• New Files Received

    From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Sep 7 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z51 6825 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z51
    Orig: 1:261/38
    6825 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z51 13213 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-09-08 (251)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13213 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170907.ZIP 1297527 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1297527 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a51 8836 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a51
    Orig: 1:261/38
    8836 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z51 61420 FidoNet nodelist for day 251, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61420 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 773249 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    773249 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2161070 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Sep 8 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z51 61420 Daily nodelist Sept 8 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z52 61740 Daily nodelist Sept 9 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    123160 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463465 SportNet InfoPak for day 251, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463463 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1463463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.251 34927 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    34927 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170908.ZIP 487839 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    487839 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z51 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z51 9445 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z51 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    8617 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463465 SportNet InfoPak for day 251, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z51 349 SportNet nodediff for day 251, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21042 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 251, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z51 8278 SportNet nodelist for day 251, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29669 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 760400 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    760400 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5845029 bytes in 14 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Sep 9 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z51 402 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    402 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25092 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25092 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z51 9605 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z53 61724 Daily nodelist Sept 10 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61724 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z51 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10PDIFF.Z51 529 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointDiff l10pdiff.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10POINT.Z51 8316 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    9299 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170909.ZIP 799205 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    799205 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 753766 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    753766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1659093 bytes in 9 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Sep 10 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z54 61724 Daily nodelist Sept 11 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61724 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25075 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25075 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170910.ZIP 7755 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    7755 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 758266 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    758266 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 852820 bytes in 4 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Sep 11 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17254.ZIP 46576 US-CERT SB17-254 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    46576 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z55 61627 Daily nodelist Sept 12 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61627 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY37.ZIP 13201 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#37 for Sep. 11, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    13201 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170911.ZIP 8096 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    8096 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 765905 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    765905 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 895405 bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Sep 12 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : BACKBONE : Fidonet: Fidonet Backbone
    BACKBONE.NA 10568 List Of Active Echoes Available On The North American
    Orig: 1:393/68
    BACKSTAT.NA 4967 Latest Changes and Info On The North American Backbone
    Orig: 1:393/68
    15535 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z56 61676 Daily nodelist Sept 13 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61676 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170912.ZIP 7429 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    7429 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.255 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z55 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 777883 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    777883 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 903506 bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Sep 13 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.81M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.81M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : Fidonet: Filegate Info Files
    filegate.zxx 55699 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    Orig: 1:261/38
    55699 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n37.zip 17176 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 37 September 13,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 What is JSON?
    .......................... 4 New File Area Added To
    FileGate.Zxx .... 5 Reports: This week's Echomail
    Statistics ........6 This week's FileGate File Report
    ....... 7 Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 8
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 9 More
    Information ....................... 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    17176 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170913.ZIP 228815 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    228815 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 763922 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    763922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 31.83M bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Sep 14 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z57 62063 Daily nodelist Sept 14 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62063 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z58 2302 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z58
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2302 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z58 13287 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-09-15 (258)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13287 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170914.ZIP 1843587 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1843587 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a58 3006 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a58
    Orig: 1:261/38
    3006 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z58 61744 FidoNet nodelist for day 258, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61744 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.257 31593 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z57 9394 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40987 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 772307 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    772307 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2799283 bytes in 9 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Sep 15 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z58 61744 Daily nodelist Sept 15 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z59 127688 Daily nodelist Sept 16 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    189432 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : Fidonet: Echolist Files
    ELST1709.ZIP 59783 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist archive,
    including complete information (ELIST.RPT) and a
    summary of echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files (ERulyymm.Zip). FIDONet EList v4.1 is now Live!
    by Ben Ritchey 1:393/68 1:1/21 Email:
    FIDO4cMech(at)lusfiber.net Submissions to:
    echolist(at)filegate.net and/or BinkD at
    Orig: 1:393/68
    59783 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463471 SportNet InfoPak for day 258, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170915.ZIP 1689548 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1689548 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.258 31621 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z58 9395 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z58 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    41212 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z58 579 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    579 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z58 9446 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9446 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z58 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z58 8325 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    16942 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463471 SportNet InfoPak for day 258, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463471 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z58 349 SportNet nodediff for day 258, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21043 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 258, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z58 8279 SportNet nodelist for day 258, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29671 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 761194 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    761194 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5724749 bytes in 17 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Sep 16 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z58 315 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25098 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25098 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z58 9606 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9606 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z60 62057 Daily nodelist Sept 17 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62057 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170916.ZIP 1946900 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1946900 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 765173 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    765173 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2809149 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Sep 17 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z61 62092 Daily nodelist Sept 18 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62092 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY38.ZIP 12502 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#38 for Sep. 18, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    12502 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25081 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z58 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10POINT.Z58 8317 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    LEAGUE10.258 34916 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    43687 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170917.ZIP 1153312 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1153312 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 779363 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    779363 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2076037 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Sep 18 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17261.ZIP 58163 US-CERT SB17-261 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    58163 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z62 61966 Daily nodelist Sept 19 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61966 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463469 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1463469 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MIN_INFO : MicroNet: Information
    MININFO.ZIP 11715 Micronet Information Network Infopack for
    Monday, 18 September 2017 (day 261).
    All the information you need to join
    Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail
    network. We offer FTN, QWK and NNTP
    networking. For more info, please read
    this infopack, visit a participating
    BBS, or visit our webpage for more info.
    FREQ MININFO from 1:18/200
    Orig: 618:618/1
    11715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170918.ZIP 674897 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    674897 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.261 31591 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z61 9390 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40981 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 774329 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    774329 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WIN_COMM : Fidonet: WIN_FDN Communications
    ZOC7154.ZIP 5424481 ZOC V7.15.4 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
    TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem and
    ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
    NT4/2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/Win7/win8/win10 (x86/x64).
    Outstanding user interface, solid VT102/VT220 and
    Zmodem, lots of options, fast screen output and
    scrollback buffer, scoll back and log viewer, REXX
    scripting, named pipes and countless other features.
    Orig: 1:393/68
    5424481 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8510001 bytes in 9 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Sep 19 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z63 62128 Daily nodelist Sept 20 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62128 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170919.ZIP 4846809 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    4846809 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 779885 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    779885 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5688822 bytes in 3 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Sep 20 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.83M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.83M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z64 62118 Daily nodelist Sept 21 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62118 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n38.zip 18678 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 38 September 20,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 Humor: PONDERISMS
    ...................... 4 FileFind - The ALLFIX Search
    Echo ...... 5 Reports: This week's Echomail Statistics
    ........6 This week's FileGate File Report ....... 7
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 8 FidoGazette
    BBS List .................. 9 More Information
    ....................... 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    18678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170920.ZIP 2091660 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    2091660 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.263 31594 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z63 9395 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40989 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 764921 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    764921 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 33.67M bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Sep 21 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z65 2252 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z65
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2252 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z65 13302 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-09-22 (265)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13302 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170921.ZIP 343712 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    343712 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a65 2922 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a65
