Int'l Bacon Day - 4
Dave Drum@1:229/452 to
All on Fri Sep 1 09:37:23 2023
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Bacon Wrapped Bratwurst
Categories: Pork, Beef, Sausages, Chilies, Beer
Yield: 6 Servings
1 lb (4 ) Humphrey's bratwurst
36 oz Beer
5 tb Brown sugar
1 ts Cayenne pepper
6 sl (thin) Humphrey's bacon;
- halved
Toothpicks to affix bacon
Poke bratwurst several times with a small fork, and
place into a saucepan with the beer. Bring to a boil
over high heat, then reduce heat to medium, and simmer
for 15 minutes. Remove the bratwurst from the beer,
and allow to cool to room temp. Discard used beer.
Set oven @ 425┬║F/220┬║C.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, and place a
wire rack on top.
Toss the brown sugar and cayenne pepper together in a
large bowl and set aside. Cut each bratwurst in three
pieces, wrap each piece with half strip of bacon, and
secure with a toothpick. Toss the bratwurst with the
cayenne mixture to coat, then place onto the prepared
baking sheet.
Bake in heated oven until the bacon is brown and crisp,
25 to 35 minutes.
Recipe by Humphrey's Market, Springfield, IL
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... Salt, sugar, fat and meat. The 4 major guilt groups.
--- Talisman v0.47-dev (Windows/x86)
* Origin: Tiny's BBS II - (1:229/452)