• Pascal & OS2

    From IB JOE@1:275/312 to All on Wed Jul 28 16:53:00 2004
    Is there anyone anyone out there that can compile an OS/2 flavor to an open source utulity that has all the libraries and whatnot to make it work...

    The author said it was okay to try and find someone to make this port... he has
    no clue about OS2.

    PLEASE PLEASE help!!!


    * Origin: Joe's Computer, Crystal River, Fl. telnet.joesbbs.com (1:275/312)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to IB JOE on Thu Jul 29 19:50:45 2004
    Is there anyone anyone out there that can compile an OS/2 flavor to an open source utulity that has all the libraries and whatnot to make it work...

    If you by that somewhat cryptic question mean, can I compile a fully BP/TP-compatible source code to an OS/2 binary, the answer is yes. I have the old c/t patch installed, so I probably can.

    * Origin: news://felten.dyndns.org (2:203/2)
  • From IB JOE@1:275/312 to Björn Felten on Thu Jul 29 16:22:04 2004
    My email address is jschweier@earthlink.net if U shoot me an email I'll attach all the files I have.

    The program will allow regular dialip mailers to send callers to a telnet only BBS.. It just sends the user to the BBS using tcpip.

    Anyway, his source code was about a couple dozzen lines... the com libraries areopen source as well ... the author of ELE BBS.

    The Author of utility, its called dialuptotelnet.exe said that someone who programs the OS/2 flavor might nedd to know how OS/2 makes calls to the ports.

    Anyway, I'll give U all the files and the emails that the author gave me.. if U
    need them.. and if there are any questions I'm sure he'll be more than happy to

    and... thanx!!!

    If you by that somewhat cryptic question mean, can I
    compile a fully BP/TP-compatible source code to an OS/2
    binary, the answer is yes. I have the old c/t patch
    installed, so I probably can.

    * Origin: Joe's Computer & BBS -=telnet.joesbbs.com=- (1:275/312)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:11/200 to IB JOE on Fri Jul 30 19:31:04 2004
    Hello, IB.

    On 29 Jul 04 at 15:22, IB JOE wrote to Björn Felten:

    The Author of utility, its called dialuptotelnet.exe said that someone
    who programs the OS/2 flavor might nedd to know how OS/2 makes calls
    to the ports.

    Rick's pawning it off for someone else to do it, eh? Heh, sounds like him.

    What the programmer will need is a good compiling copy of EleCOM and good OS/2 API skills. I've got the first requirement, but not the second.

    Good luck-hope you can get that fixed. I'm not quite sure what you're needing this for since there's Synchronet/2 v2.30c, but hope it gets done for ya anyway.


    // hausmaus@outpostbbs.us | http://outpostbbs.us

    --- The Local Console
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - 1.618.549.1859 - outpostbbs.us (1:11/200)
  • From IB Joe@1:275/312 to Sean Dennis on Thu Aug 19 13:06:04 2004
    Hello Sean.

    It's a tossup between Synchronet & ELE as a BBS. I like ELE because of the way
    it works like RA... think there's a load of utilities out there and what not...
    Synchronet is nice... but on the mail side of things... anything not synch is better... GOD help me!!!

    Um, about the OS2 utility.. dialup2telnet.exe The reason why I would like the OS2 flavor is to use my OS2 box to handle all the mail and what not... and keep
    the BBS windows based. :( .

    All the new doors are door32.sys and things seem to be going that way. U'd think it would be easy to get 24 lines of stinking code ported to OS2 ... HAHAHA... NOT!! But I'll keep trying.

    While I'm at it... do U know someone who knows someone who can fix this program??



    30 Jul 04 18:31, you wrote to me:

    Hello, IB.

    On 29 Jul 04 at 15:22, IB JOE wrote to Björn Felten:

    The Author of utility, its called dialuptotelnet.exe said that
    someone who programs the OS/2 flavor might nedd to know how OS/2
    makes calls to the ports.

    Rick's pawning it off for someone else to do it, eh? Heh, sounds like him.

    What the programmer will need is a good compiling copy of EleCOM and
    good OS/2 API skills. I've got the first requirement, but not the

    Good luck-hope you can get that fixed. I'm not quite sure what you're needing this for since there's Synchronet/2 v2.30c, but hope it gets
    done for ya anyway.


    * Origin: ----> Joe's Computer & BBS telnet.joesbbs.com <---- (1:275/312)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to IB Joe on Thu Aug 19 18:11:04 2004
    Hello, IB.

    On 19 Aug 04 at 12:06, IB Joe wrote to Sean Dennis:

    All the new doors are door32.sys and things seem to be going that way.
    U'd think it would be easy to get 24 lines of stinking code ported to
    OS2 ... HAHAHA... NOT!! But I'll keep trying.

    It depends on what the code is. If it's assembler, it's not easy to port. Not
    all doors are DOOR32.SYS either that are being produced. It's mostly laziness because there is an excellent doorkit that can do Win32, DOS, OS/2, and Linux doors with a single source if the programmer is using Pascal. If they're using
    C, they're probably using OpenDoors because AFAIK, it's the only doorkit for C available.

    While I'm at it... do U know someone who knows someone who can fix
    this program??

    OS/2-wise in Pascal? I think there's people in here that can help. But remember, that was written in Delphi. There may or may not be equivalents in Virtual Pascal for Delphi statements.


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus

    --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-21020
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Joe Schweier@1:275/312 to Sean Dennis on Thu Aug 19 21:51:00 2004
    * In a message originally to IB Joe, Sean Dennis said:

    OS/2-wise in Pascal? I think there's people in here that can help. But

    remember, that was written in Delphi. There may or may not be equivalents

    in Virtual Pascal for Delphi statements.

    It's Pascal...

    looking at the windows code that comes with the program it looks like about 2 dozzen lines... and I can even follow the

    Well.. since OS2 is a better OS U'd think it would just go real slick.... I should stop being so bull headed and just run
    Argus, but I like frontdoor and I'm starting to take a shine to OS/2... what a learning curve that's been.

    If U know someone please help me with this. I think there is a call for this little utility.



    * Origin: Joe's Computer & BBS -=telnet.joesbbs.com=- (1:275/312)
  • From Wayne Steele@3:633/690 to Joe Schweier on Sun Aug 29 23:34:00 2004
    Hi Joe,

    * In a message originally to Sean Dennis, Joe Schweier said:

    If U know someone please help me with this. I think
    there is a call for this little utility.