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2922 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z65 61869 FidoNet nodelist for day 265, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61869 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 767148 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    767148 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1191205 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Sep 22 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z65 61869 Daily nodelist Sept 22 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z66 62057 Daily nodelist Sept 23 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    123926 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463468 SportNet InfoPak for day 265, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z65 456 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    456 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170922.ZIP 435565 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    435565 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.265 31621 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z65 9395 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z65 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    41212 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z65 580 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z65 9445 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z65 8616 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z65 8323 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    16939 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463468 SportNet InfoPak for day 265, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z65 351 SportNet nodediff for day 265, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21043 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 265, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z65 8278 SportNet nodelist for day 265, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29672 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 779757 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    779757 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4364488 bytes in 17 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Sep 23 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z65 317 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    317 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25097 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25097 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z65 9605 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z67 61995 Daily nodelist Sept 24 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61995 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463466 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1463466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z65 8316 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    LEAGUE10.265 34916 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    43232 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170923.ZIP 4848 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    4848 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.266 31593 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z66 9392 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40985 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 773840 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    773840 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2423385 bytes in 11 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Sep 24 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z68 62005 Daily nodelist Sept 25 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY39.ZIP 13667 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#39 for Sep. 25, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    13667 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10-BONE.NA 281 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    281 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170924.ZIP 74984 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    74984 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.267 31593 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z67 9395 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40988 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 758816 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    758816 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 950741 bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Sep 25 23:59:06 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17268.ZIP 54694 US-CERT SB17-268 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    54694 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z69 62016 Daily nodelist Sept 26 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62016 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25080 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170925.ZIP 387380 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    387380 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.268 31591 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z68 9390 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40981 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 768700 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    768700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1338851 bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Sep 26 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z70 61929 Daily nodelist Sept 27 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61929 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170926.ZIP 408122 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    408122 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.269 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z69 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 766804 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    766804 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1277838 bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Sep 27 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.87M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.87M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z71 62005 Daily nodelist Sept 28 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    62005 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n39.zip 16865 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 39 September 27,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Humor: British Humor
    ................... 3 A Sad Loss For All of Us
    ............... 4 Reports: This week's Echomail
    Statistics ........5 This week's FileGate File Report
    ....... 6 Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 7
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 8 More
    Information ....................... 9
    Orig: 1:261/38
    16865 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170927.ZIP 95185 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    95185 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 767391 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    767391 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 31.77M bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Sep 28 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z72 2046 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z72
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2046 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z72 13373 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-09-29 (272)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13373 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170928.ZIP 1632213 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1632213 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a72 2670 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a72
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2670 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z72 61769 FidoNet nodelist for day 272, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61769 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.271 31593 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z71 9394 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40987 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 758795 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    758795 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2511853 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Sep 29 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z72 61769 Daily nodelist Sept 29 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z73 62080 Daily nodelist Sept 30 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    123849 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463467 SportNet InfoPak for day 272, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    LEAGUE10.ZIP 239840 League 10 Info Pack (with game setup info) Application
    Form, Echo's (messages areas - qwk or ftn import
    files), Nodelist.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463465 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1703305 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z72 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    LEAGUE10.272 35140 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    35593 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170929.ZIP 470537 Daily APOD
    Orig: 1:393/68
    470537 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z72 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z72 580 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z72 9445 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z72 8616 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z72 8323 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    16939 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463467 SportNet InfoPak for day 272, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z72 349 SportNet nodediff for day 272, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21043 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 272, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z72 8278 SportNet nodelist for day 272, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29670 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 770208 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    Orig: 1:393/68
    770208 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6087256 bytes in 18 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Sep 30 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z72 316 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25091 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25091 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z72 9605 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z74 61970 Daily nodelist Oct 1 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61970 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z72 8316 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    8316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League 10 Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z72 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP170930.ZIP 5011 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    5011 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 762833 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    762833 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 873346 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 1 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z75 61964 Daily nodelist Oct 2 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61964 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25074 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25074 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171001.ZIP 1222773 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1222773 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : PAS Pascal-Net Info, .nf & .na files.
    pas1017.zip 1091959 PASCALNT INFO FILE v27.0
    ======================================== If you ever
    felt you wanted to talk more about programming in
    either Pascal or Delphi, then join this worldwide
    network. Included in this archive is all you need to
    know about PascalNt, including a nodelist. PASINFO
    Orig: 115:115/0
    pasinfo.zip 1090342 PASCALNT INFO FILE v27.0
    ======================================== If you ever
    felt you wanted to talk more about programming in
    either Pascal or Delphi, then join this worldwide
    network. Included in this archive is all you need to
    know about PascalNt, including a nodelist. PASINFO
    Orig: 115:115/0
    2182301 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 780927 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    780927 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4273039 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 2 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17275.ZIP 50633 US-CERT SB17-275 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    50633 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z76 61769 Daily nodelist Oct 3 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61769 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY40.ZIP 13621 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#40 for Oct. 02, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    13621 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    ADVNET.ZIP 1547057 █▓▒░ The Adventure Network ░▒▓ ***** Born on 1/1/94
    ***** * Over 35+ Active Echos * InterBBS Games (8+)
    BRE/FE/Tal 933, AB I+II, Lord, LoreNet, Clans, BRE, FE
    and TAL IBBS Game http://www.advnet.name Version 3.0
    Updated: 09/01/2017
    Orig: 1:340/400
    FMLYNET.ZIP 26750 File Name is FmlyNet Info file. FMLYNET.ZIP find in
    FMLYBONE file echo.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2970859 JustaXnet Info Pack V18.6
    ============================================= * League
    510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB
    I+II, Lord, ILord, Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora &
    More. * League 510 Multi Network! Official Web Site at
    http://www.justaxnet.com Updated 09/01/2017
    Orig: 1:340/400
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2965131 JustaXnet Info Pack V18.6
    ============================================= * League
    510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB
    I+II, Lord, ILord, Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora &
    More. * League 510 Multi Network! Official Web Site at
    http://www.justaxnet.com Updated 09/01/2017
    Orig: 1:340/400
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1074386 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v76
    ============================================= If you
    ever felt you want to work with Linux OS systems of
    all kinds as there is, and there is many of kinds,
    then join this worldwide network. All you want to know
    about Linuxnet is in this archive include a nodelist.
    Now supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack. web
    http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    Orig: 1:340/400
    Networks! 350 Conferences, family oriented and
    friendly. Largest genealogy resources, Christian
    areas, general discussion, and vendor supported
    conferences. Now available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP,
    NNTP, SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the most
    recognized networks in the BBS world. Update
    Orig: 1:340/400
    VIRNET.ZIP 21378 Information file for VirNet. VirNet is a AntiVirus
    Network there Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies,
    program, updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 17839 ZyXEL-Net information file pack. ZyXEL-NET is a
    Network there manage all Utilities and programs for
    the ZyXEL network of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET
    is distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software. There
    are messages echos and software echoes.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    9718156 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171002.ZIP 2899926 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    2899926 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.275 31591 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z75 9390 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40981 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 774959 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    774959 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 12.93M bytes in 15 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 3 23:59:08 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : BBSLISTS : Fidonet: BBS Lists
    IBBS1017.ZIP 628103 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 10/17 = = October
    2017 Edition = 20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION! The largest
    active Telnettable BBS listing! Detailed listings on
    over 400 Telnet BBS listings. Also includes US/Canada
    Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware Telnet Client
    included. Maintained by The BBS Corner at:
    Orig: 1:340/400
    628103 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z77 61913 Daily nodelist Oct 4 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61913 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171003.ZIP 1433985 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1433985 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.276 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z76 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 772352 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    772352 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2937336 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 4 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.90M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.90M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z78 61879 Daily nodelist Oct 5 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61879 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n40.zip 16190 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 40 October 04,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Humor
    .................................. 3 Nodelist Notes
    ......................... 4 Reports: This week's
    Echomail Statistics ........5 This week's FileGate
    File Report ....... 6 Fidonet SoftWare List
    ................. 8 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 9 More Information
    ....................... 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    16190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171004.ZIP 184437 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    184437 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.277 31594 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z77 9395 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40989 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 769287 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    769287 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 31.92M bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 5 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z79 13389 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-10-06 (279)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13389 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171005.ZIP 533479 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    533479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 767912 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    767912 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1314780 bytes in 3 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 6 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z80 60940 Daily nodelist Oct 7 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    60940 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z79 1144 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z79
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1144 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463467 SportNet InfoPak for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463465 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1463465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z79 459 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    LEAGUE10.279 35134 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    35593 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171006.ZIP 5008 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    5008 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a79 1293 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a79
