• Is there?

    From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to All on Mon Oct 9 09:32:07 2023
    Hi, All!

    Is there any difference between occupied Ukraine and occupied Palestine
    from the point of view justice, democracy, human rights etc?

    Bye, All!
    Alexander Koryagin
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 9 12:38:12 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Monday October 09 2023 09:32, you wrote to All:

    Is there any difference between occupied Ukraine and occupied
    Palestine from the point of view justice, democracy, human rights etc?

    Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured hostages and never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is comletely destroyed.

    Probably you watch too much Russian TV :) They really liked HAMAS when their leaders visited Moscow.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 9 21:22:34 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    Is there any difference between occupied Ukraine and occupied Palestine from
    the point of view justice, democracy, human rights etc?

    The United Nations voted to create two independent Palestinian
    states - one for Palestinian Jews and one for Palestinian Arabs.
    Two peoples, three faiths. The city of Jerusalem was left alone,
    as if it never really mattered.

    Nikita Kruschev, being from Ukraine, recognized the problem right
    away. And tried to correct it as soon as it was passed by the UN.
    And for his trouble, he was given a promotion. So happy to have
    been chosen for his new position, he gave Crimea away to Ukraine
    as he took his post at the Kremlin.

    And that is when the real trouble began.

    Hamas (from Gaza) has ignited WWIII, taking on Jewish Nazis in Israel. Hezbollah will soon join the fight from Lebanon (and Syria).
    Revolutionary Guards (from Iran) will also join the fray.
    The PLO would also be a player, but Chairman Arafat is having too
    much fun with his 72 virgins in paradise.

    So. There you have it. Arab Nazis versus Jewish Nazis.
    All of them duking it out in the Holy Land.

    For Life,

    Because not everyone likes licorice

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Oct 10 09:18:43 2023
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 09.10.2023 22:22

    LL> So. There you have it. Arab Nazis versus Jewish Nazis.
    LL> All of them duking it out in the Holy Land.

    And at least one nation, at the beginning, was a peaceful camel breeding nation. Probably because of it their land had been chosen as an easy
    target. But occupation and uktra-nationalistic policy have finally made
    devils from Arabs in their desire for freedom and absence of help from
    the world.

    IMHO, Israeli in their national policy reminded me Nazi Germany in the
    way how Hitler fought Russia. And because of it the only solution the
    present day Irsaeli authority can implement is the same thing Hitler was
    going to do in Russia - genocide of Palestine people. And probably now
    they are going to start doing it, pretending to be unjustly offended side.

    And, BTW, people in Irsaeli government look very similar to the people
    now in power in Kiev -- full ignoring the opposite side, hoping that
    force is the best solution, pretending to be an offending side etc. In
    this way the war in Ukraine started in 2014.

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Oct 10 09:32:20 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 09.10.2023 15:38

    ak>> Is there any difference between occupied Ukraine and occupied
    ak>> Palestine from the point of view justice, democracy, human rights
    ak>> etc?

    DP> Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured hostages and

    They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force -- the
    thing Russia could not ignore. A big diffrence, BTW - Russia liberate
    Russian, but whom do liberate Israeli troops on the occupied Palestine territories?

    DP> never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is
    DP> comletely destroyed.

    ;-) Yes, Zelensky has already promised to fight Russia until it be done.
    Anger often switches off brains -- a human property. The Hamaz invasion
    is also indicative.

    DP> Probably you watch too much Russian TV :) They really liked HAMAS
    DP> when their leaders visited Moscow.

    Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have watched
    many media and saw that present ultra-nationalist authority has made everything to provoke Palestinians to violence.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Anatoliy Voropay@2:467/888.85 to Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Oct 10 10:47:26 2023
    Hi, Dmitry!

    10 «¬Γ 23 09:32, alexander koryagin -> Dmitry Protasoff:

    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 09.10.2023 15:38

    Is there any difference between occupied Ukraine and occupied
    Palestine from the point of view justice, democracy, human
    rights etc?

    Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured hostages and

    They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force -- the
    thing Russia could not ignore. A big diffrence, BTW - Russia liberate Russian, but whom do liberate Israeli troops on the occupied Palestine

    Why there was no such talks until 2013? This statement was just an excuse to move military forces to Donbass / Crimea etc.

    never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is
    comletely destroyed.

    ;-) Yes, Zelensky has already promised to fight Russia until it be
    done. Anger often switches off brains -- a human property. The Hamaz invasion is also indicative.

    This was after russia occupied Ukrainian lands. Once you started a war there are
    many ways to stop it. One, polite, is to fight out russian forces from the Ukrainian
    lands. Another is to drop political group that support this war. Even by bombing Moscov
    buildings. It's a war we did not start -- what do you expect?

    Probably you watch too much Russian TV :) They really liked
    HAMAS when their leaders visited Moscow.

    Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have watched
    many media and saw that present ultra-nationalist authority has made everything to provoke Palestinians to violence.

    In general -- hamas stated that this is war agains Israel. They want to destroy it completely.
    This is the exact statement putyain did at 24.02.2022, and all his lies like "Ukraine is a country
    created by Lenin", "Ukraine is preparing attack against russia" and other fake things.

    Again, this is a war. And hamas, and russia, as a begginers, will receive all they desire.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023

    SY, morihaos

    --- GoldED+/OSX 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: [origin] (2:467/888.85)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Tue Oct 10 11:57:59 2023
    Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured hostages and

    They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force

    Only brainwashed Ruzzians believe that. And don't forget the Nazi narrative!

    People who think that democratic elections are all about picking the right winner, are in dire need of re-education.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Tue Oct 10 11:01:25 2023
    Dear Alexander,

    never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is
    comletely destroyed.

    ;-) Yes, Zelensky has already promised to fight Russia until it be done. Anger often switches off brains -- a human property.

    But what does "done" mean? Obviously until the last Russian soldier has been expelled from Ukrainian territory, and there it stops. Should Russia withdraw from Ukraine the fighting stops that day. You know that, I know that. Even the Donbas "issue" was created by Russia. Ukraine wants to join the EU, it would have never happened as long as there would be internal problems with or within a region. Joining the EU is the best guarantee for the Donbas ... not killing people.

    Russia's action is not about "liberating" people, it's about expanding Russia to Communism-era borders, and where possible even beyond.

    You and I and a lot of people know that Ukraine can not really win this war, and Russia can not really lose it. What we see is trying to get a foot on the ground somewhere, anywhere, have as much territory as possible before the negotiations start.... all the rest is propaganda.

    Probably you watch too much Russian TV :) They really liked HAMAS
    when their leaders visited Moscow.

    Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have watched
    many media and saw that present ultra-nationalist authority has made everything to provoke Palestinians to violence.

    The problem is not a present-day problem. There was a good advance to a peaceful sollution at one time ... Arafat was ready to do business, Sadat was ready to do business, Rabin was ready to do business ... then Rabin got murdered and Palestinian hopes got thrashed.

    But it goes way beyond that ... in 1962 when I was 11 I was in a school here with a population of about 1/5 Jewish kids. Very difficult to approach. Every class virtually had a Jewish group and a non-Jewish group. Very difficult to deal with them, approach them, collaborate with... and after a while you understand this is the first generation born out of the Holocaust ... at home they were instructed not to talk with us, play with us, help us with school-work, not even lend a pencil-sharpner ... because trusting and confiding in non-Jews had just cost them 4.5 million only 17 years before. One of the catch phrases was "next year in Jerusalem". That was their road to survival.

    Every conflict has two sides. Israel feels justified to take whatever measure is necessary to ensure its survival as a state.

    When the country was created in the 1940-ies the most exciting thing there was sand and camel-manure ... now it is a prosperous modern country with a lot of agricyulture, electronics industry, a leader in civilian aviation conversion ... a prime example of creating something out of nothing. The Palestinians could have been a part of that but remember, initially it was a fight against Britain and the situation was already mismanaged in 1948 or so.

    Now, are you also aware that nobody wants the Palestinians? That is the real drama. The Gaza-strip borders Egypt, a prime Arab nation, but that border is fortified ... they cannot cross it into Egypt ... Egypt does not want them, once waged war with Israel but not in favour of the Palestinians. Palestinians also do not want to emigrate to Saudi-Arabia, lots of sand too but with a totalitarian regime that doesn't know a second-one. Russia likes Palestinians? There's lots of space in Siberia ... not good for Camels. Northern Africa doesn't want them ...

    The problem is the world doesn't care about Palestinians and Israel is merely surviving.

    But the real problem in this conflict is Iran that fuels violence on many levels, it's also the main ally of your beloved supreme leader. When you need Iran as an ally and North Korea ... boy, are you on the wrong track.

    Now if just Putin would fall from a balcony, just once is enough. And please from high enough too ...


