensive control over program execution and providing
    powerful methods of application integration. OS: Linux

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything filegate.net: (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/
    janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 22 10:28:12 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: verbiste.zip (689kB)
    Desc: Verbiste is a French conjugation system implemented as a C++ library,
    a GNOME applet, and two command-line tools. It can conjugate verbs
    and analyze conjugated verbs to determine their mode, tense, and
    person. The knowledge base contains over 6700 verbs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 22 10:49:42 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: seed7.zip (1822kB)
    Desc: Seed7 is a general purpose programming language. It is a higher level
    language compared to Ada, C++, and Java. In Seed7, new statements and
    operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and
    type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept.
    Object orientation is used when it brings advantages and not in places
    when other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains
    several concepts of other programming languages, it is generally not
    considered as a direct descendant of any other programming language.
    Seed7 supports several operating systems such as Linux, Windows, Mac
    OS X and various Unix variants.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 24 21:02:30 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: Dom1114.zip (6186kB)
    Desc: Domination v1.1.1.4. This is a game is a bit like the well known board
    game of Risk. It has many features, including network play, many
    maps, a map editor, and many more features. Includes source.
    Requires SUN Java 1.4 or higher. http://domination.sf.net/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 29 11:09:00 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: fmclszip.zip (2640kB)
    Desc: FM-Classic provides an easy way to get data from Java servlets into
    Web pages. It also helps you keep graphic design separate from
    application logic. The template language is powerful and intuitive,
    the compiler is fast, and the output approaches the speed of static
    HTML pages. FM-Classic is a continuation of the FreeMarker 1.x code
    base. This archive is in zip format for Windows systems.

    File: fmclstgz.zip (1261kB)
    Desc: FM-Classic provides an easy way to get data from Java servlets into
    Web pages. It also helps you keep graphic design separate from
    application logic. The template language is powerful and intuitive,
    the compiler is fast, and the output approaches the speed of static
    HTML pages. FM-Classic is a continuation of the FreeMarker 1.x code
    base. This archive contains a tar gzip file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:2121 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Apr 30 17:53:32 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: xbgi362.zip (61kB)
    Desc: libXbgi is a compatibility library that can be used to port old
    programs written for Turbo/Borland C to X11, on Linux and other
    Unix-like systems. And, of course, to write new graphics programs
    with minimal effort: BGI, once extremely popular, was probably the
    simplest way to implement presentation graphics in C programs. The
    same ease of programming can be obtained on modern systems with
    libXbgi. http://libxbgi.sourceforge.net/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 3 12:25:04 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: netvidcp.zip (1269kB)
    Desc: Viscomsoft .Net Video Capture SDK v1.0. Shareware. Video capture sdk,
    .net web cam sdk. Capture Video/Audio from Web Cam, Capture Card.
    Take SnapShot from Web Cam, Capture Card. Capture to AVI or WMV from
    Web Cam, Capture Card. Support Snapshot when capturing to AVI and
    WMV. Programmatically selected Video Device, Audio Device, Video
    Format, Video Compressor, Audio Compressor. Custom define display
    area. http://www.viscomsoft.com/ Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinVista,
    WinVista x64, WinXP

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu May 9 10:53:32 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: LiVES204.zip (4746kB)
    Desc: LiVES is a simple to use yet powerful video effects, editing,
    conversion, and playback system aimed at the digital video artist and
    VJ. It runs under Linux, BSD, Mac OS X/Darwin, IRIX, and openMosix.
    It is frame and sample accurate, can handle almost all types of video,
    and is fully extendable through plugins and the included plugin
    builder tool. It can also be controlled remotely using OSC. Source
    Code. http://lives.sourceforge.net/

    File: httpg231.zip (54kB)
    Desc: httping is a "ping"-like tool for HTTP requests. Give it a URL and it
    will show how long it takes to connect, send a request, and retrieve
    the reply (only the headers). It can be used for monitoring or
    statistical purposes (measuring latency). Supports IPv6.

    File: stxbtree.zip (1687kB)
    Desc: STX B+ Tree v0.9 package is a set of C++ template classes implementing
    a B+ tree key/data container in main memory. The classes are designed
    as drop-in replacements of the STL containers set, map, multiset, and
    multimap, and follow their interfaces very closely. These B+ classes
    tree reduce heap fragmentation and utilize cache-line effects better
    than the standard red-black binary tree. Algorithms are based on the
    implementation in Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest's Introduction into
    Algorithms, Jan Jannink's paper, and other algorithm resources.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu May 9 13:08:08 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: Crayon02.zip (376kB)
    Desc: Crayonizer v0.2 "crayonizes" the output of other programs. It uses
    pattern matches to color in and otherwise transmogrify selected text.
    It's written in straight C with few dependencies.
    https://sites.google.com/site/columscode/ home/crayonizer

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu May 9 13:24:34 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: smejdb11.zip (1772kB)
    Desc: EJDB is an embedded JSON database engine. It aims to be a fast
    MongoDB-like NoSQL library that can be embedded into
    C/C++/Nodejs/Python3/Lua applications. It features collection-level
    write locking, collection level transactions, string token matching
    queries, and a Node.js binding.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 10 09:31:46 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: ncdu110.zip (129kB)
    Desc: ncdu v.1.10 (NCurses Disk Usage) is a curses-based version of the
    well-known "du", and provides a fast way to see what directories are
    using your disk space. http://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun May 12 23:59:12 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: jckcss12.zip (683kB)
    Desc: Jackcess is a pure Java library for reading and writing MS Access
    databases (currently supporting versions 2000-2007).

    File: jckcssrc.zip (525kB)
    Desc: Jackcess Source code. A pure Java library for reading and writing MS
    Access databases (currently supporting versions 2000-2007).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu May 16 15:29:28 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: mpyrs13.zip (4988kB)
    Desc: Mapyrus is software for creating plots of points, lines, polygons, and
    labels in PostScript, PDF, SVG, and Web image output formats. It
    combines the following three components: A Logo or turtle graphics
    language, reading of GIS datasets and RDBMS tables, and running as a
    stand-alone program, as a Java Servlet, or as a self-contained Web
    server. implemented entirely in Java enabling it to run on a wide
    range of operating systems. http://mapyrus.sourceforge.net/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 20 11:19:20 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: gny1231.zip (4785kB)
    Desc: Geany v1.23.1 is a small C editor using GTK2 with basic features of an
    integrated development environment. It features syntax highlighting,
    code completion, call tips, many supported filetypes (including C,
    Java, PHP, HTML, DocBook, Perl, LateX, and Bash), and symbol lists.