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1293 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z79 54559 FidoNet nodelist for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z79 60943 FidoNet nodelist for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    115502 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z79 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    196 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z79 583 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    583 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z79 9444 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9444 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    ppoint.z79 8322 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z79 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    8544 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463467 SportNet InfoPak for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z79 449 SportNet nodediff for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21044 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z79 8281 SportNet nodelist for day 279, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29774 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 770281 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    770281 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5428701 bytes in 20 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 7 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z79 319 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    319 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25097 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25097 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z79 9604 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9604 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z81 61246 Daily nodelist Oct 8 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61246 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10POINT.Z79 8315 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    8315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League 10 Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z79 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171007.ZIP 1300 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1300 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 26489 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    26489 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 132574 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 8 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z82 61244 Daily nodelist Oct 9 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61244 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY41.ZIP 11616 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#41 for Oct. 09, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    11616 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25080 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25080 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171008.ZIP 3766995 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    3766995 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 752781 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    752781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4617716 bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 9 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17282.ZIP 55175 US-CERT SB17-282 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    55175 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z83 61142 Daily nodelist Oct 10 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61142 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171009.ZIP 190229 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    190229 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.282 31591 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z82 9390 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40981 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 755943 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    755943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1103470 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 10 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z84 61203 Daily nodelist Oct 11 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61203 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.283 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z83 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 102186 bytes in 3 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 11 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.94M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.94M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z85 61262 Daily nodelist Oct 12 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61262 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n41.zip 15978 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 41 October 11,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Humor
    .................................. 3 Reports: This
    week's Echomail Statistics ........4 This week's
    FileGate File Report ....... 5 Fidonet SoftWare List
    ................. 6 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 7 More Information
    ....................... 8
    Orig: 1:261/38
    15978 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171011.ZIP 4975479 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    4975479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 749261 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    749261 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 36.47M bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 12 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z86 13278 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-10-13 (286)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13278 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171012.ZIP 4083120 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    4083120 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.285 31593 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z85 9394 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40987 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 737385 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    737385 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4874770 bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 13 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z86 60946 Daily nodelist Oct 13 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z87 61015 Daily nodelist Oct 14 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    121961 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z86 1407 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z86
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463466 SportNet InfoPak for day 286, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171013.ZIP 187507 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    187507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a86 1796 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a86
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1796 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.286 31621 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z86 9395 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z86 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    41212 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z86 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z86 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    8617 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463466 SportNet InfoPak for day 286, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463466 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z86 440 SportNet nodediff for day 286, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21041 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 286, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z86 8277 SportNet nodelist for day 286, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29758 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 743903 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    743903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4063671 bytes in 16 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 14 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z86 316 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25095 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25095 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z86 9605 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z88 61332 Daily nodelist Oct 15 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61332 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171014.ZIP 953894 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    953894 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 747779 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    747779 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1798021 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 15 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : BFDS : BFDS: Batch programming/Support for BATPOWER
    BFDSLIST.ZIP 34901 Master Files Listing for the BFDS (Batch File
    Distribution System) the Files Support arm of the
    International BATPOWER echo (learn all about BATch
    File Programming).
    Orig: 1:393/68
    34901 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z89 61348 Daily nodelist Oct 16 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61348 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : Fidonet: Echolist Files
    ELST1710.ZIP 59688 This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist archive,
    including complete information (ELIST.RPT) and a
    summary of echo tags (ELIST.NA) plus all current .RUL
    files (ERulyymm.Zip). FIDONet EList v4.1 is now Live!
    by Ben Ritchey 1:393/68 1:1/21 Email:
    FIDO4cMech(at)lusfiber.net Submissions to:
    echolist(at)filegate.net and/or BinkD at
    Orig: 1:393/68
    59688 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY42.ZIP 11572 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#42 for Oct. 16, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    11572 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171015.ZIP 331569 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    331569 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 751558 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    751558 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1250636 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 16 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17289.ZIP 46788 US-CERT SB17-289 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    46788 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z90 61299 Daily nodelist Oct 17 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61299 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171016.ZIP 8826 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    8826 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.289 31591 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z89 9390 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40981 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 753880 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    753880 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 911774 bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 17 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z91 61350 Daily nodelist Oct 18 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61350 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.290 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z90 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 102333 bytes in 3 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 18 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.94M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.94M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z92 61452 Daily nodelist Oct 19 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61452 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n42.zip 16538 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 42 October 18,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Humor
    .................................. 3 Reports: This
    week's Echomail Statistics ........4 This week's
    FileGate File Report ....... 5 Fidonet SoftWare List
    ................. 6 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 7 More Information
    ....................... 8
    Orig: 1:261/38
    16538 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z86 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    454 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League 10 Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z86 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171018.ZIP 98974 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    98974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 752967 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    752967 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 31.83M bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 19 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z93 2505 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z93
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2505 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z93 13361 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-10-20 (293)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13361 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171019.ZIP 602401 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    602401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a93 3411 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a93
    Orig: 1:261/38
    3411 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z93 61264 FidoNet nodelist for day 293, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61264 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.292 31593 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z92 9394 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40987 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 771285 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    771285 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1495214 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 20 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z93 61264 Daily nodelist Oct 20 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z94 61264 Daily nodelist Oct 21 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    122528 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463463 SportNet InfoPak for day 293, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171020.ZIP 4614950 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    4614950 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z93 578 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z93 9442 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z93 8615 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z93 8321 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    16936 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463463 SportNet InfoPak for day 293, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463463 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z93 350 SportNet nodediff for day 293, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21041 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 293, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z93 8276 SportNet nodelist for day 293, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29667 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 776818 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    776818 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8497845 bytes in 13 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 21 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z93 316 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25095 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25095 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z93 9603 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17293.ZIP 24794 US-CERT TA17-293A Advanced Persistent Threat Activity
    Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure
    Sectors {Revised}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    USC17293.ZIP 24808 US-CERT TA17-293A Advanced Persistent Threat Activity
    Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure
    Sectors {Special Publication}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    49602 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z95 61432 Daily nodelist Oct 22 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61432 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171021.ZIP 1725340 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1725340 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 782062 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    782062 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2653450 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 22 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z96 61349 Daily nodelist Oct 23 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61349 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171022.ZIP 19270 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    19270 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 783490 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    783490 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 864109 bytes in 3 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 23 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17296.ZIP 63069 US-CERT SB17-296 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    63069 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z97 61344 Daily nodelist Oct 24 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61344 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY43.ZIP 13215 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#43 for Oct. 23, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    13215 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171023.ZIP 312560 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    312560 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 773338 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    773338 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1223526 bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 24 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DBNDIFF : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodediff
    DBNETDIF.A00 206 DBNET Nodediff
    Orig: 1:229/426
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBNLIST : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodelist
    DBNETLST.A00 877 DBNET Nodelist
    Orig: 1:229/426
    877 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z81 454 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10NDIFF.Z93 455 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10POINT.Z93 8314 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    9223 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171024.ZIP 522847 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    522847 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.297 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z97 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 752507 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    752507 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1326643 bytes in 9 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 25 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.97M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.97M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z98 61377 Daily nodelist Oct 25 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z99 61258 Daily nodelist Oct 26 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    122635 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n43.zip 20145 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 43 October 25,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 Humor
    .................................. 4 FTSC Election
    Notes .................... 5 Reports: This week's
    Echomail Statistics ........6 This week's FileGate
    File Report ....... 7 Fidonet SoftWare List
    ................. 8 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 9 More Information
    ....................... 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    20145 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171025.ZIP 509788 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    509788 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 763331 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    763331 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 32.32M bytes in 6 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 26 23:59:06 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z00 2218 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z00