    Just curious as too why you need dialuptotelnet anyway? This was mainly
    created for BBS package like Sync that don't have normal dialup capabilites which EleBBS has... What are we trying to do anyway? Do you have a normal phoneline for the BBS? or are you just telnet?

    Maybe a better place could be either EleBBS Support or the mailing lists...

    You may even contact me via email...

    zomorf badnewsbbs@westnet.com.au ICQ: 12489905
    http ftp telnet://badnews.bbs.us & badnewsbbs.darktech.org

    * Origin: Come & Visit for a Kick@ss EleBBS & EleWEB BBS (3:633/690)
  • From IB JOE@1:275/312 to Wayne Steele on Mon Aug 30 21:33:36 2004
    Been there done that...

    My mailer is OS2 ... Id like to keep the BBS WINS ... seems that Windows based BBS better support the doors out there...

    I havent made the complete change over to ELE ... still cant make it do a few things.. and man have I tried... but all that aside.. I would want ele to be wins too,

    Hi Joe,

    * In a message originally to Sean Dennis, Joe Schweier

    If U know someone please help me with this. I think
    there is a call for this little utility.

    Just curious as too why you need dialuptotelnet anyway?
    This was mainly
    created for BBS package like Sync that don't have normal
    dialup capabilites
    which EleBBS has... What are we trying to do anyway? Do
    you have a normal
    phoneline for the BBS? or are you just telnet?

    Maybe a better place could be either EleBBS Support or
    the mailing lists...

    You may even contact me via email...

    zomorf badnewsbbs@westnet.com.au ICQ: 12489905
    http ftp telnet://badnews.bbs.us &

    * Origin: Come & Visit for a Kick@ss EleBBS & EleWEB BBS

    * Origin: Joe's Computer & BBS -=telnet.joesbbs.com=- (1:275/312)
  • From Wayne Steele@3:633/690 to IB JOE on Sun Sep 5 07:19:00 2004
    Hi Joe,

    * In a message originally to Wayne Steele, IB JOE said:

    My mailer is OS2 ... Id like to keep the BBS WINS...
    seems that Windows based BBS better support the doors
    out there...

    How are you going to run an os/2 mailer then pass the caller to a W32 BBS package?

    I run my BBS under OS/2 and there are a few doors around that won't run under OS/2 so I decided to run GameServer for those doors...

    zomorf badnewsbbs@westnet.com.au ICQ: 12489905
    http ftp telnet://badnews.bbs.us & badnewsbbs.darktech.org

    * Origin: Come & Visit for a Kick@ss EleBBS & EleWEB BBS (3:633/690)
  • From IB JOE@1:275/312 to Wayne Steele on Fri Sep 10 19:48:46 2004
    * On Sun 5 Sep 2004 6:19, <Wayne Steele> wrote:
    I havent found any takers yet... I wont let upo either!!!

    How are you going to run an os/2 mailer then pass the
    caller to a W32 BBS

    - Joe Schweier telnet.joesbbs.com 352.563.0167 -
    - AKA IB JOE DoveNET/FidoNET/NewGroups/Local -
    - SysOp of Joe's Computer & BBS Online Games for days 10 Nodes - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    * Origin: Joe's Computer & BBS -=telnet.joesbbs.com=- (1:275/312)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Thu Oct 7 23:19:17 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to IB Joe <=-

    @MSGID: 1:18/200 412525f6
    Hello, IB.

    On 19 Aug 04 at 12:06, IB Joe wrote to Sean Dennis:

    All the new doors are door32.sys and things seem to be going that way.
    U'd think it would be easy to get 24 lines of stinking code ported to
    OS2 ... HAHAHA... NOT!! But I'll keep trying.

    It depends on what the code is. If it's assembler, it's not easy to
    port. Not all doors are DOOR32.SYS either that are being produced.
    It's mostly laziness because there is an excellent doorkit that can do Win32, DOS, OS/2, and Linux doors with a single source if the
    programmer is using Pascal. If they're using C, they're probably
    using OpenDoors because AFAIK, it's the only doorkit for C available.
    While I'm at it... do U know someone who knows someone who can fix
    this program??

    OS/2-wise in Pascal? I think there's people in here that can help.
    But remember, that was written in Delphi. There may or may not be equivalents in Virtual Pascal for Delphi statements.

    Correct. Delphi requires API calls that only windows does.
    Its not like converting BP which can be tweaked. I would
    shiver on converting delphi to os/2. Unless os/2 has the
    same basic api calls it would be a nightmare. :)
    If I did something I'd have to ask for my professional contract
    fees that I normally require from clients :) But it
    would not be a fun task at all.

    ... "There a threat to Humanity, and they always will be." - Richard Frank
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to IB JOE on Thu Oct 7 23:20:50 2004
    Quoting IB JOE to Wayne Steele <=-

    Been there done that...

    My mailer is OS2 ... Id like to keep the BBS WINS ... seems that
    Windows based BBS better support the doors out there...
    I havent made the complete change over to ELE ... still cant make it
    do a few things.. and man have I tried... but all that aside.. I would want ele to be wins too,
    Hi Joe,

    * In a message originally to Sean Dennis, Joe Schweier

    Telegard works great in os/2 and has a native version.

    ... Mollari-Centauri, G'Kar-Narn, Delenn-Minbari, Kosh-Vorlon
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Joe Schweier@1:275/312.1 to Scott Adams on Mon Oct 11 08:15:40 2004
    Re: Re: Pascal & OS2
    By: Scott Adams to IB JOE on Thu Oct 07 2004 23:20:50

    * In a message originally to Sean Dennis, Joe Schweier
    Telegard works great in os/2 and has a native version.

    There are several BBS packages around that are supported by OS2... Synchronet & ELE both do.

    I love FD as a mailer and have noticed a small open source app out there that will allow windows based mailers to pass a caller to a telnet BBS I thought it would be coolto have an OS2 version.

    I like the Win32 BBS packages... there seems to be some nice doors being made that are 32bit.

    Anyway... there dosn't seem to be anyone who knows enough about OS2 out there that wants to spend the 10-15 minutes to alter and compile the program.


