Echolist Announcement ...
Bible Study and Discussion
This echo is for the discussion of Biblical topics and
for the study of the text known as the Christian "Holy Bible"
This echo is not for the debate if a God exists or not.
All are welcome to discuss the Bible as either a sacred
text or a Book that contains history, antropological information
and life lessons within.
Status: Active
Origin: fidonet Group: FIDO
Distribution: World
# Nodes: N/A Volume: 10/mo Rules:
Flags: <Real Names Only>
Notes: /REAL
Moderators: Allen Prunty, 1:2320/100@fidonet,
Last changed: 28-Dec-2016 by Allen Prunty, 1:2320/100
--- Echobase 3.48
* Origin: * Origin: FIDONet Backbone - EchoList HQ (1:1/21.0)