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Tue Oct 10 11:22:13 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Tuesday October 10 2023 09:32, you wrote to me:

    Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured hostages and

    They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force -- the
    thing Russia could not ignore. A big diffrence, BTW - Russia liberate

    The problem is that Putin sent military fighters there to provoke unrest and lied many times, claiming he didn't do that.

    The same Putin, as always. And you still believe that lying bastard? :)

    Russian, but whom do liberate Israeli troops on the occupied Palestine

    Russia is killing Russians in large numbers in Ukraine right now. That's the problem. But since when has someone in Russia cared about Russians? I can't remember such times :)

    Our motto was always:

    You will die today, but I will die tomorrow(c)Gulag.


    Gaza is not occupied by Israel; it has actually been ruled by Hamas for many years (since 2008, as I rememeber).

    never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is
    comletely destroyed.

    ;-) Yes, Zelensky has already promised to fight Russia until it be

    He promised to fight until Russian forces are out of Ukraine.

    done. Anger often switches off brains -- a human property. The Hamaz

    I don't think that many people in Russia actually use brains, they outsourced them to State TV :) Even calling war a "War" in Russia is forbidden.
    The State controls the language.
    And by altering their language, people begin to think differently. This becomes very clear if you visit Russia periodically and spend enough time outside of this atmosphere

    invasion is also indicative.

    Hamas still does not accept Israel's existence. They are literally saying that they will fight until Israel ceases to exist.

    Probably you watch too much Russian TV :) They really liked
    HAMAS when their leaders visited Moscow.

    Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have watched

    So now you are justifing taking kids as a hostages?

    many media and saw that present ultra-nationalist authority has made everything to provoke Palestinians to violence.

    Palestinians are constantly living with violence around them. In Lebanon FATAH and HAMAZ are killing each other almost weekly. Who cares? You? :))

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Anatoliy Voropay on Tue Oct 10 11:42:15 2023
    Hello, Anatoliy!

    Tuesday October 10 2023 10:47, you wrote to me:

    They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force --
    the thing Russia could not ignore. A big diffrence, BTW - Russia
    liberate Russian, but whom do liberate Israeli troops on the
    occupied Palestine

    Why there was no such talks until 2013? This statement was just an
    excuse to move military forces to Donbass / Crimea etc.

    Until 2014, Ukraine was a peaceful country, albeit very corrupt, and hoped that close ties with the EU would help them eradicate corruption.

    I personally talked to Ukrainian truck drivers, and they told me that in Russia, they had always been robbed by the Russian road police and had not had such experiences in the EU. So their idea of joining the EU was pretty meaningful.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Anatoliy Voropay on Tue Oct 10 16:09:16 2023
    Hi, Anatoliy Voropay!
    I read your message from 10.10.2023 10:47

    ak>>>> Is there any difference between occupied Ukraine and occupied
    ak>>>> Palestine from the point of view justice, democracy, human
    ak>>>> rights etc?

    DP>>> Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured hostages and

    ak>> They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force --
    ak>> the thing Russia could not ignore. A big diffrence, BTW - Russia
    ak>> liberate Russians, but whom do liberate Israeli troops on the
    ak>> occupied Palestine territories?

    AV> Why there was no such talks until 2013? This statement was just an
    AV> excuse to move military forces to Donbass / Crimea etc.

    Well, until 2013 everything was all right in Ukraine, and its President
    led a balanced national policy, and both Ukrainians and Russians felt in Ukraine equal and free. Ultra-nationalists accused him of corruption. It
    is a favourite trick for people with fascist ideas -- throw a ton of mud
    on a person and cry hysterically that he is a culprit, while preparing violence. But after 2014 there were many trials of Yanukovich - but none
    of them could prove his corruption! And in general, it is a funny rule
    that people who capture power in a violent coup always start their
    activity with accusing the former authority with a state treason. ;-))

    DP>>> never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is
    DP>>> comletely destroyed.
    ak>> ;-) Yes, Zelensky has already promised to fight Russia until it be
    ak>> done. Anger often switches off brains -- a human property. The
    ak>> Hamaz invasion is also indicative.
    AV> This was after russia occupied Ukrainian lands.

    Well, say then, that Hamas started saying the same things after Israel occupied their lands. Ukraine-Hamas 1:1? ;-)

    AV> Once you started a war there are many ways to stop it. One, polite,
    AV> is to fight out russian forces from the Ukrainian lands. Another is
    AV> to drop political group that support this war.

    The main problem is that Zelensky and his company looks so ugly for
    Russian people, that to find people who support and sympathize with him
    is very problematically. And don't tell me fairy-tales about democracy
    in Ukraine.

    AV> Even by bombing Moscov buildings. It's a war we did not start --
    AV> what do you expect?

    You say as Putin -- he also likes to tell the world that Russia still
    doesn't start to war in honest. ;)

    DP>>> Probably you watch too much Russian TV :) They really liked HAMAS
    DP>>> when their leaders visited Moscow.
    ak>> Hamas has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have
    ak>> watched many media and saw that present ultra-nationalist
    ak>> authority has made everything to provoke Palestinians to violence.

    AV> In general -- hamas stated that this is war agains Israel. They
    AV> want to destroy it completely. This is the exact statement putyain
    AV> did at 24.02.2022, and all his lies like "Ukraine is a country
    AV> created by Lenin", "Ukraine is preparing attack against russia" and
    AV> other fake things.

    Do you think in honest that Ukraine would had got her statehood if
    Russia has still been ruled by tsar? Or Poland, of Finland? As for
    attacks against Russian territory -- tell me, is Ukraine going to attack Russia or it has already attacked it many times and attacking now?

    AV> Again, this is a war. And hamas, and russia, as a begginers, will
    AV> receive all they desire.

    Do you know there are people who think that everything can be achieved
    by force, Ukrainian nationalists, for instance. No. Compare it with a
    gate. A ram can butt it all the time, but the result is predictable.
    In the end it would be proper to say who is the ram. :) It was a person
    who started bloodshed in Ukrainian Donbass, who removed from power
    President who had been elected by people of Crimea, south and eastern
    Ukraine. Ultra-nationalists contemptuously call people of these regions "waiters" -- for they really wait for Russian troops. The sooner the
    West understand this reality the better for all.

    Bye, Anatoliy!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Bj?rn Felten on Tue Oct 10 16:44:07 2023
    Hi, Bj?rn Felten!
    I read your message from 10.10.2023 12:57

    DP>>> Yes, Ukraine never invaded Russia, never captured
    DP>>> hostages and
    ak>> They tried to suppress Russians in Donbass by military force
    BF> Only brainwashed Ruzzians believe that. And don't forget
    BF> the Nazi narrative!

    The Donbass siedge 2014-2022 in Western propaganda was a act of love, I
    knew you say it. I only don't know why you can't accept what Russians in Ukraine can sincerely want to live in Russia? Or they are serfs and
    cannot make their choice especially when their rights were trampled in
    the coup in 2014? Have you forgot that they elected Yanukovich as their President?

    Bye, Bj?rn!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Tue Oct 10 20:29:20 2023

    I only don't know why you can't accept what Russians in
    Ukraine can sincerely want to live in Russia?

    There's nothing stopping them from emigrating to Russia, a lot of open space in Siberia, and make a living for themselves ...


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Tue Oct 10 22:22:15 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    So. There you have it. Arab Nazis versus Jewish Nazis.
    All of them duking it out in the Holy Land.

    And at least one nation, at the beginning, was a peaceful camel breeding nation. Probably because of it their land had been chosen as an easy target.

    That might be why it was called The Chosen Land.

    But occupation and uktra-nationalistic policy have finally made
    devils from Arabs in their desire for freedom and absence of help from the world.

    Lets not blame it all on the Turks. After all, the British took
    it over when the Ottomans fell out of favor. And now look what you

    IMHO, Israeli in their national policy reminded me Nazi Germany in the way how Hitler fought Russia.

    Oh, come now. Israel's national policy has always been to welcome
    Vladimir Putin with open arms whenever he visits Jerusalem. So why
    would Israel want to change its policy now?

    And because of it the only solution the present day Irsaeli authority can implement is the same thing Hitler was going to do in Russia - genocide of Palestine people.

    The British were in control of Palestine during Hitler's time.
    And Hitler tried to make friends with the British. Remeber Dunkirk?
    He let all those British lads leave France to go back home while
    the German army went on to enjoy Paris.

    Before hostilities broke out, Hitler asked the world to take in
    the undocumented workers Germany had within its borders, many of
    whom were Jewish. But no country would take them in. So what did
    Hitler do? He put them on a boat, and sent them to Palestine.

    And you know the rest of the story. The British allowed all those
    undocumented workers to sneak on shore and build new homes ...

    And probably now they are going to start doing it, pretending to be unjustly
    offended side.

    Illegal immigrants from Germany was how Israel gots its start.
    Illegal immigrants from elsewhere is how Hamas gots its start.
    One can say the same about Hezbollah and others.

