• San Diego Tropical Fish S

    From Sandiegofishes@1:278/230 to All on Sat Jun 7 16:15:00 2003
    Please come join a bunch of fish loving folks tomorrow at 7:00 PM in room 101 of the Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego, CA attendance is free!! We have a guest speaker on live fish foods for your aquarium, and there will be live fish foods for you to win as well!! You will have a great fun!!


    Do you love tropical fish? Want to meet many other aquarium enthusiasts? Just want to learn more about tropical fish, their care, breeding techniques, etc? Find fish that you will never see in any tropical fish store? Then you need to pay a visit to The San Diego Tropical Fish Society!

    The San Diego Tropical Fish Society is a not-for-profit hobby organization founded in 1948. The objects of the society are to bring together a congenial group of people mutually interested in tropical and exotic fishes, to promote interest in, further the study of, and encourage the preservation of aquatic life.

    You are cordially invited to attend our next meeting in room 101, Casa Del Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, California at 7:00 PM on the second Sunday of every month. Visitors are always welcome! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Next meeting is this Sunday, June 8th, 7:00 PM! You know, tomorrow!!!

    Here is directions coming from the North of San Diego to get some of you started, LOL!
    The club meets in Balboa Park (which is same place the San Diego Zoo is located). From The los Angeles area on down,Take either the 405 South to the 5 South,or 5 South if that is what you are closer too. Keep going South to the 805 South, then take the 163 South to Park. Take the Park Exit and turn Left onto Park. Go down a few blocks to Village Place and again turn left. You are now by the Casa Del Prado. Park anywhere you see a parking space, the further down the street you go, the closer to the Prado you get. The Prado is the second big building on the right. (ask anyone, they can point you straight at it). Club meets in room 101, starts at 7:00 PM on Sunday Feb 9th. You can call 619-281-FISH for better directions too! (LOL, highly recommended, I don't want to get you lost! It is pretty much a straight shot down the freeways to get here, shouldn't take you very long. Hope to see you there, and do let me know if you need more help finding it, etc. Might want to pull up Map Quest for a map. Aim for the San Diego Zoo, and you will find Balboa Park! Very easy.

    Our friendly meetings include an informational program on something fishy, a bowl show for members to compete with their favorite fishes against other members, the opportunity to talk to fish experts about your questions, as well as monthly fish-oriented field trips. We have a club raffle table at every meeting where you can win great fish related prizes like tanks, filters, foods, and locally bred fish and aquatic plants! Twice a year we hold auctions for fish, plants and equipment, which is a great way to find those hard to find fish! (1/2 of proceeds go to the club treasury).We host an annual show each November and have a number of junior members also! Even a fish breeding award program! We're family friendly and fun! If you have questions or need directions, please call our fish phone at 619-281-FISH and leave a message. Someone will be in touch with you shortly.

    Our members are interested in a wide range of fish, from livebearers and catfish, to cichlids, show guppies, killifish,aquatic plants,goldfish, just about everything else, including marine fish. We have some incredibly knowledgable people, come pick their brains! Many people are breeding many fish, if you have been looking for something unusual or rare, some of our members might even have it.
    Hope to see you at one of the upcoming meetings, you will be glad you found us. SEE YOU THERE!

    Club Contact Info:
    Phone: 619-281-FISH
    Email: sandiegofishes@aol.com
    If you would like to buy or sell fish or related equipment, please call the "fish phone" at 619-281-FISH with your request or attend the next club meeting! Thank you!

    PO Box 4156, North Park Station
    San Diego, CA 92164
    ■ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * Info@bbsworld.com

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    * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 6/7/03 3:15:36 PM
    * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230)
  • From Sandiegofishes@1:278/230 to All on Sat Feb 7 20:31:00 2004
    Hi everyone,
    Topic for this months meeting is "Fancy Guppies". Charles Pratt will be giving a presentation all about guppies, and there will be fancy guppies to buy in the auction and fancy guppies to win on the raffle table! Meeting is this Sunday, Feb 8th.
    The San Diego Tropical Fish Society meets the second Sunday of every month, rain or shine, at 6:30 PM in room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego. (Right next to the San Diego Zoo). Each meeting has a guest speaker or presentation on some thing fish related, a mini fish show (This month the show is going to be Betta Splendans, AKA Siamese Fighting Fish), a big raffle table full of fish prizes like an aquarium, supplies, aquatic plants, fish, invertabrates, food, live food cultures, more! Tickets are only 10c! We also have a mini fish auction with fish brought in and usually bred by members (anyone can bid on the fish and they go cheap too!). The club also sponsers 2 huge auctions a year, a yearly fish show and we have monthly field trips. Please come and check it out sometime, we would love to have you and it is free to attend! You can email me at SanDiegoFishes@aol.com for more info, directions, etc., or call our fish info line at 619-281-FISH, or check out our website at www.sandiegotropicalfish.com
    Hope to see some of you there soon!
    Next meeting is this coming Sunday, Feb 8th, there will be a mini fish auction that starts at 6:30 PM and runs til 7:00 PM, so come early if you want to bid on fish, plants, and supplies, things go CHEAP!!! You do not have to be a member to bid and buy fish, or attend the meeting, so please come to the meeting!
    Some of the fish that will be in this months auction will be: Plecostomus, Apistogrammas, Rare wild livebeareres (like halfbeaks, blue eyed gambusia) Koi angelfish, etc. See you this Sunday! Email me for a map to the meeting :)
    ■ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * Info@bbsworld.com

