• Object Professional Manuals

    From Dale Barnes@1:220/60 to anyone on Sat Nov 4 22:15:02 2017
    I am on the hunt for a set of the TurboPower Object Professional Manuals if anyone has those around these days. I would consider digital but I have not found anyone that has them.

    If you have a set and want to part with them, let me know.

    When your done laughing, please check your closest, boxes etc... LOL

    --- InterEcho 1.20
    * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:220/60)
  • From Dale Barnes@1:220/60 to anyone on Sat Nov 4 22:15:02 2017
    I am on the hunt for a set of the TurboPower Object Professional Manuals if anyone has those around these days. I would consider digital but I have not found anyone that has them.

    If you have a set and want to part with them, let me know.

    When your done laughing, please check your closest, boxes etc... LOL

    --- InterEcho 1.20
    * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:220/60)
  • From Ozz Nixon@1:275/301 to Dale Barnes on Mon Nov 20 19:11:30 2017
    Hello Dale.

    04 Nov 17 22:15, you wrote to anyone:

    I am on the hunt for a set of the TurboPower Object Professional
    Manuals if anyone has those around these days. I would consider
    digital but I have not found anyone that has them.

    If you have a set and want to part with them, let me know.

    I have all the manuals, disks, and serial number stickers ;-) ... if you promise to return, I can ship them to you ... you've got my email addr.


    --- GoldED+/W32
    * Origin: Home of Exchange BBS (QBBS Clone) and Rhenium Mailer (1:275/301)
  • From Byron Goodman@1:275/97 to Ozz Nixon on Sun Nov 26 14:48:09 2017
    Re: Object Professional Manuals
    By: Ozz Nixon to Dale Barnes on Mon Nov 20 2017 19:11:30

    TurboPower Object Pro is open source. You can download the PDF's and print them anywhere you like. Why would you want copies of something that is that dead?

    You should move to the Dark Side and code in Ada. The DoD and NASA have plenty of Ada code that needs maintenance.
    --- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32
    * Origin: Split Infinity BBS - telnet: infinity.synchro.net (1:275/97)
  • From Ozz Nixon@1:275/301 to Byron Goodman on Tue Nov 28 15:29:42 2017
    Hello Byron.

    26 Nov 17 14:48, you wrote to me:

    Re: Object Professional Manuals
    By: Ozz Nixon to Dale Barnes on Mon Nov 20 2017 19:11:30

    TurboPower Object Pro is open source. You can download the PDF's and
    print them anywhere you like. Why would you want copies of something
    that is that dead?

    Actually OPRO was pulled from sourceforge a couple years ago. Documentation is next to none. And well, there are thousands of developers still coding in TurboPower.

    You should move to the Dark Side and code in Ada. The DoD and NASA
    have plenty of Ada code that needs maintenance.

    Nah, I just wrote my own compiler 15 years ago, and still use it to now. DOS, WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC, SPARC, AMIGA, DROID and iOS - single source done right :-)
    I took a little idea fom Java, and the managed code idea from .net, and write ModernPascal.com (site still in dev.) I was just offering to one who still uses
    OPRO that I have all the originals... since we have not found tpopro_docs.zip anywhere.


    --- GoldED+/W32
    * Origin: Home of Exchange BBS (QBBS Clone) and Rhenium Mailer (1:275/301)
  • From Dale Barnes@1:220/60 to Byron Goodman on Mon Nov 27 21:57:18 2017
    I am playing around with some old code for fun. If you know where to find the manuals for TurboPower OPRO 1.30, would like to know where as I have looked and
    they never released the source to OPRO or the manuals. I own it but the manuals were lost with all my moves over so many years.

    I like manuals but I would be just happy with finding a PDF version of the manuals but have not found it yet.

    Re: Object Professional Manuals
    By: Ozz Nixon to Dale Barnes on Mon Nov 20 2017 19:11:30

    TurboPower Object Pro is open source. You can download the
    PDF's and print them
    anywhere you like. Why would you want copies of something
    that is that dead?

    You should move to the Dark Side and code in Ada. The DoD
    and NASA have plenty
    of Ada code that needs maintenance.
    --- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32
    * Origin: Split Infinity BBS - telnet:
    infinity.synchro.net (1:275/97)

    --- InterEcho 1.20
    * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:220/60)
  • From Dale Barnes@1:220/60 to Byron Goodman on Mon Nov 27 21:57:18 2017
    I am playing around with some old code for fun. If you know where to find the manuals for TurboPower OPRO 1.30, would like to know where as I have looked and
    they never released the source to OPRO or the manuals. I own it but the manuals were lost with all my moves over so many years.

    I like manuals but I would be just happy with finding a PDF version of the manuals but have not found it yet.

    Re: Object Professional Manuals
    By: Ozz Nixon to Dale Barnes on Mon Nov 20 2017 19:11:30

    TurboPower Object Pro is open source. You can download the
    PDF's and print them
    anywhere you like. Why would you want copies of something
    that is that dead?

    You should move to the Dark Side and code in Ada. The DoD
    and NASA have plenty
    of Ada code that needs maintenance.
    --- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32
    * Origin: Split Infinity BBS - telnet:
    infinity.synchro.net (1:275/97)

    --- InterEcho 1.20
    * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:220/60)