Echolist Announcement ...
BBS Carnival
BBS Carnival is for the discussion of BBSing in general
and the BBS-related software that we all use, sysops and
users alike. All are welcome here, as long as you can be
civilized and behave yourselves. English is the official
language of the echo.
Status: Active
Origin: 1:18/200 Group: Fido
Distribution: Worldwide
Gateways: None, period.
# Nodes: N/A Volume: 10/mo Rules:
Flags: <Real Names Only>
Notes: /REAL
Moderators: Sean Dennis, 1:18/200,
Andrew Leary, 1:320/119,
Last changed: 10-Jun-2016 by Sean Dennis, 1:18/200
--- Echobase 3.48
* Origin: * Origin: FIDONet Backbone - EchoList HQ (1:1/21.0)