    * RIMEGate(tm)V10.2ß * RelayNet(tm) NNTP Gateway * MoonDog BBS
    * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 2/7/04 8:31:52 PM
    * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230)
  • From Sandiegofishes@1:278/230 to All on Wed Jul 7 07:19:00 2004
    This Sunday, July 11th at 6:30 PM is the monthly meeting of the San Diego Tropical Fish Society! Everyone is invited, you do not have to be a member to participate! Here is what you will find on Sunday! By the way, we meet in room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego. I have a neat little map for anyone who needs it, please email me at SanDiegoFishes@aol.com if you would like it!


    JULYS MEETING is presented by Mark Ferguson. Mark was a senior aquarist at the old Vaughn Aquarium at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Then he worked at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. He will be speaking on his experiences at the Aquariums. On a side note, Mark is also interested in electrical fish, knifefish, elephant noses and catfish.
    AUGUSTS MEETING: Harry Moore will be speaking on lighting for you tanks. Everyone was awed by Harrys Nano-reef tank that he entered in our last November show, it was gorgeous! So if you are itching to try your hand at making incredibly lush planted tanks, don't miss Harrys talk on lighting!
    SEPTEMBER: Brian Downing from the COAST Tropical Fish Club will be speaking about his dives in the cenotes of the Yucatan, where you can find all sorts of fish like livebearers, cichlids, etc. Brian has a slide presentation with awesome photos, and you will find yourself interested in going on a cave exploring fishy field trip too!
    NOVEMBER: All about the upcoming November fish show, how you can enter, you know, all the information you will need to participate!
    Coming in FEBRUARY: We have Dr. Paul Loiselle from the American Natural History Museum in New York speaking on his field trips to Madagascar! Dr. Loiselle is well known in cichlid circles and has even had one of the guapotes named after him. He is studying endemic killifish too. Dr. Loiselle is knows for his vast knowledge and unique presentation style, this is one you DO NOT want to miss!

    AQUATIC AUCTION At each meeting we have a mini fish auction that starts at 6:30 PM. Guests are welcome to bid and buy fish, but only members may sell fish (Another great reason to join, hint, hint) Each member may bring up to 5 items, and anything fish related may be sold (Fish, aquatic plants, supplies, tanks, live food, etc.). The club splits the earnings with the sellers, club gets 20%, seller gets 80%). Incredible things show up at these auction, many rare and desirable fish and plants that you may never find in local fish stores. If you wish to sell items, they must be checked in by 6:30 PM, auction will begin at 6:40 PM. No exceptions, thanks!

    PRESENTATION: Following the auction, we have our presentation. This may be a guest speaker, a slide show, a video program, even a hands on demonstration. Every month is something different, and you will learn a lot! We get some excellent guest speakers in from around the country, and often they bring in fish to raffle off as well!

    BOWL SHOW: Each meeting we have a mini fish show where members get to bring in their fish and compete against each other for raffle tickets and ribbons. Fish are brought in flat sided containers, and each month is a different type of fish (Guppies, catfish, cichlids, etc.). This is great fun, and the kids love it. Winners in each class get 30 raffle tickets for 1st place, 20 raffle tickets for second place, and ten raffle tickets for third place. Free to enter too!

    REFRESHMENTS are served at the break, and include donuts and punch, etc.

    RAFFLE TABLE: This is a favorite for both adults and kids! Everyone can enter, guests and members. Tickets are 10c each, and your chances of winning (often numerous times) are excellent! Tickets are generally sold at the refreshment break time. The raffle table is loaded with tropical fish (Many bought by the club at local fish stores) and the rest are donated by guests and members. If you have extra baby fish at home, or fish that have outgrown your tanks, etc., please bring them to the raffle table! The club would love any donations you would like to provide. Also on the raffle table is always a brand new fish tank with hood and lighting, lots of aquatic plants, food, filter supplies, live food cultures, books, fish magazines, aquatic snails, etc.! We have many manufacturers who donate brand new supplies to the club, and you will find these on the table as well!

    FISH TALK: And of course, every meeting provides wonderful opportunities to talk "Fish" with other like minded people, and make new fish friends.