    IB JOE
    AKA Joe Schweier
    Sysop of joesbbs.com
    --- SBBSecho 2.10-Win32
    * Origin: Joe's Computer & BBS -=joesbbs.com=- (1:275/312.1)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Joe Schweier on Mon Oct 11 16:35:15 2004
    Anyway... there dosn't seem to be anyone who knows enough about OS2 out there
    that wants to spend the 10-15 minutes to alter and compile the program.

    Sorry Joe, I should have returned to you a long time ago.

    The package (at least the one you sent to me) relies heavily on the Windows API, it does not easily translate to OS/2. When I offered to have a go at it (more than two months ago) I was under the impression it was written in "pure"
    Pascal, (since this is what this echo is about), not that it was a Delphi project.

    Sorry for the confusion, and good luck in your pursuit.

    (Why don't you give up and turn to Windows? It makes life so much easier when searching for applications to run... :) )

    FidoNet in your news reader: news://felten.dyndns.org
    For full access, register at: http://felten.dyndns.org/join.html
    * Origin: news://felten.dyndns.org (2:203/2)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Joe Schweier on Mon Oct 11 23:08:02 2004
    Quoting Joe Schweier to Scott Adams <=-

    @MSGID: 1:275/312.1 05cfa28d 304.pascal 05CFA28D
    Re: Re: Pascal & OS2
    By: Scott Adams to IB JOE on Thu Oct 07 2004 23:20:50

    * In a message originally to Sean Dennis, Joe Schweier
    Telegard works great in os/2 and has a native version.

    There are several BBS packages around that are supported by OS2... Synchronet & ELE both do.

    I love FD as a mailer and have noticed a small open source app out
    there that will allow windows based mailers to pass a caller to a
    telnet BBS I thought it would be coolto have an OS2 version.

    I like the Win32 BBS packages... there seems to be some nice doors
    being made that are 32bit.

    Anyway... there dosn't seem to be anyone who knows enough about OS2
    out there that wants to spend the 10-15 minutes to alter and compile
    the program.

    Well I just mentioned TG since its a proven software and
    I've never heard of issues with telnet or doors with it.
    Plus the TG help list which might have os/2ers on it.

    You check the os/2 echos?

    I don't run it so wouldn't be able to help. My bbs
    is still dos :) Which I prefer over windoze..

    ... "Those arrogant sons of... Take them down!" - Ivanova
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Scott Adams on Mon Oct 11 12:53:12 2004
    Quoting Scott Adams from a message to Sean Dennis <--

    Correct. Delphi requires API calls that only windows does.
    Its not like converting BP which can be tweaked. I would
    shiver on converting delphi to os/2. Unless os/2 has the
    same basic api calls it would be a nightmare. :) If I did something I'd have to askfor my professional contract fees
    that I normally require from clients :) But it would not be
    a fun task at all.

    (This is how Telegard quoted your message. Strange, eh? :)

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I know that there is SOME Delphi stuff in VP, but I have no clue as to what they are, to be honest. I just barely make my way into the basics in Pascal for me. :)

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Scott Adams on Tue Oct 12 11:55:10 2004
    Quoting Scott Adams from a message to IB JOE <--

    Telegard works great in os/2 and has a native version.

    Why, you don't say... ;)

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Joe Schweier on Tue Oct 12 11:58:14 2004
    Quoting Joe Schweier from a message to Scott Adams <--

    Anyway... there dosn't seem to be anyone who knows enough about OS2
    out there that wants to spend the 10-15 minutes to alter and compile
    the program.

    No, you don't understand that you can't simply just compile a Win32 program under OS/2 without some major changes and possibly being unable to do it.

    Please don't assume that it's just something "simple". Just because you lack the knowledge to do it doesn't mean you have to rip on those of who do.

    Don't burn your bridges by insulting us-your ignorance is showing.

    If you like Win32 BBSes, then run Synchronet-it has lots of support and a lot of people are running it. If you run an OS/2 native BBS, expect to support yourself and not get much help. I've been running OS/2 since 1996 and I can tell you that it's not anything like running a BBS under Windows. You get more
    stability and speed, but in turn, it's harder to set up and you have to know more about tweaking your system.

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Björn Felten on Tue Oct 12 11:58:50 2004
    Quoting Björn Felten from a message to Joe Schweier <--

    (Why don't you give up and turn to Windows? It makes life so much easier when searching for applications to run... :) )

    It seems he wants the easy way out, so Windows would be the way to go.

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Scott Adams on Tue Oct 12 11:59:38 2004
    Quoting Scott Adams from a message to Joe Schweier <--

    I don't run it so wouldn't be able to help. My bbs
    is still dos :) Which I prefer over windoze..

    I could help. I think I'm one of the very few OS/2 sysops left anymore and I think I may be the only TG/2 sysop left.

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Jasen Betts@3:640/1042 to Scott Adams on Tue Oct 12 08:57:50 2004
    Hello Scott.

    07 Oct 04 22:19, you wrote to Sean Dennis:

    Quoting Sean Dennis to IB Joe <=-

    Correct. Delphi requires API calls that only windows does.
    Its not like converting BP which can be tweaked. I would
    shiver on converting delphi to os/2. Unless os/2 has the
    same basic api calls it would be a nightmare. :)

    IIRC a third party managed to get the quake binary to run under os/2,
    so the difference isn't insurmountable.

    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: (3:640/1042)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Jasen Betts on Wed Oct 13 19:40:40 2004
    Quoting Jasen Betts from a message to Scott Adams <--

    IIRC a third party managed to get the quake binary to run under os/2,
    so the difference isn't insurmountable.

    Yes, but when there's other workarounds instead of completely rewriting the program to do the same function under another OS, why bother?

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Andy Ball@1:10/345 to Sean Dennis on Thu Oct 14 02:18:00 2004
    Hello Sean,

    SD> I think I'm one of the very few OS/2 sysops left anymore and I
    > think I may be the only TG/2 sysop left.

    Weren't you also the last sysop in Illinois, before the move? ;-)

    - Andy Ball.
    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
    * Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)
  • From Bo Simonsen@2:236/100 to Andy Ball on Thu Oct 14 17:54:37 2004
    Hello Andy!

    Thursday October 14 2004 01:18, you wrote to Sean Dennis:

    I think I'm one of the very few OS/2 sysops left anymore and I
    think I may be the only TG/2 sysop left.

    Weren't you also the last sysop in Illinois, before the move? ;-)

    Hmm.. not longtime since I saw a board in Chicago Illinois. But maybe I'm wrong..

