• 2oFB 2o24 FUNdraiser Announcement

    From paulie420@21:2/150 to All on Mon Jun 24 20:42:19 2024
    I DO want to post this here, so users that don't login to 2oFB often can see it and know that we're running a summer FUNdraiser -

    2oFB has, somehow or another, become a destination bbS - we won't go into why or how; but... it has. We have many features that support our bbSing community;

    We have a monthly DOOM MeetUp that has proven very popular - you can join, every 1st Saturday of the month @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, and get yer frags in... mikethemac serves up various historical DOOM maps - and it's been a really fun time for the past 4-5 months.

    Warson has created a 2oFB Minetest server that's available 24/7; minetest.20forbeers.com:30000 - just D/L Minetest and connect - we've created quite the community with 10s of players building and having fun creating retro-goodness w/ blocks. We run several Minetest plugins that offer fun gameplay. Come by Paulie's Tool Shed and start yer Minetest fun w/ plenty of assets; gold, diamond and tools that will get you started in-game quickly and with fun at the helm!

    We *are* running a summer FUNdraiser - the [insanely large, 30TB] 2oFB File Archives are currently hosted on a Raspberry Pi, using USB HDDs that are in a configuration that... shouldn't exist.

    We're raising funds to facilitate a new enterprise server running TrueNAS and supplying a 48TB high-speed NAS for 2oFB to grow into over the next 5-10 years.

    If you love 2oFB, and are in the position to support us, pls login and check out our FUNdraiser - just 24hrs in and we're already 22% of the way to our goal. If you're in a position to help, come support us; we are a cohort of bbS users that want these systems to survive for the NEXT 30 years. I will be here to make that happen...

    20ForBeers.com:1337 TELNET ANSi


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