• Taylor Koa Guitar

    From Scott Brown@1:261/220 to All on Thu Apr 14 17:28:23 2011
    I got to play a Taylor Koa guitar the other day, it had to be the best sounding guitar I have every played. It's a shame the price was way out of my range. It was over 3,000.00. :( Here's hoping I win the lotto!


    ... Love your country, but fear the government.

    --- Renegade v1.18/Alpha
    * Origin: The Realms of Blue BBS - blues.zapto.org (1:261/220)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to Scott Brown on Fri Apr 15 03:22:11 2011
    Hi Scott,

    On Thu 2039-Apr-14 17:28, Scott Brown (1:261/220) wrote to All:

    I got to play a Taylor Koa guitar the other day, it had to be the
    best sounding guitar I have every played. It's a shame the price
    was way out of my range. It was over 3,000.00. :( Here's hoping I
    win the lotto!

    I've played a couple very nice Taylors as well. Friend of
    mine had one that was one of the sweetest recording
    instruments I"ve ever had the pleasure of recording. Very
    I think his current TAylor has the Fishman pickup system
    with the preamp and all for when he gigs.

    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: (1:116/901)
  • From Scott Brown@1:261/220 to Richard Webb on Sat Apr 16 13:45:17 2011
    I've played a couple very nice Taylors as well. Friend of
    mine had one that was one of the sweetest recording
    instruments I"ve ever had the pleasure of recording. Very
    I think his current TAylor has the Fishman pickup system
    with the preamp and all for when he gigs.

    Nice... I'm looking for a acoustic/electric cut away, not sure what I'll end up getting. I really liked the sound of the Koa wood Taylor guitar, but it's way out of my price range. I saw some good reviews on the Dean guitar, but then I found out the Dean Koa guitar is only laminated, so I doubt it would sound anything at all like a real Koa wood guitar. Oh well, the search continues..


    ... Don't tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get

    --- Renegade v1.18/Alpha
    * Origin: The Realms of Blue BBS - blues.zapto.org (1:261/220)
  • From Richard Webb@1:116/901 to Scott Brown on Sat Apr 16 22:08:21 2011
    HI Scott,

    On Sat 2039-Apr-16 13:45, Scott Brown (1:261/220) wrote to Richard Webb:

    I've played a couple very nice Taylors as well. Friend of
    mine had one that was one of the sweetest recording
    instruments I"ve ever had the pleasure of recording. Very
    I think his current TAylor has the Fishman pickup system
    with the preamp and all for when he gigs.

    Nice... I'm looking for a acoustic/electric cut away, not sure what
    I'll end up getting. I really liked the sound of the Koa wood
    Taylor guitar, but it's way out of my price range. I saw some good
    reviews on the Dean guitar, but then I found out the Dean Koa
    guitar is only laminated, so I doubt it would sound anything at all
    like a real Koa wood guitar. Oh well, the search continues..

    I've got a Martin I bought in '03 which I really like. I
    never did get a keeper recording of that guitar, although
    they sounded nice, every time I went to record that guitar
    something happened outside that made the track unusable.

    I'd like to get another very decent acoustic 6 to put a
    pickup system on. I'm afraid to put one on this Martin, no
    matter how I like it on another guitar, as if it isn't done
    just right and I don't like the sound then I've modified the guitar for a system I don't like. I'll probably do
    something eventually, then start looking for a small
    diaphragm condenser for occasional gigging that I can aim at about the 12th fret to enhance the pickup, only use the
    pickup sound or mostly for stage monitor if I need it.

    My buddy's FIshman system was alright, for gigging. I liked it for getting him
    a monitor sound, but since he sat on an
    old 5 gallon bucket with a cushion on it whenever he played
    the acoustic and not his electric that I just automatically
    stuck a Shure sm-81 at about the 12th fret. Other guys who
    ran sound for his band never bothered, they just took his
    pickup sound, but I liked both for different reasons. FOr
    arrangements where his acoustic ws blending with full out
    rock 'n roll drums I'd use more of his pickup sound to get
    that plinky plinky that would cut through the mix.
    Especially true when they had a third guitarist on electric
    sitting in as well, which often happened with those guys.

    I worked way too cheap doing sound dog for those guys but
    they were fun to work with, and they didn't slack on setup
    and tear down.

    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: (1:116/901)