    But who are what are the real unustly offending side?

    And, BTW, people in Irsaeli government look very similar to the people now in power in Kiev --

    Israel is more of a theocracy than anything else.

    full ignoring the opposite side,

    In a theocratic state, such as Israel or Iran, it is the ruling
    party (religion) that has the say, not anybody else.

    hoping that force is the best solution,

    Iran has its Revolutionary Guards.
    Israel has its IDF.

    pretending to be an offending side etc.

    The IDF has no intention to offend anyone.
    Neither does Hamas. Or Hezbollah.

    In this way the war in Ukraine started in 2014.

    How is Ukraine a theocracy? How is Russia a theocracy?
    What makes a country a theocracy rather tha a democratic state?
    Is there a difference?

    For Life,

    Make Sure Your Next Erection Is In Safe Hands

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Oct 10 23:48:33 2023
    Israel is more of a theocracy than anything else.

    I asked him and Theo denies it ...


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Wed Oct 11 09:52:14 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 10.10.2023 21:29

    ak>> I only don't know why you can't accept what Russians in
    ak>> Ukraine can sincerely want to live in Russia?
    WD> There's nothing stopping them from emigrating to Russia, a lot
    WD> of open space in Siberia, and make a living for themselves ...

    After 1917 revolution many areas in the former USSR were cleated
    formally and arbitrarily. Do you believe or not there even a special
    Jewish region was created at the Far East. But the principal in the USSR
    and Russia was intact - people of every nation could leave in every part
    of the country.

    The most funny was how all Russians in Ukraine living there for
    centuries were declared to be Ukrainians, and Ukraine as a one nation
    state. But nation is not a label to be stick on head. It is a language, traditions etc. In other words it is almost a half of Ukraine population
    and only crazy people could try Russians forget their nation.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Oct 11 09:56:18 2023
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 10.10.2023 23:22

    ak>> In this way the war in Ukraine started in 2014.
    LL> How is Ukraine a theocracy? How is Russia a theocracy?
    LL> What makes a country a theocracy rather tha a democratic state?
    LL> Is there a difference?

    Ultra-nationalism is similar to a hard-core religion with all
    consequences, violent fanaticism including.

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Wed Oct 11 10:39:46 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 10.10.2023 12:01

    DP>>> never announced that it will fight with Russia untill Russia is
    DP>>> comletely destroyed.
    ak>> ;-) Yes, Zelensky has already promised to fight Russia until it be
    ak>> done. Anger often switches off brains -- a human property.
    WD> But what does "done" mean? Obviously until the last Russian soldier

    Be dead - should be "until it done in" (taken from "Pigmalion"). ;)

    WD> has been expelled from Ukrainian territory, and there it stops.
    WD> Should Russia withdraw from Ukraine the fighting stops that day.

    You (and many in the west) don't understand some fundamental notions.
    When one state occupies another state the aim is always similar -- to
    capture lands, populate them with own people, chase out (or genocide)
    native population. No news here.
    We can see all of this in Israel actions, and there are none of them in
    Russia actions in Ukraine. Russia is not going populate this areas with Russians - they are already live there. So occupation of lands in
    Ukraine has no sense and it doesn't have place. The aim is it to remove unlawful ultra-nationalist regime. This is the main difference between
    wars in Palestine and Ukraine.
    It looks similar with the invasion the US in Panama - the US didn't want occupy Panama -- it wanted to change the regime.

    WD> You know that, I know that. Even the Donbas "issue" was created by
    WD> Russia. Ukraine wants to join the EU, it would have never happened
    WD> as long as there would be internal problems with or within a
    WD> region. Joining the EU is the best guarantee for the Donbas... not
    WD> killing people.

    Joining the EU was Yanukovich's own idea, the elected Ukrainian
    President. His postponing of the deal was just a pretext to capture
    power by ultra-nationalistic forces. The main reason of Donbass/Crimea
    revolts was refusing to accept the 2014 coup. Why don't you understand this?

    WD> Russia's action is not about "liberating" people, it's about
    WD> expanding Russia to Communism-era borders, and where possible even
    WD> beyond.

    WD> You and I and a lot of people know that Ukraine can not really win
    WD> this war, and Russia can not really lose it. What we see is trying
    WD> to get a foot on the ground somewhere, anywhere, have as much
    WD> territory as possible before the negotiations start.... all the
    WD> rest is propaganda.

    I admit that there are some such people in Ukraine. But I tell you again
    - after 2014 Russia just support numerous people who fought against Kiev
    new authority. There are a lot of people in Donbass and other parts of
    Ukraine who has hated all that happened in Kiev in 2014. If new Kiev
    authority had tried to negotiate with them no war would had happened.

    WD> The problem is the world doesn't care about Palestinians and Israel
    WD> is merely surviving.

    WD> But the real problem in this conflict is Iran that fuels violence
    WD> on many levels, it's also the main ally of your beloved supreme
    WD> leader. When you need Iran as an ally and North Korea... boy, are
    WD> you on the wrong track.

    The real problem for Israel were always hardliners who denied the very
    idea of two state solution. They killed Rabin, they did all they could
    to instigate violence in the occupied territories building Jewish
    settlements there.

    WD> Now if just Putin would fall from a balcony, just once is enough.
    WD> And please from high enough too...

    An idiot who starts fighting with such a country as Russia is worse than
    any tyrant, who as a rule always clever. Zelensky had all possibilities
    to stop violence in his country, unite it, as he promised during his
    election campaign. But he did opposite, hoping that brutal force could
    do everything.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Oct 11 10:48:43 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 10.10.2023 14:22

    ak>> Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have
    ak>> watched

    DP> So now you are justifing taking kids as a hostages?

    You and I know perfectly well that hate can eclipse any brains. The
    Jewish authorities have done all so that it to happen.

    More of that - I assure you all that Israel's special services knew
    about this Hamas revolt. But the ugly idea was to make a bloody
    suppression of Hamas. Hamas had to do his bloody revolt, and Israel
    would have an indulgence to spill a sea of blood in Gaza. That was the

    So hostages and kids have been in the cost sheet.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Oct 11 09:28:57 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday October 11 2023 10:48, you wrote to me:

    Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have

    So now you are justifing taking kids as a hostages?

    You and I know perfectly well that hate can eclipse any brains. The
    Jewish authorities have done all so that it to happen.

    They forced HAMAS to take kids as hostages? Are you fo real?

    More of that - I assure you all that Israel's special services knew
    about this Hamas revolt. But the ugly idea was to make a bloody

    Revolt? It's a bloody massacre.

    suppression of Hamas. Hamas had to do his bloody revolt, and Israel
    would have an indulgence to spill a sea of blood in Gaza. That was the

    You have credible sources or just repeating some new propaganda as you doing all the time? :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Oct 11 09:33:34 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday October 11 2023 09:52, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    After 1917 revolution many areas in the former USSR were cleated
    formally and arbitrarily. Do you believe or not there even a special Jewish region was created at the Far East. But the principal in the

    USSR prohobited emigration - we were living in large jail.
    S« they had special cell for jews also :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Oct 11 16:03:29 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 11.10.2023 12:28

    ak>>>> Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have
    ak>>>> watched
    DP>>> So now you are justifing taking kids as a hostages?
    ak>> You and I know perfectly well that hate can eclipse any brains.
    ak>> The Jewish authorities have done all so that it to happen.
    DP> They forced HAMAS to take kids as hostages? Are you fo real?
    DP> You have credible sources or just repeating some new propaganda as
    DP> you doing all the time? :)

    Only brainwashed fools can believe that Israel intelligence service has
    not been listening to the Hamas talks, having the most sophisticated
    spying equipment in the world. They knew all, but the decision to allow
    the Hamas to attack had been taken at the most high level.

    ak>> More of that - I assure you all that Israel's special services
    ak>> knew about this Hamas revolt. But the ugly idea was to make a
    ak>> bloody
    DP> Revolt? It's a bloody massacre.

    Israel have wanted bloody massacre in Gaza much more.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Oct 11 13:06:36 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday October 11 2023 16:03, you wrote to me:

    They forced HAMAS to take kids as hostages? Are you fo real?
    You have credible sources or just repeating some new propaganda
    as you doing all the time? :)

    Only brainwashed fools can believe that Israel intelligence service
    has not been listening to the Hamas talks, having the most

    Do you remember how people in Russia are doing secret talks? They go to sauna, where you are naked and high temperature prevent mics from operating :)
    Even guys from FSB are doing this :)

    sophisticated spying equipment in the world. They knew all, but the

    As we say in Russia - "We have SUCH equipment but we won't tell you about them"(c)Rock Group Mango-Mango

    decision to allow the Hamas to attack had been taken at the most high level.

    Sounds like you are friend of some high level Israel authorities. It's such an honor to talk to such well connected person! :)

    Revolt? It's a bloody massacre.

