• Networks

    From GREG YOUNGBLOOD@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:10:44 2019
    Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 12:19:20 -0400
    To: ALL
    Subject: Networks
    Newsgroups: win.server.wish.list
    Message-ID: <1109524760.33.0@winserver.com>
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 45

    This is my biggest wish list topic!

    Message networks

    People, Businesses can have email and listserver (I don't have list
    server right now but I do have plans on buying soon.)

    Anyway, back to my topic point, everyone seems to forget what got us
    here message networks!!! Started with Fido and move to all kids of
    networks private and public as the years went on.

    Now what better way for a bobby board or a corporate web site to keep in contact, share, store and go back on a topic or reopen a topic then with
    the old been around but must have been forgotten MESSAGE NETWORK!

    Hector you have made many great, great products and have improved
    Winserver 1000% if not more from the old days of Mustang Software. But
    if a product is not too hot and more and it doesn't move as fast as
    WinServer maybe it's time to not only update the product but to add it
    into the main product as a module and reintroduce the the the product as
    a main feature.

    Now for me this doesn't help me save any money, being I just bought Plat
    inum Xpress a few weeks ago, but I'll tell you it sits way, way behind
    your other fine products. I use to carry 4 message networks in the old
    days and will again soon when I decide what way I'm going to go with
    this site.

    But as stated before, I think somewhere people have dropped the ball and
    forgot not only what got us here but what could be used as a GREAT tool
    of a web site to use be it public or private, a message network.


    Greg Youngblood

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)
  • From HECTOR SANTOS@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:10:44 2019
    Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 22:58:24 -0400
    Subject: Re: Networks
    Newsgroups: win.server.wish.list
    Message-ID: <1109909009.33.1109524760@winserver.com>
    References: <1109524760.33.0@winserver.com>
    X-WcMsg-Attr: Rcvd
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 69

    I haven't forgotten about Mail networking.

    I actually think it will make a big come back, and it has via RSS which is essentially the 're-invented' form of Offline Mail OPX, QWK Doors which a
    PULL system (you call it to get the data when you want it).

    P2P is another comeback. This is "Fidonet"

    I am unique as a developer since I been there and done that and can see who
    it all converges, but it takes money and time.

    Give me a few Million dollars and we'll get a staff going to develop the
    best Data Networking, RSS, P2P, Online Hosting, RPC client/server, dialup, VOIP, Instant Messasing, Internet system in the market. :-)

    No, trust me, I haven't forgetton it :-)


    <GREG YOUNGBLOOD> wrote in message news:1109524760.33.0@winserver.com...

    This is my biggest wish list topic!

    Message networks

    People, Businesses can have email and listserver (I don't have list
    server right now but I do have plans on buying soon.)

    Anyway, back to my topic point, everyone seems to forget what got us
    here message networks!!! Started with Fido and move to all kids of
    networks private and public as the years went on.

    Now what better way for a bobby board or a corporate web site to keep in contact, share, store and go back on a topic or reopen a topic then with
    the old been around but must have been forgotten MESSAGE NETWORK!

    Hector you have made many great, great products and have improved
    Winserver 1000% if not more from the old days of Mustang Software. But
    if a product is not too hot and more and it doesn't move as fast as
    WinServer maybe it's time to not only update the product but to add it
    into the main
  • From GREG YOUNGBLOOD@1:124/5013 to All on Thu Jan 31 19:10:44 2019
    Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 05:01:29 -0400
    Subject: Re: Networks
    Newsgroups: win.server.wish.list
    Message-ID: <1109930489.33.1109909009@winserver.com>
    References: <1109909009.33.1109524760@winserver.com>
    X-WcMsg-Attr: Rcvd
    X-Mailer: Wildcat! Interactive Net Server v7.0.454.5
    Lines: 32

    Hello Hector

    I am unique as a developer since I been there and done that and can
    see who it all converges, but it takes money and time.

    Give me a few Million dollars and we'll get a staff going to develop the best Data Networking, RSS, P2P, Online Hosting, RPC client/server,
    VOIP, Instant Messasing, Internet system in the market. :-)

    If I had a few Million to invest you would be a good bet! And I still
    feel that a network is the way to go, they can throw a new name on it
    and do what they will but it's still the same thing with a new name that
    the public buys.

    No, trust me, I haven't forgetton it :-)

    Well I'll hold out and see if one day you come up with something new or
    a revamp of Platinum Xpress, more integrated into Win's


    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.1
    * Origin: Prison Board BBS Mesquite Tx //telnet.RDFIG.NET www. (1:124/5013)