Echolist Announcement ...
DEBATE Conference
A general forum for participants to debate and discuss
a wide range of political, historical, contemporary and
philosophical topics. Forceful discussion or debate is encouraged.
However, it should be clearly understood that personal attacks
(flames), remarks deliberately intended to provoke other
users ("baiting or "goading"), and foul or abusive language
will NOT be tolerated. And while general religious topics
are allowed, "sermonizing" does not belong here. All moderating
should be left to the moderators. Participants should not
be easily annoyed.
Status: Active
Origin: 1:106/4725 Group: FIDO
Distribution: Z1-Z6 BackBones, FidoSpine, Z1B
Language: English
# Nodes: N/A Volume: N/A Rules:
Flags: <Real Names Only>
Notes: /REA
Moderators: Bob Klahn, 1:3603/140,
Last changed: 3-Oct-2016 by, 337:1/21,
--- Echobase 3.48
* Origin: * Origin: FIDONet Backbone - EchoList HQ (1:1/21.0)