• afmp FAQ

    From Analda Anglin@1:379/45 to All on Wed Feb 28 20:28:40 2007
    From: Analda Anglin <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2007 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.2
    Last modified February 2, 2007

    ***Important Notices***

    Changed for Version 8.2: Removed Python Internet Guide due to proliferation of search engines. Condensed document to one part.

    Changes for Version 8.1: Editing to create a shorter document.

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever) John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP
    theme song) Q & A Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII Artwork-Foot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups. Delete the lines you're not using in your reply, such as "so and so wrote" headers and
    signature files.

    Refrain from HTML posting. Many newsreaders do not interpret HTML tags correctly, so HTML posts come across as lines of gibberish.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Lots of people post here asking for skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be helpful if you can. Don't blow them up because they don't know which web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup. Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore him/her. Do not send
    any mail to that person, do not flame in return, and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to the problem and
    usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If you're not sure whether something will be taken as a joke, it's usually best to restrict the remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when things become silly. Let's face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable. Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other people could read your creation and say to themselves "Hey! That resembles Monty Python!" then it
    should be fine. Original humor that has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: Don't use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific permission from the copyright owners.
    The Python London office asks that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, "It's a fair cop." The phrase is thieves' cant for
    "you've got me dead to rights," which means that there has been no entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has also been used a few
    other sketches, like "Dead Bishop on the Landing/Church Police" and "Whizzo Chocolates."

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) "ecky ecky ecky
    ecky pi'tang zoop boing." What was said on screen during the filming was completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The line was
    spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says "We are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!"

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant "Pie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem." It is
    Latin for "Merciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest." These are typical Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty Python's Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream
    Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two
    quarts of gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life. Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty Python's
    20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and
    tedious debate about Chapman's cause of death. A member in London went to the public records office, got a copy of Graham Chapman's death certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages. Liver failure will eventually
    kill you if pneumonia doesn't get you first.

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both
    the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites, including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund
    das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from "The First 200 Years of Monty Python" by Kim "Howard" Johnson]: "It was actually German gibberish," Eric Idle explains. "It's written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same thing, yeah, but it's gibberish! It doesn't mean a thing at all. At least, I don't think it doesà"

    Q. Isn't some of that actual German? What's the closet
    translation into English you can make? A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others
    were pseudo German-sounding words. It's mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: I've seen it, I'm German, and here's the translation.
    Wenn ist das - If is the (note: "Wann"means "when," which
    would make slightly more sense, since it's a question)
    Nunstueck - nun = now, stueck = piece
    git - that's obviously English! (but similar to "gibt" meaning
    "gives" or, in the phrase "es gibt," "there is")
    und - and
    Slotermeyer? - Doesn't make sense! (Meyer is a common German
    Ja! - Yes!
    Beiherhund - hund = dog. Beiher doesn't make any sense.
    Bayer mean Bavarian, but you can't say "Bayerhund" for "Bavarian dog;" you would have to say "Bayrischer hund."
    das oder die - the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or
    Flipperwaldt - Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput - Doesn't make sense! "Ge" and "ver" are very common
    German prefixes for past participles, but not "ger."

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which
    transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase "If I could walk that wayà?"
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by
    the Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or pharmacy,
    ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other words, follow me).
    The customer would then reply, "If I could walk that way I wouldn't need ointment." The phrase "If I could walk that way" has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told "Walk this way," then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!), implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about
    their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally
    written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl, and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The
    Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the "aka" I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as
    an alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty comment. It's silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means, but they are a part of this newsgroup's history and date back to 1991.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:379/45 to All on Sat Mar 31 21:12:52 2007
    From: Analda Anglin <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2007 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.2
    Last modified February 2, 2007

    ***Important Notices***

    Changed for Version 8.2: Removed Python Internet Guide due to proliferation of search engines. Condensed document to one part.

    Changes for Version 8.1: Editing to create a shorter document.

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever) John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP
    theme song) Q & A Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII Artwork-Foot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups. Delete the lines you're not using in your reply, such as "so and so wrote" headers and
    signature files.

    Refrain from HTML posting. Many newsreaders do not interpret HTML tags correctly, so HTML posts come across as lines of gibberish.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Lots of people post here asking for skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be helpful if you can. Don't blow them up because they don't know which web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup. Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore him/her. Do not send
    any mail to that person, do not flame in return, and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to the problem and
    usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If you're not sure whether something will be taken as a joke, it's usually best to restrict the remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when things become silly. Let's face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable. Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other people could read your creation and say to themselves "Hey! That resembles Monty Python!" then it
    should be fine. Original humor that has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: Don't use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific permission from the copyright owners.
    The Python London office asks that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, "It's a fair cop." The phrase is thieves' cant for
    "you've got me dead to rights," which means that there has been no entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has also been used a few
    other sketches, like "Dead Bishop on the Landing/Church Police" and "Whizzo Chocolates."

