• 5/20 Pick Strawberries - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Sun May 19 15:53:19 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Strawberry Salad w/Poppy Seed Dressing
    Categories: Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, Greens, Nuts
    Yield: 10 servings

    1/4 c Sugar
    1/3 c Slivered almonds
    1 bn Romaine; torn (8 cups)
    1 sm Onion; halved, thin sliced
    2 c Halved fresh strawberries

    1/4 c Mayonnaise
    2 tb Sugar
    1 tb Sour cream
    1 tb Milk
    2 1/4 ts Cider vinegar
    1 1/2 ts Poppy seeds

    Place sugar in a small heavy skillet; cook and stir over
    medium-low heat until melted and caramel-colored, about
    10 minutes. Stir in almonds until coated. Spread on foil
    to cool.

    Place romaine, onion and strawberries in a large bowl.
    Whisk together dressing ingredients; toss with salad.
    Break candied almonds into pieces; sprinkle over salad.
    Serve immediately.

    Irene Keller, Kalamazoo, Michigan

    Makes: 10 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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