Echolist Announcement ...
MARVEL Universe - Comics / TV / Movies
Discussion of everything in the MARVEL Universe, All Comics
Television Shows, and movies that are related to the Marvel
Comics universe are on topic. All heroes and villains and
worlds are on topic.
Status: Active
Origin: Derby City LiveWire 1:2320/11 Group: FIDO
Distribution: Hold or Crash by BinkP / ITN
# Nodes: N/A Volume: 5/mo Rules:
Flags: <Real Names Only>
Notes: /REAL
Moderators: Allen Prunty, 1:2320/100,
Last changed: 6-Aug-2016 by Allen Prunty, 1:2320/100
--- Echobase 3.48
* Origin: * Origin: FIDONet Backbone - EchoList HQ (1:1/21.0)