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) "ecky ecky ecky
    ecky pi'tang zoop boing." What was said on screen during the filming was completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The line was
    spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says "We are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!"

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant "Pie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem." It is
    Latin for "Merciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest." These are typical Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty Python's Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream
    Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two
    quarts of gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life. Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty Python's
    20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and
    tedious debate about Chapman's cause of death. A member in London went to the public records office, got a copy of Graham Chapman's death certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages. Liver failure will eventually
    kill you if pneumonia doesn't get you first.

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both
    the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites, including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund
    das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from "The First 200 Years of Monty Python" by Kim "Howard" Johnson]: "It was actually German gibberish," Eric Idle explains. "It's written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same thing, yeah, but it's gibberish! It doesn't mean a thing at all. At least, I don't think it doesà"

    Q. Isn't some of that actual German? What's the closet
    translation into English you can make? A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others
    were pseudo German-sounding words. It's mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: I've seen it, I'm German, and here's the translation.
    Wenn ist das - If is the (note: "Wann"means "when," which
    would make slightly more sense, since it's a question)
    Nunstueck - nun = now, stueck = piece
    git - that's obviously English! (but similar to "gibt" meaning
    "gives" or, in the phrase "es gibt," "there is")
    und - and
    Slotermeyer? - Doesn't make sense! (Meyer is a common German
    Ja! - Yes!
    Beiherhund - hund = dog. Beiher doesn't make any sense.
    Bayer mean Bavarian, but you can't say "Bayerhund" for "Bavarian dog;" you would have to say "Bayrischer hund."
    das oder die - the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or
    Flipperwaldt - Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput - Doesn't make sense! "Ge" and "ver" are very common
    German prefixes for past participles, but not "ger."

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which
    transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase "If I could walk that wayà?"
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by
    the Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or pharmacy,
    ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other words, follow me).
    The customer would then reply, "If I could walk that way I wouldn't need ointment." The phrase "If I could walk that way" has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told "Walk this way," then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!), implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about
    their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally
    written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl, and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The
    Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the "aka" I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as
    an alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty comment. It's silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means, but they are a part of this newsgroup's history and date back to 1991.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:379/45 to All on Mon Apr 30 21:25:52 2007
    From: Analda Anglin <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2007 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.2
    Last modified February 2, 2007

    ***Important Notices***

    Changed for Version 8.2: Removed Python Internet Guide due to proliferation of search engines. Condensed document to one part.

    Changes for Version 8.1: Editing to create a shorter document.

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever) John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP
    theme song) Q & A Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII Artwork-Foot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups. Delete the lines you're not using in your reply, such as "so and so wrote" headers and
    signature files.

    Refrain from HTML posting. Many newsreaders do not interpret HTML tags correctly, so HTML posts come across as lines of gibberish.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Lots of people post here asking for skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be helpful if you can. Don't blow them up because they don't know which web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup. Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore him/her. Do not send
    any mail to that person, do not flame in return, and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to the problem and
    usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If you're not sure whether something will be taken as a joke, it's usually best to restrict the remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when things become silly. Let's face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable. Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other people could read your creation and say to themselves "Hey! That resembles Monty Python!" then it
    should be fine. Original humor that has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: Don't use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific permission from the copyright owners.
    The Python London office asks that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, "It's a fair cop." The phrase is thieves' cant for
    "you've got me dead to rights," which means that there has been no entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has also been used a few
    other sketches, like "Dead Bishop on the Landing/Church Police" and "Whizzo Chocolates."

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) "ecky ecky ecky
    ecky pi'tang zoop boing." What was said on screen during the filming was completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The line was
    spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says "We are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!"

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant "Pie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem." It is
    Latin for "Merciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest." These are typical Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty Python's Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream
    Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two
    quarts of gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life. Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty Python's
    20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and
    tedious debate about Chapman's cause of death. A member in London went to the public records office, got a copy of Graham Chapman's death certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages. Liver failure will eventually
    kill you if pneumonia doesn't get you first.

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both
    the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites, including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund
    das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from "The First 200 Years of Monty Python" by Kim "Howard" Johnson]: "It was actually German gibberish," Eric Idle explains. "It's written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same thing, yeah, but it's gibberish! It doesn't mean a thing at all. At least, I don't think it doesà"

    Q. Isn't some of that actual German? What's the closet
    translation into English you can make? A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others
    were pseudo German-sounding words. It's mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: I've seen it, I'm German, and here's the translation.
    Wenn ist das - If is the (note: "Wann"means "when," which
    would make slightly more sense, since it's a question)
    Nunstueck - nun = now, stueck = piece
    git - that's obviously English! (but similar to "gibt" meaning
    "gives" or, in the phrase "es gibt," "there is")
    und - and
    Slotermeyer? - Doesn't make sense! (Meyer is a common German
    Ja! - Yes!
    Beiherhund - hund = dog. Beiher doesn't make any sense.
    Bayer mean Bavarian, but you can't say "Bayerhund" for "Bavarian dog;" you would have to say "Bayrischer hund."
    das oder die - the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or
    Flipperwaldt - Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput - Doesn't make sense! "Ge" and "ver" are very common
    German prefixes for past participles, but not "ger."