    Israel have wanted bloody massacre in Gaza much more.

    It's your friend from Israel told you this? :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Oct 12 19:12:08 2023
    Hello Alexander,


    You and I know perfectly well that hate can eclipse any brains.
    The Jewish authorities have done all so that it to happen.
    They forced HAMAS to take kids as hostages? Are you fo real?
    You have credible sources or just repeating some new propaganda DP>as you
    doing all the time? :)

    Only brainwashed fools can believe that Israel intelligence service has not
    been listening to the Hamas talks, having the most sophisticated spying equipment in the world. They knew all, but the decision to allow the Hamas to attack had been taken at the most high level.

    Many folks have suggested it is either the biggest intelligence
    failure Israel's Mossad ever had - or it is a staged event. Donald
    Trump has blamed it all on Benjamin Netanyahu for allowing it to
    happen. But nobody really believes that. So who really helped

    More of that - I assure you all that Israel's special services
    knew about this Hamas revolt. But the ugly idea was to make a
    Revolt? It's a bloody massacre.

    Israel have wanted bloody massacre in Gaza much more.

    Casualties are roughly the same on both sides. So how many
    does it take to create a massacre? A handful of kids throwing
    rocks at soldiers and armored vehicles will do little harm.
    But what happens when kids are taught how to turn those rocks
    into rockets, and use those rockets to create fireworks at
    music festivals?

    Yes, I do believe Mossad has some serious explaining to do
    about those staged events ...

    For Life,

    Black lives matter!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Oct 12 19:12:28 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    In this way the war in Ukraine started in 2014.
    How is Ukraine a theocracy? How is Russia a theocracy?
    What makes a country a theocracy rather tha a democratic state?
    Is there a difference?

    Ultra-nationalism is similar to a hard-core religion with all consequences, violent fanaticism including.

    I knew a lady from Cambodia. Nice girl. Not much for conversation.
    But a nice girl. Very nice girl. Only thing she had of family was
    a pile of skulls. Very touching. Good thing she liked fishing.

    For Life,

    We Put Big Loads In Tight Places

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Oct 12 19:12:34 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    has been expelled from Ukrainian territory, and there it stops.
    Should Russia withdraw from Ukraine the fighting stops that day.

    You (and many in the west) don't understand some fundamental notions.
    When one state occupies another state the aim is always similar -- to capture lands, populate them with own people, chase out (or genocide) native population. No news here.

    How did the "annexation" of the GDR go? Does it still exist?
    As far as Germans are concerned, Germany has always been united
    as one Germany - Deutschland Uber Alles.

    How did the "annexation" of Crimea go? Does it still exist?
    As far as Ukrainians are concerned, it remains part of Ukraine.
    The same as the eastern part of Germany remains part of Germany.

    Does might make right? The USA invaded, and annexed, half of Mexico.
    The internationally recognized borders of the USA include all lands
    that have been invaded and settled by force of arms.

    Is that the way things should be settled when there are disputes?
    Or whenever a dictator gets greedy wanting more land to play on?

    Whatever happened to "the will of the people"?

    We can see all of this in Israel actions, and there are none of them in Russia actions in Ukraine.

    The Arabs and Jews have been fighting for thousands of years.
    With no end in sight. Russians and Ukrainians have only been going
    at each other for less than two years. So please. Do realize both
    sides have a lot of catching up to do.

    Russia is not going populate this areas with Russians - they are already live there.

    There are people who speak Russian all over the world. Including
    some who live down the street from where I am.

    So occupation of lands in Ukraine has no sense and it doesn't have place.

    Many people who own lands in Ukraine speak Russian. Many people who
    own lands in the USA speak Russian. Many people who own lands in other
    parts of the world speak Russian.

    The aim is it to remove unlawful ultra-nationalist regime.

    Regime change. I seem to recall an American politician who used
    that excuse to rid the internationally recognized government of Iraq
    from power. And then have its leader hanged by a Shiite hit squad.

    "Is that manly?" ~Saddam Hussein's last words

    This is the main difference between wars in Palestine and Ukraine.

    Yasser Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
    No Ukrainian leader hss ever done that.

    It looks similar with the invasion the US in Panama - the US didn't want occupy Panama -- it wanted to change the regime.

    You've got it all wrong. Different Bush. The elder Bush just sent
    in the DEA to make a drug bust, capturing its leader as he was
    praying inside a church. Then the drug dealer was extradited to
    France for charges pending, served his time there, and then sent
    back to Panama to finish the rest of his sentence on other charges.

    You know that, I know that. Even the Donbas "issue" was created by
    Russia. Ukraine wants to join the EU, it would have never happened
    as long as there would be internal problems with or within a
    region. Joining the EU is the best guarantee for the Donbas... not
    killing people.

    Joining the EU was Yanukovich's own idea, the elected Ukrainian
    President. His postponing of the deal was just a pretext to capture
    power by ultra-nationalistic forces. The main reason of Donbass/Crimea revolts was refusing to accept the 2014 coup. Why don't you understand this?

    Zelenskyy is the elected president of Ukraine, not anybody else
    from Ukraine's past. It may be his wish, and his country's wish,
    to join the EU. But only time will tell if it actually happens.

    Russia's action is not about "liberating" people, it's about
    expanding Russia to Communism-era borders, and where possible even

    You and I and a lot of people know that Ukraine can not really win
    this war, and Russia can not really lose it. What we see is trying
    to get a foot on the ground somewhere, anywhere, have as much
    territory as possible before the negotiations start.... all the
    rest is propaganda.

    I admit that there are some such people in Ukraine.

    "Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. RUSSIA ALONE HAS

    But I tell you again after 2014 Russia just support numerous people who fought against Kiev new authority.

    US President Joe Biden puts the blame squarely and solely on Russia.

    There are a lot of people in Donbass and other parts of Ukraine who has hated all that happened in Kiev in 2014. If new Kiev authority had tried to
    negotiate with them no war would had happened.

    Okraine is their home. Every inch of it. Why would any citizen
    want to give away any of their land to a hostile enemy who is hell
    bent on destruction of their very existence as a people?

    The problem is the world doesn't care about Palestinians and Israel
    is merely surviving.

    But the real problem in this conflict is Iran that fuels violence
    on many levels, it's also the main ally of your beloved supreme
    leader. When you need Iran as an ally and North Korea... boy, are
    you on the wrong track.

    The real problem for Israel were always hardliners who denied the very idea of two state solution. They killed Rabin, they did all they could
    to instigate violence in the occupied territories building Jewish settlements there.

    Rabin was killed by one of his own. Arafat was rumored to have
    been killed (poisoned) by Mossad. There never was any real two
    state solution, as both sides had rejected the UN partition.
    Four wars have been fought since Israel became a state. All of
    them started by Israel. So what real chance is there for peace?

    Now if just Putin would fall from a balcony, just once is enough.
    And please from high enough too...

    An idiot who starts fighting with such a country as Russia is worse than any tyrant, who as a rule always clever. Zelensky had all possibilities
    to stop violence in his country, unite it, as he promised during his election campaign. But he did opposite, hoping that brutal force could
    do everything.

    Japan beat the pants out of Russia a century ago.
    And then there was Finland.
    Mot to mention Afghanistan ...

    For Life,

    Pussy grabs back!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Oct 12 19:12:41 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today war I have

    So now you are justifing taking kids as a hostages?

    You and I know perfectly well that hate can eclipse any brains. The Jewish authorities have done all so that it to happen.

    Jewish authorities? Please. Get real. This is either the biggest
    failure in Mossad, or an acting job. Who is helping Hamas?

    More of that - I assure you all that Israel's special services knew
    about this Hamas revolt.

    What did they know? Did Mossad have agents inside Iran's Supreme
    Council of Ayatollahs?

    But the ugly idea was to make a bloody suppression of Hamas.

    How could Hamas learn how to make bombs out of rocks so quickly?
    Who taught them how to do that? How were they able to throw those
    rockets so far, hitting so many targets at folks at a concert and
    elsewhere? Iran must have some great pitching coaches.

    Hamas had to do his bloody revolt, and Israel would have an indulgence to spill a sea of blood in Gaza.

    Casualties are about the same on both sides, so ...

    That was the plan.

    I kill me. The plan works both ways.

    So hostages and kids have been in the cost sheet.

    And babies. Let's not forget about the babies.

    For Life,

    Coronovirus doesn't effect rats n snakes so most of u are safe.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Oct 12 19:12:46 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    In this way the war in Ukraine started in 2014.
    How is Ukraine a theocracy? How is Russia a theocracy?
    What makes a country a theocracy rather tha a democratic state?
    Is there a difference?

    Ultra-nationalism is similar to a hard-core religion with all consequences, violent fanaticism including.

    Is it? Is it really?

