• Grills, etc., for Christmas

    From Blue White@21:4/134 to All on Thu Nov 30 11:29:50 2023

    I honestly don't ever remember anyone getting one, either. I am
    thinking along the lines of a husband or father maybe receiving one
    from the wife or kids, but that'd probably more likely happen at
    Father's Day (during the Summer here).

    So here are a few observations from a trip out this morning to buy some
    skunk repelant, mulch, and a couple of other things (that no one had).

    The large DIY/home improvement box store had more lawn mower equipment out front that I have ever seen during the Summer. It was blocking nearly the whole sidewalk from the entrance door all the way over to the "contractor's entrance" on the other side of the building. I'd say they had 75 or more riding and standing lawmowers sitting outside, along with 5 or so golf
    carts. I did not wander through their "cooking out" section.

    At the large box store next door, I needed a couple of groceries and
    wandered through the area where the normally have outdoor stuff but, at
    this time of year, they only have mostly Christmas stuff. While they did
    have a few electric chain saws and other hand-held equipment in one corner,
    the other aisle and a half that still had outdoor stuff had... you guessed it... bbq supplies!!!

    They had a few grills and a lot of charcoal and other supplies. They even
    had a partial row of seasonings!

    So it appears in this area anyway that outdoor equipment (meaning mowers!)
    and bbq equipment/supplies are still things they expect to move some of during Christmas season. ;)

    ... Direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks
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