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which
    transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase "If I could walk that wayà?"
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by
    the Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or pharmacy,
    ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other words, follow me).
    The customer would then reply, "If I could walk that way I wouldn't need ointment." The phrase "If I could walk that way" has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told "Walk this way," then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!), implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about
    their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally
    written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl, and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The
    Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the "aka" I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as
    an alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty comment. It's silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means, but they are a part of this newsgroup's history and date back to 1991.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:396/4 to All on Thu Oct 2 03:00:56 2008
    From: "Analda Anglin" <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2008 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.3
    Last modified July 1, 2008

    ***Important Notices***

    Changes for Version 8.3: Reviewed and updated for currency

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python
    newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was
    given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact
    is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about
    the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with
    ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever)
    John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History
    Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP theme song) Q & A
    Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World
    Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII ArtworkùFoot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large
    files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups.
    Delete the lines youÆre not using in your reply, such as ôso and so
    wroteö headers and signature files.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Many of the people who post here ask for
    skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be
    helpful if you can. DonÆt blow them up because they donÆt know which
    web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup.
    Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore
    him/her. Do not send any mail to that person, do not flame in return,
    and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they
    have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to
    the problem and usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the
    best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If youÆre not sure whether
    something will be taken as a joke, itÆs usually best to restrict the
    remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when
    things become silly. LetÆs face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts
    should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python
    information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP
    sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements
    of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable.
    Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original
    works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other
    people could read your creation and say to themselves ôHey! That
    resembles Monty Python!ö then it should be fine. Original humor that
    has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While
    it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: DonÆt use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted
    materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the
    Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific
    permission from the copyright owners. The Python London office asks
    that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python
    material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, ôItÆs a fair cop.ö The phrase is thievesÆ cant for
    ôyouÆve got me dead to rights,ö which means that there has been no
    entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has
    also been used a few other sketches, like ôDead Bishop on the
    Landing/Church Policeö and ôWhizzo Chocolates.ö

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) ôecky ecky ecky ecky piÆtang zoop boing.ö What was said on screen during the filming was
    completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The
    line was spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file
    scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In
    case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says ôWe
    are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!ö

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant ôPie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem.ö It is Latin
    for ôMerciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest.ö These are typical
    Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty PythonÆs Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two quarts of
    gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life.
    Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty PythonÆs 20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him
    contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the
    infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and tedious debate about ChapmanÆs cause of death. A member in London went to the
    public records office, got a copy of Graham ChapmanÆs death
    certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the
    liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of
    cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages.
    Liver failure will eventually kill you if pneumonia doesnÆt get you

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a
    result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites,
    including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from ôThe First 200 Years of Monty Pythonö by Kim ôHowardö
    Johnson]: ôIt was actually German gibberish,ö Eric Idle explains.
    ôItÆs written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same
    thing, yeah, but itÆs gibberish! It doesnÆt mean a thing at all. At
    least, I donÆt think it doesàö

    Q. IsnÆt some of that actual German? WhatÆs the closet translation
    into English you can make?
    A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others were
    pseudo German-sounding words. ItÆs mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: IÆve seen it,
    IÆm German, and hereÆs the translation.
    Wenn ist das û If is the (note: ôWannömeans ôwhen,ö which would make slightly more sense, since itÆs a question)
    Nunstueck û nun = now, stueck = piece
    git û thatÆs obviously English! (but similar to ôgibtö meaning ôgivesö or, in the phrase ôes gibt,ö ôthere isö)
    und û and
    Slotermeyer? û DoesnÆt make sense! (Meyer is a common German surname)
    Ja! û Yes!
    Beiherhund û hund = dog. Beiher doesnÆt make any sense. Bayer mean Bavarian, but you canÆt say ôBayerhundö for ôBavarian dog;ö you would
    have to say ôBayrischer hund.ö
    das oder die û the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or that
    Flipperwaldt û Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput û DoesnÆt make sense! ôGeö and ôverö are very common German prefixes for past participles, but not ôger.ö

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase ôIf I could walk that wayà?ö
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by the
    Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or
    pharmacy, ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other
    words, follow me). The customer would then reply, ôIf I could walk
    that way I wouldnÆt need ointment.ö The phrase ôIf I could walk that
    wayö has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told
    ôWalk this way,ö then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!),
    implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard
    it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was
    performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl,
    and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is
    unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including
    questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items
    to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer
    accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the ôakaö I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as an
    alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty
    comment. ItÆs silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means,
    but they are a part of this newsgroupÆs history and date back to 1991.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ
    --- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
    * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 - Meridian, MS - USA (1:396/4)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:396/4 to All on Sun Nov 2 02:47:50 2008
    From: "Analda Anglin" <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2008 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.3
    Last modified July 1, 2008

