• PetsMart tanks

    From Brian@1:278/230 to All on Tue Dec 30 06:27:00 2003
    Are the TopFin tanks sold at PetsMart made by All-Glass? I saw a curved
    corner tank wearing the Top Fin label, though I know it was an AGA
    design (originally, at least).


    Brian Heller

    It is easier to tame wild beasts
    than to conquer the human mind.
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  • From Harry Muscle@1:278/230 to All on Wed Dec 31 10:08:00 2003
    "Brian" <bsheller@comcast.net> wrote in message news:bsheller-73C1FB.21504029122003@news04.east.earthlink.net...
    Are the TopFin tanks sold at PetsMart made by All-Glass? I saw a curved corner tank wearing the Top Fin label, though I know it was an AGA
    design (originally, at least).


    Brian Heller

    It is easier to tame wild beasts
    than to conquer the human mind.

    I'm pretty sure TopFin is not made by All-Glass, might be Perfecto. Check
    our the google group es, I remember reading a couple of similar
    questions answered.


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