From Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to All on Fri Jun 26 20:31:00 2009
Have you ever wondered what our fish might say to us if they were able to
talk? I currently have a tank full of mbunas; and given their nature, I
think they might say something like the following. I hope that you have a
good sense of humor:
"Why are you feeding us pellets that have been in the refrigerator for two years?!"
"Hey! Human! It's after 9 PM! Turn down the lights!"
"Stop messing with the rocks! I liked my cave just the way it was!"
"I want more women in here! Get rid of these other dudes!"
"Get off your lazy butt and give us a water change!"
"Haven't you ever heard of over-population? You're really pushing it,
My gosh! At least brush your teeth if you're going to stare at us like
"No! I don't like hard rock music! Put on some classical! Jeesh!"
"One degree hotter in here and we're all dead! Don't you care?!"
"My gosh...When I asked for a harem, I thought you'd do better than this!
Are your females as ugly as mine?!"
"Please clean the algae off of the glass! I'm really starting to get claustrophobic in here!"
Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II