Poor pl*co.
Well since its tank mates are reacting as well I would guess that this
is an enviromental problem.
My instincts say that you likely have an over abundance of toxins like
ammonia. This sick fish are either individually sensitive or weaker
than the rest.
What to do....
20 - 30% water change every other day for a week.
Have your water tested by the LFS or buy tests and DYI. The Krib will
have good water chemistry advice for what your water should be. And
detailed advice on how to correct it.
Something like quickcure might help as well. Use as directed on
Can you tell us more about your setup?
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 18:14:31 -0500, "JL" <> wrote:
My pl*co is bent like a "C". He is lying on the bottom of the tank half on >his side and not sucking on anything. Any idea what may be going on? We >did a 20% water change two weeks ago at which time our swordtail began >swimming without balance. Last night one of my neons began swimming with >tail in air and with a jerky motion. However, the tetra is ok today. I >have been treating with quickcure for two days now. Also, my swordtail has >white waste.
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