• Hot Sandwiches - 70

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Sat Aug 31 21:22:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Mushroom Pastrami Hoagies
    Categories: Beef, Mushrooms, Vegetables, Cheese, Breads
    Yield: 6 servings

    3 tb Butter
    1 lb Sliced fresh mushrooms
    1 lg Onion; halved, sliced
    2 md Red bell peppers; julienned
    2 cl Garlic; minced
    1/4 ts Salt
    1/4 ts Pepper
    6 Hoagie buns; split
    1 1/2 lb Sliced deli pastrami
    12 sl Provolone cheese

    Heat broiler. In a 6 qt. stockpot, heat butter over
    medium heat. Add mushrooms, onion and peppers; cook and
    stir 5-7 minutes or until tender. Add garlic; cook 1
    minute longer. Drain vegetable mixture; stir in salt and

    Arrange buns on a baking sheet. Layer bun bottoms with
    pastrami and vegetable mixture; top with cheese. Broil
    4-5 in. from heat 1-2 minutes or until cheese is melted
    and bun tops are toasted.

    Deanna Eads, Kingman, AZ

    Makes: 6 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... I love watching the kooky antics of those nutty celebrity chefs.
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    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)