    File: aime520.zip (1614kB)
    Desc: aime v5.20 is a simple, C like programming language and an application
    embeddable interpreter. The language is meant to be simple and
    productive. The interpreter stresses data integrity and
    expressiveness. The featured automatic resource management makes
    programming trivial and the program execution safe for the
    applications embedding the interpreter.

    File: seed7520.zip (1803kB)
    Desc: Seed7 is a general purpose programming language. It is a higher level
    language compared to Ada, C++, and Java. In Seed7, new statements and
    operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and
    type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept.
    Object orientation is used when it brings advantages and not in places
    when other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains
    several concepts of other programming languages, it is generally not
    considered as a direct descendant of any other programming language.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 20 11:21:44 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: gny1231w.zip (8231kB)
    Desc: Geany v1.23.1 is a small C editor using GTK2 with basic features of an
    integrated development environment. It features syntax highlighting,
    code completion, call tips, many supported filetypes (including C,
    Java, PHP, HTML, DocBook, Perl, LateX, and Bash), and symbol lists.
    This archive contains the binary for Windows including GTK 2.16.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 20 14:24:44 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: jodd344.zip (1549kB)
    Desc: Jodd 3.4.4 is a Java utility library and set of frameworks. Jodd
    tools enrich the JDK with many utilities. It helps with everyday
    tasks, and makes code more robust and reliable. Jodd frameworks is
    set of lightweight application frameworks, compact yet powerful.
    Designed following the CoC, DRY, and SCS principles, it makes
    development simple, but not simpler; you get 90% of the features with
    10% of the usual effort. Special attention is put into creating
    reusable and fastest possible code and still keeping it small, under
    1.3 MB.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 20 20:58:22 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: vrbst137.zip (690kB)
    Desc: Verbiste v0.1.37 is a French conjugation system implemented as a C++
    library, a GNOME applet, and two command-line tools. It can conjugate
    verbs and analyze conjugated verbs to determine their mode, tense, and
    person. The knowledge base contains over 6700 verbs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 24 12:14:14 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: pi_super.zip (925kB)
    Desc: How to create a supercomputer with chained RASBERY PI computer systems
    (PDF). http://www.southampton.ac.uk/mediacentre/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnnews janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 27 15:38:42 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: imdbphp.zip (104kB)
    Desc: ImdbPHP v1.2.5 provides an API to the movie information stored at the
    IMDb.COM and MoviePilot sites. As this and the name suggests, it is
    primarily targeted at PHP programmers who want to extend their
    programs or their site with this movie information. The classes must
    be used in accordance with IMDb's/MoviePilot's copyright and
    conditions of use. http://www.izzysoft.de/?topic=software

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue May 28 12:47:46 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: Crayon04.zip (375kB)
    Desc: Crayonizer v0.0.4 is a command-line app that "crayonizes" (i.e.
    colors in) the output of other command-line apps. It's written in
    straight-C with few dependancies. https://sites.google.com/site/colums

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 11 09:02:26 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: genson96.zip (286kB)
    Desc: Genson is a lightweight Java library for doing conversion between JSON
    and Java. It provides full databinding and Java generics support.
    Genson's main goals are to come with rich features out of the box,
    great performance and scalability, and easy ways to add new features.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 11 09:21:38 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: stmx132.zip (87kB)
    Desc: STMX is a high-performance Common Lisp library for composable Software
    Transactional Memory (STM), a concurrency control mechanism aimed at
    making concurrent programming easier to write and understand. Instead
    of traditional lock-based programming, one programs with atomic memory
    transactions: if a memory transaction returns normally it is
    committed. If it signals an error, it is rolled back. Transactions
    can safely run in parallel in different threads, are re-executed from
    the beginning in case of conflicts or if consistent reads cannot be
    guaranteed, and effects of a transaction are not visible from other
    threads until committed. This gives freedom from deadlocks, automatic
    rollback on failure, and aims to resolve the tension between
    granularity and concurrency. Common Lisp. For Unix-like OS.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 11 15:39:14 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: pystdnum.zip (106kB)
    Desc: python-stdnum is a Python module to parse, validate, and reformat
    standard numbers and codes in different formats. It supports a large
    number of number formats, including: ISBN (International Standard Book
    Number), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), BSN
    (Burgerservicenummer, the Dutch national identification number), EAN
    (International Article Number), SSN (U.S. Social Security Number),
    IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), IBAN (International
    Bank Account Number), and more.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/
    ftp: filegate.net 60721 /pub/pdn/pdnpymisc/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jun 16 21:22:18 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: atratSRC.zip (122kB)
    Desc: Atratus runs binaries built on Linux on WIndows. It is a system call
    translator similar to UML (User Mode Linux). It can run some games
    and busybox utilities. This is the source file. For binary
    distribution see pdnwin. http://atratus.org/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jun 19 21:01:28 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYLNX Python Linux related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: rwdg214.zip (101kB)
    Desc: rawdog is an RSS Aggregator. It supports most common feed formats,
    including all versions of RSS & Atom using feedparser. Runs from cron,
    collects articles from a number of feeds, generates a static HTML page
    listing the newest articles in date order. Supports per-feed
    customizable update times, & uses ETags, Last-Modified, gzip
    compression, & RFC3229+feed to minimize network bandwidth usage.
    Highly customisable using plugins written in Python.
    http://offog.org/code/rawdog.html Plugins available at:
    http://offog.org/darcs/rawdog-plugins/ To install a plugin, make sure
    that you have plugindirs plugins in your config file, & drop the
    plugin into your ~/.rawdog/plugins directory.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpylnx/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jun 19 21:03:56 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: libvterm.zip (53kB)
    Desc: Based on ROTE, libvterm is a terminal emulator library that attempts
    to mimic both VT100 and rxvt capabilities. Although the natural
    display apparatus is curses, the API is simple enough to grow and
    adopt other mechanisms.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jun 21 14:43:10 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYWNT Python Windows related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: pysmb115.zip (1548kB)
    Desc: pysmb is an experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python to support
    file sharing between Windows and Linux machines. Written in Python,
    it implements the client-side SMB/CIFS protocol which allows your
    Python application to access and transfer files to/from SMB/CIFS
    shared folders like your Windows file sharing and Samba folders.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpywnt/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jun 21 15:46:46 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: chorL041.zip (554kB)
    Desc: Choria is a game set in the land of chores. It is a 2D MMORPG in
    800x600 with 3D accelerated graphics. Its features include doing
    chores, slaying monsters, killing goblins, getting great loot, earning
    money for college, and vacuuming virtual carpet. You can play with
    builds that include up to 30 different skills. PVP play is open and
    always available. This is the linux version, src.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jun 24 13:51:44 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: this130.zip (446kB)
    Desc: THIS v.1.3.0 (This HTML Is Simple) is a content management system with
    blog capabilities. It featurs HTML templates, anonymous and
    registered users, themes, and clean, optimized PHP code with an
    emphasis on code/data separation. http://gajennings.net/this/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jun 25 09:41:04 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNGNU GNU related Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: ed1-9gnu.zip (86kB)
    Desc: GNU ed v1.9 is an 8-bit clean implementation of the POSIX
    line-oriented text editor. Ed is the "standard" text editor in the
    sense that it is the original editor for Unix, and thus widely
    available. For most purposes, however, it is superseded by
    full-screen editors such as GNU Emacs or GNU Moe.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdngnu/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jul 1 13:17:04 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: libcxx06.zip (1080kB)
    Desc: LibCXX is a C++ class library focused on high-level application
    framework classes and Linux-specific features.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 3 13:30:10 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: vpOCX289.zip (2637kB)
    Desc: X360 Video Player Lite ActiveX OCX v2.89 Shareware. Fully control the
    audio & video stream. The ActiveX works on most of the Windows system
    include Vista, and can be accessed from most programming languages
    like ASP, C++, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, MS Access, VB.NET
    web page, & C#. Main features are play, pause, resume, stop, loop the
    stream. Flip and mirror the videos. Control the playback rate &
    adjust the volume & balance, or mute the audio stream. Provide slide
    & strobe effects & allow to adjust the effect speed. You can capture
    current image from the video. Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x,
    Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows
    Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate http://www.x360soft.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jul 7 11:37:50 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: crayon06.zip (383kB)
    Desc: Crayonizer v0.0.6 "crayonizes" the output of other programs. It uses
    pattern matches to color in and otherwise transmogrify selected text.
    It's written in straight C with few dependencies.
    http://sites.google.com/site/ columscode/home/crayonizer