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2218 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z00 13345 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-10-27 (300)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13345 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25078 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25078 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.286 35135 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    35135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171026.ZIP 874816 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    874816 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a00 3063 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a00
    Orig: 1:261/38
    3063 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z00 61279 FidoNet nodelist for day 300, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61279 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.299 31593 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z99 9394 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40987 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PDNBASIC : PDN: Basic Related
    QUEENS.ZIP 4903 This archive contains 3 basic programs which solve the
    various queens chess problems using brute force. These
    are public domain and may be shared freely. They are
    dated 10/13/2017 and are written by Erik Jon Oredson
    who can be reached at eoredson@gmail.com
    Orig: 1:261/38
    4903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 752318 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    752318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1813142 bytes in 11 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 27 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z00 61279 Daily nodelist Oct 27 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z01 61255 Daily nodelist Oct 28 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    122534 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463467 SportNet InfoPak for day 300, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25078 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463465 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    WHISPNET.ZIP 22751 ODD: League info packs
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1511294 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.300 35135 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    35135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171027.ZIP 952107 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    952107 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.300 31621 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z00 9395 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z00 196 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    41212 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z00 577 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    577 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z00 9445 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9445 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z00 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z00 8323 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z00 222 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    17162 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463467 SportNet InfoPak for day 300, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z00 348 SportNet nodediff for day 300, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21041 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 300, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z00 8277 SportNet nodelist for day 300, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29666 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 757761 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    757761 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 6403827 bytes in 21 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 28 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z00 315 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    315 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25098 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25098 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z00 9603 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z02 61424 Daily nodelist Oct 29 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61424 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z00 453 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10POINT.Z00 8316 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    8769 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : L10PNT0 : League 10 Pointlists and Diffs
    L10PNT.Z00 204 Weekly League10 Boss pointlist.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171028.ZIP 2482180 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    2482180 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.301 31593 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z01 9392 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40985 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 754262 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    754262 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WIN_COMM : Fidonet: WIN_FDN Communications
    ZOC7156.ZIP 5430924 ZOC 7.15.6 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
    TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem and
    ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
    NT4/2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/Win7/win8/win10 (x86/x64).
    Outstanding user interface, solid VT102/VT220 and
    Zmodem, lots of options, fast screen output and
    scrollback buffer, scoll back and log viewer, REXX
    scripting, named pipes and countless other features.
    Orig: 1:393/68
    5430924 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 8813764 bytes in 12 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 30 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17303.ZIP 50409 US-CERT SB17-303 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    50409 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z03 61419 Daily nodelist Oct 30 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z04 59508 Daily nodelist Oct 31 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    120927 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY44.ZIP 11539 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#44 for Oct. 30, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    11539 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25081 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25081 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171029.ZIP 172994 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    AP171030.ZIP 217744 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    390738 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.302 31593 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z02 9395 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40988 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 745769 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    DAILYWET.ZIP 748010 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1493779 bytes in 2 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2133461 bytes in 11 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 31 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z05 59539 Daily nodelist Nov 1 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    59539 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBNDIFF : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodediff
    DBNETDIF.A07 208 DBNET Nodediff
    Orig: 1:229/426
    208 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBNLIST : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodelist
    DBNETLST.A07 880 DBNET Nodelist
    Orig: 1:229/426
    880 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171031.ZIP 317611 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    317611 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasndlst.304 31592 Daily PascalNt Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasndlst.z04 9391 PascalNt Daily nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    40983 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 750892 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    750892 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1170113 bytes in 7 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Nov 1 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : BBSLISTS : Fidonet: BBS Lists
    IBBS1117.ZIP 1218713 = The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 11/17 = = November
    2017 Edition = Celebrating 20 years! The largest
    active Telnettable BBS listing! Detailed listings on
    over 400 Telnet BBS listings. Also includes US/Canada
    Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware Telnet Client
    included. Maintained by The BBS Corner at:
    Orig: 1:340/400
    1218713 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    WHISPNET.ZIP 26580 ODD: League info packs
    Orig: 1:340/400
    26580 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171101.ZIP 369596 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    369596 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 759979 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    759979 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2374868 bytes in 4 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Nov 2 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 31.00M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    31.00M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z06 61255 Daily nodelist Nov 2 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    61255 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv11n44.zip 16781 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 11 No 44 November 01,
    2017 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 Humor
    .................................. 4 FTSC Election
    Notes .................... 5 Reports: This week's
    Echomail Statistics ........6 This week's FileGate
    File Report ....... 7 Fidonet SoftWare List
    ................. 8 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 9 More Information
    ....................... 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    16781 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z07 13346 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2017-11-03 (307)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13346 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1030703 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v78
    ============================================= If you
    ever felt you want to work with Linux OS systems of
    all kinds as there is, and there is many of kinds,
    then join this worldwide network. All you want to know
    about Linuxnet is in this archive include a nodelist.
    Now supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack. web
    http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    Orig: 1:340/400
    Networks! 350 Conferences, family oriented and
    friendly. Largest genealogy resources, Christian
    areas, general discussion, and vendor supported
    conferences. Now available via QWK, FTSC, Telnet, FTP,
    NNTP, SMTP, BINKP Satellite, world-wide. 150+
    International BBS's participate in one of the most
    recognized networks in the BBS world. Update
    Orig: 1:340/400
    VIRNET.ZIP 21383 Information file for VirNet. VirNet is a AntiVirus
    Network there Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies,
    program, updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 17840 ZyXEL-Net information file pack. ZyXEL-NET is a
    Network there manage all Utilities and programs for
    the ZyXEL network of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET
    is distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software. There
    are messages echos and software echoes.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    2164683 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171102.ZIP 1514604 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1514604 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : PAS Pascal-Net Info, .nf & .na files.
    pas1117.zip 1091957 PASCALNT INFO FILE v27.2
    ======================================== If you ever
    felt you wanted to talk more about programming in
    either Pascal or Delphi, then join this worldwide
    network. Included in this archive is all you need to
    know about PascalNt, including a nodelist. PASINFO
    Orig: 115:115/0
    pasinfo.zip 1090340 PASCALNT INFO FILE v27.2
    ======================================== If you ever
    felt you wanted to talk more about programming in
    either Pascal or Delphi, then join this worldwide
    network. Included in this archive is all you need to
    know about PascalNt, including a nodelist. PASINFO
    Orig: 115:115/0
    2182297 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 744072 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    744072 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 37.39M bytes in 12 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Nov 3 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z07 59479 Daily nodelist Nov 3 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z08 59426 Daily nodelist Nov 4 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    118905 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z07 1778 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z07
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1778 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 1463511 SportNet InfoPak for day 307, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463511 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    FMLYNET.ZIP 26843 File Name is FmlyNet Info file. FMLYNET. ZIP find in
    FMLYBONE file echo.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    JN_INFO.ZIP 2947357 JustaXnet Info Pack V18.8
    ============================================= * League
    510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB
    I+II, Lord, ILord, Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora &
    More. * League 510 Multi Network! Official Web Site at
    http://www.justaxnet.com Updated 11/01/2017
    Orig: 1:340/400
    JUSTANET.ZIP 2941625 JustaXnet Info Pack V18.8
    ============================================= * League
    510 JustaXnet InterBBS Games (10+) BRE/FE/Tal 510, AB
    I+II, Lord, ILord, Clans, Global War, Quest for Nora &
    More. * League 510 Multi Network! Official Web Site at
    http://www.justaxnet.com Updated 11/01/2017
    Orig: 1:340/400
    LIN_INFO.ZIP 1030702 LinuxNet INFO PACK FILE v78
    ============================================= If you
    ever felt you want to work with Linux OS systems of
    all kinds as there is, and there is many of kinds,
    then join this worldwide network. All you want to know
    about Linuxnet is in this archive include a nodelist.
    Now supporting languages discussions for Linux and
    Unix. Look for the new file in the pack. web
    http://www.linuxnet.name/ and LIN_INFO
    Orig: 1:340/400
    SPORTNET.ZIP 1463509 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.??? -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    League24.zip - League24 InfoPak
    Orig: 1:340/400
    VIRNET.ZIP 21379 Information file for VirNet. VirNet is a AntiVirus
    Network there Distribution AntiVirus utiltilies,
    program, updates, data files and Virus Dat files.
    Virnet have messages echos and file echos.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    WHISPNET.ZIP 27181 Whisper-Echo-Net - A Family Oriented Network Supports
    QWK/FTN with a variety of categories. HQ of League-316
    October 31, 2017 http://vintagebbsing.com:81
    Orig: 1:340/400
    ZYXELNET.ZIP 17839 ZyXEL-Net information file pack. ZyXEL-NET is a
    Network there manage all Utilities and programs for
    the ZyXEL network of Routers and hardware. ZyXEL-NET
    is distribution of ZyXEL utilities of software. There
    are messages echos and software echoes.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    8476435 bytes in 8 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    LEAGUE10.307 35135 League-10 Complete Nodelists
    Orig: 10:3/1
    35135 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171103.ZIP 200325 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    200325 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a07 2410 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a07
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2410 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z07 59479 FidoNet nodelist for day 307, 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    59479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z07 581 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    581 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z07 9442 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9442 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z07 8614 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z07 8321 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    16935 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 1463511 SportNet InfoPak for day 307, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    1463511 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z07 441 SportNet nodediff for day 307, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.txt 21087 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 307, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    sportnet.z07 8316 SportNet nodelist for day 307, 2017
    Orig: 24:24/0
    29844 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 758407 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    758407 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 12.05M bytes in 25 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Nov 4 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z07 318 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    318 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 25101 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    25101 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z07 9603 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z09 59628 Daily nodelist Nov 5 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    59628 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : L10NODE0 : League-10 Complete Nodelist
    L10NDIFF.Z07 458 LEAGUE10 Weekly NodeDiff file
    Orig: 10:3/1
    L10POINT.Z07 8314 League 10 weekly Fakenet PointList.
    Orig: 10:3/1
    8772 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171104.ZIP 6627483 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    6627483 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 761727 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    761727 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7492632 bytes in 8 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Nov 5 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z10 59568 Daily nodelist Nov 6 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    59568 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSY45.ZIP 11600 The Fidonews: Vol#34, Issue#45 for Nov. 06, 2017
    Orig: 2:2/2
    11600 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 25084 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    25084 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171105.ZIP 6800383 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    6800383 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 762344 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    762344 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7658979 bytes in 5 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Nov 6 23:59:06 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native