    ***Important Notices***

    Changes for Version 8.3: Reviewed and updated for currency

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python
    newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was
    given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact
    is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about
    the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with
    ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever)
    John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History
    Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP theme song) Q & A
    Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World
    Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII ArtworkùFoot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large
    files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups.
    Delete the lines youÆre not using in your reply, such as ôso and so
    wroteö headers and signature files.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Many of the people who post here ask for
    skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be
    helpful if you can. DonÆt blow them up because they donÆt know which
    web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup.
    Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore
    him/her. Do not send any mail to that person, do not flame in return,
    and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they
    have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to
    the problem and usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the
    best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If youÆre not sure whether
    something will be taken as a joke, itÆs usually best to restrict the
    remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when
    things become silly. LetÆs face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts
    should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python
    information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP
    sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements
    of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable.
    Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original
    works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other
    people could read your creation and say to themselves ôHey! That
    resembles Monty Python!ö then it should be fine. Original humor that
    has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While
    it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: DonÆt use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted
    materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the
    Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific
    permission from the copyright owners. The Python London office asks
    that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python
    material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, ôItÆs a fair cop.ö The phrase is thievesÆ cant for
    ôyouÆve got me dead to rights,ö which means that there has been no
    entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has
    also been used a few other sketches, like ôDead Bishop on the
    Landing/Church Policeö and ôWhizzo Chocolates.ö

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) ôecky ecky ecky ecky piÆtang zoop boing.ö What was said on screen during the filming was
    completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The
    line was spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file
    scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In
    case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says ôWe
    are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!ö

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant ôPie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem.ö It is Latin
    for ôMerciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest.ö These are typical
    Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty PythonÆs Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two quarts of
    gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life.
    Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty PythonÆs 20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him
    contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the
    infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and tedious debate about ChapmanÆs cause of death. A member in London went to the
    public records office, got a copy of Graham ChapmanÆs death
    certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the
    liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of
    cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages.
    Liver failure will eventually kill you if pneumonia doesnÆt get you

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a
    result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites,
    including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from ôThe First 200 Years of Monty Pythonö by Kim ôHowardö
    Johnson]: ôIt was actually German gibberish,ö Eric Idle explains.
    ôItÆs written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same
    thing, yeah, but itÆs gibberish! It doesnÆt mean a thing at all. At
    least, I donÆt think it doesàö

    Q. IsnÆt some of that actual German? WhatÆs the closet translation
    into English you can make?
    A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others were
    pseudo German-sounding words. ItÆs mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: IÆve seen it,
    IÆm German, and hereÆs the translation.
    Wenn ist das û If is the (note: ôWannömeans ôwhen,ö which would make slightly more sense, since itÆs a question)
    Nunstueck û nun = now, stueck = piece
    git û thatÆs obviously English! (but similar to ôgibtö meaning ôgivesö or, in the phrase ôes gibt,ö ôthere isö)
    und û and
    Slotermeyer? û DoesnÆt make sense! (Meyer is a common German surname)
    Ja! û Yes!
    Beiherhund û hund = dog. Beiher doesnÆt make any sense. Bayer mean Bavarian, but you canÆt say ôBayerhundö for ôBavarian dog;ö you would
    have to say ôBayrischer hund.ö
    das oder die û the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or that
    Flipperwaldt û Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput û DoesnÆt make sense! ôGeö and ôverö are very common German prefixes for past participles, but not ôger.ö

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase ôIf I could walk that wayà?ö
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by the
    Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or
    pharmacy, ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other
    words, follow me). The customer would then reply, ôIf I could walk
    that way I wouldnÆt need ointment.ö The phrase ôIf I could walk that
    wayö has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told
    ôWalk this way,ö then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!),
    implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard
    it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was
    performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl,
    and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is
    unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including
    questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items
    to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer
    accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the ôakaö I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as an
    alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty
    comment. ItÆs silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means,
    but they are a part of this newsgroupÆs history and date back to 1991.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ
    --- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
    * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 - Meridian, MS - USA (1:396/4)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:396/4 to All on Fri Jan 2 00:01:55 2009
    From: "Analda Anglin" <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2008 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.3
    Last modified July 1, 2008