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: The Night Express - 45-36959335 - 1200 BPS only (2:236/100)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Andy Ball on Thu Oct 14 17:12:52 2004
    Quoting Andy Ball from a message to Sean Dennis <--

    Weren't you also the last sysop in Illinois, before the move? ;-)

    As far as I know, I was the last active Fidonet Illinois-based sysop. There's places listed, but R11 is pretty dead anymore.

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Andy Ball@1:10/345 to Bo Simonsen on Fri Oct 15 03:32:58 2004
    Hello Bo,

    BS> Hmm.. not longtime since I saw a board in Chicago
    > Illinois. But maybe I'm wrong..

    Any idea of the name, telephone number or Fidonet address? I wonder if they carry the Pascal echoes.

    BS> 1200 BPS only

    Nice :-)

    - Andy Ball
    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
    * Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)
  • From Andy Ball@1:10/345 to Sean Dennis on Fri Oct 15 03:33:00 2004
    Hello Sean,

    SD> As far as I know, I was the last active Fidonet
    > Illinois-based sysop. There's places listed, but R11
    > is pretty dead anymore.

    I've just bunged the RC an email (would have been a netmail but I'm really not sure how to send those from this BBS). I seem to remember that this (FamilyNet HQ) BBS used to be in Chicago, but migrated South (which at this time of year sounds like a really good idea :-)

    We should probably make an effort to get back on topic. Have you ever tried gpc? If so, what were your thoughts? Can I make use of termcap or curses libraries from a Pascal program compiled with gpc?

    - Andy Ball.
    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
    * Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)
  • From Bo Simonsen@2:236/100 to Andy Ball on Fri Oct 15 19:02:47 2004
    Hello Andy!

    Friday October 15 2004 02:32, you wrote to me:

    Hello Bo,

    Hmm.. not longtime since I saw a board in Chicago
    Illinois. But maybe I'm wrong..

    Any idea of the name, telephone number or Fidonet address? I wonder if they carry the Pascal echoes.

    1:11/203 is in the nodelist, as living in Chicago IL. Else you could ask him, he's not MO so he's properly having a BBS.

    Dialup number is 1-773-881-1142

    1200 BPS only

    Nice :-)

    Yes it over VoIP so I guess it wouldn't be able to handle more. :)

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: The Night Express - 45-36959335 - 1200 BPS only (2:236/100)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Andy Ball on Fri Oct 15 13:04:50 2004
    Quoting Andy Ball from a message to Sean Dennis <--

    We should probably make an effort to get back on topic. Have you ever tried gpc? If so, what were your thoughts? Can I make use of
    termcap or curses librariesfrom a Pascal program compiled with gpc?

    No, I've never used gpc. As for those libraries, to be honest, I have no clue.
    I have very little Linux experience except for installing it, setting up servers and compiling stuff that was already written for it.

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Andy Ball@1:10/345 to Bo Simonsen on Sat Oct 16 02:37:16 2004
    Hello Bo,

    BS> 1:11/203 is in the nodelist...


    BS> 1200 BPS only

    AB> Nice :-)

    BS> Yes it over VoIP so I guess it wouldn't be able to
    > handle more. :)

    So it's digital over analogue over digital... :-)

    - Andy Ball
    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
    * Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)
  • From Andy Ball@1:10/345 to Sean Dennis on Sat Oct 16 02:58:10 2004
    Hello Sean,

    SD> No, I've never used gpc. As for those libraries, to
    > be honest, I have no clue. I have very little Linux
    > experience except for installing it, setting up
    > servers and compiling stuff that was already written
    > for it.

    I don't have much Linux experience either. None of the commercial distributions I tried really agreed with me. I run NetBSD mostly. I believe that curses is available for various platforms (including BSD, Linux and DOS).
    Out of interest, what compiler do you use and on which platforms?

    - Andy Ball
    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by http://www.christian-wellness.net (8:8/2)
    * Origin: BBS Networks @ www.bbsnets.com 808-839-6036 (1:10/345)
  • From Bo Simonsen@2:236/100 to Andy Ball on Sun Oct 17 02:11:50 2004
    Hello Andy!

    Saturday October 16 2004 01:37, you wrote to me:

    1200 BPS only

    Nice :-)

    Yes it over VoIP so I guess it wouldn't be able to
    handle more. :)

    So it's digital over analogue over digital... :-)

    Exactly, but it's most the delay which is costing the low modem speed. :)

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: The Night Express - 45-36959335 - 1200 BPS only (2:236/100)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Andy Ball on Sun Oct 17 00:59:04 2004
    Quoting Andy Ball from a message to Sean Dennis <--

    BSD, Linux and DOS). Out of interest, what compiler do you use and
    on which platforms?

    I use Borland Pascal 7 and Virtual Pascal v2.1 build 279 under W2K Pro SP4. I do cross-compiling stuff on this system.

    Right now, however, I cannot get my OS/2 door stuff to compile because of a strange error VP is spitting out about a Windows resource or something or another... I have no clue what it's talking about and I'm going nuts trying to figure it out. I'm using the great Manndoor doorkit and I know there's something in that that isn't where it's supposed to be because I can compile "straight" OS/2 programs just fine.

    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32 and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)

    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Jasen Betts@3:640/1042 to Andy Ball on Sun Oct 17 17:48:22 2004
    Hello Andy.

    16 Oct 04 01:37, you wrote to Bo Simonsen:

    Hello Bo,

    1:11/203 is in the nodelist...

    1200 BPS only

    Yes it over VoIP so I guess it wouldn't be able to
    handle more. :)

    So it's digital over analogue over digital... :-)

    pretty much all dialup modems are. the PSTN is for the most part digital these days. anywhere that V.90 works has a digital CO. The only analogue part is the copper between the subscriber and their local CO.

    yow if you were yourself using a dialup connction using voip to do another dialup PPP that'd be truely perverse.


    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: (3:640/1042)
  • From Jasen Betts@3:640/1042 to Andy Ball on Sun Oct 17 18:19:36 2004
    Hello Andy.

    15 Oct 04 02:33, you wrote to Sean Dennis:

    We should probably make an effort to get back on topic. Have you ever tried gpc? If so, what were your thoughts? Can I make use of

    I skipped this message before readint the aboe praragraph... being on-topic
    is a good ides.

    or curses libraries from a Pascal program compiled with gpc?