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jul 13 17:48:02 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: cppcheck.zip (1227kB)
    Desc: cppcheck is a static C/C++ code analyzer that checks for memory leaks,
    mismatching allocation-deallocation, buffer overrun, and many more
    problems. Its goal is to produce no false positives.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 16 19:50:30 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYLNX Python Linux related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: w-or-n02.zip (38kB)
    Desc: Weather Or Not is an application for keeping track of the weather and
    getting information about past trends. Linux. Python.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpylnx/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 17 17:58:00 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: lzip15p3.zip (95kB), Area: PDNUNIX, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the lhma algorithm with
    very safe intergrity checking and a user interface similar to gzip or
    bzip2. Lzip decompresses better that bzip2 which makes it well suited
    for file distribution and data archiving. Try the lziprecover program
    to recover damaged lzip files.

    File: lzipr115.zip (59kB), Area: PDNUNIX, Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: Lziprecover to recover damaged Lzip files.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/
    ftp: filegate.net port 60721 /pdn/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 23 13:51:14 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: slvidcap.zip (5973kB)
    Desc: Silverlight .NET Video Capture SDK v1.51. For Web or Window Developers
    who need to Video Capture processing on Window and Mac OS X or
    browser-based application. Capture Video From WebCam. Snapshot to
    JPEG file or WriteableBitmap. Programmatically select video device,
    get the specific video device name and count of video device. Support
    a lot of Video Effects http://www.viscomsoft.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 25 13:00:50 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: arcd0130.zip (637kB)
    Desc: Arcadia is a Light Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the
    Ruby language written in Ruby using the classic Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit.
    Some features include an editor with source browsing, syntax
    highlighting, and code completion, debug support, the ability to work
    on any platform where Ruby and Tcl-Tk work, a highly extensibility
    architecture, and support for RAD GUI building.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 25 13:21:38 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: imprlsmS.zip (4739kB)
    Desc: Source code for Remake of the classic SSI game Imperialism. Windows
    binary in WIN_GAME. http://remake.twelvepm.de/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 25 14:57:58 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: jcks1214.zip (691k)
    Desc: Jackess 1.2.14 is a pure Java library for reading and writing MS
    Access databases (currently supporting versions 2000-2007).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 25 15:14:06 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: frmk2320.zip (2678kB)
    Desc: FreeMarker 2.3.20 is a template engine that was originally designed so
    that servlet-based applications could keep graphical design separate
    from application logic. The templates provide an easy and highly
    flexible way to generate any kind of text output (HTML, PostScript,
    TeX, source code, etc.) from a variety of data sources such as Java
    objects, Jython objects, XML object models, and more.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jul 26 12:11:56 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: this132.zip (480kB)
    Desc: THIS (This HTML Is Simple) is a content management system with blog
    capabilities. It features HTML templates, anonymous and registered
    users, themes, and clean, optimized PHP code with an emphasis on
    code/data separation. http://gajennings.net/this/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jul 26 14:41:22 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: imgcnvdm.zip (2227kB)
    Desc: MainMedia Image Converter ActiveX SDK v3.35. Convert, resize to
    different image formats, to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico,
    jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp, supports input file. Keep aspect
    ratio. Support custom value of JPEG Quality . Support different Tiff
    CCITT Group3/4, LZW and RLE. Inc. C#, VB6, PHP, VB Script sample
    source code. Compatible with any programming language that supports
    ActiveX, ASP, ASP.Net, Php, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, Visual
    FoxPro, PHP, ASP, XBasic, MS Word, Access, Realbasic, MS Excel,
    WinDev, .NET environment like C#, VB.NET, C++ 2005 and many others...
    Win98, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7
    x32, Win7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64 http://www.mainmediasoft.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jul 26 18:12:42 2013
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: jodd345.zip (1575kB)
    Desc: -= Jodd =- generic purpose java library and frameworks

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/
    ftp: filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 30 12:59:06 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: f4vencdr.zip (3691kB)
    Desc: Mainmedia F4V Encoder directshow SDK v1.33.ks n8 x32,Win8 x64.
    Support encode F4V video file in any Directshow base application.
    Video and Audio encoding using industry leading standards such as
    H.264, AAC. Video files, Video capture or network streaming can be
    used as sources. Specifiable Video Frame rate, Video bitrate.
    Specifiable Video, support HD resolution. Specifiable Audio bitrate,
    Audio channels and Sample Rate. Compatible with any programming
    language (c++, c#, vb, vb.net, delphi) that supports Directshow Win98,
    Win2000, WinXP, Win2003, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 31 16:52:20 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: audiopch.zip (1100kB)
    Desc: Mainmedia Audio Pitch Directshow Filter v2.45. Audio Pitch Filter is
    a powerful transform filter that allows change the audio pitch or
    audio tempo when playback video or audio file in any Directshow base
    application (Delphi, .Net, vb, vc++). . Support change the audio
    pitch or audio tempo in any Directshow app c#, vc+ sample source code.
    Win98, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7
    x32, Win7 x64, Win8 x32, Win8 x64 http://www.mainmediasoft.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/
    ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Aug 1 11:47:26 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYLNX Python Linux related files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: imrd030.zip (86kB)
    Desc: imread is a simple library which reads and saves images from disk to
    and from numpy arrays. Its goal is to perform this task simply, so
    that it can become very stable, leaving more complex image processing
    for other packages. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/imread