    ***Important Notices***

    Changes for Version 8.3: Reviewed and updated for currency

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python
    newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was
    given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact
    is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about
    the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with
    ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever)
    John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History
    Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP theme song) Q & A
    Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World
    Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII ArtworkùFoot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large
    files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups.
    Delete the lines youÆre not using in your reply, such as ôso and so
    wroteö headers and signature files.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Many of the people who post here ask for
    skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be
    helpful if you can. DonÆt blow them up because they donÆt know which
    web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup.
    Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore
    him/her. Do not send any mail to that person, do not flame in return,
    and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they
    have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to
    the problem and usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the
    best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If youÆre not sure whether
    something will be taken as a joke, itÆs usually best to restrict the
    remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when
    things become silly. LetÆs face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts
    should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python
    information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP
    sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements
    of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable.
    Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original
    works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other
    people could read your creation and say to themselves ôHey! That
    resembles Monty Python!ö then it should be fine. Original humor that
    has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While
    it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: DonÆt use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted
    materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the
    Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific
    permission from the copyright owners. The Python London office asks
    that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python
    material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, ôItÆs a fair cop.ö The phrase is thievesÆ cant for
    ôyouÆve got me dead to rights,ö which means that there has been no
    entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has
    also been used a few other sketches, like ôDead Bishop on the
    Landing/Church Policeö and ôWhizzo Chocolates.ö

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) ôecky ecky ecky ecky piÆtang zoop boing.ö What was said on screen during the filming was
    completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The
    line was spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file
    scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In
    case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says ôWe
    are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!ö

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant ôPie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem.ö It is Latin
    for ôMerciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest.ö These are typical
    Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty PythonÆs Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two quarts of
    gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life.
    Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty PythonÆs 20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him
    contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the
    infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and tedious debate about ChapmanÆs cause of death. A member in London went to the
    public records office, got a copy of Graham ChapmanÆs death
    certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the
    liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of
    cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages.
    Liver failure will eventually kill you if pneumonia doesnÆt get you

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a
    result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites,
    including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from ôThe First 200 Years of Monty Pythonö by Kim ôHowardö
    Johnson]: ôIt was actually German gibberish,ö Eric Idle explains.
    ôItÆs written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same
    thing, yeah, but itÆs gibberish! It doesnÆt mean a thing at all. At
    least, I donÆt think it doesàö

    Q. IsnÆt some of that actual German? WhatÆs the closet translation
    into English you can make?
    A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others were
    pseudo German-sounding words. ItÆs mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: IÆve seen it,
    IÆm German, and hereÆs the translation.
    Wenn ist das û If is the (note: ôWannömeans ôwhen,ö which would make slightly more sense, since itÆs a question)
    Nunstueck û nun = now, stueck = piece
    git û thatÆs obviously English! (but similar to ôgibtö meaning ôgivesö or, in the phrase ôes gibt,ö ôthere isö)
    und û and
    Slotermeyer? û DoesnÆt make sense! (Meyer is a common German surname)
    Ja! û Yes!
    Beiherhund û hund = dog. Beiher doesnÆt make any sense. Bayer mean Bavarian, but you canÆt say ôBayerhundö for ôBavarian dog;ö you would
    have to say ôBayrischer hund.ö
    das oder die û the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or that
    Flipperwaldt û Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput û DoesnÆt make sense! ôGeö and ôverö are very common German prefixes for past participles, but not ôger.ö

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase ôIf I could walk that wayà?ö
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by the
    Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or
    pharmacy, ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other
    words, follow me). The customer would then reply, ôIf I could walk
    that way I wouldnÆt need ointment.ö The phrase ôIf I could walk that
    wayö has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told
    ôWalk this way,ö then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!),
    implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard
    it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was
    performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl,
    and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is
    unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including
    questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items
    to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer
    accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the ôakaö I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as an
    alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty
    comment. ItÆs silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means,
    but they are a part of this newsgroupÆs history and date back to 1991.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ
    --- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
    * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 - Meridian, MS - USA (1:396/4)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:396/4 to All on Tue Feb 3 09:22:28 2009
    From: "Analda Anglin" <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2008 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.3
    Last modified July 1, 2008

    ***Important Notices***

    Changes for Version 8.3: Reviewed and updated for currency

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python
    newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was
    given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact
    is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about
    the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with
    ideas/revisions: (In absolutely no sensible order whatsoever)
    John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History
    Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP theme song) Q & A
    Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World
    Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII ArtworkùFoot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website

    PART ONE: Posting Guidelines

    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. This means no large
    files (scripts, images, sounds). If someone requests a large file
    that you can provide, please email the file or furnish directions to an appropriate web or FTP site.