    Simply using CRT would produce a binary that uses curses (or ncurses)
    for its "CRT" ouput.

    If you're compiling on DOS you'll then have to choose between a real of emulated curses library. depending on wether you want it to use "ansi" or direct screen writes.

    I know of no libraries for linux that offer direct scrren text output.
    (not that writing one would be hard, but more that using one would msake applications that would only work on the console and not in an xterm or over a ssg or telnet connection.

    "gcc" (the gnu c comnpiler) is used as a back-end for compiling pascal programs
    so they will be potentially linkable with all C libraries

    I've not looked closely at gpc I don't know if it can read the c header (*.h) files to allow you to link arbitrary c libraries, or if you need to provide that information in a different format.

    from the info page the following unit are provided as standard.

    * CRT:: BP compatibility: CRT & WinCRT, portable, with many extensions * Dos:: BP compatibility: Dos
    * DosUnix:: Overcome some differences between Dos and Unix
    * FileUtils:: Higher level file and directory handling
    * GMP:: Arithmetic with unlimited size and precision
    * GPCUtil:: Turbo Power compatibility, etc.
    * HeapMon:: Primitive heap checking
    * Intl:: Internationalization
    * MD5:: `MD5' Message Digests
    * Overlay:: BP compatibility: Overlay
    * Pipe:: Start a child process, connected with
    * Ports:: BP compatibility (partly): `Port', `PortW' arrays
    * Printer:: BP compatibility: Printer, portable
    * RegEx:: Regular Expression matching and substituting
    * Strings:: BP compatibility: Strings
    * StringUtils:: Higher level string handling
    * System:: BP compatibility: System
    * Trap:: Trap runtime errors
    * Turbo3:: BP compatibility: Turbo3
    * WinDos:: BP compatibility: WinDos

    Also, from reading the documantation it looks like you can do

    {$l /lib/libcurses.o}

    and then declare the curses functions which you want to use using the
    "asmname" keyword.

    I'm notu sure if dynamic linking is supported.

    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: (3:640/1042)
  • From Bo Simonsen@2:236/100 to Jasen Betts on Fri Oct 22 00:08:07 2004
    Hello Jasen!

    Sunday October 17 2004 16:48, you wrote to Andy Ball:

    yow if you were yourself using a dialup connction using voip to do
    another dialup PPP that'd be truely perverse.


    I did just do it, so non-ip people can crash a mail to me.. To send a few kilobytes, I wouldn't be long not even with 1200 baud. :-) Never intended to hold points and so on by it. :)

    Then I get a better modem, I could reach 2400 bps i guess. :)

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: The Night Express - 45-36959335 - 1200 BPS only (2:236/100)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Wed Oct 27 20:40:44 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Scott Adams <=-

    @MSGID: 1:18/200 3237b78f
    Quoting Scott Adams from a message to Sean Dennis <--

    Correct. Delphi requires API calls that only windows does.
    Its not like converting BP which can be tweaked. I would
    shiver on converting delphi to os/2. Unless os/2 has the
    same basic api calls it would be a nightmare. :) If I did something I'd have to askfor my professional contract fees
    that I normally require from clients :) But it would not be
    a fun task at all.

    (This is how Telegard quoted your message. Strange, eh? :)

    No its just how I indent. Quote this and it'll be fine.

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I know that there is SOME Delphi
    stuff in VP, but I have no clue as to what they are, to be honest. I
    just barely make my way into the basics in Pascal for me. :)

    Yeah Bp is one thing and even TP but I've not memorized everything in
    VP or the others since I just don't use them that often.
    BTW get that set program I wrote for you?

    ... I'm fairly certain the blue stuff is dead. - Garibaldi
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Wed Oct 27 20:41:12 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Scott Adams <=-

    Telegard works great in os/2 and has a native version.

    Why, you don't say... ;)

    Yep. One of those pre-recorded messages in my brain :)

    ... Maybe I'll try pacing fro and to for a while. -Susan Ivanova
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Wed Oct 27 20:42:30 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Scott Adams <=-

    I don't run it so wouldn't be able to help. My bbs
    is still dos :) Which I prefer over windoze..

    I could help. I think I'm one of the very few OS/2 sysops left
    anymore and I think I may be the only TG/2 sysop left.

    No I'm sure theres a few more..I'd have to check the TG help list..

    ... "We are Star-Stuff. We are the Universe made manifest." -- Delenn
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Jasen Betts on Wed Oct 27 20:43:34 2004
    Quoting Jasen Betts to Scott Adams <=-

    @MSGID: 3:640/1042 416c1be7
    Hello Scott.

    07 Oct 04 22:19, you wrote to Sean Dennis:

    Quoting Sean Dennis to IB Joe <=-

    Correct. Delphi requires API calls that only windows does.
    Its not like converting BP which can be tweaked. I would
    shiver on converting delphi to os/2. Unless os/2 has the
    same basic api calls it would be a nightmare. :)

    IIRC a third party managed to get the quake binary to run under os/2,
    so the difference isn't insurmountable.

    Yeah but I figured Quake was C alot easier port than pascal is
    to port to other languages :)

    ... "It's more than just a fortress, it's a death trap." - Sheridan
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Wed Oct 27 20:47:16 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Andy Ball <=-

    @MSGID: 1:18/200 323ef8f6
    Quoting Andy Ball from a message to Sean Dennis <--

    BSD, Linux and DOS). Out of interest, what compiler do you use and
    on which platforms?

    I use Borland Pascal 7 and Virtual Pascal v2.1 build 279 under W2K Pro SP4. I do cross-compiling stuff on this system.
    Right now, however, I cannot get my OS/2 door stuff to compile because
    of a strange error VP is spitting out about a Windows resource or something or another... I have no clue what it's talking about and I'm going nuts trying to figure it out. I'm using the great Manndoor
    doorkit and I know there's something in that that isn't where it's supposed to be because I can compile "straight" OS/2 programs just
    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32
    and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)

    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.

    ... "You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool." - Zathra
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Scott Adams on Mon Nov 1 12:38:22 2004
    Hello, Scott.

    On 27 Oct 04 at 19:47, Scott Adams wrote to Sean Dennis:

    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.

    I hatched it ADV_HATCH, but I don't have any other filebones to hatch it in. I
    netmailed Janis about what filebone I should connect to to hatch my files (since I have the ability to).