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnpylnx/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Aug 1 15:01:06 2013
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================

    File: this133.zip (444kB)
    Desc: THIS (This HTML Is Simple) is a content management system with blog
    capabilities. It features HTML templates, anonymous and registered
    users, themes, and clean, optimized PHP code with an emphasis on
    code/data separation. http://gajennings.net/this/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything
    1:261/100 (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 18 21:10:54 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: pdngoutl Go Utilities Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: libretto.zip (2141kB)
    Desc: Libretto is a Golang library to create Virtual Machines (VMs) on any
    cloud and Virtual Machine hosting platforms such as AWS, Azure,
    OpenStack, vSphere, or VirtualBox. https://github.com/apcera/libretto

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoutl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Apr 4 22:17:56 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1883kB)
    Desc: aime is a simple, C like programming language and an application
    embeddable interpreter. The language is meant to be simple and
    productive. The interpreter stresses data integrity and
    expressiveness. The featured automatic resource management makes
    programming trivial and the program execution safe for the
    applications embedding the interpreter.

    File: linsides.zip (737kB)
    Desc: A series of posts about the linux kernel and its insides.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Apr 15 15:12:08 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R1.zip (214kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2016. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 03/01/2016

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:103/17 to All on Fri Mar 18 21:10:54 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: pdngoutl Go Utilities Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: libretto.zip (2141kB)
    Desc: Libretto is a Golang library to create Virtual Machines (VMs) on any
    cloud and Virtual Machine hosting platforms such as AWS, Azure,
    OpenStack, vSphere, or VirtualBox. https://github.com/apcera/libretto

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoutl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    # Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
    * Origin: (1:103/17)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:103/17 to All on Mon Apr 4 22:17:56 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1883kB)
    Desc: aime is a simple, C like programming language and an application
    embeddable interpreter. The language is meant to be simple and
    productive. The interpreter stresses data integrity and
    expressiveness. The featured automatic resource management makes
    programming trivial and the program execution safe for the
    applications embedding the interpreter.

    File: linsides.zip (737kB)
    Desc: A series of posts about the linux kernel and its insides.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    # Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
    * Origin: (1:103/17)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 20 16:06:30 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: pycraft.zip (533kB)
    Desc: Pycraft: A community driven fork of `foglemans "Minecraft" repo
    <https://github.com/fogleman/Minecraft> This project is intended to
    create a community-driven engine for complicated voxel/roguelike games
    which ultimately can use and extend GURPS

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Apr 24 02:27:36 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: CppCoreG.zip (9703kB)
    Desc: The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines,
    rules, and best practices about coding in C++
    http://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/ CppCoreGuidelines

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 27 13:25:46 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R2.zip (276kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r2.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2016. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 04/10/2016

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Apr 30 17:16:54 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: TchCraft.zip (5380kB)
    Desc: ## TeachCraft A series of lessons used to teach middle school and high
    school kids the fundamentals of programming! Using Python, each of
    the lessons will teach the kids new concepts, going through while
    loops, if statements, for loops, algorithms, function calls, and the
    like. Learn programming in python by giving yourself superpowers in a
    minecraft world! https://github.com/teachthenet/TeachCraft- Challenges

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 6 20:00:54 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1889kB)
    Desc: aime is a simple, C like programming language and an application
    embeddable interpreter. The language is meant to be simple and
    productive. The interpreter stresses data integrity and
    expressiveness. The featured automatic resource management makes
    programming trivial and the program execution safe for the
    applications embedding the interpreter.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) icq: 25251567
    http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat May 7 00:18:16 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNGOTTL Go Tutorials Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: crnshwgo.zip (63kB)
    Desc: crenshaw-go A go implementation of Let's Build a Compiler, by Jack
    Crenshaw. How to run: Chapters 1-16 have different executables.
    Modify main.go in the root directory to point to the appropriate
    package. Package names are listed in that file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) icq: 25251567
    http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngottl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 9 23:51:38 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: BnshEngn.zip (5638kB)
    Desc: Banshee high quality modern game development toolkit provides high
    performance multi-threaded game engine written in C++14 runs 2D & 3D
    games. Offers a wide variety of high level systems needed for game
    development, ranging from math & util libs, to DirectX 11 & OpenGL
    support to input, GUI, physics, scripting & support for many resource
    formats (e.g. FBX, PNG, PSD, TTF). https://github.com/BearishSun/Bans

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 13 11:25:30 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: SICK64D1.ZIP (394kB)
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Kit. Includes QB64 Source Code.
    Public Domain 2016. v64.0a r5.1a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net Date: 04/20/2016

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 13 13:50:06 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNGOIMG Go Libraries for manipulating images Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: imagesvr.zip (12760kB)
    Desc: Image Server An image server toolkit in Go (Golang)

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoimg/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat May 28 17:28:20 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R3.zip (223kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r3.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2016. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 05/10/2016

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jun 17 14:00:34 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: pdngoutl Go Utilities Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: gronGO.zip (12kB)
    Desc: Gron provides a clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs for

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoutl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jun 20 10:53:52 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: bts13-18.zip (1483kB)
    Desc: Beets 1.3.18 music library mngr & MusicBrainz tagger. Library
    management system. The purpose of beets is to get your music
    collection right once and for all. It catalogs your collection,
    automatically improving its metadata as it goes. It then provides a
    bouquet of tools for manipulating and accessing your music. Install
    guide: http://tinyurl.com/h6vbu6u. http://beets.io/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jun 20 11:43:36 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNTECH Technical specs, FAQ's, DOCs Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: freepgbk.zip (132kB)
    Desc: This list free programming books was initially was a clone of
    stackoverflow. List of Freely Available Programming Books by George
    Stocker. Now updated, with dead links gone and new content.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdntech/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jun 26 14:55:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1902kB)
    Desc: aime (aime-8.20160626) is a simple, C like programming language and
    an application embeddable interpreter. The language is meant to be
    simple and productive. The interpreter stresses data integrity and
    expressiveness. The featured automatic resource management makes
    programming trivial and the program execution safe for the
    applications embedding the interpreter.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jun 29 10:48:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: FTN2ECO.ZIP (13kB)
    Desc: FTN2ECO will extract the text body of a .msg file into a plain text
    file. Header and all kludges are dropped. Usage: FTN2ECO <file> where
    <file> ends with .msg, output is same name.ECO, PowerBasic source
    included. This program is intended for Echobase operations. Applicable
    to DOS/Windows 32/64-bit OSs. {c} 2016 Ben Ritchey

