Blast from the Past
Joe Siegler@1:124/9006 to
All on Sat Jun 9 05:49:00 2001
Check this out. This is a message posted by Scott Miller in our old Beta Test area on Software Creations. Was from September 1992. This was the msg Scott posted to the Beta test group looking to hire someone. This someone ended up to be me. This is the msg that got me to leave Bell Atlantic (the phone company, with 75,000 employees) to go work for a small game company in Garland, TX which employed about 20. :)
I took the job in late October. First day on the job was Dec 14, 1992.
Date: 09-28-92 Msg: 16601
To: ALL Refer: NONE
From: SCOTT MILLER Read: (N/A)
Conf: APG_BETA (65) Read Type: GENERAL (-)
Well, this seems ike a good place to mention a job opening at Apogee. We
are in need of a tech support/hints line person. This is an easy job that offers forty hours per week, lots of potential overtime if wanted, and
future advancement (in fact, we're promoting one of our tech support
people, which is why there's an opening).
Wear what you want, enjoy lots of Apogee provided free food and snacks
(plus in our office is a 25 cents Coke machine). Over 18 other fun people
work in the office, mostly between 19 and 25 years of age.
We will pay for you to move down here and help you get set up. We're looking for a long term employee, obviously--at least interested in working here for
a few years (that's long term nowadays!).
Anyone interested? Call Scott at (214) xxx-xxxx or leave a message
here (thought it might take longer for me to reply).
Scott, Apogee
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