    Adolf Hitler was a popular guy in Germany among Germans, with
    over 90% of the German population being card-carryiing members
    of the Nazi Party. He is the one who saved Germany from itself.
    Nobody else. That is why he was called "der Fuehrer" (savior).

    It was not until after the war that Germans knew what really
    happened. After all, they had to be told by those who occupied
    their land. For ten years, Germans had to be reminded that his
    way of doing things was not the only way to do things.

    In Japan, it only took five years, as the Emperor was much
    more cooperative. Especially after Tojo had lost his head.

    For Life,

    I think they bought a Jeep

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Oct 12 19:12:53 2023
    Hello Alexander,

    I only don't know why you can't accept what Russians in
    Ukraine can sincerely want to live in Russia?
    There's nothing stopping them from emigrating to Russia, a lot
    of open space in Siberia, and make a living for themselves ...

    After 1917 revolution many areas in the former USSR were cleated
    formally and arbitrarily. Do you believe or not there even a special Jewish region was created at the Far East. But the principal in the USSR and Russia was intact - people of every nation could leave in every part of the country.

    Finland left. And is now a part of NATO. A few decades later,
    the other countries followed suit. And a funeral was held, with
    nobody in attendance.

    The most funny was how all Russians in Ukraine living there for
    centuries were declared to be Ukrainians, and Ukraine as a one nation state.

    Cajuns were in Louisiana before there ever was a USA. French was,
    and is, their native tongue. So how does that make Cajuns to be
    citizens of France or England? Not even Napoleon Bonaparte wanted
    anything to do with us, selling us out. Which is why we are all
    stuck where we are today.

    But nation is not a label to be stick on head.

    The UN voted to create two Palestinian states. Yet both groups
    of Palestinians rejected the deal. So who owns the land of Palestine?

    It is a language, traditions etc.

    Palestinian Jews do not speak Arabic, and Palestinian Arabs
    do not speak an invented language (Hebrew). But both groups do
    enjoy the same foods, as everything they eat is kosher.

    In other words it is almost a half of Ukraine population
    and only crazy people could try Russians forget their nation.

    A people identify themselves by language, regardless of where
    they live or are from.

    For Life,

    It Ain't Payday If It Ain't Nuts In Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Oct 12 21:51:16 2023
    Does might make right? The USA invaded, and annexed, half of Mexico.
    The internationally recognized borders of the USA include all lands
    that have been invaded and settled by force of arms.

    Do not forget Hawaii ...

    Regime change. I seem to recall an American politician who used
    that excuse to rid the internationally recognized government of Iraq
    from power. And then have its leader hanged by a Shiite hit squad.

    I love the video of it ... 12 frames per second, but still. Smartphones these days are so much better...

    Yasser Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    So did Mother Theresa ...


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Oct 12 21:55:29 2023
    So who really helped Hamas?

    The one having the most to gain from it ... Russia ... in hopes that US efforts to support Ukraine would be diverted to Israel.

    They don't give a shite about the massacre of Palestinians that is gong to happen, they're cannon-fodder, just as Russian grunt soldiers in Ukraine. Same for the Israelis that would be killed ...

    Didn't Stalin once say "A person dying is terrible, a million people dying is a statistic" ?

    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Ward Dossche on Thu Oct 12 22:52:10 2023
    Hello, Ward!

    Thursday October 12 2023 21:55, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    Didn't Stalin once say "A person dying is terrible, a million people
    dying is a statistic" ?

    Well, in fact, he didn't say this:


    In 1925 a journalist and satirist named Kurt Tucholsky wrote a piece in a German newspaper that included a statement that was similar to the quotation. Here was the original text together with an English translation

    Darauf sagt ein Diplomat vom Quai d.Orsay: .Der Krieg? Ich kann das
    nicht so schrecklich finden! Der Tod eines Menschen: das ist eine Katastrophe. Hunderttausend Tote: das ist eine Statistik!.

    At which a diplomat from French Ministry of Foreign Affairs replies:
    .The war? I can.t find it too terrible! The death of one man: that is a catastrophe. One hundred thousand deaths: that is a statistic!.

    BTW, funny story from the history of our poor country about Stalin:

    Lenin lived in London for several years, and the Bolsheviks (members of the radical wing of our Communist party) held a Congress in London in 1907. Most of the revolutionaries were rather poor and had limited financial resources to buy alcohol, so they visited cheap bars with low-priced German beer.
    Lenin had a quite rich mother in Russia who sent him money, so he invited some comrades to local pubs. The pub where they were drinking with Stalin still exists!

    Actually, they met in London for the first time. The rest is well known history...

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Fri Oct 13 02:47:58 2023
    Hello Ward,

    Does might make right? The USA invaded, and annexed, half of Mexico.
    The internationally recognized borders of the USA include all lands
    that have been invaded and settled by force of arms.

    Do not forget Hawaii ...

    Hey! We bought it fair and square! Just like Manhattan!

    Regime change. I seem to recall an American politician who used
    that excuse to rid the internationally recognized government of Iraq
    from power. And then have its leader hanged by a Shiite hit squad.

    I love the video of it ... 12 frames per second, but still. Smartphones these days are so much better...

    You should see his 72 virgins ... or who used to be virgins.

    Yasser Arafat was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    So did Mother Theresa ...

    She did as much to deserve the prize as did Barack Obama ...

    For Life,

    In solidarity - RIP George Floyd - Black Lives Matter

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Fri Oct 13 02:48:08 2023
    Hello Ward,

    So who really helped Hamas?

    The one having the most to gain from it ... Russia ... in hopes that US efforts to support Ukraine would be diverted to Israel.

    The US has no boots on the ground in Ukraine.
    The US also has no boots on the ground in Israel.
    But the US does have an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean.
    Maybe even two aircraft carriers ...

    They don't give a shite about the massacre of Palestinians that is gong to happen, they're cannon-fodder, just as Russian grunt soldiers
    in Ukraine.

    Palestinians are dying for a country that does not exist.
    A land that was taken from them. And now they are be invaded
    by a force none of them are able to flee away from.

    So what are they to do? Where are they to go?
    They cannot jump into the sea, as they would drown.
    They cannot go to the east, as that is Israel.
    And they cannot flee to the south, as that is Egypt.
    And going north is just plain suicide.

    Same for the Israelis that would be killed ...

    Not until tomorrow (Friday the 13th) which is Day of Jihad.

    Day of Jihad. On Friday the 13th. During an eclipse of the Sun.

    You do realize what this means.

    It is the day the 12th Imam is coaxed out of hiding.
    Making his appearance to Muslims around the world.

    Keep your eyes on Jerusalem as the Mahdi leads his faithful ...

    Didn't Stalin once say "A person dying is terrible, a million people dying is a statistic" ?

    There is no proof Stalin ever said that. None whatsoever.


    So who said it? Or maybe it was the vodka?

    For Life,

    As good as it looks

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Oct 13 10:17:46 2023
    Do not forget Hawaii ...

    Hey! We bought it fair and square! Just like Manhattan!

    You bought Alaska but military overran the autonomous Kingdom of Hawaii because mr.Dole feared taxation of his pineapple plantations.

    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Oct 13 10:18:56 2023

    Didn't Stalin once say "A person dying is terrible, a million people DP>WD> dying is a statistic" ?

    Well, in fact, he didn't say this:

    These urban stories can be wonderful.

    BTW, funny story from the history of our poor country about Stalin:

    And Karl Marx wrote "Das Kapital" in Brussels ... I don't expect the site was preserved.

    History can be a funny thing, take the American 'War of 1812' ... the peace-treaty was negotiated in Ghent (Belgium) while the fighting occured in North America. It was signed Dec.24 1814 in Ghent, ratified by the British Prince Regent Dec.27th and then went on a long transatlantic voyage in a sailboat (with no direct communication). The document arrived in Washington Feb.17th 1815 and was ratified immediately thereby nearly immediately stopping the fighting of which the peace treaty had been signed nearly 2 months before ... The room in Ghent where the treaty was negotiated has been preserved and is visited by US tourists.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Oct 13 14:23:33 2023
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 12.10.2023 20:12

    LL> The Arabs and Jews have been fighting for thousands of years. With

    It is not true. More of that at the times when Jews were persecuted by
    Rome and others Arabs admitted them to their cities.

    LL> no end in sight. Russians and Ukrainians have only been going at
    LL> each other for less than two years. So please. Do realize both
    LL> sides have a lot of catching up to do.

    I repeat to you that everything had started with a schism within Ukraine
    after all Ukrainian laws had been trampled by the 2014 coup. I don't
    know why you think that this event had been greeted across all Ukraine. Although, it easy to understand for me why they were greeted in the West
    -- everything that detriments Russia interests has been always welcomed
    in the West.

    ak>> Russia is not going populate this areas with Russians - they are
    ak>> already live there.

    LL> There are people who speak Russian all over the world. Including
    LL> some who live down the street from where I am.