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jul 1 19:25:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: LOGTRIM.ZIP (30kB)
    Desc: LogTrim v1.D will trim any text format log file to n bytes
    (default/minimum is 4,000,000 bytes). Original file is moved to
    <file>.BKP Usage: LOGTRIM.EXE <file> [bytes] * Note: [bytes] cannot
    contain any letters! If output is/contains garbage see FIXTLOG
    Executable is FREEware for DOS/Wins 32/64-bit PowerBASIC source code
    is also enclosed. (c) 2016 Ben Ritchey fido4cmech@lusfiber.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jul 9 00:04:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R4.zip (223kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r3.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2016.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS.
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Date: 05/10/2016

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Rob Swindell to Janis Kracht on Sat Jul 9 20:44:03 2016
    Re: New PDN Files
    By: Janis Kracht to All on Sat Jul 09 2016 12:04 am

    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R4.zip (223kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r3.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source

    You'd think the author of such a program would at least look up how to spell "hexadecimal". <shrug>

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #23:
    FTS = FidoNet Technical Standard
    Norco, CA WX: 74.8°F, 62.0% humidity, 6 mph SSE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to Rob Swindell on Sun Jul 10 09:56:00 2016
    Re: New PDN Files
    By: Janis Kracht to All on Sat Jul 09 2016 12:04 am

    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    =========================================================================== >> Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38
    =========================================================================== >> File: HEXED8R4.zip (223kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r3.0a. Allows fast file editing in a >> hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source

    You'd think the author of such a program would at least look up how to spell "hexadecimal". <shrug>

    True. I'm glad Erik still sends me updates though.

    I should have let him know about his error however instead of doing a blind cut/paste.

    Take care,

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 14 23:15:24 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: dnd50a1e.zip (18594kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r1.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a1e.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules. This program was written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    File: dnd50a1s.zip (2775kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a Source code. written by: Erik Jon
    Oredson, email: dndbbs@gmail.com.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jul 24 14:02:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: GameLad.zip (3469kB)
    Desc: An (almost) fully featured Game Boy emulator (C++)

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jul 24 14:03:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1914kB)
    Desc: aime-8.20160722. Aime programming language, with a C like syntax,
    intended for application extending purposes. The aime collection
    comprises the language description, an application embeddable
    interpreter, the interpreter C interface description and a standalone
    interpreter. Examples on how the interpreter can be used (embedded in
    an application) are also available.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Aug 2 18:05:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: e3-281.zip (110kB)
    Desc: e3 full-screen, user-friendly text editor interface similar to either
    WordStar, Emacs, Pico, Nedit, or vi. Heavily optimized for size &
    independent of libc or any other libraries, making it useful for
    mini-Linux distributions & rescue disks. Asm version supports Linux,
    FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Win9x, QNX, Atheos, BeOS, ELKS, & DOS.
    Separately distributed version written in C supports some other Unix &
    CygWin. Calc.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Aug 4 22:38:56 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1919kB)
    Desc: aime-8.20160804. Aime programming language, with a C like syntax,
    intended for application extending purposes. The aime collection
    comprises the language description, an application embeddable
    interpreter, the interpreter C interface description and a standalone
    interpreter. Examples on how the interpreter can be used (embedded in
    an application) are also available.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Aug 8 23:48:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNASM ASSEMBLY Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: asnip10.zip (0kB)
    Desc: This file has been removed from distribution.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome via modem or binkp standard port email: janis@filegate.net
    http://www.filegate.net/pdnasm/ ftp://filegate.net:60721 /pdn/pdnasm/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Sep 4 17:41:54 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1932kB)
    Desc: Aime programming language, with a C like syntax, intended for
    application extending purposes. The aime collection comprises the
    language description, an application embeddable interpreter, the
    interpreter C interface description and a standalone interpreter.
    Examples on how the interpreter can be used (embedded in an
    application) are also available. aime-8.20160903.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Sep 11 17:36:00 2016
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: jodatime.zip (3986kB)
    Desc: Joda-Time standard date and time library for Java prior to Java SE 8.
    Licensed under the business-friendly Apache 2.0 licence.

    File: jline2.zip (162kB)
    Desc: JLine is a Java library for handling console input. It is similar in
    functionality to BSD editline and GNU readline. People familiar with
    the readline/editline capabilities for modern shells (such as bash and
    tcsh) will find most of the command editing features of JLine to be
    familiar. https://github.com/jline/jline2

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Sep 12 13:42:16 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: pdngoutl Go Utilities Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: borg.zip (39468kB)
    Desc: Borg: A terminal based search engine for bash commands.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoutl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Sep 18 12:54:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aime8.zip (1938kB)
    Desc: Aime programming language, with a C like syntax, intended for
    application extending purposes. The aime collection comprises the
    language description, an application embeddable interpreter, the
    interpreter C interface description and a standalone interpreter.
    Examples on how the interpreter can be used (embedded in an
    application) are also available. aime-8.20160916.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Sep 21 13:09:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: freeprog.zip (134kB)
    Desc: Freely available programming books including List of Free Learning
    Resources Tutorials, books, and more, for a variety of programming
    languages. https://github.com/vhf/free-programming-books

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Oct 1 21:46:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: dnd50a1u.zip (618kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS upgrade kit written by: Erik Jon Oredson

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Oct 4 15:38:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: pdngoutl Go Utilities Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: lfmngr.zip (37kB)
    Desc: A terminal file manager. This is a work in progress. Use at your own
    risk. lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in
    Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra
    features. Some of the missing features are deliberately ommited since
    it is better if they are handled by external tools.
    https://github.com/gokcehan/lf https://godoc.org/github.com/gokcehan/lf

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoutl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Oct 5 15:03:14 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================

