• Koi and oscar

    From Roger Shays@1:322/759 to All on Thu Dec 2 11:45:00 2010
    Does anyone know if it is safe to Put a Oscar In the tank with a KOI
    I was thinking about getting a oscar , the koi is currently
    definately to big to fit in a Oscars Mouth , was just wondering if
    they would be compatable in the same tank

    * Origin: Space station BBS - telnet://mysticfo.com (1:322/759)
  • From Scott Brown@1:261/220 to Roger Shays on Thu Dec 2 19:21:56 2010
    Does anyone know if it is safe to Put a Oscar In the tank with a KOI
    I was thinking about getting a oscar , the koi is currently
    definately to big to fit in a Oscars Mouth , was just wondering if
    they would be compatable in the same tank

    Hi Roger,

    No, I would never put a Koi in the same tank with a Oscar. Koi need water temps around 62-72 degrees and Oscars prefer warmer water arount 75-85 degrees. Plus, I've seen carnivorous fish like the Oscar eat fish bigger than them. How big is your tank?

    Scott Brown

    ... Old is when your back goes out more often than you do.

    --- Renegade v1.18/Alpha
    * Origin: The Realms of Blue BBS - blues.zapto.org (1:261/220)
  • From Roger Shays@1:322/759 to Scott Brown on Fri Dec 3 20:45:00 2010
    * In a message originally to Roger Shays, Scott Brown said:

    140/1 2
    Does anyone know if it is safe to Put a Oscar In the tank with a KOI
    I was thinking about getting a oscar , the koi is currently
    definately to big to fit in a Oscars Mouth , was just wondering if
    they would be compatable in the same tank

    Hi Roger,

    No, I would never put a Koi in the same tank with a Oscar. Koi need water temps around 62-72 degrees and Oscars prefer warmer water arount 75-85 degrees. Plus, I've seen carnivorous fish like the Oscar eat fish bigger than
    them. How big is your tank?

    Scott Brown

    ... Old is when your back goes out more often than you do.

    --- Renegade v1.18/Alpha
    * Origin: The Realms of Blue BBS - blues.zapto.org (1:261/220)
    Tank is a 55 gallon Long I found out from the pet store today that
    the oscar would probably kill the koi so i ended up just buying a
    couple of fancy tailed Goldfish to go in with him

    * Origin: The Zone BBS telnet://thezoneb.dyndns.org (1:322/759)
  • From Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to Roger Shays on Sat Dec 4 19:42:00 2010
    On 12/04/10, Jeff Snyder quoted Roger Shays: Koi and oscar.

    Does anyone know if it is safe to Put a Oscar In the tank with a KOI I was thinking about getting a oscar , the koi is currently definately to big to fit in a Oscars Mouth , was just wondering if they would be compatable in the same tank

    Hello Roger. I would advise against this for several obvious reasons. First
    of all, while you haven't stated the size of your tank, both oscars and
    kois grow to a rather large size, particularly the koi. Koi may be okay
    in a typical home aquarium while they are young juveniles, but once they
    begin to grow towards maturity, you will either need a very large tank, or preferably an outdoor pond.

    However, that is not the only reason why I am making this suggestion. A
    second reason is that oscars, once grown, can become very pugnacious, aggressive fish, and may not enjoy sharing their tank with another fish
    which it views as either a threat, or as an intruder in its own territory. I don't know exactly which species of koi you have, but in most cases, I
    would think that the koi will eventually outgrow the oscar.

    Another reason why I would question this kind of mix, is due to the water parameters that are required by each fish. Oscars are tropical fish, while
    koi are not. Furthermore, in their natural habitat, oscars prefer soft,
    acidic water, such as you will find in many peat-laden rivers and lakes of tropical Latin American countries. Koi, on the other hand, can probably
    endure very cold climates, such as you find in more northern latitudes.

    One area where you will probably find some agreement is in their feeding
    habits in an enclosed environment, such as a home aquarium. I would
    think that they would both greatly enjoy Hikari pellets.

    Anyway, it is obviously your decision, but that is my two cents worth for
    your consideration.

    Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at endtimeprophecy.org port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II

    --- Hermes Web Tosser 1.1
    * Origin: Armageddon BBS -- Guam, Mariana Islands (1:345/3777.0)
  • From Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to Roger Shays on Sat Dec 4 19:49:00 2010
    On 12/04/10, Jeff Snyder quoted Roger Shays: Re: Koi and oscar.

    blues.zapto.org (1:261/220) Tank is a 55 gallon Long I found out from the pet store today that the oscar would probably kill the koi so i ended up just buying a couple of fancy tailed Goldfish to go in with him

    Oh gosh...I am not so certain that you made a wise choice there either. If
    and when your oscar begins to grow large, if he gets into a grumpy mood,
    and he will, those goldfish may have a difficult time . . . aside from the other reasons that I already mentioned in my previous post.

    BTW, my advice is that you normally disregard the information that you get
    from chain store pet departments, and even from quite a few regular LFS employees. A lot of them are either brainless, inexperienced, or are just programmed to make a sale no matter the cost in money or fish lives to
    the aquarist.

    Just some additional food for thought. In other words, educate yourself
    before ever making a fish purchase. You'll be glad you did in the long run.

    Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at endtimeprophecy.org port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II

    --- Hermes Web Tosser 1.1
    * Origin: Armageddon BBS -- Guam, Mariana Islands (1:345/3777.0)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Roger Shays on Sat Dec 4 13:16:14 2010

    Tank is a 55 gallon Long I found out from the pet store today that
    the oscar would probably kill the koi so i ended up just buying a
    couple of fancy tailed Goldfish to go in with him

    Caution note. Thats not a very big tank for a coi, although it's 'ok' for a f ull grown goldfish. You'll find out how big they get (grin).

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
  • From Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sun Dec 5 17:00:00 2010
    On 12/05/10, Jeff Snyder quoted Carol Shenkenberger: Re: Koi and oscar.

    Caution note. Thats not a very big tank for a coi, although it's 'ok' for a f ull grown goldfish. You'll find out how big they get (grin).

    That koi just might feed his whole family one of these days when meat
    becomes too expensive too purchase, because most of the cattle will have
    been zapped by aliens by that time. :) :)

    Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at endtimeprophecy.org port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II

    --- Hermes Web Tosser 1.1
    * Origin: Armageddon BBS -- Guam, Mariana Islands (1:345/3777.0)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Roger Shays on Sun Dec 5 11:54:39 2010

    Tank is a 55 gallon Long I found out from the pet store today that
    the oscar would probably kill the koi so i ended up just buying a
    couple of fancy tailed Goldfish to go in with him


    my oscars got fed feeder guppies, feeder goldfish and when i was "on the cheap", a dollar per dozen fishing minnows were also greatly enjoyed :P


    * Origin: (1:3634/12)