• Top 10 Famous Desserts 04

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Fri Feb 2 14:45:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Levain Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Categories: Cookies, Snacks, Chocolate, Nuts
    Yield: 12 servings

    3/4 c (170g) unsalted butter;
    - softened
    3/4 c (150g) dark brown sugar
    3/4 c (150g) white sugar
    2 ts (13g) kosher salt
    2 1/2 ts (11g) baking powder
    1 1/2 ts (9g) baking soda
    3 lg Eggs; cold
    3 1/2 c (420g) A-P flour
    3 c (530g) blend of dark and
    - semi-sweet chocolate chips
    3 c (280g) walnut halves

    Whisk together the flour, baking soda, and baking
    powder. Set aside.

    In the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle
    attachment, cream together the sugar, salt, and butter;
    about 8 minutes on medium-low.

    Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing until fully combined
    into the dough after each addition

    Editor’s Tip: Take care to properly cream your sugar and
    butter. This will limit cookie spread, improve the rise
    of the cookies, and enhances their final baked texture.
    Seriously, don’t rush this process-you really want to
    see the mixture go through an obvious change in your
    mixer. Properly aerated butter and sugar should be
    fluffy and noticeably lighter in color.

    With the mixer on low, stir in the dry ingredients until
    just combined.

    With the mixer on low, fold in the chocolate and walnuts
    mixing until evenly combined and the walnuts have become
    partially broken up a bit by the mixer’s paddle.

    Using a food scale, portion out twelve roughly-hewn
    5.5oz (156g) balls of dough (they’re more like globs if
    you want to be technical).

    Transfer to a large parchment-lined container with a lid
    and chill the cookie dough for at least 6 hours or
    overnight for best results.

    Set the oven @ 350ºF/175ºC.

    Transfer the chilled "globs" of dough onto a parchment
    lined baking sheet about 2" apart.

    Bake for 20-25 minutes until the internal temperature of
    the cookies registers 180ºF/82ºC when using an
    instant-read thermometer. The cookies should appear
    almost fully set and have a warm golden color on their
    top and edges.

    Let the cookies cool for 5 to 10 minutes on the sheet
    pan and then transfer to a wire rack to cool for another
    5 to 10 minutes before digging in.

    Taste of Home Test Kitchen

    Makes: 12 giant Levain-style cookies

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... We should regulate banks and railroads not uteruses and drag shows.
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  • From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Sat Jul 27 16:22:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Levain Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Categories: Cookies, Snacks, Chocolate, Nuts
    Yield: 12 servings

    3/4 c (170g) unsalted butter;
    - softened
    3/4 c (150g) dark brown sugar
    3/4 c (150g) white sugar
    2 ts (13g) kosher salt
    2 1/2 ts (11g) baking powder
    1 1/2 ts (9g) baking soda
    3 lg Eggs; cold
    3 1/2 c (420g) A-P flour
    3 c (530g) blend of dark and
    - semi-sweet chocolate chips
    3 c (280g) walnut halves

    Whisk together the flour, baking soda, and baking
    powder. Set aside.

    In the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle
    attachment, cream together the sugar, salt, and butter;
    about 8 minutes on medium-low.

    Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing until fully combined
    into the dough after each addition

    Editor's Tip: Take care to properly cream your sugar and
    butter. This will limit cookie spread, improve the rise
    of the cookies, and enhances their final baked texture.
    Seriously, don't rush this process-you really want to
    see the mixture go through an obvious change in your
    mixer. Properly aerated butter and sugar should be
    fluffy and noticeably lighter in color.

    With the mixer on low, stir in the dry ingredients until
    just combined.

    With the mixer on low, fold in the chocolate and walnuts
    mixing until evenly combined and the walnuts have become
    partially broken up a bit by the mixer's paddle.

    Using a food scale, portion out twelve roughly-hewn
    5.5oz (156g) balls of dough (they're more like globs if
    you want to be technical).

    Transfer to a large parchment-lined container with a lid
    and chill the cookie dough for at least 6 hours or
    overnight for best results.

    Set the oven @ 350oF/175oC.

    Transfer the chilled "globs" of dough onto a parchment
    lined baking sheet about 2" apart.

    Bake for 20-25 minutes until the internal temperature of
    the cookies registers 180oF/82oC when using an
    instant-read thermometer. The cookies should appear
    almost fully set and have a warm golden color on their
    top and edges.

    Let the cookies cool for 5 to 10 minutes on the sheet
    pan and then transfer to a wire rack to cool for another
    5 to 10 minutes before digging in.

    Taste of Home Test Kitchen

    Makes: 12 giant Levain-style cookies

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... Salted caramels are only a fad. Chocolate is a permanent thing.
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