Echolist Announcement ...
Raspberry Pi
An international conference for discussions about the Raspberry
Pi computer. Topics covered include programming mods, hardware
etc. This conference is gated bi-directionally between Fidonet
and the Usenet comp.sys.raspberry-pi newsgroup.
Status: Active
Origin: Agency HUB 3:770/1 Group: FIDO
Distribution: All Zones
Gateways: Moderator Approval Required
Language: English
# Nodes: 15 Volume: 150/mo Rules:
Flags: <Real Names Only>
Notes: /REA
Moderators: Paul Hayton, 3:770/100,
Last changed: 18-Oct-2016 by Paul Hayton, 3:770/100,
--- Echobase 3.48
* Origin: * Origin: FIDONet Backbone - EchoList HQ (1:1/21.0)