Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to
"Lance Lyon" on Mon Jun 29 20:00:00 2009
On 06/29/09, Jeff Snyder quoted "Lance Lyon" <>: Re:
Anyone Reading This Echo?.
"<> I've had the same thing happen on occassion - can take a while for the eggs to hatch & when they do - they're too damn small to be seen - and then kaboom! lot's of the buggers! I just squish them - makes a good protein addition for the fish.
That's because they immediately head into dark places, like your gravel bed,
if you have one. If the gravel is of a dark color, that makes it even more difficult to see them. Being as I don't use live plants -- or plastic ones -- in my cichlid tanks, I have been spared the snail problem, and I rarely ever buy fish, so they can't hitchhike along in a fish bag.
Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II
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Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to
Scott Brown on Sun Jul 24 23:40:00 2011
I alway's enjoyed reading how your tanks are doing. I havn't been able to have my tank for a few years now. The place I am renting does not allow fishtanks.
Hello Scott. Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. My Malawi cichlid tank continues to do fine. I believe population growth has pretty much reached a standstill, because there are now so many adult fish in the tank, that new fry have a very low chance of survival. In spite of the fact that there are
always at least a few brooding females in the tank, hungry mouths soon devour the fry after they are released. Sometimes maybe one or two survive, but that is about it.
I am a bit surprised by your comment regarding your landlords not allowing you to maintain an aquarium. I can understand if they might be opposed to animals which might dirty or tear up the place -- such as cats and dogs -- but a self contained environment like an aquarium? Other than a possible slight mess during water changes, what is their concern? Or do you live in a really posh place? :)
Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II
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Jeff Snyder@1:345/3777 to
Mike Roberts on Mon Jul 25 15:01:00 2011
Hello Mike. Thanks for your comments. Well, I have been into fish-keeping on and off since I was a kid, and indeed, it is quite a pleasurable, relaxing
and satisfying hobby. Just ask my cat, Socks, who enjoys falling asleep on
my computer desk as she watches my Malawi cichlids. :)
She enjoys pawing at the glass and wondering how she can actually get the
fish, but she hasn't figured it out yet. I've given up on trying to keep her away from the aquarium. I simply can't guard it twenty-four hours a day. Now she even prances along on top of the light fixtures and the Penguin 330 Bio-Wheel filters, and takes a sip of aquarium water whenever she gets a bit thirsty . . . even though it isn't really good for her.
I don't keep glass tops on my tank. It helps keep the water cooler, as well
as better oxygenated. I just have to top off the tank with a gallon or two
of water every few days, which I keep prepared in one-gallon jugs. Being as most cats are afraid of water, I don't think that she is too interested in trying to stick her paw down into the water in order to try to catch a fish.
Oddly enough, my fish are just as interested in Socks, as she is in them,
even though she terrorizes them. They will cautiously approach her, led by
the most bold fish, inch back, inch forward again, etc. It's rather
interesting to watch their reactions to Socks. They have now grown used to
her presence, staring at them with her big cat eyes.
Being on a strict budget myself, I fully understand your concerns regarding
the cost of maintaining an aquarium. However, after your initial investment
and setup, your ongoing costs can be reduced if you are smart. In my case, I spend money on Stress Coat -- chlorine remover -- and fish food -- Hikari pellets -- maybe once or twice a year at best. I purchase two 16 oz. bottles
of Stress Coat, and a few bags of Hikari mini pellets, and we are good to go for quite a few months. Other than those two expenses, there is the extra electricity and the water that are used, but that is really about it.
As I mentioned quite some time ago, I don't waste money on expensive filter media or other fish paraphernalia that pet stores try to convince you that
you need to buy. I learned long ago to make my own filter pads by cutting
out foam squares from those thin children's mats that they sell at the
store. You can wash them out over and over again for many months, and save a lot of money on filter cartridges.
Of course, if you are into marine aquariums, maintenance can be considerably more expensive -- and time consuming -- particularly because you have to buy sea salt and mix your own water, unless you happen to live near an
unpolluted ocean source as I do. I used to haul water from the ocean in five-gallon jugs when I had my 170-gallon marine tank years ago.
Come to think of it, I spend more money on our cat, than I do on my fish;
but my daughter brought her home one day, I've become quite attached to her now, and I don't have the heart to take her to the pound, or anywhere else. Besides, my landlord has no problem with us keeping the cat. Of course, it
does help that I've been renting from them for twenty-three years now. :)
Jeff Snyder, SysOp - Armageddon BBS Visit us at port 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Download Center 4 Mac BBS Software & Christian Files. We Use Hermes II
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mark lewis@1:3634/12 to
Jeff Snyder on Wed Mar 21 15:48:54 2012
"Jeff Snyder -> Rob Swindell" <1:345/3777.0> wrote in news:2877$fido.aquarium@JamNNTPd:
I've tried to keep this echo alive for quite a while now, but there has been very little participation from other visitors here. Considering how many people engage in the aquarium hobby, I am surprised by how little traffic this echo has actually received since I first joined it. As I said, until recently, I talked up a storm here, but it is difficult to remain motivated to do so when others don't reciprocate all that often.
i know what you mean... sadly, while i do have some tanks, they are not
fancy like your setup... neither do i really pay them much attention... i
view them as their own self maintaining biospheres... if they need help,
then i'm doing something wrong.. too much food, too many fish, etc...
i do miss reading your stories about your fish... they were very
entertaining and you write better than i ever did :P
)\/(ark - remove .my.foot to email me, capiche?
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