    File: tetros.zip (77kB)
    Desc: TetrOS is a small feature rich Tetris clone. Assembly. Fits into a
    512 byte boot sector, requires only 446 bytes (maximum allowed size of
    the first stage boot loader in the master boot record (MBR) of a
    drive) & is executed during the boot sequence before any OS is loaded.
    Does not need any existing operating system. TetrOS is an operating
    system, hence the suffix OS in its name.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Oct 17 14:31:20 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: wcd533.zip (682kB)
    Desc: WCD - Directory changer for DOS and Unix. w/ C src. Command-line
    program changes dir fast. Type only a part of a directory name & wcd
    will jump to it. Fast sel. method in case of multiple matches,
    allows aliasing, banning of dirs. Includes a full screen interactive
    dir tree browser w/speed search. DOS 16 bit, DOS 32 bit, DOS bash,
    WinCommand Prompt, PowerShell, ZSH, MSYS, Cygwin, 'nix:all Bourne & C
    type shells, OS/2 Warp

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Oct 17 14:31:46 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: wcd533u.zip (586kB)
    Desc: WCD - Directory changer for Unix. w/ C src. Command-line program
    changes dir fast. Type only a part of a directory name & wcd will
    jump to it. Fast sel. method in case of multiple matches, allows
    aliasing, banning of dirs. Includes a full screen interactive dir
    tree browser w/speed search. DOS 16 bit, DOS 32 bit, DOS bash,
    WinCommand Prompt, PowerShell, ZSH, MSYS, Cygwin, 'nix:all Bourne & C
    type shells, OS/2 Warp

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Oct 18 00:03:20 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNPYMISC Miscellaneous Python files Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: asciimtc.zip (1399kB)
    Desc: Cross platform package to do curses-like operations with high-level
    APIs creates ASCII art animations & text UIs. Asciimatics is a package
    to help people create full-screen text UIs (from interactive forms to
    ASCII animations) on any platform. Apache Software Foundation License
    2.0. single cross-platform Python class to do low-level console
    function. https://github.com/peterbrittain/asciimatics

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) janis@filegate.net
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnpymisc/ =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Nov 17 00:09:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL1.ZIP (233kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Publish: 10/10/2016 Version: v1.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Nov 21 11:29:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNTECH Technical specs, FAQ's, DOCs Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: csvidcrs.zip (15kB)
    Desc: List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
    https://github.com/Developer-Y/cs-video- courses

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdntech/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Dec 20 15:04:56 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNGOINT Go email, messaging, Web related Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: goaccess.zip (352kB)
    Desc: GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that
    runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser. It
    provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators
    that require a visual server report on the fly. More info at

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoint/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Dec 21 00:00:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL2.ZIP (233kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 12/12/2016 Version: v2.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 24 23:49:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL2.ZIP (234kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Publish: 12/12/2016 Version: v2.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Dec 26 00:36:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: csbu.zip (995kB),
    Desc: Computer Science From the Bottom Up, a PDF version of the book by Ian

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Dec 27 12:45:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: freeds12.zip (20787kB)
    Desc: Snapshot Freedos 1.2 source

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Dec 29 21:19:00 2016
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL3.ZIP (234kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 12/28/2016 Version: v3.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jan 4 12:54:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: wcd534s.zip (693kB)
    Desc: chdir for DOS & Unix, src code. Wcd is a command-line program to
    change directory fast. C source code.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jan 11 01:41:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:393/68 ===========================================================================
    File: FBAUDIT1.ZIP (21kB)
    Desc: FBAudit will audit a Descript.ion based FileBase folder for accuracy.
    Generates a report viewable by DVWView.Bat (included) install .Bat and
    .Exe files to PATH. PowerBasicCC source code also included. Windows
    32/64-bit freeware. (c) 2017 Ben Ritchey fido4cmech@lusfiber.net

    File: MAINTION.ZIP (409kB)
    Desc: A collection of utilities that will audit and maintain a Descript.ion
    based FileBase folder. Copy all *.Exe and *.Bat files to PATH, switch
    to desired folder and execute MakeAll.Bat. Generates a report viewable
    by DVWView.Bat or List.com (included). PowerBasicCC source code and
    command line version of 7Zip (7ZA.Exe) also included. Windows
    32/64-bit freeware. (c) 2017 Ben Ritchey fido4cmech@lusfiber.net

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jan 12 21:55:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL4.ZIP (235kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 01/10/2016 Version: v4.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Jan 27 12:22:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL4.ZIP (235kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC
    source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Publish: 01/10/2016 Version: v4.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Feb 7 16:11:52 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL5.ZIP (237kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Publish: 02/01/2017
    Version: v5.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Feb 26 20:47:16 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R5.ZIP (224kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r5.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2017.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 02/24/2017

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 10 10:27:44 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: rqbeta.zip (0kB)
    Desc: All systems should replace rqbeta.zip with this file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 10 11:00:36 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: wdj9806.zip (29kB)
    Desc: Windows Developers Journal, June 1998 replacement file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://filegate.net/pdn/pdnnews/ port 60721 janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 10 11:42:56 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: janus11.zip (0kB)
    Desc: This file has been removed from Distribution.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 10 12:23:24 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNNEWS Electronic Newsletters/magazines Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================

    File: ptt007.zip (145kB)
    Desc: programming tips & tricks issue 007 a free digital magazine for
    low-level programming in assembler, pascal, and 'c'. edited by tenie
    remmel. Replacement file.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-200-4076) V.Everything http://www.filegate.net/pdnnews/
    ftp://filegate.net/pdn/pdnnews/ port 60721 janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Mar 15 00:18:46 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: dnd50a1u.zip (939kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS upgrade kit written by: Erik Jon Oredson,
    email:dndbbs@gmail.com March, 2017

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Apr 7 14:53:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: pdngoutl Go Utilities Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: goreprtr.zip (1646kB)
    Desc: A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review
    and generate code quality report.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngoutl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Apr 7 15:27:18 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: robtopia.zip (8584kB)
    Desc: Introduces kids to coding with tiny virtual robots. Javascript.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Apr 13 17:41:22 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNTECH Technical specs, FAQ's, DOCs Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: frCdCmp.zip (2289kB)
    Desc: The https://freeCodeCamp.com open source codebase and curriculum.
    Learn to code and help nonprofits.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdntech/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Apr 13 17:42:10 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: mastodon.zip (25531kB)
    Desc: A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server https://mastodon.social

    File: YDKjs.zip (1614kB)
    Desc: A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
    you-dont-know-js-book-series [wraps]

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Apr 13 17:42:54 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNGOTTL Go Tutorials Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: Go-SCP.zip (1535kB)
    Desc: Go programming language secure coding practices guide

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) icq: 25251567
    http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngottl/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Apr 21 15:34:44 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: VSCAMD64.zip (35564kB)
    Desc: Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor
    which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and
    Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and
    Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages
    (such as C++, C#, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and
    Unity). AMD64 Deb Version https://code.visualstudio.com/

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Apr 22 00:59:12 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: sqlbrW32.zip (13097kB)
    Desc: DB Browser for SQLite 3.9.1 is a high quality, visual, open source
    tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with
    SQLite. It is for users and developers wanting to create databases,
    search, and edit data. It uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface,
    and you don't need to learn complicated SQL commands. WIN32.