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus
    --- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-21011
    * Origin: Stranded at the Outpost... (1:18/200)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Sun Nov 14 03:53:09 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Scott Adams <=-

    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.

    I hatched it ADV_HATCH, but I don't have any other filebones to hatch
    it in. I netmailed Janis about what filebone I should connect to to
    hatch my files (since I have the ability to).

    I don't recall seeing the file. Hrm...as to the TG file echo
    I only should have hatching access to it per policy as
    moderator. But she hasn't hatched it either. So I dunno
    what's going on.

    ... "Stay close to the Vorlon, and watch out for shadows." - Sinclair
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Scott Adams on Tue Nov 16 05:48:26 2004
    Hello, Scott.

    On 14 Nov 04 at 03:53, Scott Adams wrote to Sean Dennis:

    I don't recall seeing the file. Hrm...as to the TG file echo
    I only should have hatching access to it per policy as
    moderator. But she hasn't hatched it either. So I dunno
    what's going on.

    Okay, I'll configure ADV_HATCH again on my system (I just discovered it wasn't there). Right now things are in a state of flux here-with my working in retail, the crap's gonna hit the fan day after Thanksgiving and won't let up until Dec. 26th, so things may be at a standstill until then.

    I have another door I'm going to rerelease-then after this, I have three new doors that I'm in the process of working on. Right now though, I just have no time to program to speak of. I moved the BBS to a new machine with a fresh install of OS/2, so I'm working the kinks out of that, plus I'm trying, for once and for all, to get ALL of my utilities working together <G> on the BBS.

    After I get that done, I'll start working more on my doors... I'm actually supposed to get my own filebone from Janis on the IFDC backbone for my Cheepware doors and sysop utils...


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus
    --- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-21011
    * Origin: Stranded at the Outpost... (1:18/200)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Tue Nov 16 19:16:25 2004
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Scott Adams <=-

    I don't recall seeing the file. Hrm...as to the TG file echo
    I only should have hatching access to it per policy as
    moderator. But she hasn't hatched it either. So I dunno
    what's going on.

    Okay, I'll configure ADV_HATCH again on my system (I just discovered
    it wasn't there). Right now things are in a state of flux here-with
    my working in retail, the crap's gonna hit the fan day after
    Thanksgiving and won't let up until Dec. 26th, so things may be at a standstill until then.

    Same here. Its always the busiest 2 months from actually
    this week till first week in Jan. Has for the last 15 or
    so years so I don't expect any different this year. As
    tot he file just send it to me and a netmail reminder so
    I don't delete it and I'll hatch it..though I think
    I already did :) Could check the file annoucements
    in adv_newfiles. Think I did when you emailed it to
    me awhile back.

    I have another door I'm going to rerelease-then after this, I have
    three new doors that I'm in the process of working on. Right now
    though, I just have no time to program to speak of. I moved the BBS
    to a new machine with a fresh install of OS/2, so I'm working the
    kinks out of that, plus I'm trying, for once and for all, to get ALL
    of my utilities working together <G> on the BBS.

    Cool. :)

    After I get that done, I'll start working more on my doors... I'm
    actually supposed to get my own filebone from Janis on the IFDC
    backbone for my Cheepware doors and sysop utils...

    All right.

    ... "I'd give a year's pay to see whats inside this thing" - Sheridan
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Scott Adams on Wed Nov 17 23:20:42 2004
    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32
    and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to
    http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)
    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.
    ... "You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool." - Zathra

    Just noticed your message. If you have a BBS program that you need distributed,
    just send it over to me using either ktidmore@bellsouth.net or gtidmore@hiwaay.net,
    and I'll take care of posting it to Fidonet. If it is non-Lord, it will go in my Miscfile
    directory on the Camelot LordNews FDN. Which has been copied by a few dozen telnet internet sites over time I have noticed.

    At one time, Ruth Argust was posting bbs files to fidonet, but I think she must
    be too sick to do so any more. I've not seen anything posted for 2004 on her doorgames.org web-site this entire year. So I guess I'm the only active fidonet
    distributor around for bbs door games, and other bbs programs.

    http://www.filegate.net/camelot/ - The Camelot LordNews FDN http://www.fidotel.com/public/camelot/camelot5.htm

    Note: for some reason I don't understand, Mozilla Firefox refuses to load the graphics
    on the camelot5.htm page. So if you want to see those, you will need to use a different browser. Donald.
    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Scott Adams on Wed Nov 17 23:20:52 2004
    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32
    and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to
    http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)
    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.
    ... "You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool." - Zathra

    Just noticed your message. If you have a BBS program that you need distributed,
    just send it over to me using either ktidmore@bellsouth.net or gtidmore@hiwaay.net,
    and I'll take care of posting it to Fidonet. If it is non-Lord, it will go in my Miscfile
    directory on the Camelot LordNews FDN. Which has been copied by a few dozen telnet internet sites over time I have noticed.

    At one time, Ruth Argust was posting bbs files to fidonet, but I think she must
    be too sick to do so any more. I've not seen anything posted for 2004 on her doorgames.org web-site this entire year. So I guess I'm the only active fidonet
    distributor around for bbs door games, and other bbs programs.

    http://www.filegate.net/camelot/ - The Camelot LordNews FDN http://www.fidotel.com/public/camelot/camelot5.htm

    Note: for some reason I don't understand, Mozilla Firefox refuses to load the graphics
    on the camelot5.htm page. So if you want to see those, you will need to use a different browser. Donald.
    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Scott Adams on Wed Nov 17 23:21:00 2004
    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32
    and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to
    http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)
    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.
    ... "You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool." - Zathra

    Just noticed your message. If you have a BBS program that you need distributed,
    just send it over to me using either ktidmore@bellsouth.net or gtidmore@hiwaay.net,
    and I'll take care of posting it to Fidonet. If it is non-Lord, it will go in my Miscfile
    directory on the Camelot LordNews FDN. Which has been copied by a few dozen telnet internet sites over time I have noticed.

    At one time, Ruth Argust was posting bbs files to fidonet, but I think she must
    be too sick to do so any more. I've not seen anything posted for 2004 on her doorgames.org web-site this entire year. So I guess I'm the only active fidonet
    distributor around for bbs door games, and other bbs programs.

    http://www.filegate.net/camelot/ - The Camelot LordNews FDN http://www.fidotel.com/public/camelot/camelot5.htm

    Note: for some reason I don't understand, Mozilla Firefox refuses to load the graphics
    on the camelot5.htm page. So if you want to see those, you will need to use a different browser. Donald.
    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Donald Tidmore on Thu Nov 18 22:19:53 2004
    Hello, Donald.