    ║ The Following Files were received Today: ║

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC17310.ZIP 47910 US-CERT SB17-310 Vulnerability Summary in HTML format
    {weekly update}
    Orig: 1:393/68
    47910 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z11 59480 Daily nodelist Nov 7 2017
    Orig: 1:261/38
    59480 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP171106.ZIP 856766 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    856766 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 749493 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    749493 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1713649 bytes in 4 file(s)


    ║Magic Names║

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:

    ║First Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/First Method║

    ║Second Method║

    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...

    ║/Second Method║

    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From Alexey Vissarionov@2:5020/545 to All on Tue Nov 7 09:25:10 2017
    Good ${greeting_time}, All!

    Why TF this spam is here?

    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity
    Location: The Badlands of New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet 10:3/68@league10
    Telnet: tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net
    FTP: ftp.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:2121
    Running: Synchronet 3.17a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Mailer: binkd/1.1a-95/win32 IPv6 Native

    And why the spamming node is still in the nodelist?

    Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
    gremlin.ru!gremlin; +vii-cmiii-cmlxxvii-mmxlviii

    ... god@universe:~ # cvs up && make world
    --- /bin/vi
    * Origin: http://openwall.com/Owl (2:5020/545)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Nov 7 00:16:47 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : BACKBONE : Fidonet: Fidonet Backbone
    backbone.na 9964 List Of Active Echoes Available On The North American
    Orig: 1:123/500
    backstat.na 4776 Latest Changes and Info On The North American Backbone
    Orig: 1:123/500
    14740 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z38 77950 Daily nodelist August 25 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77950 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv10n34.zip 15702 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 10 No 34 August 24,
    2016 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Humor: A Sysop's Directory
    of Beer? .....3 This week's Echomail Statistics
    ....... 4 This week's FileGate File Report ....... 5
    New/Returning SysOps ................... 6 Fidonet
    SoftWare List ................. 7 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 8 Information (How to Submit an
    Article).. 9
    Orig: 1:261/38
    15702 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP160824.ZIP 3354943 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    3354943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.237 30331 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z37 9025 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39356 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 753868 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    753868 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 4256559 bytes in 8 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Nov 7 00:16:51 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z67 2437 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z67
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2437 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z67 13889 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2016-09-23 (267)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13889 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP160922.ZIP 1026167 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1026167 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a67 3225 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a67
    Orig: 1:261/38
    3225 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z67 77564 FidoNet nodelist for day 267, 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77564 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z66 199 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 763454 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    763454 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1886935 bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 8 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z81 406 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    406 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 24643 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    24643 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z81 9148 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9148 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z83 77570 Daily nodelist Oct. 9 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FWCOMM : Fidonet: OS/2 Miscellaneous
    sfbin916.zip 2099289 Spam filter for MTA. (binary) 9/16
    Orig: 1:261/38
    sfsrc916.zip 1582167 Spam filter for MTA. Source (9/16)
    Orig: 1:261/38
    3681456 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161008.ZIP 732193 Daily APOD
    Orig: 1:393/68
    732193 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.282 19998 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z82 6293 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26291 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 748678 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    748678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WIN_COMM : Fidonet: WIN_FDN Communications
    ZOC7093.ZIP 5212905 ZOC V7.09.3 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
    TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem and
    ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
    NT4/2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/Win7/win8/win10 (x86/x64).
    Outstanding user interface, solid VT102/VT220 and
    Zmodem, lots of options, fast screen output and
    scrollback buffer, scoll back and log viewer, REXX
    scripting, named pipes and countless other features.
    Orig: 1:393/68
    5212905 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 10.02M bytes in 11 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 9 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z84 77568 Daily nodelist Oct. 10 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77568 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 24626 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    24626 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161009.ZIP 1024912 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1024912 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.283 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z83 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 755642 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    755642 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1909033 bytes in 6 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 10 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC16284.ZIP 31780 US-CERT SB16-284 Vulnerability Summary
    Orig: 1:393/68
    31780 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z85 77569 Daily nodelist Oct. 11 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77569 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSX41.ZIP 10682 The Fidonews: Vol#33, Issue#41 for Oct. 10, 2016
    Orig: 2:2/2
    10682 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FWCOMM : Fidonet: OS/2 Miscellaneous
    links213.zip 4458008 Links browser version 2.13
    Orig: 1:261/38
    4458008 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161010.ZIP 7950 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    7950 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.284 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z84 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 743446 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    743446 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5355720 bytes in 8 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 11 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z86 77618 Daily nodelist Oct. 12 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77618 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161011.ZIP 512279 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    512279 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.285 30238 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z85 8999 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39237 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 746667 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    746667 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1375801 bytes in 5 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 12 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.89M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.89M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z87 77679 Daily nodelist Oct. 13 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv10n41.zip 16594 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 10 No 41 October 12,
    2016 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 'StrongPity' Malware
    ....................4 The Circus
    ..............................5 This week's Echomail
    Statistics ....... 6 This week's FileGate File Report
    ....... 7 Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 8
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 9 Information
    (How to Submit an Article).. 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    16594 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161012.ZIP 1257027 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1257027 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.286 30331 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z86 9025 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39356 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 748083 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    748083 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 32.93M bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 13 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z88 1510 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z88
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1510 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z88 13934 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2016-10-14 (288)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13934 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161013.ZIP 820131 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    820131 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a88 1944 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a88
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1944 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z88 77715 FidoNet nodelist for day 288, 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77715 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z87 199 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 746610 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    746610 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1662043 bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 14 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z88 77715 Daily nodelist Oct. 14 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z89 77718 Daily nodelist Oct. 15 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    155433 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 20678 SportNet InfoPak for day 288, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/0
    20678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 20669 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.xxx -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    Orig: 1:340/400
    20669 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161014.ZIP 606972 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    606972 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.288 31811 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z88 9431 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    41242 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z88 651 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    651 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z88 9479 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z88 8618 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z88 8321 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z88 5491 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z88 5491 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    27921 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 20678 SportNet InfoPak for day 288, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    20678 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z88 347 SportNet nodediff for day 288, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    sportnet.txt 20473 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 288, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    sportnet.z88 8001 SportNet nodelist for day 288, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    28821 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 763541 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    763541 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WENNODE : WhispNet: Whispnet Nodelists
    WHISPNET.288 3459 Whisper-Echo Nodelist
    Orig: 316:77/1
    3459 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1699544 bytes in 19 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 15 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z88 314 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    314 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 24638 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    24638 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z88 9149 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9149 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : BFDS : BFDS: Batch programming/Support for BATPOWER
    BFDSLIST.ZIP 34303 Master Files Listing for the BFDS (Batch File
    Distribution System) the Files Support arm of the
    International BATPOWER echo (learn all about BATch
    File Programming).
    Orig: 1:393/68
    34303 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z90 77721 Daily nodelist Oct. 16 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77721 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : ECHOLIST : Fidonet: Echolist Files
    ELST1610.ZIP 68573 ELSTyymm.ZIP is the monthly Echolist archive,
    including complete information (FIDOECHO.LST), a
    summary of echo tags (FIDOAREA.LST), and ELRUyymm.ZIP
    (Rules Files). by Ben Ritchey 1:393/68 1:1/21 Email:
    FIDO4cMech@lusfiber.net Submissions to:
    Orig: 1:393/68
    68573 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-BINKD : Fidonet: Weekly BINKD.TXT file includable by BINKD
    BINKD.TXT 62240 BinkD-compatible list of nodes extracted from Z1
    Nodelist 2016/288
    Orig: 1:120/544
    62240 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 24621 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    24621 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161015.ZIP 1281687 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1281687 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.289 19998 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z89 6293 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26291 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 757068 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    757068 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2366605 bytes in 12 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 16 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z91 77719 Daily nodelist Oct. 17 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77719 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSX42.ZIP 10613 The Fidonews: Vol#33, Issue#42 for Oct. 17, 2016
    Orig: 2:2/2
    10613 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161016.ZIP 79848 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    79848 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.290 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z90 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 765450 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    765450 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 959915 bytes in 6 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 17 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC16291.ZIP 33440 US-CERT SB16-291 Vulnerability Summary
    Orig: 1:393/68
    33440 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z92 77718 Daily nodelist Oct. 18 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77718 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FG_WORF : Fidonet: Filegate Info Files
    filegate.zxx 63465 Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID format. Also
    contains HUB/connect information.
    Orig: 1:261/38
    63465 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161017.ZIP 8195 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    8195 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.291 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z91 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 751493 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    751493 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 960596 bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 18 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z93 77722 Daily nodelist Oct. 19 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77722 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161018.ZIP 4941092 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    4941092 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.292 30238 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z92 8999 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39237 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 738974 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    738974 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5797025 bytes in 5 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 19 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.86M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.86M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z94 77675 Daily nodelist Oct. 20 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77675 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv10n42.zip 15380 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 10 No 42 October 19,
    2016 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 15 Things
    ...............................4 This week's Echomail
    Statistics ....... 5 This week's FileGate File Report
    ....... 6 Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 7
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 8 Information
    (How to Submit an Article).. 9
    Orig: 1:261/38
    15380 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161019.ZIP 2000363 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    2000363 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.293 30331 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z93 9025 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39356 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 749073 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    749073 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 33.60M bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 20 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z95 1401 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z95