    File: sqlbrW64.zip (15280kB)
    Desc: DB Browser for SQLite 3.9.1 is a high quality, visual, open source
    tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with
    SQLite. It is for users and developers wanting to create databases,
    search, and edit data. It uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface,
    and you don't need to learn complicated SQL commands. WIN64

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:262/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Apr 22 01:00:14 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: sqltbsrc.zip (1857kB)
    Desc: DB Browser for SQLite 3.9.1 is a high quality, visual, open source
    tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with
    SQLite. It is for users and developers wanting to create databases,
    search, and edit data. It uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface,
    and you don't need to learn complicated SQL commands.
    Source code.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri May 5 18:27:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: seed7-17.zip (2682kB)
    Desc: Seed7 (seed7_05_20170501.tgz) is a general purpose programming
    language. It is a higher level language compared to Ada, C++, and
    Java. In Seed7 new statements and operators can be declared easily.
    Although Seed7 contains several concepts of other programming
    languages, it is generally not considered a direct descendant of any
    other programming language. http://seed7.sourceforge.net/

    File: aime8.zip (1965kB)
    Desc: Aime programming language, with a C like syntax, intended for
    application extending purposes. The aime collection comprises the
    language description, an application embeddable interpreter, the
    interpreter C interface description and a standalone interpreter.
    Examples on how the interpreter can be used (embedded in an
    application) are also available. aime-8.20170505.tar.gz

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jun 7 12:14:18 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: BWS4Prog.zip (15kB)
    Desc: Best-websites-programmer-should-visit: Some useful websites for

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jun 11 12:10:50 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNUNIX *NIX Programming Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: aim80608.zip (1968kB)
    Desc: Aime programming language, with a C like syntax, intended for
    application extending purposes. The aime collection comprises the
    language description, an application embeddable interpreter, the
    interpreter C interface description and a standalone interpreter.
    Examples on how the interpreter can be used (embedded in an
    application) are also available. aime8.20170608.tar.gz

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnunix/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Jun 18 21:05:06 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL6.ZIP (247kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Publish: 05/05/2017
    Version: v6.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jul 19 13:49:44 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL7.ZIP (248kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 07/12/2017 Version: v7.0a r1.0a

    File: HEXED8R6.ZIP (224kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r5.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 02/24/2017

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Jul 31 13:09:44 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNLANG Other languages/Multiple Languages Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: lrnregex.zip (8kB)
    Desc: Learn RegEX the Easy Way: A regular expression is a pattern that is
    matched against a subject string from left to right. The word "Regular
    expression" is a mouthful, you will usually find the term abbreviated
    as "regex" or "regexp". Regular expression is used for replacing a
    text within a string, validating form, extract a substring from a
    string based upon a pattern match, &

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnlang/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Sep 6 01:31:34 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNTECH Technical specs, FAQ's, DOCs Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: evryprgr.zip (4kB)
    Desc: A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer
    should know https://github.com/mr-mig/every-programmer-should-know

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdntech/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Sep 6 01:47:58 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNCEE C/C++ Programming Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: db_tutor.zip (38kB)
    Desc: Write an sqlite clone from scratch in C

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdncee/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Sep 6 09:39:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNTECH Technical specs, FAQ's, DOCs Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: frprgmng.zip (146kB)
    Desc: Freely available programming books
    free-programming-books [wraps]

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdntech/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Oct 26 22:39:24 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QUEENS.ZIP (5kB)
    Desc: This archive contains 3 basic programs which solve the various queens
    chess problems using brute force. These are public domain and may be
    shared freely. They are dated 10/13/2017 and are written by Erik Jon
    Oredson who can be reached at eoredson@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Nov 10 20:54:14 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: HEXED8R7.ZIP (226kB)
    Desc: The Hex Editor for Windows v8.0a r5.0a. Allows fast file editing in a
    hexidecimal window environment. Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code
    public domain 2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 02/24/2017

    File: QB64UTL8.ZIP (249kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 09/12/2017 Version: v8.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Nov 19 20:01:30 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QUEENS.ZIP (7kB)
    Desc: The queens chess problem solver. This archive contains many programs
    to solve the chess queens problem. Some use brute force, some use a
    recursive function. These files and source are public domain and may
    be freely distributed. 11/19/2017 by Erik Jon Oredson and are written
    in QB64 BASIC 32-bit code.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Nov 23 10:07:50 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL1.ZIP (843kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    10-21-2017.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Src Code.
    Public domain 2017.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 11/21/2017
    Note: Some internal filenames in this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 2 23:47:14 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL2.ZIP (845kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    12-02-2017.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code public domain
    2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Date: 12/02/2017 Note: Some internal filenames in
    this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Dec 7 00:36:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL9.ZIP (251kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 12/10/2017 Version: v9.0a r1.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Dec 15 23:18:46 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL2.ZIP (846kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    12-15-2017.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code public domain
    2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 12/15/2017 Note: Some internal filenames in
    this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 16 22:21:10 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL2.ZIP (847kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    12-16-2017.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code public domain
    2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 12/16/2017
    Note: Some internal filenames in this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Dec 17 20:32:28 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL9.ZIP (251kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Publish: 12/18/2017 Version: v9.0a r2.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 30 16:31:50 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNGOGAM Go Game Developement libraries Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: nes-mstr.zip (39kB)
    Desc: NES emulator written in Go.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngogam/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 30 17:05:58 2017
    Today, Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ========================================================================
    File: TblVwmst.zip (22131kB)
    Desc: TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data
    structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and
    cells. https://github.com/evrencoskun/TableView

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnjava/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Dec 30 20:20:00 2017
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL3.ZIP (841kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    12-30-2017.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code public domain
    2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 12/30/2017 Note: Some internal filenames in
    this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jan 3 20:02:16 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL9.ZIP (253kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities.
    Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Publish: 01/10/2018 Version: v9.0a r3.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jan 4 18:22:32 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL3.ZIP (843kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    01-01-2018.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code public domain
    2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com Urls:
    www.filegate.net Date: 01/01/2018 Note: Some internal filenames in
    this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jan 6 01:31:34 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    ============================================================================ Area: PDNWIN Windows Origin: 1:261/38 ============================================================================
    File: SpecuChk.zip (28kB)
    Desc: SpecuCheck is a Windows utility for checking the state of the software
    mitigations against CVE-2017-5754 (Meltdown) and hardware mitigations
    against CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre).

