• 8/20 Lemon Juice Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Thu Aug 29 14:52:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Continental Lemon Sauce
    Categories: Five, Sauces, Citrus
    Yield: 1 2/3 cups

    1 c Mayonnaise
    2 lg Eggs
    3 tb Lemon Juice
    1/2 ts Salt
    1/2 ts Dry mustard; (Colman's)

    In a small saucepan with a wire whisk, beat all the
    ingredients until smooth. Stirring constantly, cook over
    medium-low heat until thick (DO NOT BOIL). Serve over
    vegetables, seafood, poached eggs, or try it instead of
    Hollandaise sauce.

    Makes 1 2/3 cups.

    From: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... "Mostly, the most crazy ideas work the best." -- Sjoerd Hoogendorn
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