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1401 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z95 13936 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2016-10-21 (295)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13936 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161020.ZIP 1052132 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1052132 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a95 1746 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a95
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1746 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z95 77657 FidoNet nodelist for day 295, 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77657 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z94 199 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 757467 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    757467 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1904538 bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 21 23:59:07 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z95 77657 Daily nodelist Oct. 21 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z96 77605 Daily nodelist Oct. 22 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    155262 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 20674 SportNet InfoPak for day 295, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/0
    20674 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-BINKD : Fidonet: Weekly BINKD.TXT file includable by BINKD
    BINKD.TXT 62190 BinkD-compatible list of nodes extracted from Z1
    Nodelist 2016/295
    Orig: 1:120/544
    62190 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 20665 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.xxx -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    Orig: 1:340/400
    SV_991.ZIP 12802 *** Survival Net FTN/FDN *** Related to survival and
    self reliance. Submitted by Fluph bbs (1:275/91)
    SVN-HQ Echomail/filebone/Gaming Network We currently
    have running: 12 World Wide EchoMail conferences 15
    File Areas are also active.
    Orig: 1:340/400
    33467 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161021.ZIP 1177570 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1177570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z95 653 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    653 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z95 9478 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9478 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z95 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z95 8320 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z95 5491 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z95 5491 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    27919 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 20674 SportNet InfoPak for day 295, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    20674 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z95 349 SportNet nodediff for day 295, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    sportnet.txt 20473 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 295, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    sportnet.z95 8000 SportNet nodelist for day 295, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    28822 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 764264 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    764264 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WENNODE : WhispNet: Whispnet Nodelists
    WHISPNET.295 3426 Whisper-Echo Nodelist
    Orig: 316:77/1
    3426 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WIN_COMM : Fidonet: WIN_FDN Communications
    ZOC7095.ZIP 5282439 ZOC V7.09.5 Shareware -- TELNET/SSH, MODEM COMM.
    TERMINAL (win) Award winning telnet, SSH, modem and
    ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/
    NT4/2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/Win7/win8/win10 (x86/x64).
    Outstanding user interface, solid VT102/VT220 and
    Zmodem, lots of options, fast screen output and
    scrollback buffer, scoll back and log viewer, REXX
    scripting, named pipes and countless other features.
    Orig: 1:393/68
    5282439 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 7586838 bytes in 20 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 22 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z95 449 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    449 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 24714 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    24714 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z95 9223 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9223 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z97 77605 Daily nodelist Oct. 23 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77605 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161022.ZIP 255943 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    255943 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.296 19998 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z96 6293 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26291 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 761204 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    761204 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1155429 bytes in 8 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 23 23:59:27 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z98 77604 Daily nodelist Oct. 24 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77604 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 24697 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    24697 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161023.ZIP 196777 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    196777 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.297 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z97 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 772240 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    772240 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1097603 bytes in 6 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 24 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC16298.ZIP 15639 US-CERT SB16-298 Vulnerability Summary
    Orig: 1:393/68
    15639 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z99 77603 Daily nodelist Oct. 25 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77603 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSX43.ZIP 10679 FIDONEWS 24 Oct 2016 Vol 33 No 43 The newsletter of
    the Fidonet Community. CONTENTS: * * list of IPv6
    nodes * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project * FidoNet
    Software References * Statistics from the Fidoweb *
    Nodelist Stats * How to Submit an Article * Credits,
    Legal Infomation, Availability
    Orig: 2:2/2
    10679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161024.ZIP 168483 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    168483 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.298 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z98 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 784032 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    784032 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1082721 bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Oct 25 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z00 77682 Daily nodelist Oct. 26 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77682 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161025.ZIP 73638 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    73638 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.299 30238 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z99 8999 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39237 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 776570 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    776570 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 967127 bytes in 5 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Oct 26 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 30.87M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30.87M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z01 77679 Daily nodelist Oct. 27 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77679 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv10n43.zip 15824 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 10 No 43 October 26,
    2016 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 Humor: 9 Things
    .........................4 Sterile Version of Rocky
    Horror On Network TV (There are better picks!) ....5
    This week's Echomail Statistics ....... 6 This week's
    FileGate File Report ....... 7 New/Returning SysOps
    ................... 8 Fidonet SoftWare List
    ................. 9 FidoGazette BBS List
    .................. 10 Information (How to Submit an
    Article).. 11
    Orig: 1:261/38
    15824 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161026.ZIP 146973 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    146973 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.300 30331 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z00 9025 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39356 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 770049 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    770049 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 31.88M bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Oct 27 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DBNDIFF : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodediff
    DBNETDIF.A02 206 DBNET Nodediff
    Orig: 1:229/426
    206 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DBNLIST : Fidonet: DB Weekly Nodelist
    DBNETLST.A02 1138 DBNET Nodelist
    Orig: 1:229/426
    1138 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DIFFZIP : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.z02 1700 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file z02
    Orig: 1:261/38
    1700 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : I-ARGUS : Fidonet: Weekly ARGUS.TXT auxiliary TCP/IP node override file
    i-argus.z02 13954 Argus TCP/IP nodelist for 2016-10-28 (302)
    Orig: 3:712/848
    13954 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161027.ZIP 2427747 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    2427747 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODEDIFF : Fidonet: Fidonet NodeDiffs
    nodediff.a02 2073 Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a02
    Orig: 1:261/38
    2073 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NODELIST : Fidonet: Fidonet Nodelists
    nodelist.z02 77681 FidoNet nodelist for day 302, 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77681 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.z01 199 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    199 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 778198 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    778198 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 3302896 bytes in 9 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sat Oct 28 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z02 77681 Daily nodelist Oct. 28 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    nodelist.z03 77685 Daily nodelist Oct. 29 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    155366 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FILES2HQ : Oddball Files to HQ
    sportnet.zip 20677 SportNet InfoPak for day 302, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/0
    20677 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    SPORTNET.ZIP 20668 The Official Sportnet Infopak Contains the following:
    sportapp.txt - SportNet application sportnet.xxx -
    Current nodelist sportnet.na - Message echo list
    sporgate.zxx - File echo list sportnet.txt - Binkd
    Style nodelist sportnet.old - Retired Echo areas
    Orig: 1:340/400
    20668 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161028.ZIP 1781316 Daily APOD
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1781316 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.302 31811 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z02 9431 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    41242 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASNDIFF : PAS Pascal-Net DIFF-files
    PASNDIFF.Z02 653 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodediff
    Orig: 115:115/15
    653 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASNLIST : PAS Pascal-Net Nodelists
    PASNLIST.Z02 9479 Weekly Pascal-Net Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/15
    9479 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASPOINT : PAS Pascal-Net Pointlist
    PASPOINT.Z02 8617 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList file
    Orig: 115:115/15
    ppoint.z02 8321 Pascal-Net Zone 115 Weekly New Fakenet Pointlist By
    new 5 digits numbers.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z02 5491 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    pzpoint.z02 5491 Weekly Pascal-Net PointList in new Boss format.
    Orig: 115:115/15
    27920 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : SPORINFO : SportNet InfoPak
    sportnet.zip 20677 SportNet InfoPak for day 302, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    20677 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : SPORNODE : SportNet Nodelists
    spordiff.z02 348 SportNet nodediff for day 302, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    sportnet.txt 20473 SportNet BinkD style nodelist for day 302, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    sportnet.z02 8001 SportNet nodelist for day 302, 2016
    Orig: 24:24/1
    28822 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 786410 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    786410 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2893230 bytes in 18 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Sun Oct 29 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AGN_DIFF : AgoraNet: Current Nodediff
    agn_diff.z02 397 Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet FTN
    Orig: 46:1/100
    397 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_INFO : AgoraNet: Information
    agoranet.zip 24750 . . . .
    _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/|
    __\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_
    / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \
    \ ______._\__ \______ /__| ______._\
    \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | |
    | The Official Network of ACiD Productions |
    | This infopack contains the following: |
    | |
    | agn_app.txt - Agoranet application |
    | agoranet.xxx - Current nodelist |
    | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list |
    | setup/ - Agoranet setup guides |
    | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 46:1/100
    24750 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : AGN_NODE : AgoraNet: Current Nodelist
    agoranet.z02 9258 Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network
    Orig: 46:1/100
    9258 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z04 77683 Daily nodelist Oct. 30 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77683 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161029.ZIP 1207538 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    1207538 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.303 19998 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z03 6293 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26291 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 760468 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    760468 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : WENNODE : WhispNet: Whispnet Nodelists
    WHISPNET.302 3538 Whisper-Echo Nodelist
    Orig: 316:77/1
    3538 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 2109923 bytes in 9 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Mon Oct 30 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z05 77686 Daily nodelist Oct. 31 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77686 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FIDONEWS : Fidonet: Fidonet FidoNews
    FNEWSX44.ZIP 10608 The Fidonews: Vol#33, Issue#44 for Oct. 31, 2016
    Orig: 2:2/2
    10608 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : INFOPACK : Fidonet: League Info Packs
    AGORANET.ZIP 24733 . . . . _\___/| |\__/_ /\ |\______ \___/| __\__ |__|
    _/_____/\_____| _ / __\__ |_ / | \_ / _ \\ | _/_/ | /
    // | // | \ _ // \ \ ______._\__ \______ /__|
    ______._\ \/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/ net ___
    | | | The Official Network of ACiD Productions | |
    This infopack contains the following: | | | |
    agn_app.txt - Agoranet application | | agoranet.xxx -
    Current nodelist | | agoranet.na - Message echo list |
    | agn_file.na - File echo list | | setup/ - Agoranet
    setup guides | | artwork/ - Agoranet advertisements |
    Orig: 1:340/400
    24733 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161030.ZIP 513329 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    513329 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.304 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z04 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 764404 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    764404 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 1417045 bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Tue Oct 31 23:59:02 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z06 77685 Daily nodelist Nov. 1 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77685 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161031.ZIP 123421 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    123421 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.305 19996 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z05 6289 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    26285 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 761541 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    761541 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 988932 bytes in 5 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Wed Nov 1 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    USC16305.ZIP 30224 US-CERT SB16-305 Vulnerability Summary
    Orig: 1:393/68
    30224 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z07 77748 Daily nodelist Nov. 2 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77748 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161101.ZIP 2502355 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    2502355 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.306 30238 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z06 8999 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39237 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : PASINFO : PAS Pascal-Net Info, .nf & .na files.
    pas1116.zip 1091967 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v25.1
    ======================================== If you ever
    felt you wanted to talk more about programming in
    either Pascal or Delphi, then join this worldwide
    network. Included in this archive is all you need to
    know about Pascal-Net, including a nodelist. PASINFO
    Orig: 115:115/0
    pasinfo.zip 1090350 PASCAL-NET INFO FILE v25.1
    ======================================== If you ever
    felt you wanted to talk more about programming in
    either Pascal or Delphi, then join this worldwide
    network. Included in this archive is all you need to
    know about Pascal-Net, including a nodelist. PASINFO
    Orig: 115:115/0
    2182317 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 778742 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    778742 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 5610623 bytes in 8 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Thu Nov 2 23:59:04 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:81
    Running: Synchronet 3.16a Win/32 - Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
    Mailer: binkd/1.1a-89/win32 IPv6 Native -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The following files were received today:

    Area : AVWINXP : WIN_FDN: Anti-Virus software for Windows XP
    STINGER.ZIP 31.48M stinger32.exe Weekly 32-bit Stinger stinger64.exe
    Weekly 64-bit Stinger A STANDALONE utility used to
    detect & remove specific viruses. It is NOT a
    substitute for full anti-virus protection! Stinger
    Utilizes next-generation scan technology, including
    rootkit scanning, and scan performance optimizations.
    Daily updates at: http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads
    Orig: 1:393/68
    31.48M bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : DAILYLIST : Fidonet: Daily Nodelist
    nodelist.z08 77745 Daily nodelist Nov. 3 2016
    Orig: 1:261/38
    77745 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FGAZETTE : Fidonet: FidoGazette
    fgv10n44.zip 15087 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Vol 10 No 44 November 02,
    2016 An Alternative Newsletter Quote of the Day
    ....................... 2 Editorial
    .............................. 3 Rumblings in the FTSC
    Echo ..............4 Humor: Lawyer Joke
    ......................5 This week's Echomail
    Statistics ....... 6 This week's FileGate File Report
    ....... 7 Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 8
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 9 Information
    (How to Submit an Article).. 10
    Orig: 1:261/38
    15087 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : NASA : Fidonet: Earth & Space Science Material
    AP161102.ZIP 7919610 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published
    Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)
    Orig: 1:393/68
    7919610 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : PASCLNET : PAS Pascal-Net related files and tools
    pasnlist.307 30331 Daily PasNet Nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    pasnlist.z07 9025 Pascal-Net Daily made nodelist
    Orig: 115:115/16
    39356 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : WEATHER : Fidonet: Daily Graphic Forecasts
    DAILYWET.ZIP 782840 Daily Weather Graphics Forecasts for North America
    from NOAA and wisc.edu
    Orig: 1:393/68
    782840 bytes in 1 file(s)

