• 6/17 Apple Strudel Day 2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Sun Jun 16 06:22:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Apple Strudel
    Categories: Fruits, Nuts, Pastry, Desserts, Dairy
    Yield: 6 Servings

    100 g Golden granulated sugar
    - plus extra
    Seeds scraped from 1 vanilla
    - pod
    4 Granny Smith apples; peeled,
    - diced
    25 g (ea) currant and sultanas
    1 ts Ground allspice
    1 ts Ground nutmeg
    85 g Walnuts; chopped
    6 lg Sheets filo pastry
    50 g Butter; melted
    200 ml Tub creme fraiche

    Heat oven to 200oC/400oF (180oC/355oF fan) gas 6.

    Heat 75g of the sugar and the vanilla seeds in a medium,
    heavy-based frying pan over a medium-low heat for 5-8
    mins, or until golden brown and caramelised. Add the
    apples, currants, sultanas, allspice, nutmeg and
    walnuts, then cook for 10 mins or until the apple is
    tender. Remove the apple mix from the pan with a slotted
    spoon and cool to room temperature.

    Line two baking trays with baking paper. Place a sheet
    of filo on one of the trays, then brush lightly with the
    melted butter. Sprinkle over 1 tsp sugar. Repeat the
    process until there are 3 layers of filo. Repeat with
    the remaining sheets of filo on the second tray.

    Divide the apple mix along the shorter edge of both
    pastry sheets and gently roll into 2 logs, tucking in
    the ends as you go. Brush with melted butter and
    sprinkle over 1 tbsp sugar. Can be made up to one day
    ahead, kept chilled. Bake for 25 mins, or until the
    pastry is golden brown and crisp. Let cool slightly,
    then cut each strudel into 6 diagonal slices. Serve two
    slices each with a dollop of creme fraiche on the side.

    Serves 6

    By James Martin

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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