    On 17 Nov 04 at 23:20, Donald Tidmore wrote to Scott Adams:

    I'm the only active fidonet distributor around for bbs door games, and other bbs programs.

    Not anymore. ;) Janis created my very own filebone called Cheepware Distribution (CH-WARE). It will be my avenue of releasing all of my Cheepware stuff, whether BBS related or not. Thanks for the offer though.


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus
    --- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-21011
    * Origin: Stranded at the Outpost... (1:18/200)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Donald Tidmore on Wed Nov 24 16:20:44 2004
    http://www.filegate.net/camelot/ - The Camelot LordNews FDN http://www.fidotel.com/public/camelot/camelot5.htm

    Note: for some reason I don't understand, Mozilla Firefox
    refuses to load the graphics on the camelot5.htm page. So
    if you want to see those, you will need to use a different
    browser. Donald.

    try running the page thru the www validator... you'll likely find that some tags are out of order or misused inside or outside required container tags... i've fixed a couple of things like that over there so that the truely compliant
    browsers (IE is not truely compliant) can operate properly...

    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Donald Tidmore on Thu Nov 25 01:16:46 2004
    Note: for some reason I don't understand, Mozilla Firefox refuses to
    load the graphics
    on the camelot5.htm page. So if you want to see those, you will need to use a different browser. Donald.

    I'm using FireFox 1.0 and as far as I could see, there was no problems at all loading any graphics.
    * Origin: news://felten.dyndns.org (2:203/2)
  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Sean Dennis on Sat Nov 27 03:02:46 2004
    Hello, Donald.
    On 17 Nov 04 at 23:20, Donald Tidmore wrote to Scott Adams:
    I'm the only active fidonet distributor around for bbs door games, and
    other bbs programs.
    Not anymore. ;) Janis created my very own filebone called Cheepware
    Distribution (CH-WARE). It will be my avenue of releasing all of my Cheepware
    stuff, whether BBS related or not. Thanks for the offer though.
    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus

    You're welcome. But if anyone else needs something bbs-related distributed for
    them, I am able to handle that. All they need to do is to send the programs to
    me, using either ZIP or RAR compression format, WITH fidonet standards. 1) All
    filenames must be in the DOS 8.3 format which Fidonet requires for all files distributions. And 2) all submissions should have an file_id.diz file, which optimally I understand should always contain lines that are no longer than 40 spaces. Not totally sure on why that is, other than that on a normal BBS files
    listing, that's about all the room that is available after the BBS files database has handled filename, file size, file time and file date fields.

    They can send the archives to any of my four active email addresses. donald.tidmore@usa.net, donald.tidmore@fidotel.com, gtidmore@hiwaay.net, or ktidmore@bellsouth.net. Of those, I prefer to have large files sent using the gtidmore email account.

    Distribution is done on the Camelot LordNews FDN which is located at http://www.filegate.com/camelot/ and I have five directories for files posting.
    LordFile - programs for DOS Lord. Lord2fil - Programs for LORD II. WtLord - programs for Wildcat Tournament Lord. MiscFile - miscellaneous non-LORD programs. LordNews - contains issues of the Castle Camelot Lord Newsletter.

    I can also post Lord igms and utilities on the Fidotel BBS web-site operated by
    Shannon Talley, and can send non-Lord bbs programs to him for posting in other locations on his BBS server, if needed. Lastly, I post all Lord programs to the www.nightfallgames.com site, which is the only primary distribution source for all Lord programs in existence, which is kept up-to-date at all times. That is hosted by Michael Everett.

    Has anyone got any idea why so many postings done using the web interface of the Prism BBS results in people having 2 or three copies show up afterwards of their message(s)? Gets a little annoying I guess for everyone. Donald
    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Mark Lewis on Sat Nov 27 03:21:48 2004
    http://www.filegate.net/camelot/ - The Camelot LordNews FDN
    Note: for some reason I don't understand, Mozilla Firefox
    refuses to load the graphics on the camelot5.htm page. So
    if you want to see those, you will need to use a different
    browser. Donald.
    try running the page thru the www validator... you'll likely find that some tags are out of order or misused inside or outside required container tags...
    i've fixed a couple of things like that over there so that the truely complian
    browsers (IE is not truely compliant) can operate properly...

    Bjorn and Mark, thanks for the assistance on this. I'm checking out the HTML 4.01 specifications now to see what I've been doing wrong. I started out doing
    HTML writing when 3.20 was the current spec and for the most part have not ever
    completely transitioned to how W3C wants web-pages to work now under HTML 4.01 spec.

    I went to their HTML validator and checked out my camelot5.htm page. The only things it fussed about was that my Doctype line was not valid, and my usage of the HR command is apparently not correct now. Otherwise, it does not help me figure out why Firefox 1.0 PR program will not load my graphics on the web-page. The oddest part of it all is this. If I access the web-page on the server, Firefox won't load anything at all. If I access it locally from my html
    files work directory, the web-page will display, but it won't display any of the page's images. But every one of my other web-pages display fine. So it is
    a mystery I have yet to find a solution for. But I'm still looking now and then for the answers.

    Hope all of you guys had a nice Thanksgiving. I've got Firefox's official 1.00
    release now, but have not installed it yet. But if the problem is my html coding techniques, the new offical version will probably also have conniptions with the web-page I guess.

    Probably about time I bit the bullet and learned to use CSS coding and style sheets, but I've just not wanted to take the time to figure that all out. Donald.
    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Donald Tidmore on Fri Dec 17 18:36:39 2004
    Quoting Donald Tidmore to Scott Adams <=-

    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32
    and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to
    http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)
    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.
    ... "You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool." - Zathra

    Just noticed your message. If you have a BBS program that you need distributed, just send it over to me using either
    ktidmore@bellsouth.net or gtidmore@hiwaay.net, and I'll take care of posting it to Fidonet. If it is non-Lord, it will go in my Miscfile directory on the Camelot LordNews FDN. Which has been copied by a few dozen telnet internet sites over time I have noticed.