    ============================================================================= >Total 39.91M bytes in 7 file(s)


    Magic Names:

    FIDONEWS - Latest FidoNews
    NODEDIFF - Latest Weekly Nodediff
    BACKBONE - Latest NAB
    NODELIST - Latest Nodelist
    FIDOGAZETTE - Latest FidoGazette
    DAILYLIST - Latest Daily Nodelist
    SPORNODE - SportNet Nodelist
    SPORDIFF - SportNet Nodediff
    SPORECHO - SportNet Echolist
    SPORGATE - SportNet Filegate
    SPORINFO - SportNet InfoPak
    WENINFO - Latest WhispNet Information Pack
    WENNODE - Latest WhispNet Nodelist
    MICRONET - Latest Micronet Information Pack
    AGORANET - Latest Agoranet Information Pack
    ALLFILES - Complete list of files at TequilaMockingbird Online

    The above Magic Name files are available via Netmail FREQ. Simply send a
    .REQ netmail to ALLFIX@1:266/404.

    For those who don't know how to make a .REQ file, please do the following:


    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Rename the file using the hex of my net and node... each must be
    padded with leading zeros to make four places... Net: 266 Node: 404

    266 == 010a
    404 == 0194

    ren WPUSA.REQ 010a0194.req

    3. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    I'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the .../outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be .../outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move 010a0194.req .../outbound/010a0194.req

    4. Create a poll file of the same name in the same directory to trigger
    binkd to connect to the remote system... a REQ file by itself will not
    trigger the poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo.>> .../outbound/010a0194.clo

    5. sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...



    1. Create a file containing the magic or actual file name(s) of the
    desired file(s)... i'll use my master files list and the fido history
    archive in this example... both of these are magic names on my


    2. Move the REQ file to your proper outbound directory for zone 1 since
    i'm in zone 1... in my case, this is just the /outbound folder you have
    configured in binkd... for others it would be /outbound.001 if zone 1
    is not their primary zone...

    move WPUSA.REQ /.../outbound/wpusa.req

    [ yes i renamed the REQ file to all lower case in the move to show that
    one can move and rename at the same time ;) ]

    3. Create a poll file containing a pointer to the REQ file in the
    outbound directory... the poll file must be the hex net and node as
    shown in the example above... a REQ file by itself will not trigger the
    poll... a ?LO file is required...

    echo ^/binkd/outbound/wpusa.req >> /binkd/outbound/010a0194.clo

    The '^' in the above tells binkd to delete the req file after it has
    been sent... the full path to the REQ file is needed... it may reside
    anywhere and is not required to be in the outbound with using this

    4. Sit back and watch binkd send the request and pick up the files
    and/or response messages...


    I just tested both of these and they worked properly If one is using
    fileboxes for a system they want to FREQ from, i would
    imagine that just placing the REQ file in the filebox would work
    without the need to create the ?LO file or mess with the hex format
    naming stuff... as long as the file has the REQ extension it should

    All other non-MAGIC files available via FTP @:



    Report generated by: htick/w32-mvcdll 1.9.0-cur 30-6-15
    --- SBBSecho 3.02-Win32
    * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)
  • From TequilaMockingbird Online@1:266/404 to All on Fri Nov 3 23:59:03 2017
    System name: TequilaMockingbird Online
    Sysop: Bill McGarrity (1@tequilamockingbirdonline.net)
    Location: Toms River, New Jersey USA
    Networks: 1:266/404@fidonet 316:973/2@whispnet 618:100/24@micronet
    24:24/0@sportnet 46:1/159@agoranet
    Telnet: bbs.tequilamockingbirdonline.net:23
    Web: bbs.tequil