    I explain to you once more - suppose London area in the UK has been
    captured or bought by France. Will Englishmen become the French? A
    nation is something more than a place of living. Many Russian regions
    were separated from Russia after the collapse of the USSR. But tens of millions of Russians still live there and keep their culture. Everything
    will be OK if not offend them.

    ak>> The aim is it to remove the unlawful ultra-nationalist regime.
    LL> Regime change. I seem to recall an American politician who used
    LL> that excuse to rid the internationally recognized government of
    LL> Iraq from power. And then have its leader hanged by a Shiite hit
    LL> squad.
    LL> "Is that manly?" ~Saddam Hussein's last words

    I mean that genocide and killing Ukrainians is not the aim of this war, whatever Zelensky's says in his Goebbels' style propaganda.

    ak>> It looks similar with the invasion the US in Panama - the US
    ak>> didn't want occupy Panama -- it wanted to change the regime.

    LL> You've got it all wrong. Different Bush. The elder Bush just sent
    LL> in the DEA to make a drug bust, capturing its leader as he was
    LL> praying inside a church. Then the drug dealer was extradited to
    LL> France for charges pending, served his time there, and then sent
    LL> back to Panama to finish the rest of his sentence on other charges.

    The crimes committed by Ukraine troops in Donbass were not less innocent
    than drag trafficking from Panama. And, BTW, the big war started after
    wrong planning from the side of Russia. Russian generals sincerely
    thought that Ukrainian military would take Russia's side. A big mistake,
    a big consequences.

    LL> "Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. RUSSIA ALONE HAS

    There was time when Ukraine could easily stop the conflict on its
    territory and leave Russians in Donbass alone. But I repeat - spilt
    blood complicated everything immensely. Ilon Mask proposed a very good
    and sober solution - new referendums -- but they are now impossible to implement. With any price, with common weapon or with nukes -- Russia
    will get it aim. Those who ignored peaceful opportunities to solve the conflict before are to blame.

    ak>> The real problem for Israel were always hardliners who denied the
    ak>> very idea of two state solution. They killed Rabin, they did all
    ak>> they could to instigate violence in the occupied territories
    ak>> building Jewish settlements there.

    LL> Rabin was killed by one of his own. Arafat was rumored to have been
    LL> killed (poisoned) by Mossad. There never was any real two state
    LL> solution, as both sides had rejected the UN partition. Four wars
    LL> have been fought since Israel became a state. All of them started
    LL> by Israel. So what real chance is there for peace?

    IMHO it is the same situation as in Ukraine - fascist ultra-nationalists
    will destroy any attempt to solve the problem with respect of other side
    (of Palestinian people in this case).

    WD>>> Now if just Putin would fall from a balcony, just once is enough.
    WD>>> And please from high enough too...

    ak>> An idiot who starts fighting with such a country as Russia is
    ak>> worse than any tyrant, who as a rule always clever. Zelensky had
    ak>> all possibilities to stop violence in his country, unite it, as he
    ak>> promised during his election campaign. But he did opposite, hoping
    ak>> that brutal force could do everything.

    LL> Japan beat the pants out of Russia a century ago. And then there
    LL> was Finland. Mot to mention Afghanistan...

    A good prickle ;), but, Japan's war was too far from industrial Russia
    center, and, BTW, just a few yeas later Russia had gotten from Japan
    much more than lost. As for Finland, I repeat my idea again, that Stalin
    had nipped off as much of Finland as he wanted, and, BTW, those acquired
    lands helped greatly the USSR in WW2. As for Afghanistan, the USSR had
    left it by the same reason as did the US -- it had nothing to do there. ;-)

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Oct 13 14:27:41 2023
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 12.10.2023 20:12

    ak>>>> Hamaz has been borne by Israel policy. As for today
    ak>>>> war I have watched
    DP>>> So now you are justifing taking kids as a hostages?
    ak>> You and I know perfectly well that hate can eclipse any
    ak>> brains. The Jewish authorities have done all so that it to
    ak>> happen.
    LL> Jewish authorities? Please. Get real. This is either the biggest
    LL> failure in Mossad, or an acting job. Who is helping Hamas?

    A few time more and I suspect that I will hear that Soviet partisans be
    also called terrorists and bandits. German propaganda use that terms.
    The only difference between the USSR and Palestine that Germans during
    WW2 did not populate captured lands with Germans.

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Oct 13 14:34:01 2023
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 12.10.2023 20:12

    ak>> Ultra-nationalism is similar to a hard-core religion with
    ak>> all consequences, violent fanaticism including.
    LL> Is it? Is it really?
    LL> Adolf Hitler was a popular guy in Germany among Germans, with
    LL> over 90% of the German population being card-carryiing members
    LL> of the Nazi Party. He is the one who saved Germany from itself.
    LL> Nobody else. That is why he was called "der Fuehrer" (savior).

    Maximum, the Ukraine conflict can be compared with the division of Czechoslovakia before WW2. Germany had returned the German lands, Poland
    had gobbled some territory too. ;-) Look very similar and intriguing -
    is it now going to participate in division of Ukraine? It seems many
    Ukraine territories were Polish before WW2. ;-)

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Fri Oct 13 14:38:14 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 12.10.2023 22:55

    WD> The one having the most to gain from it ... Russia ... in hopes
    WD> that US efforts to support Ukraine would be diverted to Israel.
    WD> They don't give a shite about the massacre of Palestinians that
    WD> is gong to happen, they're cannon-fodder, just as Russian grunt
    WD> soldiers in Ukraine. Same for the Israelis that would be killed
    WD> ...

    Yeah, answering the terrific crime Israel is itself been committing a
    huge apocalyptic crime against Gaza population. The world now see well
    that Russia's bombing in Ukraine are just a child toys.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Fri Oct 13 16:57:17 2023
    It is not true. More of that at the times when Jews were persecuted by
    Rome and others Arabs admitted them to their cities.

    Is that from another re-written historybook?

    I mean that genocide and killing Ukrainians is not the aim of this war, whatever Zelensky's says in his Goebbels' style propaganda.

    Then why is it happening? Why are Ukrainians being killed? They did not attack any country, they didn't invade anyone ... Donbas you will say? Anyone with half a brain understands that conflict was started by Russia.

    The crimes committed by Ukraine troops in Donbass were not less innocent than drag trafficking from Panama.

    Then sue before the International Court of Justice ... the same court that issued an arrest-warrant for someone that is dear to you...

    Ilon Mask proposed a very good and sober solution ...

    IMNSHO Elon Musk is even more dangerous to the world than your president-for-life.

    Those who ignored peaceful opportunities to solve the
    conflict before are to blame.

    Russia out of Ukraine and the conflict stops immediately, only an arbitration then is needed to see how many milliards Euro compensation Russia will pay...

    As for Afghanistan, the USSR had
    left it by the same reason as did the US -- it had nothing to do there.

    Russia left Afghanistan because they were militarily beaten ...

    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sat Oct 14 14:32:06 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Friday October 13 2023 14:38, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    Yeah, answering the terrific crime Israel is itself been committing a
    huge apocalyptic crime against Gaza population. The world now see well
    that Russia's bombing in Ukraine are just a child toys.

    Now, the world is already comparing Russia to HAMAS, because of Bucha.

    We in Russia never cared about even our own citizens - rememeber Grozny, when the whole city was destroyed without any chance for evacuation.

    No one even knows how many Russians (not Chchens!) was killed there. And no one cares. We have Russian proverb about that: "Women will keep having babies".

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sat Oct 14 14:38:38 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Friday October 13 2023 14:34, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    Is it? Is it really?
    Adolf Hitler was a popular guy in Germany among Germans, with
    over 90% of the German population being card-carryiing members
    of the Nazi Party. He is the one who saved Germany from itself.
    Nobody else. That is why he was called "der Fuehrer" (savior).

    Maximum, the Ukraine conflict can be compared with the division of Czechoslovakia before WW2. Germany had returned the German lands,

    And it was a mistake, because Hitler didn't stop.

    But I am proud of you - now you've started to compare Putin with Hitler :) Please continue :)
    One important difference was that Hitler was very much into high-tech. Putin is just an old computer-illiterate soviet-era Dinosaur.
    When he'll die - a lot of things will change. Because you cannot buiild anything new based on Soviet era shit.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sat Oct 14 15:17:44 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Friday October 13 2023 14:27, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    A few time more and I suspect that I will hear that Soviet partisans
    be also called terrorists and bandits. German propaganda use that

    BTW, Fatah from West bank is fighting with HAMAS and HAMAS killed a large number of Fatah officials during last 20 years (and killing right now in Lebanon). Probably you need to talk to another Palestinian, not the one who was killing people at music festival.

    terms. The only difference between the USSR and Palestine that Germans during WW2 did not populate captured lands with Germans.