    Actually I don't do much BBS work. I do occasional BBS Util for
    TG here and there or other special projects like for doors. But
    I can distribute them as well since I'm teh sysop and have
    access to the proper chain. But thanks for asking. I also
    would distribute them into my network AdventureNet.

    At one time, Ruth Argust was posting bbs files to fidonet, but I think
    she must be too sick to do so any more. I've not seen anything posted
    for 2004 on her doorgames.org web-site this entire year. So I guess
    I'm the only active fidonet distributor around for bbs door games, and other bbs programs.

    Actually theres a few others Janis for one. But yeah shes not been
    around for awhile. There was a skirmish with her and someone
    else in another echo and so that may have caused problems.

    ... "No guarentees. Garibaldi None required." - Londo
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Donald Tidmore on Fri Dec 17 18:37:02 2004
    Quoting Donald Tidmore to Scott Adams <=-

    I just released a Telegard BBS-specific utility too that's DOS, Win32
    and OS/2 based. If you want to see my work, just cruise on over to
    http://cheepware.midnightshour.org and check it out-it's all free. :)
    BTW has that file been hatched yet? I sent it to janis and I
    believe you did but I've not seen it come down the pipe.
    ... "You are finite. Zathras is finite. This... is wrong tool." - Zathra

    Just noticed your message. If you have a BBS program that you need distributed, just send it over to me using either
    ktidmore@bellsouth.net or gtidmore@hiwaay.net, and I'll take care of

    Heh..you posted that 3 times to me :)

    ... You ask me-the universe is going to hell in a handbasket - Garibaldi
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Scott Adams on Tue Jan 25 06:42:38 2005
    *** Quoting Scott Adams from a message to Donald Tidmore ***

    Actually theres a few others Janis for one. But yeah shes not
    been around for awhile. There was a skirmish with her and
    someone else in anotherecho and so that may have caused

    I tried to tell Ruth that someone was using her doorgames.org email for viruses
    and I got my head bit off by her. Needless to say, that was the end of my relationship with her concerning my Cheepware line. I went and got my own damn
    filebone (CH-WARE). The hell with dealing with mean people in that respect. :)


    --- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - Kennesaw, GA - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to Sean Dennis on Sat Feb 12 00:02:37 2005
    Quoting Sean Dennis to Scott Adams <=-

    Actually theres a few others Janis for one. But yeah shes not
    been around for awhile. There was a skirmish with her and
    someone else in anotherecho and so that may have caused

    I tried to tell Ruth that someone was using her doorgames.org email
    for viruses and I got my head bit off by her. Needless to say, that
    was the end of my relationship with her concerning my Cheepware line.
    I went and got my own damn filebone (CH-WARE). The hell with dealing
    with mean people in that respect. :)

    Well I know shes gone through alot of things recently in
    personal issues but not sure why she would yell at ya for.

    ... "Please relax, its not a bribe." - Londo
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Scott Adams on Sat Feb 12 20:16:58 2005
    I tried to tell Ruth that someone was using her doorgames.org email
    for viruses and I got my head bit off by her. Needless to say, that
    was the end of my relationship with her concerning my Cheepware line.
    I went and got my own damn filebone (CH-WARE). The hell with dealing
    with mean people in that respect. :)

    Well I know shes gone through alot of things recently
    in personal issues but not sure why she would yell at ya for.

    i can tell ya... complete misunderstanding what what she is being told... in the above, i'd suspect that she thought it was being said that she was sending the virus'... it is very likely that she didn't understand that her address was
    being spoofed as the sender...


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to mark lewis on Sat Feb 12 23:49:38 2005
    `07*** Quoting mark lewis from a message to Scott Adams ***`07

    I tried to tell Ruth that someone was using her doorgames.org email
    for viruses and I got my head bit off by her. Needless to say, that
    was the end of my relationship with her concerning my Cheepware line.
    I went and got my own damn filebone (CH-WARE). The hell with dealing
    with mean people in that respect. :)

    Well I know shes gone through alot of things recently
    in personal issues but not sure why she would yell at ya for.

    i can tell ya... complete misunderstanding what what she is being told
    in the above, i'd suspect that she thought it was being said that she
    was sending the virus'... it is very likely that she didn't understand
    that her address was being spoofed as the sender...


    Yeah. Its all he said she said kinda thing. Folks can be easilly duped into having their ISP or network or email address used in sending spam or virii.

    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Scott Adams on Sun Feb 13 13:50:52 2005
    Well I know shes gone through alot of things recently
    in personal issues but not sure why she would yell at ya for.

    i can tell ya... complete misunderstanding what what she is being told ml>> in the above, i'd suspect that she thought it was being said that she
    was sending the virus'... it is very likely that she didn't understand ml>> that her address was being spoofed as the sender...

    Yeah. Its all he said she said kinda thing.

    yeah, definitely a "kinda" thing ;)

    Folks can be easilly duped into having their ISP or
    network or email address used in sending spam or virii.

    and that doesn't even involve any folks getting involved other than the virus writers and spammers... especially since they simply gather the addresses from files on an infected user's machine...

    i've had my address used in the past and do get spam from self to self... i won't even mention the times that i've had folk complain to me about the spam "i" sent them... that's lasts about as long as it takes me to (gently (at times)) correct them and point them to educational resources where they can learn about the real world instead of them remaining ignorant in their imaginary world ;)


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From Scott Adams@1:112/91 to mark lewis on Thu Mar 10 20:50:22 2005
    Quoting mark lewis to Scott Adams <=-

    Yeah. Its all he said she said kinda thing.

    yeah, definitely a "kinda" thing ;)


    Folks can be easilly duped into having their ISP or
    network or email address used in sending spam or virii.

    and that doesn't even involve any folks getting involved other than
    the virus writers and spammers... especially since they simply gather
    the addresses from files on an infected user's machine...
    i've had my address used in the past and do get spam from self to
    self... i won't even mention the times that i've had folk complain to
    me about the spam "i" sent them... that's lasts about as long as it
    takes me to (gently (at times)) correct them and point them to
    educational resources where they can learn about the real world
    instead of them remaining ignorant in their imaginary world ;)

    Yeah. Never been used here. I got a few addresses some private enough
    that I've not had that yet. I have had ISPs block because of
    spam the isp sent but that's about it.

    ... Tea just happens to be my 3rd favorite thing in the Universe - Garibal
    --- Fringe BBS
    * Origin: EWOG II - The Fringe - 904-733-1721 (1:112/91)