On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Joe Schweier wrote to All:
Does anyone have the OS2 ZIP.EXE... I have dopwnloaded several...
each time it gives me greaf.
what grief??
The last one I down loaded wanted a file ./.. LIBC065
yeah... and??
There should just be a functional OS2 zip.exe file around
if they require a newer libc library, what's wrong with adding that library to the system? my os2 system has
all are located in my c:\ecs\dll directory to keep them all together and easy to manage instead of spreading them all over my drives... libc05 came with ecs and the others i had to add for various other programs (weasel, ftpser, binkd, etc...) that needed them... this is normal...
if you really can't find a workable solution, let me know and i'll archive the old infozip 2.0.1 that i have... you can contact me via email at my wkitty42 address on that famous gmail domain ;)
If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.
--- FMail/Win32 1.60
* Origin: (1:3634/12.71)