    Edit long cascades. Long cascades are posts with multiple follow ups.
    Delete the lines youÆre not using in your reply, such as ôso and so
    wroteö headers and signature files.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Many of the people who post here ask for
    skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be
    helpful if you can. DonÆt blow them up because they donÆt know which
    web or FTP site to go to. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup.
    Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore
    him/her. Do not send any mail to that person, do not flame in return,
    and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they
    have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to
    the problem and usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the
    best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If youÆre not sure whether
    something will be taken as a joke, itÆs usually best to restrict the
    remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when
    things become silly. LetÆs face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts
    should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python
    information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP
    sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements
    of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable.
    Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original
    works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other
    people could read your creation and say to themselves ôHey! That
    resembles Monty Python!ö then it should be fine. Original humor that
    has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While
    it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: DonÆt use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted
    materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the
    Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific
    permission from the copyright owners. The Python London office asks
    that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python
    material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, ôItÆs a fair cop.ö The phrase is thievesÆ cant for
    ôyouÆve got me dead to rights,ö which means that there has been no
    entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has
    also been used a few other sketches, like ôDead Bishop on the
    Landing/Church Policeö and ôWhizzo Chocolates.ö

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) ôecky ecky ecky ecky piÆtang zoop boing.ö What was said on screen during the filming was
    completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The
    line was spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file
    scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In
    case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says ôWe
    are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!ö

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant ôPie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem.ö It is Latin
    for ôMerciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest.ö These are typical
    Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty PythonÆs Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two quarts of
    gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life.
    Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty PythonÆs 20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him
    contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the
    infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and tedious debate about ChapmanÆs cause of death. A member in London went to the
    public records office, got a copy of Graham ChapmanÆs death
    certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the
    liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of
    cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages.
    Liver failure will eventually kill you if pneumonia doesnÆt get you

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a
    result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites,
    including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from ôThe First 200 Years of Monty Pythonö by Kim ôHowardö
    Johnson]: ôIt was actually German gibberish,ö Eric Idle explains.
    ôItÆs written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same
    thing, yeah, but itÆs gibberish! It doesnÆt mean a thing at all. At
    least, I donÆt think it doesàö

    Q. IsnÆt some of that actual German? WhatÆs the closet translation
    into English you can make?
    A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others were
    pseudo German-sounding words. ItÆs mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: IÆve seen it,
    IÆm German, and hereÆs the translation.
    Wenn ist das û If is the (note: ôWannömeans ôwhen,ö which would make slightly more sense, since itÆs a question)
    Nunstueck û nun = now, stueck = piece
    git û thatÆs obviously English! (but similar to ôgibtö meaning ôgivesö or, in the phrase ôes gibt,ö ôthere isö)
    und û and
    Slotermeyer? û DoesnÆt make sense! (Meyer is a common German surname)
    Ja! û Yes!
    Beiherhund û hund = dog. Beiher doesnÆt make any sense. Bayer mean Bavarian, but you canÆt say ôBayerhundö for ôBavarian dog;ö you would
    have to say ôBayrischer hund.ö
    das oder die û the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or that
    Flipperwaldt û Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput û DoesnÆt make sense! ôGeö and ôverö are very common German prefixes for past participles, but not ôger.ö

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase ôIf I could walk that wayà?ö
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by the
    Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or
    pharmacy, ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other
    words, follow me). The customer would then reply, ôIf I could walk
    that way I wouldnÆt need ointment.ö The phrase ôIf I could walk that
    wayö has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told
    ôWalk this way,ö then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!),
    implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard
    it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was
    performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl,
    and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is
    unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including
    questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items
    to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer
    accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the ôakaö I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as an
    alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty
    comment. ItÆs silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means,
    but they are a part of this newsgroupÆs history and date back to 1991.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ
    --- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
    * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 - Meridian, MS - USA (1:396/4)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:396/4 to All on Sat Apr 18 02:31:55 2009
    From: "Analda Anglin" <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    So what's a Semprini then? (I know the answer but you may want to
    include the question in the FAQ.)

    To be honest, the question hasn't come up that frequently. The FAQ's
    been pared down over the years to remove more obscure information. But
    it can always be changed -- now taking nominations for more bits to go
    into the document.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ
    --- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2
    * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 - Meridian, MS - USA (1:396/4)
  • From Analda Anglin@1:396/4 to All on Tue Sep 7 09:17:55 2010
    From: "Analda Anglin" <analda@nospam.hiwaay.net>

    The Alt.Fan.Monty-Python FAQ
    (C) Copyright 1998-2010 Analda Anglin
    Version 8.4
    Last reviewed January 4, 2010

    ***Important Notices***

    Changes for Version 8.4: Refreshed for currency; added information
    about MPFC Soundtrack CD

    ***FAQ Facts***
    This FAQ is written specifically for the alt.fan.monty-python
    newsgroup. It originally created by John 'Shaggy' Kolesar. In August
    1998 it was passed on to Analda Anglin and in February 2000 it was
    given its own website, www.pythonfan.com. Current FAQ point of contact
    is analda@hiwaay.net. This FAQ is posted to the newsgroup on or about
    the 1st of each month.

    Many thanks go to the following people who have helped with
    John 'Shaggy' Kolesar: Original writing of the FAQ and several years of maintenance
    Bonni Hall: Net Guidelines, Group History
    Sir David: The Liberty Bell March (MP theme song) Q & A
    Dave Morning: Authoritative Cause of Death for Graham Chapman
    Dirk Rehberger: Translation of the Funniest Joke in the World
    Andrew Bromage aka Sir Pseudonym: ASCII ArtworkùFoot and Spiney Norman, available for viewing at the website


    RULE ONE: Please post sensibly and courteously. If someone requests a
    large file that you can provide, please email the file or furnish
    directions to an appropriate web or FTP site instead of posting the
    file directly to the newsgroup.

