• 2007 compilations of LORD games

    From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to All on Thu Nov 15 00:31:54 2007
    On the Lordlegacy.com web-site's news page, Michael Preslar announced sometime in October I think that new work was being done on the LORD v4.08 beta programs. Nothing was said about how anyone can get the beta compilation archives to use. I've got questions about what has
    been fixed in the games, and would like to know some answers to them.

    1. How can we get the betas? The old files@lordlegacy.com email account no longer exists, so it can't be used. Which begs the question of whether LORD betas are going to be available to the public or not.

    2. What problems from the September 2006 compilations of DOS LORD v4.08 beta and LORD/32 v4.03 have been fixed so far? Has the bug where *any* purchase of any armour, regardless of its number/cost, results in the player's defense points jumping to 32,000?

    3. Which BBS's are being used for testing the new compilations so that those like me who are interested can see for ourselves if problems we know about have
    been fixed - or not?

    4. Besides myself and Michael Preslar, is there anyone these days who is actually doing LORD programming?

    5. Has anyone heard anything in the last year or so as to what happened to Joseph Watson and his WT-Lord igm programs development work? His site has the appearance of being on auto-pilot sometimes, so its hard to tell if he is still
    around or not.

    Two Non-Lord questions. 1: How many BBS door games are still being developed besides the LORD games, and Dennis Collins's in-progress Sorcerer door game?

    2: Since Sean Dennis is not going to be moderating any echoes for awhile, who is going to take over moderation of the DoorGames and Lord echoes?


    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Donald Tidmore on Thu Nov 15 22:33:48 2007
    > On the Lordlegacy.com web-site's news page, Michael Preslar announced someti
    in October I think that new work was being done on the LORD v4.08 beta programs. Nothing was said about how anyone can get the beta compilation archives to use.

    note: i can't speak for the lord developer.


    I'm pretty sure that due to the fact that people werent obeying proper
    conduct during past beta testing [distributing when they shouldnt have been, lack of reporting bugs because they just wanted the 'new' version] everyone and their grandma isnt going to get the new lord betas.

    1. How can we get the betas? The old files@lordlegacy.com email account no longer exists, so it can't be used. Which begs the question of whether LORD betas are going to be available to the public or not.

    pretty sure we've been through this a bunch of times, donald.
    same old broken record here.

    and LORD/32 v4.03 have been fixed so far? Has the bug where *any* purchase any armour, regardless of its number/cost, results in the player's defense points jumping to 32,000?


    3. Which BBS's are being used for testing the new compilations so that those

    Datastream bbs is currently testing L.o.r.d v8
    Its users have been very helpful so far in spotting the small issues that
    have arisen. mostly it's small stuff like missing a clear screen here and there.

    If you want to test the lord beta, i would say that is highly unlikely, for several reasons.

    [1] your chicken little 'the sky is falling' attitude toward any issue, including when people disappear [really are just ignoring you]

    [2] and your
    unreproduceable bug reports, due to the fact that you do not test in a bbs environment.

    [3] if there isnt a lord release every 3 weeks you reach out to the community demanding answers.

    so, hope that clears up a few things, but like i said,i'm not speaking for anybody.

    If you'd like to call datastream to betatest lord, i'd have to say 'no thank you' for now, we are using a strict method of testing that's workign well right now.

    have a good one,

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From BEN RITCHEY@1:393/68 to DONALD TIDMORE on Thu Nov 15 19:48:37 2007
    * An ongoing debate between Donald Tidmore and All rages on ...

    | DT> 2: Since Sean Dennis is not going to be moderating any echoes for
    | DT> awhile, who is going to take over moderation of the DoorGames and Lord
    | DT> echoes?

    Sean and I will be sharing the moderator duties for DOORGAMES, dunno about LORD ...

    Be well :^)

    : Ben aka cMech http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
    + WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-232-4155 any BAUD 8,N,1
    --- GoldEd+/DOS v1.1.5cM
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From BEN RITCHEY@1:393/68 to DONALD TIDMORE on Fri Nov 16 02:48:37 2007
    * An ongoing debate between Donald Tidmore and All rages on ...

    | DT> 2: Since Sean Dennis is not going to be moderating any echoes for
    | DT> awhile, who is going to take over moderation of the DoorGames and Lord
    | DT> echoes?

    Oops, looks like I will be doing LORD as well ...

    Be well :^)

    : Ben aka cMech http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
    + WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-232-4155 any BAUD 8,N,1
    --- GoldEd+/DOS v1.1.5cM
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)