• Mystic BBS: incoming SSH connections fails

    From cslr to All on Sat Apr 1 09:05:48 2023

    I downloaded, compiled and installed the newest cryptlib 3.4.6 from the webpage. I'm using Mystic BBC 1.1.2 A48 and Debian Linux 64bit.

    When I try to make SSH connections it doesn't ask passwords or anything and just fails (just says key_exchange_identification). Log files show nothing, starting with "server" option shows that SSH port is opened and listened. Telnet connections work correctly.

    Can someone give me any reasons for this?

    How is SSH connections to BBS supposed to work because you don't know password or username for the connection?

    cslr / sensar studios
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to cslr on Sat Apr 1 09:40:45 2023
    I downloaded, compiled and installed the newest cryptlib 3.4.6 from the webpage. I'm using Mystic BBC 1.1.2 A48 and Debian Linux 64bit.

    When I try to make SSH connections it doesn't ask passwords or anything and just fails (just says key_exchange_identification). Log files show nothing, starting with "server" option shows that SSH port is opened and listened. Telnet connections work correctly.

    Can someone give me any reasons for this?

    You must first have a username and password; via telnetting in and creating a user account. After a user has a user account, you edit your SyncTerm BBS entry and add that username and password. Switch the connection type and port to SSH/port # and then your SSH connection will connect automatically.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From cslr to paulie420 on Sat Apr 1 12:26:41 2023

    I get following error when I try to connect to SSH. I have tried multiple settings but all fail.

    mis.log: "SSH Unable to set key (-2)"

    I guess this might be because I use cryptlib 3.4.6 and 3.4.5. Do you know where I can download source code for 3.4.5 that can be compiled on 64bit systems?

    When I download cryptlib zip file from mystic bbs website, it has "-mcpu=pentium" (i386) options enabled which breaks compilation on 64bit Linux.

    cslr / sensar studios
  • From paulie420@21:2/150 to cslr on Sat Apr 1 16:35:18 2023
    I get following error when I try to connect to SSH. I have tried multiple settings but all fail.

    mis.log: "SSH Unable to set key (-2)"

    Did you delete the certificate after the change/upgrade? Its in /mystic/data/ssl.cert.

    I guess this might be because I use cryptlib 3.4.6 and 3.4.5. Do you
    know where I can download source code for 3.4.5 that can be compiled on 64bit systems?

    I believe they are all listed on the Mystic Wiki @ https://wiki.mysticbbs.com/doku.php?id=cryptlib&s[]=cryptlib

    When I download cryptlib zip file from mystic bbs website, it has "-mcpu=pentium" (i386) options enabled which breaks compilation on 64bit Linux.

    For this, you can follow the following:
    esc - 07/13/2022
    in tools/ccopts.sh comment out the if statement beginning at line 591 all the wa
    y to line 611 and then add a line underneath that says CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=na
    tive -mtune=native"

    (your line numbers might vary a little, so search for something in the text below...)
    [8:07 PM]
    after editing, it should look like:
    #if [ "$ARCH" = "i586" ] || [ "$ARCH" = "i686" ] || [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; the
    # if [ "$GCC_VER" -ge 45 ] ; then
    # CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=native -mtune=generic" ;
    # if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then
    # CCARGS="$CCARGS -fPIC" ;
    # fi ;
    # elif [ "$GCC_VER" -ge 30 ] ; then
    # case $ARCH in
    # 'x86_64')
    # CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=opteron -fPIC" ;;
    # 'i686')
    # CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=pentiumpro" ;;
    # *)
    # CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=pentium" ;;
    # esac ;
    # else
    # CCARGS="$CCARGS -mcpu=x86_64" ;
    # fi ;
    CCARGS="$CCARGS -march=native -mtune=native"
    [8:08 PM]
    basically what we're doing is just hardcoding it to compile for the native proce
    ssor, which gcc is clever enough to figure out on its own these days anyway -----


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (21:2/150)
  • From Bucko@21:4/131 to cslr on Sat Apr 1 21:53:40 2023
    On 01 Apr 2023, cslr said the following...


    I downloaded, compiled and installed the newest cryptlib 3.4.6 from the webpage. I'm using Mystic BBC 1.1.2 A48 and Debian Linux 64bit.

    Cryptlib 3.4.6 does not work with A48, 3.4.5 does. On the wiki there is a special way of Assembling 3.4.5 for Linux. Once done, everything from SSH to sending password resets work...

    ... A PC a day keeps the Apple away!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Wrong Number Family Of BBS' - Wrong Number ][ (21:4/131)
  • From cslr to Bucko on Sun Apr 2 02:28:08 2023
    Yes. Now it works with Cryptlib 3.4.5.

    Thank you.