    What about territories that USSR captured before WW2? And do you want to say that USSR did the same to soviet citizens as HAMAS is doing to Palestinians?

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Sun Oct 15 12:05:11 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 13.10.2023 17:57

    ak>> It is not true. More of that at the times when Jews were
    ak>> persecuted by Rome and others Arabs admitted them to their cities.
    WD> Is that from another re-written historybook?

    In other words, don't wonder when you learn that during Arab occupation
    of Spain it was full of Jews. ;-) They had been expelled from Spain
    after Arabs, later.

    ak>> I mean that genocide and killing Ukrainians is not the aim of this
    ak>> war, whatever Zelensky's says in his Goebbels' style propaganda.

    WD> Then why is it happening? Why are Ukrainians being killed? They did
    WD> not attack any country, they didn't invade anyone... Donbas you
    WD> will say? Anyone with half a brain understands that conflict was
    WD> started by Russia.

    Do you know who had sent troops to Donbass first, in 2014? Who did start killing first? Who declared Donbass citizens terrorists and call the
    civil war as "Anti terror operation"?

    ak>> The crimes committed by Ukraine troops in Donbass were not less
    ak>> innocent than drag trafficking from Panama.

    WD> Then sue before the International Court of Justice... the same
    WD> court that issued an arrest-warrant for someone that is dear to
    WD> you...

    International Court of Justice if a good for nothing organization, and
    for instance, the US spits at all its resolutions. As for the UN the US
    vetoes all improper resolutions against its allies.

    ak>> Ilon Mask proposed a very good and sober solution...
    WD> IMNSHO Elon Musk is even more dangerous to the world than your
    WD> president-for-life.
    ak>> Those who ignored peaceful opportunities to solve the conflict
    ak>> before are to blame.

    WD> Russia out of Ukraine and the conflict stops immediately, only an
    WD> arbitration then is needed to see how many milliards Euro
    WD> compensation Russia will pay...

    Don't worry, Russia will voluntarily rebuilt all new Russian territories
    and will not be a miser, judging by the amount of money it spent in
    Crimea. ;=) The West will also brake its money-boxes for Ukraine.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Sun Oct 15 12:21:03 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 14.10.2023 17:32

    ak>> Yeah, answering the terrific crime Israel is itself been
    ak>> committing a huge apocalyptic crime against Gaza
    ak>> population. The world now see well that Russia's bombing
    ak>> in Ukraine are just a child toys.
    DP> Now, the world is already comparing Russia to HAMAS, because of
    DP> Bucha. We in Russia never cared about even our own citizens -
    DP> rememeber Grozny, when the whole city was destroyed without any
    DP> chance for evacuation. No one even knows how many Russians (not
    DP> Chchens!) was killed there. And no one cares. We have Russian proverb
    DP> about that: "Women will keep having babies".

    First, Russia did not called itself a democratic state then.
    Second, in other words, Israel has now confirmed a hideous rule for the
    21 century -- if you are very angry you can kill indiscriminately and in
    any barbaric way, doing. Hitler's collective punishment has become legal
    now, too. A good teacher for Jews.

    The corollary from this: Hamas has done nothing wrong (it was very
    angry) in ways he did its operation in Israel-- Ops, sorry -- the
    territories attacked by Hamas ARE occupied Palestinian territories
    accoring the UN and law. So, as the West accepts Ukrainian strikes in
    Crimea and Donbass it must say that the latest Hamas strike is also
    perfectly legal.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sun Oct 15 13:24:12 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Sunday October 15 2023 12:05, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    Then why is it happening? Why are Ukrainians being killed? They
    did not attack any country, they didn't invade anyone... Donbas
    you will say? Anyone with half a brain understands that conflict
    was started by Russia.

    Do you know who had sent troops to Donbass first, in 2014? Who did

    Malofeev, our Russian ologarch - he was Putin's wardog, who organized infiltration of Russian fighters to Ukraine.

    Don't worry, Russia will voluntarily rebuilt all new Russian
    territories and will not be a miser, judging by the amount of money it

    Russia cannot rebuild it's own territories!

    When you drive thru Russian you see that country is really very poor. And it won't change in nearest future.
    Just fields full of hogweed, which no one cares to clean.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sun Oct 15 13:26:51 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Sunday October 15 2023 12:21, you wrote to me:

    Bucha. We in Russia never cared about even our own citizens -
    rememeber Grozny, when the whole city was destroyed without any
    chance for evacuation. No one even knows how many Russians (not
    Chchens!) was killed there. And no one cares. We have Russian
    proverb about that: "Women will keep having babies".

    First, Russia did not called itself a democratic state then.

    You never saw our Constitution? :) Of course our country was called a democratic state by itself.

    and in any barbaric way, doing. Hitler's collective punishment has
    become legal now, too. A good teacher for Jews.

    Hitler was our good friend just before the June 1941 :)
    And while Israel is not a saint - you excuses for mass killing dancing people is a good explanation how Soviet Russia protected Hitler's right to start a war in Europe :)
    Do you need quotes from Soviet newspapers in 1940?

    We had Russian people jailed even in 1941 (!) because they were against Hitler. History of our country is funny as Hell :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Ward Dossche on Sun Oct 15 17:44:21 2023
    Hello, Ward!

    Friday October 13 2023 16:57, you wrote to alexander koryagin:

    As for Afghanistan, the USSR had
    left it by the same reason as did the US -- it had nothing to do
    there. ;-)

    Russia left Afghanistan because they were militarily beaten ...

    Well, for me you are both a bit wrong: in fact USSR was already economically collapsing. We had shortages of everything, world oil prices were very low - and our army was unable to destory Afghan opposition fighters.

    I rememember standing in 1988 (when our troops were coming out of Afghanistan) in 6 hours (!) queue to buy green bananas with my mother (they had to be kept in warm place for severals before consumption). No one cared about any "victory", everyone were busy looking for everything in empty shops.

    The USSR was begging for western credits and leaving Afghanistan alone was one of the Western demands.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sun Oct 15 17:57:06 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Friday October 13 2023 14:23, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    acquired lands helped greatly the USSR in WW2. As for Afghanistan, the USSR had left it by the same reason as did the US -- it had nothing to
    do there. ;-)

    The USSR entered Afghanistan to exterminate the leader of the local Communist state, replace him with another leader, more controllable and to save the communists from Islamic rebels.
    By 1988, no one in the USSR believed in communism: it was viewed as a completely failed ideology. Even soldiers in the
    Soviet army stationed in Afghanistan kept posters from Western films and music groups in their armored vehicles. And also names of Western labels, "adidas" :)

    And USSR was unable to pay it's debts to western companies and needed money. War in Afghanistan was a way to cut military spendings and to please the West to get more money in hard currency.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Oct 16 12:34:42 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 15.10.2023 16:26

    DP>>> Bucha. We in Russia never cared about even our own citizens -
    DP>>> rememeber Grozny, when the whole city was destroyed without any
    DP>>> chance for evacuation. No one even knows how many Russians (not
    DP>>> Chchens!) was killed there. And no one cares. We have Russian
    DP>>> proverb about that: "Women will keep having babies".

    ak>> First, Russia did not called itself a democratic state then.
    DP> You never saw our Constitution? :) Of course our country was called
    DP> a democratic state by itself.

    Should I tell you how the North Korea calls itself? ;-)

    ak>> and in any barbaric way, doing. Hitler's collective punishment has
    ak>> become legal now, too. A good teacher for Jews.

    DP> Hitler was our good friend just before the June 1941 :) And while
    DP> Israel is not a saint - you excuses for mass killing dancing people
    DP> is a good explanation how Soviet Russia protected Hitler's right to
    DP> start a war in Europe :) Do you need quotes from Soviet newspapers
    DP> in 1940?

    DP> We had Russian people jailed even in 1941 (!) because they were
    DP> against Hitler. History of our country is funny as Hell :)

    Hitler is dead but his Nazi ideas are alive. Germany for Germans, Israel
    for Jews, Ukraine for Ukrainians (+say the same about Baltic states).

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 16 09:52:36 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Monday October 16 2023 12:34, you wrote to me:

    First, Russia did not called itself a democratic state then.
    You never saw our Constitution? :) Of course our country was
    called a democratic state by itself.

    Should I tell you how the North Korea calls itself? ;-)

    North Korea never had fair electronics, Russia was democratic, but Putin since 2000 did evrything to destroy democracy.
    from Soviet newspapers in 1940?

    We had Russian people jailed even in 1941 (!) because they were
    against Hitler. History of our country is funny as Hell :)

    Hitler is dead but his Nazi ideas are alive. Germany for Germans,

    Btw, he probably got a lot of of his antisemitic ideas from group of Russian emigrants - check google for "Aufbau Vereinigung".