    Edit long cascades found in posts containing multiple follow ups.
    Delete the lines youÆre not using in your reply, such as ôso and so
    wroteö headers and signature files.

    RULE TWO: Please be polite. Many of the people who post here ask for
    skits, songs, scripts, and facts. Be polite, be friendly, and be
    helpful if you can. We are a friendly, generally amusing, mostly
    intelligent bunch of folks. We really ought to act that way.

    Flames are hurtful and unkind and have no place in this newsgroup.
    Personal direct insults are right out. If someone is rude, ignore
    him/her. Do not send any mail to that person, do not flame in return,
    and do not post about that person. In short: DO NOT FEED THE FLAMES.

    When you see Spam (articles that are cross posted to newsgroups they
    have nothing to do with), do not post follow ups. That just adds to
    the problem and usually creates more cross posts. Like flames, the
    best thing to do when someone posts Spam is to ignore it.

    When in doubt, email instead of posting. If youÆre not sure whether
    something will be taken as a joke, itÆs usually best to restrict the
    remarks to email instead of posting them for everyone to see. Personal comments, private jokes, and off topic threads are best kept private.

    RULE THREE: Please try to keep things on topic. We understand when
    things become silly. LetÆs face it--Monty Python was a bunch of very silly/wacky/loony people. Still, in a Monty Python newsgroup posts
    should be Python-related or Pythonesque.

    Direct Python discussions are obviously fine. Posts about Python
    information, such as this FAQ and requests for Python web and FTP
    sites, are allowed. So are posts about the newsgroup and announcements
    of upcoming events in the Python and a.f.m-p communities.

    Original humor that has a strong basis in Python is also acceptable.
    Python based means things such as parodies on Python bits or original
    works that involve Python ideas in a new way. If you think that other
    people could read your creation and say to themselves ôHey! That
    resembles Monty Python!ö then it should be fine. Original humor that
    has absolutely nothing to do with Python is unfortunately out. While
    it is probably funny, it more likely belongs in rec.humor or email.

    RULE FOUR: DonÆt use the newsgroup to distribute copyrighted
    materials. The free distribution of copyrighted materials through the
    Internet is illegal. There are no exceptions without specific
    permission from the copyright owners. The Python London office asks
    that we direct people to the published versions of Monty Python
    material and encourage them to buy the book versions of the scripts.

    And finally, THERE IS NO RULE SIX!!


    A. The Witch Quote
    Q. What does the witch say in the Holy Grail when she is found to
    weigh the same as a duck, and therefore found to be a witch?
    A. She says, ôItÆs a fair cop.ö The phrase is thievesÆ cant for
    ôyouÆve got me dead to rights,ö which means that there has been no
    entrapment and the person was fairly caught in the act. The line has
    also been used a few other sketches, like ôDead Bishop on the
    Landing/Church Policeö and ôWhizzo Chocolates.ö

    B. Knights Who No Longer Say NI
    Q. What do the knights who no longer say NI now call themselves?
    A. They are the knights who say (something like) ôecky ecky ecky ecky piÆtang zoop boing.ö What was said on screen during the filming was
    completely different from what was written down on the screenplay. The
    line was spontaneously ad-libbed. What is quoted in the net file
    scripts of the movie is a phonetic approximation of what was said. In
    case you are curious, the official script for the Holy Grail says ôWe
    are now the Knights who go Neeeowàwumàping!ö

    C. Holy Grail Monks
    Q. What are the monks chanting in The Holy Grail?
    A. The monks chant ôPie Iesu Domine. Dona eis Requiem.ö It is Latin
    for ôMerciful Lord Jesus. Grant them rest.ö These are typical
    Catholic funeral mass phrases.

    D. Flying Circus Theme Music
    Q. What is the theme music for Monty PythonÆs Flying Circus?
    A. The Liberty Bell March by John Phillip Sousa. The Coldstream Guards performed the recording used for the series.

    E. Rumors and Truth about Graham Chapman
    Q. Was Graham Chapman homosexual? Was he an alcoholic?
    A. Yes and yes. At his peak he was reportedly consuming two quarts of
    gin a day. Chapman stopped drinking later in his life.
    Q. When did Graham Chapman die? What did he die of?
    A. He died on October 4, 1989, just one day before Monty PythonÆs 20th anniversary. Graham Chapman died of cancer. The rumors of him
    contracting AIDS are completely false. They presumably came from the
    infamous and yet utterly stupid notion that dead + homosexual = AIDS.

    When this newsgroup first started up, there was a long and tedious debate about ChapmanÆs cause of death. A member in London went to the
    public records office, got a copy of Graham ChapmanÆs death
    certificate, and posted it.