    Events the Fish Society provides:

    MONTHLY FIELD TRIPS: Every month the fish club goes on a field trip to somewhere interesting and fun! Future field trips will be things like: Visiting members tanks, trip to Death Valley to find endemic pupfish, Trip to The Salt and Sea to collect wild livebearers like mollies, swordtails and five spot livebearers, tilapia, etc. Visit great Mexican tide Pools, field trips to local fish stores, Koi Shows, Guppy Shows, The Pet Fair in Pomona, Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, Birch Aquarium, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Sea World, LA Fish Stores, Orange County Fish Stores, San Diego River, observe sticklebacks in the Cuyamacas, Cabrillo Aquarium, Point Loma Tide pools, San Diego Zoo, Grunion hunts, visits to water treatment plants, visit the White Sea Bass facility, even Padre games! Each month is something different. We publish and mail out a monthly newsletter called "Fish Tails", and this will list all upcoming events that the club is doing (Another great reason to become a member!)

    LARGE AUCTIONS: Twice a year in November and April we host two gigantic tropical fish and related items auctions. Close to 400 items can be up for auction, all brought in by members! These auctions draw a big crowd and just about everything fish related you can think of may show up! Only members may sell items (No limits, bring as much stuff as you like, but please no more than 5 bags of any one species or plant) and guests and members may bid. Fantastic fish and plants come through these auctions, some things you have only ever seen in books!

    NOVEMBER FISH SHOW: This is a club favorite! Every November we host a fish show in the Casa del Prado over the weekend. Members may bring as many tanks and bowls of fish that they want too, the more the merrier. Members compete against each other for trophies, plaques and ribbons. If you have a favorite fish at home that you just know would blow away the competition, this is the event for you! The club provides the power, air pumps and heating, you just bring the tanks with a filter. You may also show things like guppies, killifish, goldfish, etc., in flat sided fish bowls too. The public is invited and comes through to look at the show, admission is free.

    BREEDERS AWARD PROGRAM: Are your fish having babies for you at home? We have a non competitive fish breeding program, a fun way to show others what life has been growing in your tanks. Just bring in 10 babies that are a month old or older to the meeting, and Norman Brown will give you an easy form to quickly fill in. Each fish species bred is worth 5, 10, or 15 points, etc., and as you earn points, you earn awards. (Plaques and trophies.) Everyone loves to see your baby fish and find out how your tank was set up to get babies. You can then either auction your babies in the mini auction, donate them to the raffle table, share or trade them to another member, or take them back home. It is fun, so start breeding some fish!

    THE TROPICAL BREEZE: We have a magazine that we publish for club members several times a year called "The Tropical Breeze." In our great publication you will find articles written by members, photos of members fish (usually taken at the fish shows), advice, info on fish, club announcements on upcoming field trips, activities, etc., and lots more. Just one more advantage (Perk) of joining the club! And of course, members also receive our monthly publication, "Fish Tails."

    CONTACT INFO: Listed below are numbers for the various people you can contact to find out more about the club or any of the above listed activities and events. Feel free to call anyone, we are here to help you. For general information you can call the club info line at (619)281-FISH, Email for Barbara Bean (who many of you met online, AKA Woodle, AKA SanDiegoFishes) is SanDiegoFishes@aol.com, and our website is http://www.sandiegotropicalfish.com/

    If you haven't yet become a member, we hope you will consider joining. Your dues help keep the club running, and heck, we are cheap to join!


    Name_________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________ Adress__________________________________________________________Apt#______ ________________ City_________________________________State_____________________ZipCode____ ________________

    Please enter my name for:
    __ New Membership ___ Membership renewal ___Subscription only

    DUES RATES: (Yearly---prorated from January)

    If you join in: Jan/Feb/Mar Apr/May/June July/Aug/Sep Adult membership: $12.00 $9.00 $6.00
    Family membership: $15.00 $11.25 $7.50
    Jr. (Under 16) $6.00 $4.50 $3.00 Foreign Subscriptions are four dollars more per year.
    Simply fill out this form and join at our monthly meeting (Jimmy Cobleigh who sits at the side table to the left will set you up). Or mail this form to: SDTFS PO Box 4156, North Park Station, San Diego, CA 92164
    All memberships include a free subscription to the San Diego Breeze and Fish Tails.
    Please come up and talk with any board members and club members, we are all very friendly and would love to answer any questions you may have! And again, welcome to the San Diego Tropical Fish Society, we do hope you enjoy your visit and come back again!
    ■ RIMEGate(tm)/RGXPost V1.14 at BBSWORLD * Info@bbsworld.com

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    * RgateImp.MoonDog.BBS at 7/7/04 6:19:03 AM
    * Origin: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn,NY, 718 692-2498, 1:278/230 (1:278/230)