    Israel for Jews, Ukraine for Ukrainians (+say the same about Baltic

    Russia killed more Russians in Ukraine than any our enemy during last 50 years. You cannot deny that :)


    Have you ever been to Riga? Russian is a very popular language there. Many Russians fled to Latvia during last years because of the political prosecutions.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 16 14:18:02 2023
    Do you know who had sent troops to Donbass first, in 2014? Who did start killing first? Who declared Donbass citizens terrorists and call the
    civil war as "Anti terror operation"?


    Hmmmm ... Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down by Russian-controlled forces on 17 July 2014, while flying over eastern Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew were killed. That's 2014 ...

    So the Russian forces were already there, and the Russian weaponry too.

    Try again...

    The West will also brake its money-boxes for Ukraine.

    Actually, the west is confiscating the interests on blocked Russian funds to support Ukraine ... it doesn't really cost us as much as you'd think. Taxes have not gone up because of Ukraine ... and the interests keep on accrueing.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 16 14:20:02 2023
    Hitler's collective punishment has become legal now, too.

    I suppose you heard about Godwin's law?


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Oct 18 10:41:45 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 16.10.2023 12:52

    ak>> Israel for Jews, Ukraine for Ukrainians (+say the same
    ak>> about Baltic
    DP> Russia killed more Russians in Ukraine than any our enemy
    DP> during last 50 years. You cannot deny that :)

    Those who forced them to fight with Russia will go on trial for murder.

    ak>> states).
    DP> Have you ever been to Riga? Russian is a very popular language
    DP> there. Many Russians fled to Latvia during last years because
    DP> of the political prosecutions.

    For those whose Google Chrome can translate from Russian:


    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Wed Oct 18 10:53:36 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 16.10.2023 15:18

    ak>> Do you know who had sent troops to Donbass first, in 2014? Who did
    ak>> start killing first? Who declared Donbass citizens terrorists and
    ak>> call the civil war as "Anti terror operation"?

    WD> 2014?

    WD> Hmmmm... Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down by Russian-
    WD> controlled forces on 17 July 2014, while flying over eastern
    WD> Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew were killed. That's 2014...

    In Ukraine in 2014 there were only some advisers and volunteers. It's
    easy to understand -- if Russian troops were in Ukraine in 2014 they
    would should use military aviation, tactic rockets etc. None of it were
    used. Do you think it is OK to send troops to fight with AK-47 alone?

    As for Malaysia 17 -- it was a crime to allow civil jets to fly over a military zone. Nothing good can happen if you do it.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Wed Oct 18 10:54:10 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 16.10.2023 15:20

    ak>> Hitler's collective punishment has become legal now, too.
    WD> I suppose you heard about Godwin's law?

    No I didn't.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Oct 18 10:31:02 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday October 18 2023 10:41, you wrote to me:

    Russia killed more Russians in Ukraine than any our enemy
    during last 50 years. You cannot deny that :)

    Those who forced them to fight with Russia will go on trial for

    And who forced them to fight FOR Russia against Russians? :)

    Have you ever been to Riga? Russian is a very popular language
    there. Many Russians fled to Latvia during last years because
    of the political prosecutions.

    For those whose Google Chrome can translate from Russian:

    https://news.ru/europe/rossiyan-budut-vygonyat-iz-latvii-za-neznanie-l atyshskogo-yazyka/

    Yes, you have know Latvian to get residence permit in Latvia. Very simple. What's wrong about that?

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Fri Oct 20 10:40:55 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday October 18 2023 10:53, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    In Ukraine in 2014 there were only some advisers and volunteers. It's

    Real Russian army, BTW. It's well known - because we now even know names of officers who were in charge.

    easy to understand -- if Russian troops were in Ukraine in 2014 they
    would should use military aviation, tactic rockets etc. None of it

    They were trying to pretend that they weren't there, simple as that.

    were used. Do you think it is OK to send troops to fight with AK-47

    They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.

    Do you remember how Putin lied that troops in Crimea were not Russian troops? :)
    They same bullshit he was feeding in Donbass.

    Thst guy is a real bullshit president :)

    As for Malaysia 17 -- it was a crime to allow civil jets to fly over a
    military zone. Nothing good can happen if you do it.

    No really, civil jeats were flying over military zones in Syria and Iraq. The problem is that Ukraine didn't know that Russian will move serious anti-aircraft systems into war zone.
    Fuck Putin!

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Oct 23 10:35:50 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 20.10.2023 13:40

    ak>> were used. Do you think it is OK to send troops to fight
    ak>> with AK-47 alone?
    DP> They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.

    Well, the same do NATO in Ukraine and they don't participate in the war.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 23 12:22:16 2023

    They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.

    Well, the same do NATO in Ukraine and they don't participate in the war.

    The tanks and all other weapons systems operated by Ukraine forces are owned by Ukraine, it's their property. Not of any other NATO-member. Plus, NATO does not participate in this war, Russia does... And Ukraine is not a NATO-member either ...

    We now know, and you too, that should NATO put forces on the ground this war would be over as quickly as Desert Storm in 1991 ... if you were not around at that time, it was about 100 hours.

    Other than that, the Russian BUK-system that shot-down MH17 was manned, operated and commanded by Russian military ...inside Ukrainian borders. Also that has been established beyond the shadow of a doubt.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 23 11:01:38 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Monday October 23 2023 10:35, you wrote to me:

    were used. Do you think it is OK to send troops to fight
    with AK-47 alone?
    They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.

    Well, the same do NATO in Ukraine and they don't participate in the

    NATO is not fighting in Ukraine, not a single NATO soldier went to this war.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Mon Oct 23 15:17:19 2023
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 23.10.2023 13:22

    ak>> DP> They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.
    ak>> Well, the same do NATO in Ukraine and they don't participate in
    ak>> the war.

    WD> The tanks and all other weapons systems operated by Ukraine forces
    WD> are owned by Ukraine, it's their property. Not of any other NATO-
    WD> member. Plus, NATO does not participate in this war, Russia does...

    We talked about situation after 2014 and before so called "special
    military operation". Before 2022 Russia indeed was not a part of the
    Ukrainian conflict, but just helped the Donbass rebels.

    WD> And Ukraine is not a NATO-member either...

    WD> We now know, and you too, that should NATO put forces on the ground
    WD> this war would be over as quickly as Desert Storm in 1991... if you
    WD> were not around at that time, it was about 100 hours.

    The main western problem now is brain weakness (Biden is like a mirror).
    You now unable to think adequately and understand Russia as it is, in
    full scale. From here is your comparison Russia with Iraq, seeing it as
    an easy target, foolish ideas that you can ruin Russia with sanctions etc.

    Nothing bad could have happened if the West respected Russia interests according to its real status.

    WD> Other than that, the Russian BUK-system that shot-down MH17 was
    WD> manned, operated and commanded by Russian military... inside
    WD> Ukrainian borders. Also that has been established beyond the shadow
    WD> of a doubt.

    After the Israel crimes in the present day Palestine we can easily spit
    and forget that funny incident in 2014. ;-) And, BTW, for me, it is
    impossible to think that a regular Russian crew of BUK could mix up a
    small low flying turbo-prop with a huge high flying Boing. I am
    absolutely sure that it was a Ukrainian secret service operation.
    Ukraine was the only one who had got a great profit from it.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Oct 23 15:18:00 2023
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 23.10.2023 14:01

    ak>>>> were used. Do you think it is OK to send troops to
    ak>>>> fight with AK-47 alone?
    DP>>> They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.
    ak>> Well, the same do NATO in Ukraine and they don't
    ak>> participate in the war.
    DP> NATO is not fighting in Ukraine, not a single NATO soldier went
    DP> to this war.

    We talked about the situation before 2022.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2023
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 23 12:23:04 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Monday October 23 2023 15:17, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    military operation". Before 2022 Russia indeed was not a part of the Ukrainian conflict, but just helped the Donbass rebels.

    It was a part because Russian forces were fighting in Ukraine.
    Putin just lied, but he is doing this all the time.

    Only very naive people belive him.

    My friend was born in a village near Russian-Uraine border and I personally knew the exact date when Russian entered Ukraine.

    So you are just repeating very stupid Russian state propaganda..

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Oct 23 12:26:23 2023
    Hello, alexander!

    Monday October 23 2023 15:18, you wrote to me:

    They had tanks and anti-aircraft systems.
    Well, the same do NATO in Ukraine and they don't
    participate in the war.
    NATO is not fighting in Ukraine, not a single NATO soldier went
    to this war.

    We talked about the situation before 2022.

    Before 2022 we thought that Putin just wanted to destabilize Ukraine, now we know that he decided to destroy it as a country.
    Ukraine already lost big part of the territory which is now officially part of Russia.

    Too bad we've got that crazy sucker as president. He is a big fan of our Russian fascist writer Ivan Ilyin.
    Probably he spent too much time reading his books about "Russian Fascism".

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: All is good in St. John's Wood (2:5001/100.1)