[ On 2009-10-09 at 11:31:50, Sean Dennis wrote to All ]
Telegard (the BBS software I use) uses sets to do some
"bit-twiddling" with certain settings on a user's record, such as if
the user is "hidden", et al.
Sets are fancy bitfields. A set is made of one or more values of an ordinal type, which can be reduced to an integer and therefore a bit number.
eg. an enumerated (ordinal) type, specifying the days of the week:
Day = (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);
Days = set of Day;
d: Days;
Then you can set one or more days:
d := [Mon, Wed, Fri];
Since ord(Mon) = 0, ord(Wed) = 2, ord(Fri) = 4, the above will flip bits 0, 2 and 4 to on. Byte(d) = 21.
The compiler will automatically size the set to accomodate all the potential values. Since there are seven days, sizeof(Days) = 1. A set of Char would be 32 bytes (256 possible values divided by 8 bits per byte).
You can also do set math, eg.
if Mon in [Mon, Wed, Fri] - [Wed, Fri] then writeln('Wed and Fri are gone, Mon is left');
if not (Mon in [Mon, Wed, Fri] - [Mon]) then writeln('Mon is gone, Wed and Fri are left');
if Mon in [Mon, Wed, Fri] * [Mon, Fri] then writeln('Mon and Fri are common to both sets');
The same can be done manually with bitwise operations, but sets are easier to read.
Clear as mud? ;)
-- Scott Little [fidonet#3:712/848 /
--- The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.
* Origin: What the hell are you waiting for? Christmas? (3:712/848)