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:262/38 (607-200-4076) or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnwin/ janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jan 6 20:35:14 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QBSHELL3.ZIP (843kB)
    Desc: The Windows QB64shell Utility. Version v.0001 Release r.001 Build
    01-05-2018.01 Includes 32-bit QB64 BASIC Source Code public domain
    2017. Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net Date: 01/05/2018 Note: Some internal filenames in
    this archive use LFNs.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jan 20 00:21:12 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: LOGTRIM.ZIP (0kB)
    Desc: File LogTrim.Zip has been deprecated. ( See file LgTrim1E.Zip in
    MYS_OTH )

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Feb 2 22:31:58 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNGOGAM Go Game Developement libraries Origin: 1:261/38 =======================================================================
    File: goinvdrs.zip (1872kB)
    Desc: SpaceInvaders written in GO https://github.com/sausheong/invaders

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome filegate.net (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdn/pdngogam/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat May 26 12:21:36 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: dnd50a1u.zip (938kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS upgrade kit written by: Erik Jon Oredson, email:dndbbs

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jun 30 14:17:46 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: QB64UTL9.ZIP (253kB)
    Desc: The Set Of More Windows Utilities. Includes QB64 PD BASIC source code.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Urls: www.filegate.net
    Publish: 06/18/2018 Version: v9.0a r4.0a

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Aug 25 20:55:54 2018
    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38
    File: SICK64D3.ZIP (393kB)
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Kit. Includes QB64 Source Code. Public
    Domain 2018. v64.0a r5.3a Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email:
    eoredson@gmail.com Url: www.filegate.net Date: 08/15/2018

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Sep 1 13:57:36 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: dnd50a1u.zip (996kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS upgrade kit written by: Erik Jon Oredson,

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Sep 3 23:51:06 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files ===========================================================================
    File: BWAIT12B.ZIP (12kB) Origin: 1:393/68
    Desc: BWait v1.2.B takes a single arg, seconds (n) as in "BWait 30". Silent
    operation with a Countdown display. Freeware with PowerBasic Source
    Code (PB/CC5) for 32/64-bit Windows OS's. Max 10 day timer though it
    resets on OS boot, requiring restart. (c) 2018 Ben Ritchey

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Oct 5 12:00:18 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A1U.ZIP (2243kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS upgrade kit written by: Erik Jon Oredson,

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Nov 12 11:04:38 2018
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A1U.ZIP (2652kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS upgrade kit written by: Erik Jon Oredson,

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Jan 16 20:09:54 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2S.ZIP (3451kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2s.zip
    contains runtime program source, include files, and the source
    descriptions. This program was written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can
    be located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    File: DND50A2E.ZIP (18693kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2e.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules. This program was written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Mar 17 20:32:46 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2U.ZIP (3456kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2u.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules updates. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Apr 17 23:11:40 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2U.ZIP (3560kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2u.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules updates. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Tue Jul 16 11:03:16 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2U.ZIP (3560kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2u.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules updates. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon Sep 16 12:25:50 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2U.ZIP (5931kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2u.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules updates. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Nov 16 14:38:12 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2S.ZIP (3500kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2s.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules source. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (607-200-4076) or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Dec 26 12:03:38 2019
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2U.ZIP (7005kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2u.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules updates. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38
    or at filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/
    janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Feb 14 10:03:06 2020
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2U.ZIP (8472kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2u.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules updates. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 11 18:56:40 2020
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (4264kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2p.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Jul 11 13:35:04 2020
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (6342kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are
    public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2p.zip
    contains runtime programs, data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be
    located at email: dndbbs@gmail.com

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Sep 10 22:03:12 2020
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (19394kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com and if you have downloaded this file and expect
    it to work you should download dnd50a2e.zip first..

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sun Oct 11 12:28:14 2020
    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================
    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (20811kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com and if you have downloaded this file and expect
    it to work you should download dnd50a2e.zip first..

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Mar 11 20:30:16 2021
    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (21737kB)
    Area: PDNBASIC
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com you should download dnd50a2e.zip first then
    dnd50a2s.zip source code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Apr 3 11:46:02 2021
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely. Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs,
    data files, documentation, and command
    modules patches. Program written by:
    Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at
    email: dndbbs@gmail.com you should download dnd50a2e.zip first then dnd50a2s.zip source code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Sat Apr 10 20:37:58 2021
    Today, <<Prism bbs received the following files:

    Area: PDNBASIC BASIC Programming files Origin: 1:261/38 ===========================================================================

    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (21765kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and
    its files are public domain freeware and may be distributed
    freely. Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com you should download dnd50a2e.zip first then
    dnd50a2s.zip source code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38 filegate.net (standard binkp port) http://www.filegate.net/pdnbasic/ janis@filegate.net =======================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Mon May 10 09:58:26 2021
    Today <<Prism BBS received the following files: Origin: 1:261/38

    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (21935kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com. You should download dnd50a2e.zip first then
    dnd50a2s.zip source code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.html#pdn ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 15 10:54:54 2021
    Today <<Prism BBS received the following files: Origin: 1:261/38

    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (21935kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com you should download dnd50a2e.zip first then
    dnd50a2s.zip source code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.html#pdn ftp://filegate.net port 60721 jmklou@gmail.com ========================================================================

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Jul 15 10:54:54 2021
    Today <<Prism BBS received the following files: Origin: 1:261/38

    File: DND50A2P.ZIP (21935kB)
    Desc: The DNDBBS Adventure Game v5.0a r2.0a. This program and its files
    are public domain freeware and may be distributed freely.
    Dnd50a2p.zip contains runtime programs, data files,
    documentation, and command modules patches. Program written
    by: Erik Jon Oredson and can be located at email:
    dndbbs@gmail.com you should download dnd50a2e.zip first then
    dnd50a2s.zip source code then dnd50a2u.zip updates.

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pdndirs.html#pdn ftp://filegate.net port 60721 jmklou@gmail.com ========================================================================
    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wed Dec 22 15:23:22 2021
    Today, the following files were released:

    File: SICK64D4.ZIP (396kB)
    Area: PDNBASIC
    Origin: 1:261/38
    Desc: Symbolic Instruction Code Kit. Includes QB64 Source Code. Public
    Domain 2022. v64.0a r5.4a
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    Url: www.filegate.net
    Date: 01/01/2022

    These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) =======================================================================
    File requests welcome at 1:261/38
    or filegate.net (binkp standard port) http://www.filegate.net/pub/pdn/pdnbasic/ ftp://filegate.net port 60721 janis@filegate.net ========================================================================
    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)