• Free Fish Club, San Diego

    From Sandiegofishes@1:278/230 to All on Sat Oct 11 21:18:00 2003
    You are cordially invited to attend our next meeting in room 101, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park at 7:00 PM this Sunday evening, October 12th. Visitors are always welcome, and attendance is free! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

    Our meetings include an informational program, a mini fish show, the opportunity to talk to fish experts about your questions, a raffle table filled with fish, plants, aquarium supplies, tanks, more, as well as monthly fish-oriented field trips. In November we have our yearly MEGA AUCTION, hundreds of fish, aquatic plants, tanks, supplies up for auction and they go for a steal!! We host an annual show each November, 14 fish auctions, and have a number of junior members also! We're family friendly and fun! If you have questions or need directions, please call our fish phone at 619-281-FISH and leave a message. Someone will be in touch with you shortly.

    The San Diego Tropical Fish Society is a not-for-profit hobby organization founded in 1948. The objects of the society are to bring together a congenial group of people mutually interested in tropical and exotic fishes, to promote interest in, further the study of, and encourage the preservation of aquatic life.

    Club mailing address:
    PO Box 4156, North Park Station
    San Diego, CA 92164
    email: sandiegofishes@aol.com, please email for directions, questions, anything!
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