    The primary cause of death was cancer of the larynx (throat)
    with secondary cancers elsewhere, including the liver. Cancer of the
    liver is quite common and quite fatal, but it is usually a sign of
    cancer elsewhere. The liver only gets affected in the final stages.
    Liver failure will eventually kill you if pneumonia doesnÆt get you

    Death certificates in the UK are required by law to state both the primary and secondary causes of death. Graham died of pneumonia as a
    result of cancer of the larynx that had spread to many other sites,
    including the liver.

    F. Deadly Joke
    Q. What is the funniest joke in the world? What does it mean?
    A. Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

    [Taken from ôThe First 200 Years of Monty Pythonö by Kim ôHowardö
    Johnson]: ôIt was actually German gibberish,ö Eric Idle explains.
    ôItÆs written-down gibberish, because we all had to learn the same
    thing, yeah, but itÆs gibberish! It doesnÆt mean a thing at all. At
    least, I donÆt think it doesàö

    Q. IsnÆt some of that actual German? WhatÆs the closet translation
    into English you can make?
    A. Yes, some of the words used were real German words. Others were
    pseudo German-sounding words. ItÆs mostly nonsense.

    [Taken from an article to a.f.m-p by Dirk Rehberger]: IÆve seen it,
    IÆm German, and hereÆs the translation.
    Wenn ist das û If is the (note: ôWannömeans ôwhen,ö which would make slightly more sense, since itÆs a question)
    Nunstueck û nun = now, stueck = piece
    git û thatÆs obviously English! (but similar to ôgibtö meaning ôgivesö or, in the phrase ôes gibt,ö ôthere isö)
    und û and
    Slotermeyer? û DoesnÆt make sense! (Meyer is a common German surname)
    Ja! û Yes!
    Beiherhund û hund = dog. Beiher doesnÆt make any sense. Bayer mean Bavarian, but you canÆt say ôBayerhundö for ôBavarian dog;ö you would
    have to say ôBayrischer hund.ö
    das oder die û the or the (das is neuter, die is feminine) or that
    Flipperwaldt û Flipper = pinball, wald = wood/forest
    Gersput û DoesnÆt make sense! ôGeö and ôverö are very common German prefixes for past participles, but not ôger.ö

    All in all: If is the now-piece (git) and (Slotermeyer)? Yes! (Beiher)dog that or the pinball wood (gersput)!

    Note that your translation may vary, depending on which transcription you use and how hard you try to make sense of it.

    G. Poofters
    Q. What is a poofter/pooftah, as heard in the Bruces Philosophers
    A. Poofter is slang for male homosexual.

    H. Walk This Way
    Q. What is the joke about the phrase ôIf I could walk that wayà?ö
    A. If I could walk that way is an old gag, possibly originated by the
    Marx Brothers. Typically someone would walk into a drug store or
    pharmacy, ask for an ointment, and be told to walk this way (in other
    words, follow me). The customer would then reply, ôIf I could walk
    that way I wouldnÆt need ointment.ö The phrase ôIf I could walk that
    wayö has therefore become a classic and well-known comedy gag.

    You also may occasionally see a comic sketch where a person is told
    ôWalk this way,ö then walks away in a comical manner (silly walk!),
    implying walk the way I am walking instead of follow me.

    I. Four Yorkshire Men Sketch
    Q. What is the sketch of four men sitting around talking about their childhoods and trying to outdo each other with stories about how hard
    it was?
    A. That is the Four Yorkshire Men Sketch. It was originally written pre-Flying Circus and was never performed in the series. It was
    performed in several stage shows, including Live at the Hollywood Bowl,
    and is on Python audio recordings.

    J. Python Mailing Address
    Q. Where can I write the Python Office?
    A. The Python Office address for official correspondence is The Python Office, 34 Thistlewaite Road, London E5 0QQ, England. The office is
    unable to respond individually to each piece of mail, including
    questions or requests for signed pictures. Do not send personal items
    to this address for they will not be returned. The office no longer
    accepts personal items for signing.

    K. AKA
    Q. What is the ôakaö I see some people use when they sign posts?
    A. The letters AKA stand for Also Known As and usually serve as an
    alias. Some posters use the aka as a postscript or a final witty
    comment. ItÆs silly and has nothing to do with what aka really means,
    but they are a part of this newsgroupÆs history and date back to 1991.

    L. Soundtrack CD
    Q. What does the newgroup have to do with a soundtrack CD?
    A. In Summer 2009, De Wolfe music released a soundtrack CD of
    incidental music used in the Monty PythonÆs Flying Circus television
    series. Much of this music was previously unavailable. The CD is not officially associated with the newsgroup, but an introduction for the
    CD was written by Analda Anglin and references both www.pythonfan.com
    and alt.fan.monty-python. For more information about the CD, please
    visit http://www.dewolfeshop.com/.

    Analda aka Sergeant of the FAQ
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