• 8/31 Nat Trail Mix Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Fri Aug 30 16:03:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Salty Sweet Trail Mix
    Categories: Five, Nuts, Fruits, Seeds
    Yield: 3 servings

    1 c (5 oz) raw pepitas
    1 1/2 c (6 oz) raw nuts, such as
    - pecans and almonds
    2 tb Sherry or apple cider
    - vinegar
    1 tb Granulated sugar
    1/2 ts Fine sea salt
    1/2 c (2 oz) tart dried fruit;
    - like dried sour cherries,
    - cranberries or golden
    - berries

    Set oven @ 300ºF/150ºC.

    Line a half-sheet pan with parchment paper.

    Combine the pepitas, nuts and vinegar on the pan and
    toss to evenly coat. Sprinkle with sugar and toss again.
    Spread in an even layer.

    Bake until the pepitas puff and turn golden brown, 20 to
    23 minutes. Immediately sprinkle the mixture with the
    salt, then cool completely on the pan.

    Mix in the dried fruit and store in an airtight
    container for up to 3 weeks.

    By: Genevieve Ko

    Yield: About 3 cups

    RECIPE FROM: https://cooking.nytimes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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